# Copyright (c) 2024 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 load("@bazel_skylib//lib:paths.bzl", "paths") def pkg_empty_zip(name, out): native.genrule( name = name, srcs = [], outs = [out], # minimal empty zip file in Base64 encoding cmd = "echo UEsFBgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA== | base64 -d > $@", ) def _unpack_tar_impl(ctx): outputs = [] for out in ctx.attr.outs: if out.endswith("/"): outputs.append(ctx.actions.declare_directory(out[:-1])) else: outputs.append(ctx.actions.declare_file(out)) src = ctx.file.src args = ctx.actions.args() if src.path.endswith(".tar.gz") or src.path.endswith(".tgz"): command = "gzip -cd {src} | tar x $@".format( src = src.path, ) else: command = "tar xf {src} $@".format( src = src.path, ) if ctx.attr.strip: args.add_all(["--strip", ctx.attr.strip]) prefix = paths.join( ctx.bin_dir.path, ctx.label.workspace_root, ctx.label.package, ctx.attr.prefix, ) args.add_all(["-C", prefix]) ctx.actions.run_shell( outputs = outputs, inputs = [ctx.file.src], command = command, arguments = [args], mnemonic = "UnpackTar", progress_message = "Unpacking {} to {}".format( ctx.attr.src.label, prefix, ), ) return [DefaultInfo( files = depset(direct = outputs), )] unpack_tar = rule( _unpack_tar_impl, attrs = dict( src = attr.label( doc = "The archive to unpack.", # Add further extensions on demand. allow_single_file = [".tar", ".tar.gz", ".tgz"], mandatory = True, ), outs = attr.string_list( doc = "The outputs to capture. Mark directory outputs with a `/` suffix.", ), strip = attr.int( doc = "Strip this many leading components from file names on extraction.", ), prefix = attr.string( doc = "Add this prefix to the unpacked paths, relative to the current package.", ), ), )