# Bazel distributed cache, can be temporarily disabled by passing the following # flag: --noremote_accept_cached build:darwin --remote_http_cache=https://bazel-cache.da-ext.net build:linux --remote_http_cache=https://bazel-cache.da-ext.net/ubuntu_20_04 build --remote_upload_local_results=false # Enable the disk cache in addition to the http cache. build:linux --disk_cache=.bazel-cache/disk build:darwin --disk_cache=.bazel-cache/disk # `--repository_cache` must be repeated for all relevant actions. # TODO: use `common` starting from Bazel 2.2.0 # See https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/11232 build:linux --repository_cache=.bazel-cache/repo fetch:linux --repository_cache=.bazel-cache/repo sync:linux --repository_cache=.bazel-cache/repo build:darwin --repository_cache=.bazel-cache/repo fetch:darwin --repository_cache=.bazel-cache/repo sync:darwin --repository_cache=.bazel-cache/repo build:scala_2_13 --repo_env=DAML_SCALA_VERSION=2.13.5 fetch:scala_2_13 --repo_env=DAML_SCALA_VERSION=2.13.5 query:scala_2_13 --repo_env=DAML_SCALA_VERSION=2.13.5 sync:scala_2_13 --repo_env=DAML_SCALA_VERSION=2.13.5 test:oracle --repo_env DAML_ORACLE_TESTING=true --test_env ORACLE_USERNAME --test_env ORACLE_PORT --test_env ORACLE_PWD # Improve remote cache hit rate by exluding environment variables from the # sandbox that are not whitelisted using --action_env. # This will become the default in a future Bazel release. build --experimental_strict_action_env # Drop the heap size of Bazel to 1 GB and force TLS 1.2. # With TLS 1.3, we run into the following error on Darwin. # > No subject alternative DNS name matching github-releases.githubusercontent.com found. # It looks like this is a result of SNI being broken on TLS 1.3 which results # in us getting a certificate for githubassets.com instead. startup --host_jvm_args=-Xms1g --host_jvm_args=-Xmx1g --host_jvm_args=-Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2 # Enable sandboxing and caching for exclusive tests build --incompatible_exclusive_test_sandboxed # Print test output of failed test. # Set --test_output=streamed to get the output of all tests in real time. # Note, this will force tests to run locally and sequentially. test --test_output=errors # print verbose failures build --verbose_failures # Enable persistent Scala workers to improve compilation times. # Refer to https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_scala#readme for details. build --strategy=Scalac=worker test --strategy=Scalac=worker # Activate MacOS fix for "ld: illegal thread local variable reference # to regular symbol". See # https://github.com/grpc/grpc/pull/13929/files build --copt -DGRPC_BAZEL_BUILD # Bazel defaults to JDK9. This makes sure we run Nix provided JDK, and # avoid dreaded "Unrecognized VM option 'CompactStrings'" error build --host_javabase=@java_home//:javabase build --java_toolchain=@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:toolchain_hostjdk8 build --host_java_toolchain=@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:toolchain_hostjdk8 # Do not use a distinct configuration for "host", that is, binaries used # at build time should be the same as release binaries. # Without this, we will end up building everything twice as we need "damlc" # at build time to bootstrap itself (for compiling ghc-prim). build --distinct_host_configuration=false # Propagate locales and the java home to the test environment. build --test_env=LANG=en_US.utf8 --test_env=LOCALE_ARCHIVE --test_env=JAVA_HOME # Disable c-ares support in grpc. We don't need a faster DNS library # since we're only connecting to localhost. build --define=grpc_no_ares=true # Pass through cacert information for git. build --action_env=GIT_SSL_CAINFO # Pass through locale archive to ensure that we can get a UTF-8 locale. build:linux --action_env=LOCALE_ARCHIVE build:windows --action_env=JAVA_HOME # Tell bazel to use the nixpkgs Haskell toolchain on Linux and Darwin build:linux --host_platform=@rules_haskell//haskell/platforms:linux_x86_64_nixpkgs build:darwin --host_platform=@rules_haskell//haskell/platforms:darwin_x86_64_nixpkgs # and GHC's gcc on Windows build:windows --crosstool_top=@rules_haskell_ghc_windows_amd64//:cc_toolchain # Caching is currently disabled on Windows. # See: https://github.com/tweag/rules_haskell/issues/744 for details. build:windows --noremote_accept_cached # We use a special windows configuration on CI: cache is enabled. The caching # is not totally reliable on Windows yet re. absolute paths, but it is not a # problem on CI if all builds share a similar directory structure. build:windows-ci --remote_accept_cached=true # The Windows CI machines have 4 physical and 8 logical cores. By default Bazel # will parallelize up to the number of logical cores. This can cause flakyness # in timing sensitive tests. build:windows-ci --jobs=4 # Instruct bazel to globally use this flag for compiling protobuf files. # We need the source info for generating proto docs. By default proto_library strips # source information and doesn't provide an option to turn this flag on. # Ideally we would only set this option for the proto_library target we care about. # See https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/issues/1519#issuecomment-451622947 build:linux --protocopt=--include_source_info build:darwin --protocopt=--include_source_info #FIXME: it generates stderr, which is causing error in bazel on windows: # https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/blob/master/src/google/protobuf/compiler/command_line_interface.cc#L1363 #build:windows --protocopt=--include_source_info # Some tools used in tests, like postgres CLI, require cmd.exe which can be located by them # using ComSpec environment variable. By default it's not passed from Bazel client environment. test:windows --test_env=ComSpec # We default to -c opt. We compile Haskell with -O1 anyway since otherwise # it is unusably slow and the C deps change rarely so there is little reason # to not compile them with optimizations. build -c opt try-import %workspace%/.bazelrc.local # Get some info from git available to rules with stamp=1 build --workspace_status_command "bash workspace_status.sh"