-- Copyright (c) 2019 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. -- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 daml 1.2 module BasicTests where import DA.Time import DA.Date data MyRec = MyRec { foo: Text } data MyNestedRec = MyNestedRec { bar: Text; nested: MyRec } r : MyRec r = MyRec { foo = "bar" } r2 : MyNestedRec r2 = MyNestedRec{ bar = "foo"; nested = r } data XYZ = XYZ { x: Int; y: Int; z: Int } xyz : Int -> Int -> Int -> XYZ xyz x y z = XYZ with x = x; y = y+x; z = z+x data XYZ2 = XYZ2 { a: XYZ; b: XYZ; c: XYZ } testXyz : XYZ2 testXyz = XYZ2 with a = xyz 1 2 3; b = xyz 2 4 5; c = xyz 3 4 5 test_testXyzTest = scenario do pure testXyz pure testXyz idToText : Int -> Text idToText x = identity show x double : Int -> Int double x = 2 * x myrecFoo : MyRec -> Text myrecFoo x = x.foo four : () -> Int four tok = 2 + (identity 2) shadowTest : Int -> Int shadowTest x = (\x -> x) $ 2 * x test_letTest = scenario do let x = four () y = double x assertS (x * y == 32) pure (x * y) test_doubleLetTest = scenario do x <- test_letTest assertS (x == 32) pure x hello : Text hello = "hello world" listTest : [Int] listTest = [1, 2, 3] listTest2 : [Int] listTest2 = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: [] foldrTest : () -> Text foldrTest _tok = foldr (\x accum -> accum <> x) "" ["a", "b", "c"] foldlTest : () -> Text foldlTest _tok = foldl (\accum x -> accum <> x) "" ["a", "b", "c"] upureTest: Update Text upureTest = pure "hello" tupeq : (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> Bool tupeq a b = a == b tupeqtest : () -> Bool tupeqtest _tok = tupeq (1, 1) (1, 2) partition : (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) partition f xs = let work x acc = if f x then ((x :: (fst acc)), (snd acc)) else ((fst acc), (x :: (snd acc))) in foldr work (([], [])) xs pt : [a] -> ([a], [a]) pt xs = let true x = True in partition true xs -- def passWork (xs: List a) (x: a) : List a = xs -- cons x xs passWork : [Int] -> [Int] passWork xs = let work acc x = x :: acc in foldl work [] xs consTest : [a] -> a -> [a] consTest xs x = x :: xs listEqTest : () -> Bool listEqTest _tok = [1, 2, 3] == [3] data Tree a = Leaf a | Node { left: Tree a, right: Tree a } variantEqTest : () -> Bool variantEqTest _tok = Some ((1, [1,2,3])) == Some ((1, [1,2,3])) -- Decomposes a list into head and tail. uncons : [a] -> Optional (a, [a]) uncons l = case l of [] -> None h :: t -> Some $ (h, t) jtup : () -> Bool jtup _tok = uncons [3,2,1] == (Some (3, [2,1])) template Simple with p: Party where agreement show p signatory p controller p can Hello : Text do pure "hello" template Composite with p1: Party where agreement show p1 signatory p1 controller p1 can First : Text do cid <- create Simple with p = p1 cid2 <- exercise cid Hello pure "hello" ucreate : Party -> Update (ContractId Simple) ucreate p = create Simple with p=p ucreateAndExercise : Party -> Update Text ucreateAndExercise p = do cid <- create Simple with p=p exercise cid Hello test_screateAndExercise = scenario do alice <- getParty "Alice" cid <- submit alice $ ucreate alice submit alice $ exercise cid Hello test_screateAndExerciseComposit = scenario do alice <- getParty "Alice" cid <- submit alice $ create Composite with p1 = alice submit alice $ exercise cid First variantMatch : Optional Int -> Int variantMatch mbX = case mbX of Some x -> x None -> 0 listMatch : [Text] -> Text listMatch l = case l of h ::_t -> h [] -> "" assertMsgS : Bool -> Text -> Scenario () assertMsgS b msg = if not b then abort msg else return () assertS : Bool -> Scenario () assertS b = assertMsgS b "" assertMsg : Bool -> Text -> Update () assertMsg b msg = if not b then abort msg else return () test_listMatchTest = scenario do assertMsgS (listMatch ["x"] == "x") "listMatch [x] == x" assertMsgS (listMatch [] == "") "listMatch [] == " test_sgetTimeTest = scenario do getTime -- Moves the scenario time forward to the specified time. passTo (t: Time) = scenario do now: Time <- pass (days 0) assert {- TODO "passTo can only go forward in time"-} (now < t) pass (subTime t now) ugetTime : Update Time ugetTime = do t <- getTime pure t test_ugetTimeTest = scenario do alice <- getParty "Alice" passToDate $ date 2017 Jun 16 submit alice $ ugetTime template TypeWithParameters with p: Party v: Optional Int where signatory p controller p can Hello2 : Text do pure "hello" test_typeWithParameters = scenario do alice <- getParty "Alice" submit alice $ create TypeWithParameters with p = alice; v = Some 42 test_createAndFetch = scenario do alice <- getParty "alice" cid <- submit alice $ do cid <- create Simple with p=alice fetch cid -- relative fetch pure cid -- absolute fetch submit alice $ do x <- fetch cid -- absolute fetch create Simple with p=x.p test_exponentiation = scenario do assertS (3 ^ 5 == 243) template PayOut with receiver: Party giver: Party where signatory receiver signatory giver agreement (show giver) <> " must pay to " <> (show receiver) <> " the sum of five pounds." template CallablePayout with giver: Party receiver: Party where signatory giver controller receiver can Call : ContractId PayOut do create PayOut with receiver; giver Transfer : ContractId CallablePayout with newReceiver: Party do create this with receiver = newReceiver test_payoutTest = scenario do alice <- getParty "Alice" bob <- getParty "Bob" clara <- getParty "Clara" pa <- submit alice $ create CallablePayout with giver=alice;receiver=bob -- 'Bob' should see all consequences submit bob $ exercise pa Transfer with newReceiver = clara test_mustFails = scenario do alice <- getParty "Alice" bob <- getParty "Bob" passToDate $ date 2017 Jun 16 cid <- submit alice $ ucreate alice submitMustFail bob $ exercise cid Hello template TwoParties with p: Party p2: Party where agreement show p signatory p signatory p2 controller p can Hello3 : Text do pure "hello" controller p2 can World : Text do pure "world" test_failedAuths = scenario do alice <- getParty "alice" bob <- getParty "bob" submitMustFail alice $ (create TwoParties with p=alice; p2=bob) -- this monster exists solely to test the nesting limit, in the absence of recursive types. -- generated with -- -- unlines ["data Nesting" ++ show (n - 1) ++ " = {x: Nesting" ++ show n ++ "}" | n <- [1..150]] -- Tests for the dynamic computation of fetch actors template Fetched with sig1 : Party sig2 : Party obs : Party where signatory sig1, sig2 observer obs template Fetcher with sig : Party obs : Party fetcher : Party where signatory sig controller fetcher can DoFetch : Fetched with cid : ContractId Fetched do fetch cid data Nesting0 = Nesting0 {x: Nesting1} data Nesting1 = Nesting1 {x: Nesting2} data Nesting2 = Nesting2 {x: Nesting3} data Nesting3 = Nesting3 {x: Nesting4} data Nesting4 = Nesting4 {x: Nesting5} data Nesting5 = Nesting5 {x: Nesting6} data Nesting6 = Nesting6 {x: Nesting7} data Nesting7 = Nesting7 {x: Nesting8} data Nesting8 = Nesting8 {x: Nesting9} data Nesting9 = Nesting9 {x: Nesting10} data Nesting10 = Nesting10 {x: Nesting11} data Nesting11 = Nesting11 {x: Nesting12} data Nesting12 = Nesting12 {x: Nesting13} data Nesting13 = Nesting13 {x: Nesting14} data Nesting14 = 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