# Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # Defines external Haskell dependencies. # # Add Stackage dependencies to the `packages` attribute of the `@stackage` # `stack_snapshot` in the very bottom of this file. If a package or version is # not available on Stackage, add it to the custom stack snapshot in # `stack-snapshot.yaml`. If a library requires patching, then add it as an # `http_archive` and add it to the `vendored_packages` attribute of # `stack_snapshot`. Executables are defined in an `http_archive` using # `haskell_cabal_binary`. load("@bazel_skylib//lib:dicts.bzl", "dicts") load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive") load("@os_info//:os_info.bzl", "is_windows") load("@rules_haskell//haskell:cabal.bzl", "stack_snapshot") load("@dadew//:dadew.bzl", "dadew_tool_home") def daml_haskell_deps(): """Load all Haskell dependencies of the Daml repository.""" stack_snapshot( name = "stackage", extra_deps = { "zlib": ["@com_github_madler_zlib//:libz"], }, stack_snapshot_json = "//:stackage_snapshot_windows.json" if is_windows else "//:stackage_snapshot.json", haddock = False, local_snapshot = "//:stack-snapshot.yaml", packages = [ "aeson", "aeson-extra", "async", "base", "bytestring", "conduit", "conduit-extra", "containers", "cryptonite", "directory", "extra", "filepath", "http-client", "http-conduit", "jwt", "lens", "lens-aeson", "memory", "monad-loops", "mtl", "network", "optparse-applicative", "process", "safe", "safe-exceptions", "semver", "split", "stm", "tagged", "tar-conduit", "tasty", "tasty-hunit", "text", "typed-process", "unix-compat", "unordered-containers", "utf8-string", "uuid", ], components = { "attoparsec": [ "lib:attoparsec", "lib:attoparsec-internal", ], }, components_dependencies = { "attoparsec": """{"lib:attoparsec": ["lib:attoparsec-internal"]}""", }, stack = "@stack_windows//:stack.exe" if is_windows else None, ) if is_windows: native.new_local_repository( name = "stack_windows", build_file_content = """ exports_files(["stack.exe"], visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) """, path = dadew_tool_home("stack"), )