# Copyright (c) 2020 The DAML Authors. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 name: daml-ledger version: description: Haskell bindings for a DAML Ledger license: Apache-2.0 author: The DAML Authors maintainer: nick.chapman@digitalasset.com github: https://github.com/digital-asset/daml dependencies: - async - base >= 4.7 && < 5 - bytestring - containers - deepseq - exceptions - extra - mtl - grpc-haskell - proto3-suite - proto3-wire - retry - sorted-list - text - time - transformers - unliftio - utf8-string - vector library: source-dirs: - src - gen/src ghc-options: - -Wall - -Wno-name-shadowing default-extensions: - GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving - LambdaCase - NamedFieldPuns - NondecreasingIndentation - NumericUnderscores - OverloadedStrings - RecordWildCards - ScopedTypeVariables