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All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 load("@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:defs.bzl", "nodejs_binary") load("@os_info//:os_info.bzl", "is_linux", "is_windows") load("//rules_daml:daml.bzl", "daml_compile", "daml_test") load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/pkg:pkg.bzl", "pkg_tar") nodejs_binary( name = "grunt", data = [ "@npm//grunt-cli", "@npm//matchdep", ], entry_point = "@npm//:node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt", ) genrule( name = "theme", srcs = glob( ["theme/**"], exclude = [ "theme/bower_components/**", "theme/node_modules/**", "theme/da_theme/**", ], ) + [ "@npm//browserify", "@npm//grunt-banner", "@npm//grunt-browserify", "@npm//grunt-contrib-clean", "@npm//grunt-contrib-connect", "@npm//grunt-contrib-copy", "@npm//grunt-contrib-sass", "@npm//grunt-contrib-uglify", "@npm//grunt-contrib-watch", "@npm//grunt-exec", "@npm//grunt-open", "@npm//matchdep", ], outs = ["da_theme.tar.gz"], cmd = """ cp -rL docs/theme theme cd theme # Make the node_modules available ln -s ../external/npm/node_modules . # Run sass and grunt ../$(location @sass_nix//:bin/sass) \ -I bower_components_static/bourbon/dist \ -I bower_components_static/neat/app/assets/stylesheets \ -I bower_components_static/font-awesome/scss \ -I bower_components_static/wyrm/sass \ --style compressed \ --sourcemap=none \ --update \ sass:da_theme/static/css ../$(location :grunt) build tar \ --owner=1000 \ --group=1000 \ --mtime=1337 \ --no-acls \ --no-xattrs \ --no-selinux \ --sort=name \ -czf ../$(location da_theme.tar.gz) \ da_theme """, tools = [ ":grunt", "@sass_nix//:bin/sass", ], ) if not is_windows else None genrule( name = "sources", srcs = glob(["source/**"]) + [ "//compiler/damlc:daml-base-rst-docs", "//triggers/daml:daml-trigger-rst-docs", "//daml-script/daml:daml-script-rst-docs", "//ledger-api/grpc-definitions:docs", "//:LICENSE", "//:NOTICES", ], outs = ["source.tar.gz"], cmd = """ cp -rL docs/source source # Copy in Stdlib cp -rL $(location //compiler/damlc:daml-base-rst-docs) source/daml/reference/base.rst # Copy in daml-trigger documentation cp -rL $(location //triggers/daml:daml-trigger-rst-docs) source/triggers/trigger-docs.rst # Copy in daml-script documentation cp -rL $(location //daml-script/daml:daml-script-rst-docs) source/daml-script/daml-script-docs.rst # Copy in Protobufs cp -rL $(location //ledger-api/grpc-definitions:docs) source/app-dev/grpc/proto-docs.rst # Copy in License and Notices cp -L $(location //:LICENSE) source/LICENSE cp -L $(location //:NOTICES) source/NOTICES tar -zcf $(location source.tar.gz) source """, ) genrule( name = "pdf-docs", srcs = glob([ "configs/pdf/**", "configs/static/pygments_daml_lexer.py", ]) + [ ":sources", ], outs = ["DigitalAssetSDK.pdf"], cmd = (""" export LOCALE_ARCHIVE="$$PWD/$(location @glibc_locales//:locale-archive)" """ if is_linux else "") + """ set -euo pipefail # Set up tools export PATH="$$( cd "$$(dirname "$(location @imagemagick_nix//:bin/convert)")" ; 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