# Copyright (c) 2022 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 jobs: - job: fix_bazel_cache timeoutInMinutes: 120 condition: eq(variables['System.PullRequest.IsFork'], 'False') pool: name: 'ubuntu_20_04' demands: assignment -equals default steps: - checkout: self - bash: ci/dev-env-install.sh displayName: 'Build/Install the Developer Environment' - template: bash-lib.yml parameters: var_name: bash-lib - bash: | set -euo pipefail eval "$(dev-env/bin/dade assist)" bazel build //ci/cron:cron key=$(mktemp) cleanup="rm -rf $key ~/.config/gcloud" trap "$cleanup" EXIT echo "$GCRED" > $key gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=$key export BOTO_CONFIG=/dev/null # 90 minutes should provide enough overlap for an hourly # cronjob. ./bazel-bin/ci/cron/cron bazel-cache --age 90 --delete env: GCRED: $(GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS_CONTENT) - template: tell-slack-failed.yml - job: git_sha pool: name: 'ubuntu_20_04' demands: assignment -equals default steps: - template: bash-lib.yml parameters: var_name: bash-lib - bash: | set -euo pipefail source $(bash-lib) if [ "$(Build.Reason)" == "PullRequest" ]; then setvar branch "$(git rev-parse HEAD^2)" setvar main "$(git rev-parse HEAD^1)" setvar fork_point "$(git merge-base $(git rev-parse HEAD^1) $(git rev-parse HEAD^2))" else setvar branch "$(git rev-parse HEAD)" setvar main "$(git rev-parse HEAD^1)" setvar fork_point "$(git rev-parse HEAD^1)" fi name: out - job: Linux dependsOn: - check_for_release variables: - name: release_sha value: $[ dependencies.check_for_release.outputs['out.release_sha'] ] - name: release_tag value: $[ coalesce(dependencies.check_for_release.outputs['out.release_tag'], '0.0.0') ] - name: trigger_sha value: $[ dependencies.check_for_release.outputs['out.trigger_sha'] ] - name: is_release value: $[ dependencies.check_for_release.outputs['out.is_release'] ] - template: job-variables.yml timeoutInMinutes: 360 pool: name: 'ubuntu_20_04' demands: assignment -equals default steps: - template: report-start.yml - checkout: self - bash: | set -euo pipefail git checkout $(release_sha) name: checkout_release condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables.is_release, 'true')) - template: clean-up.yml - template: build-unix.yml parameters: release_tag: $(release_tag) name: 'linux' is_release: variables.is_release - template: upload-bazel-metrics.yml - bash: | set -euo pipefail eval "$(./dev-env/bin/dade-assist)" bazel build //release:release ./bazel-bin/release/release --release-dir "$(mktemp -d)" condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['is_release'], 'true')) - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1 inputs: pathtoPublish: 'bazel-bin/docs/html.tar.gz' artifactName: 'Docs bundle' - template: tell-slack-failed.yml parameters: trigger_sha: '$(trigger_sha)' - template: report-end.yml - job: macOS dependsOn: - check_for_release timeoutInMinutes: 360 pool: name: macOS-pool demands: assignment -equals default variables: - name: release_sha value: $[ dependencies.check_for_release.outputs['out.release_sha'] ] - name: release_tag value: $[ coalesce(dependencies.check_for_release.outputs['out.release_tag'], '0.0.0') ] - name: trigger_sha value: $[ dependencies.check_for_release.outputs['out.trigger_sha'] ] - name: is_release value: $[ dependencies.check_for_release.outputs['out.is_release'] ] - template: job-variables.yml steps: - template: report-start.yml - template: clear-shared-segments-macos.yml - checkout: self - bash: | set -euo pipefail git checkout $(release_sha) name: checkout_release condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables.is_release, 'true')) - template: clean-up.yml - template: build-unix.yml parameters: release_tag: $(release_tag) name: macos is_release: variables.is_release - template: upload-bazel-metrics.yml - template: tell-slack-failed.yml parameters: trigger_sha: '$(trigger_sha)' - template: report-end.yml - job: Windows dependsOn: - check_for_release variables: - name: release_sha value: $[ dependencies.check_for_release.outputs['out.release_sha'] ] - name: release_tag value: $[ coalesce(dependencies.check_for_release.outputs['out.release_tag'], '0.0.0') ] - name: trigger_sha value: $[ dependencies.check_for_release.outputs['out.trigger_sha'] ] - name: is_release value: $[ dependencies.check_for_release.outputs['out.is_release'] ] - name: is_split_release value: $[ dependencies.check_for_release.outputs['out.split_release_process'] ] - name: skip_tests value: $[ and(eq(variables.is_release, 'true'), eq(variables['Build.SourceBranchName'], 'main')) ] - template: job-variables.yml timeoutInMinutes: 360 pool: name: 'windows-pool' demands: assignment -equals default steps: - template: report-start.yml - checkout: self - bash: | set -euo pipefail for f in $(find /d/a/SourceRootMapping -type f); do echo "-----" echo $f echo "-----" cat $f echo "-----" done name: workdirs - bash: | set -euo pipefail git checkout $(release_sha) name: checkout_release condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables.is_release, 'true')) - template: build-windows.yml parameters: release_tag: $(release_tag) # Azure pipeline’s variable and parameter expansion is utter garbage. # For whatever reason `env` values only seem to be able to use macro syntax # and not runtime expression. is_release however is a runtime variable # so template conditions won’t work. Therefore we define the variable here # with a runtime expression, set the parameter to the (unexpanded) string "$(skip_tests)" # and then splice that in via a template parameter. skip_tests: $(skip_tests) is_release: variables.is_release is_split_release: $(is_split_release) - template: upload-bazel-metrics.yml - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1 condition: succeededOrFailed() inputs: pathtoPublish: '$(Build.StagingDirectory)/logs' artifactName: 'Bazel Logs' - template: tell-slack-failed.yml parameters: trigger_sha: '$(trigger_sha)' - template: report-end.yml - job: Linux_oracle timeoutInMinutes: 360 pool: name: 'ubuntu_20_04' demands: assignment -equals default steps: - template: report-start.yml - checkout: self - bash: ci/dev-env-install.sh displayName: 'Build/Install the Developer Environment' - template: clean-up.yml - bash: | source dev-env/lib/ensure-nix ci/dev-env-push.py displayName: 'Push Developer Environment build results' condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['System.PullRequest.IsFork'], 'False')) env: # to upload to the Nix cache GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS_CONTENT: $(GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS_CONTENT) NIX_SECRET_KEY_CONTENT: $(NIX_SECRET_KEY_CONTENT) - bash: ci/configure-bazel.sh displayName: 'Configure Bazel' env: IS_FORK: $(System.PullRequest.IsFork) # to upload to the bazel cache GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS_CONTENT: $(GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS_CONTENT) - bash: | set -euo pipefail eval "$(./dev-env/bin/dade-assist)" docker login --username "$DOCKER_LOGIN" --password "$DOCKER_PASSWORD" IMAGE=$(cat ci/oracle_image) docker pull $IMAGE # Cleanup stray containers that might still be running from # another build that didn’t get shut down cleanly. docker rm -f oracle || true # Oracle does not like if you connect to it via localhost if it’s running in the container. # Interestingly it works if you use the external IP of the host so the issue is # not the host it is listening on (it claims for that to be # --network host is a cheap escape hatch for this. docker run -d --rm --name oracle --network host -e ORACLE_PWD=$ORACLE_PWD $IMAGE function cleanup() { docker rm -f oracle } trap cleanup EXIT testConnection() { docker exec oracle bash -c 'sqlplus -L '"$ORACLE_USERNAME"'/'"$ORACLE_PWD"'@//localhost:'"$ORACLE_PORT"'/ORCLPDB1 <<< "select * from dba_users;"; exit $?' >/dev/null } until testConnection do echo "Could not connect to Oracle, trying again..." sleep 1 done # Actually run some tests # Note: Oracle tests all run sequentially because they all access the same Oracle instance, # and we sometimes observe transient connection issues when running tests in parallel. bazel test \ --config=oracle \ --test_strategy=exclusive \ --test_tag_filters=+oracle \ //... oracle_logs=$(Build.StagingDirectory)/oracle-logs mkdir $oracle_logs for path in $(docker exec oracle bash -c 'find /opt/oracle/diag/rdbms/ -type f'); do # $path starts with a slash mkdir -p $(dirname ${oracle_logs}${path}) docker exec oracle bash -c "cat $path" > ${oracle_logs}${path} done env: DOCKER_LOGIN: $(DOCKER_LOGIN) DOCKER_PASSWORD: $(DOCKER_PASSWORD) displayName: 'Build' condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['System.PullRequest.IsFork'], 'False')) - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1 condition: failed() displayName: 'Publish the bazel test logs' inputs: pathtoPublish: 'bazel-testlogs/' artifactName: 'Test logs Oracle' - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1 condition: failed() displayName: 'Publish Oracle image logs' inputs: pathtoPublish: '$(Build.StagingDirectory)/oracle-logs' artifactName: 'Oracle image logs' - template: tell-slack-failed.yml parameters: trigger_sha: '$(trigger_sha)' - template: report-end.yml - job: platform_independence_test condition: and(succeeded(), eq(dependencies.check_for_release.outputs['out.is_release'], 'false')) dependsOn: - Windows - Linux - macOS pool: name: 'ubuntu_20_04' demands: assignment -equals default steps: - checkout: self - bash: ci/dev-env-install.sh displayName: 'Build/Install the Developer Environment' - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2 inputs: artifactName: platform-independence-dar-linux targetPath: $(Build.StagingDirectory)/platform-independence/linux/ - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2 inputs: artifactName: platform-independence-dar-windows targetPath: $(Build.StagingDirectory)/platform-independence/windows/ - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2 inputs: artifactName: platform-independence-dar-macos targetPath: $(Build.StagingDirectory)/platform-independence/macos/ - bash: | set -euo pipefail eval "$(./dev-env/bin/dade-assist)" DIR1=$(mktemp -d) DIR2=$(mktemp -d) DIR3=$(mktemp -d) trap "rm -rf $DIR1; rm -rf $DIR2; rm -rf $DIR3" EXIT unzip -d $DIR1 $(Build.StagingDirectory)/platform-independence/linux/platform-independence.dar unzip -d $DIR2 $(Build.StagingDirectory)/platform-independence/windows/platform-independence.dar unzip -d $DIR3 $(Build.StagingDirectory)/platform-independence/macos/platform-independence.dar # hie/hi files may differ. diff -r --strip-trailing-cr -x '*.hie' -x '*.hi' $DIR1 $DIR2 diff -r --strip-trailing-cr -x '*.hie' -x '*.hi' $DIR1 $DIR3 displayName: 'Compare platform-independence dars of different platforms.' - job: compatibility_ts_libs dependsOn: - check_for_release condition: and(succeeded(), not(eq(dependencies.check_for_release.outputs['out.is_release'], 'true'))) timeoutInMinutes: 360 pool: name: ubuntu_20_04 demands: assignment -equals default steps: - template: report-start.yml - checkout: self - template: clean-up.yml - template: compatibility_ts_libs.yml - template: tell-slack-failed.yml - template: report-end.yml - job: compatibility_linux dependsOn: - check_for_release - compatibility_ts_libs timeoutInMinutes: 360 pool: name: ubuntu_20_04 demands: assignment -equals default steps: - template: report-start.yml - checkout: self - template: clean-up.yml - template: compatibility.yml parameters: test_flags: '--quick' - template: tell-slack-failed.yml - template: report-end.yml # For main and PRs targeting main, we simply check against the most recent stable tag. - job: compatibility_stable_protobuf pool: name: ubuntu_20_04 demands: assignment -equals default steps: - checkout: self - bash: ci/check-protobuf-stability.sh - template: tell-slack-failed.yml - job: collect_build_data condition: always() dependsOn: - Linux - Linux_oracle - macOS - Windows - release - git_sha - compatibility_linux - compatibility_stable_protobuf - check_for_release pool: name: "ubuntu_20_04" demands: assignment -equals default variables: Linux.start: $[ dependencies.Linux.outputs['start.time'] ] Linux.machine: $[ dependencies.Linux.outputs['start.machine'] ] Linux.end: $[ dependencies.Linux.outputs['end.time'] ] Linux.status: $[ dependencies.Linux.result ] Linux_oracle.start: $[ dependencies.Linux_oracle.outputs['start.time'] ] Linux_oracle.machine: $[ dependencies.Linux_oracle.outputs['start.machine'] ] Linux_oracle.end: $[ dependencies.Linux_oracle.outputs['end.time'] ] Linux_oracle.status: $[ dependencies.Linux_oracle.result ] macOS.start: $[ dependencies.macOS.outputs['start.time'] ] macOS.machine: $[ dependencies.macOS.outputs['start.machine'] ] macOS.end: $[ dependencies.macOS.outputs['end.time'] ] macOS.status: $[ dependencies.macOS.result ] Windows.start: $[ dependencies.Windows.outputs['start.time'] ] Windows.machine: $[ dependencies.Windows.outputs['start.machine'] ] Windows.end: $[ dependencies.Windows.outputs['end.time'] ] Windows.status: $[ dependencies.Windows.result ] release.start: $[ dependencies.release.outputs['start.time'] ] release.machine: $[ dependencies.release.outputs['start.machine'] ] release.end: $[ dependencies.release.outputs['end.time'] ] release.status: $[ dependencies.release.result ] compatibility_linux.start: $[ dependencies.compatibility_linux.outputs['start.time'] ] compatibility_linux.machine: $[ dependencies.compatibility_linux.outputs['start.machine'] ] compatibility_linux.end: $[ dependencies.compatibility_linux.outputs['end.time'] ] compatibility_linux.status: $[ dependencies.compatibility_linux.result ] branch_sha: $[ dependencies.git_sha.outputs['out.branch'] ] main_sha: $[ dependencies.git_sha.outputs['out.main'] ] fork_sha: $[ dependencies.git_sha.outputs['out.fork_point'] ] is_release: $[ dependencies.check_for_release.outputs['out.is_release'] ] # Using expression syntax so we get an empty string if not set, rather # than the raw $(VarName) string. Expression syntax works on the # variables key, but not on the env one, so we need an extra indirection. # Note: These Azure variables are only set for PR builds. pr.num: $[ variables['System.PullRequest.PullRequestNumber'] ] pr.branch: $[ variables['System.PullRequest.SourceBranch'] ] steps: - template: bash-lib.yml parameters: var_name: bash_lib - bash: | set -euo pipefail eval "$(./dev-env/bin/dade-assist)" source $(bash_lib) REPORT=$(mktemp) cat >$REPORT < $REPORT_GZ # Application credentials will not be set for forks. We give up on # tracking those for now. "Not set" in Azure world means set to the # expression Azure would otherwise substitute, i.e. the literal value # of the string in the `env:` block below. if [[ "${GCRED:1:${#GCRED}-1}" != '(GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS_CONTENT)' ]]; then gcs "$GCRED" cp "$REPORT_GZ" "gs://daml-data/builds/$(Build.BuildId)_$(date -u +%Y%m%d_%H%M%SZ).json.gz" else echo "Could not save build data: no credentials." fi # Linux, macOS and Windows are always required and should always # succeed. # # release only run on releases and is skipped otherwise. if [[ !("$(Linux.status)" == "Succeeded" || "$(Linux.status)" == "SucceededWithIssues") || "$(Linux_oracle.status)" != "Succeeded" || !("$(macOS.status)" == "Succeeded" || "$(macOS.status)" == "SucceededWithIssues") || "$(Windows.status)" != "Succeeded" || ("$(is_release)" == "false" && "$(compatibility_linux.status)" != "Succeeded") || "$(release.status)" == "Canceled" ]]; then exit 1 fi env: GCRED: $(GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS_CONTENT) # Commit message is always set COMMIT_MSG: $(Build.SourceVersionMessage) # Because these variables are always set (in the variables block), # hopefully these should be set as expected (i.e. either correct # value or empty string, but not $(Azure.Variable.Name)). PR_NUM: $(pr.num) PR_BRANCH: $(pr.branch)