# Bazel MUST only use this file to source dependencies # # This allows CI to pre-build and cache the build outputs { system ? builtins.currentSystem , pkgs ? import ./nixpkgs.nix { inherit system; } }: rec { inherit (pkgs) curl docker gawk gnutar gzip hlint imagemagick jdk8 jq libffi nodejs patchelf postgresql protobuf3_5 python3 zip ; scala = pkgs.scala_2_12; # We need to have a file in GOPATH that we can use as # root_file in go_wrap_sdk. go = pkgs.go.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: { doCheck = false; postFixup = ''touch $out/share/go/ROOT''; }); # the GHC version we use plus custom overrides to sync with the # stackage version as specified in stack.yaml. Prefer to use this for # haskell binaries to keep the dev-env closure size as small # as possible. ghc = import ./ghc.nix { inherit pkgs; }; # GHC configured for static linking only. ghcStatic = ghc.ghc.override { enableShared = false; }; # Java 8 development mvn = pkgs.writeScriptBin "mvn" '' exec ${pkgs.maven}/bin/mvn ''${MVN_SETTINGS:+-s "$MVN_SETTINGS"} "$@" ''; # The sass derivation in nixos-18.09 is broken, so we add our own # created with bundix. sass = pkgs.callPackage ./overrides/sass {}; sphinx183 = import ./tools/sphinx183 { inherit pkgs; pythonPackages = pkgs.python37Packages; }; # Custom combination of latex packages for our latex needs texlive = pkgs.texlive.combine { inherit (pkgs.texlive) bera capt-of collection-fontsrecommended collection-luatex datetime enumitem environ epigraph eqparbox eulervm fancyhdr fmtcount fncychap footmisc footnotebackref framed latexmk lipsum mathpartir mathpazo mnsymbol multirow needspace palatino scheme-small tabulary threeparttable tikzsymbols titlesec tocbibind todonotes trimspaces varwidth wrapfig xargs ; }; bazel-cc-toolchain = pkgs.callPackage ./tools/bazel-cc-toolchain {}; } // (if pkgs.stdenv.isLinux then { inherit (pkgs) glibcLocales ; } else {})