# @daml/ledger > Client side API implementation for a Daml based ledgers. This library implements the [JSON > API](https://docs.daml.com/json-api/index.html) for a Daml ledger. ## Documentation Comprehensive documentation for `@daml/ledger` can be found [here](https://docs.daml.com/0.0.0-SDKVERSION/app-dev/bindings-ts/daml-ledger/index.html). ## Usage The best way to get you started quickly is to use the `create-daml-app` template: ``` daml new --template=create-daml-app my-project-name ``` and to read the [Quickstart Guide]. [Quickstart Guide]: https://docs.daml.com/getting-started/quickstart.html We recommend to use the [React](https://reactjs.org) framework and the `@daml/react` library to build frontends for Daml applications. If you choose a different Javascript based framework, please take a look at the source of `@daml/react` and it's usage of the `@daml/ledger` library. The main export of `@daml/ledger` is the `Ledger` class. It's constructor takes an authentication token used to communicate with the [JSON API](https://docs.daml.com/json-api/index.html), an HTTP base URL and a websocket base URL. An instance of the `Ledger` class provides the following methods to communicate with a Daml ledger. Please consult the [documentation](https://docs.daml.com/app-dev/bindings-ts/daml-ledger/classes/Ledger.html) for their exact signatures. `create` -------- Create a new contract of the given template with given arguments. `archive` --------- Archive a contract identified by its contract id. `archiveByKey` -------------- Archive a contract identified by its contract key. `exercise` ---------- Exercise a choice on a contract identified by its contract id. `exerciseByKey` --------------- Exercise a choice on a contract identified by its contract key. `createAndExercise` ------------------- Create a new contract and, within the same transaction, immediately exercise a choice on it. Primarily meant for consuming choices, but that's not a requirement. `query` ------- Retrieve contracts for a given template matching a given query. If no query is given, all contracts of that template visible for the submitting party are returned. `streamQuery` ------------- > Deprecated: prefer `streamQueries`. Retrieve a consolidated stream of events for a given template and optional query. The accumulated state is the current set of active contracts matching the query if one was given; if the function was called without a query argument, or the query argument was `undefined`, the accumulated state will instead contain all of the active contracts for the given template. `streamQueries` --------------- Retrieve a consolidated stream of events for a given template and queries. The accumulated state is the current set of active contracts matching at least one of the given queries, or all contracts for the given template if no query is given. `fetch` ------- Fetch a contract identified by its contract id. `fetchByKey` ------------ Fetch a contract identified by its contract key. `streamFetchByKey` ------------------ > Deprecated: prefer `streamFetchByKeys`. Retrieve a consolidated stream of `CreateEvent`'s for a given template and contract key. The accumulated state is either the `CreateEvent` for the active contract matching the given key, or null if there is no currently-active contract for the given key. `streamFetchByKeys` ------------------- Retrieve a consolidated stream of `CreateEvent`'s for a given template and contract keys. The accumulated state is a vector of the same length as the given vector of keys, where each element is the CreateEvent for the current active contract of the corresponding key (element-wise), or null if there is no current active contract for that key. Note: the given `key` objects will be compared for (deep) equality with the values returned by the API. As such, they have to be given in the "output" format of the JSON API. See the [JSON API docs] for details. [JSON API docs]: https://docs.daml.com/json-api/lf-value-specification.html `getParties` ------------ For a given list of party identifiers, return full information, or null if the party doesn't exist. `listKnownParties` ------------------ Return an array of PartyInfo for all parties on the ledger. `allocateParty` --------------- Allocate a new party. `getUser` ------------------ Returns the current User implicitly described by the currently used JWT. `listPackages` -------------- Fetch a list of all known package IDs. `getPackage` ------------ Given a package ID, fetch the binary data for the corresponding DALF. `uploadDarFile` --------------- Upload a given byte array as a DAR to the ledger. Note that this requires a token with admin access. ## Source https://github.com/digital-asset/daml/tree/main/language-support/ts/daml-ledger ## License [Apache-2.0](https://github.com/digital-asset/daml/blob/main/LICENSE)