#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright (c) 2022 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # Build the release artifacts required for running the compatibility # tests against HEAD. At the moment this includes the SDK release tarball # and the ledger-api-test-tool fat JAR. set -eou pipefail cd "$(dirname "$0")/.." eval "$(./dev-env/bin/dade-assist)" # We allow overwriting this since on CI we build this in a separate step and upload it first # before fetching it in another step. HEAD_TARGET_DIR=${1:-compatibility/head_sdk} git clean -fxd -e 'daml-*.tgz' $HEAD_TARGET_DIR bazel build \ //release:sdk-release-tarball \ //ledger/ledger-api-tests/tool:ledger-api-test-tool_deploy.jar \ //ledger/sandbox-on-x:app_deploy.jar cp -f bazel-bin/release/sdk-release-tarball-ce.tar.gz "$HEAD_TARGET_DIR" cp -f bazel-bin/ledger/ledger-api-tests/tool/ledger-api-test-tool_deploy.jar "$HEAD_TARGET_DIR" cp -f bazel-bin/ledger/sandbox-on-x/app_deploy.jar "$HEAD_TARGET_DIR/sandbox-on-x_deploy.jar" cp -f templates/create-daml-app-test-resources/messaging.patch "$HEAD_TARGET_DIR"