# Copyright (c) 2019 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # This is a mixture of the javadoc_library rule in # https://github.com/google/bazel-common and the one in # https://github.com/stackb/rules_proto. # The main two factors for why we need this are # 1. We only have a source jar for java_proto_library. # The rules in bazel-common do not support this. # 2. We need to get the source jar via the JavaInfo provider. # The rules in rules_proto do not support this. # We probably want to clean this up and upstream it at some point. def _javadoc_library(ctx): transitive_deps = [] for dep in ctx.attr.deps: if JavaInfo in dep: transitive_deps.append(dep[JavaInfo].transitive_deps) elif hasattr(dep, "java"): transitive_deps.append(dep.java.transitive_deps) classpath = depset([], transitive = transitive_deps).to_list() java_home = str(ctx.attr._jdk[java_common.JavaRuntimeInfo].java_home) javadoc_command = [ java_home + "/bin/javadoc", "-sourcepath .", " ".join(ctx.attr.root_packages), "-use", "-subpackages", ":".join(ctx.attr.root_packages), "-encoding UTF8", "-classpath", ":".join([jar.path for jar in classpath]), "-notimestamp", "-d tmp", "-Xdoclint:-missing", "-quiet", ] if ctx.attr.doctitle: javadoc_command.append('-doctitle "%s"' % ctx.attr.doctitle) if ctx.attr.exclude_packages: javadoc_command.append("-exclude %s" % ":".join(ctx.attr.exclude_packages)) for link in ctx.attr.external_javadoc_links: javadoc_command.append("-linkoffline {0} {0}".format(link)) if ctx.attr.bottom_text: javadoc_command.append("-bottom '%s'" % ctx.attr.bottom_text) jar_command = "%s/bin/jar cf %s -C tmp ." % (java_home, ctx.outputs.jar.path) unjar_command = "%s/bin/jar xf %s" % (java_home, " ".join([jar.path for f in ctx.attr.srcs for jar in f[JavaInfo].source_jars])) srcs = [jar for f in ctx.attr.srcs for jar in f[JavaInfo].source_jars] ctx.actions.run_shell( inputs = srcs + classpath + ctx.files._jdk, command = "%s && %s && %s" % (unjar_command, " ".join(javadoc_command), jar_command), outputs = [ctx.outputs.jar], ) javadoc_library = rule( attrs = { "srcs": attr.label_list( allow_empty = False, allow_files = True, ), "deps": attr.label_list(), "doctitle": attr.string(default = ""), "root_packages": attr.string_list(), "exclude_packages": attr.string_list(), "android_api_level": attr.int(default = -1), "bottom_text": attr.string(default = ""), "external_javadoc_links": attr.string_list(), "_jdk": attr.label( default = Label("@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:current_java_runtime"), providers = [java_common.JavaRuntimeInfo], ), }, outputs = {"jar": "%{name}.jar"}, implementation = _javadoc_library, )