#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright (c) 2022 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # Build the release artifacts required for running the compatibility # tests against HEAD. At the moment this includes the SDK release tarball # and the ledger-api-test-tool fat JAR. set -eou pipefail cd "$(dirname "$0")" eval "$(../dev-env/bin/dade-assist)" # Git, symlinks and windows do not play well together # so we have to copy over the Bazel config. We just do # it unconditionally since it should be cheap enough. cp ../.bazelrc .bazelrc # Occasionally we end up with a stale sandbox process for a hardcoded # port number. Not quite sure how we end up with a stale process # but it happens sufficiently rarely that just killing it here is # a cheaper solution than having to reset the node. # Note that lsof returns a non-zero exit code if there is no match. ## Even more rarely we end up with 2 pids returned by lsof, so we account for ## that with a for loop. for pid in $(lsof -ti tcp:6865); do kill $pid done # Set up a shared PostgreSQL instance. This is the same code as in //:build.sh. export POSTGRESQL_ROOT_DIR="${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/daml/postgresql" export POSTGRESQL_DATA_DIR="${POSTGRESQL_ROOT_DIR}/data" export POSTGRESQL_LOG_FILE="${POSTGRESQL_ROOT_DIR}/postgresql.log" export POSTGRESQL_HOST='localhost' export POSTGRESQL_PORT=54321 export POSTGRESQL_USERNAME='test' function start_postgresql() { mkdir -p "$POSTGRESQL_DATA_DIR" bazel run -- @postgresql_nix//:bin/initdb --auth=trust --encoding=UNICODE --locale=en_US.UTF-8 --username="$POSTGRESQL_USERNAME" "$POSTGRESQL_DATA_DIR" eval "echo \"$(cat ../ci/postgresql.conf)\"" > "$POSTGRESQL_DATA_DIR/postgresql.conf" bazel run -- @postgresql_nix//:bin/pg_ctl -w --pgdata="$POSTGRESQL_DATA_DIR" --log="$POSTGRESQL_LOG_FILE" start || { if [[ -f "$POSTGRESQL_LOG_FILE" ]]; then echo >&2 'PostgreSQL logs:' cat >&2 "$POSTGRESQL_LOG_FILE" fi return 1 } } function stop_postgresql() { if [[ -e "$POSTGRESQL_DATA_DIR" ]]; then bazel run -- @postgresql_nix//:bin/pg_ctl -w --pgdata="$POSTGRESQL_DATA_DIR" --mode=immediate stop || : rm -rf "$POSTGRESQL_ROOT_DIR" fi } trap stop_postgresql EXIT stop_postgresql # in case it's running from a previous build start_postgresql # Set up a shared Oracle instance # Note: this is code duplicated from ../ci/build.yml function start_oracle() { # Only log in automatically if DOCKER_LOGIN is set (as is in our CI). # When running this script locally, the developer is expected to have docker running and authenticated. if [ -z "${DOCKER_LOGIN:-}" ]; then echo "DOCKER_LOGIN is not set, skipping docker login" else docker login --username "$DOCKER_LOGIN" --password "$DOCKER_PASSWORD" fi IMAGE=$(cat ../ci/oracle_image) docker pull $IMAGE # Cleanup stray containers that might still be running from # another build that didn’t get shut down cleanly. docker rm -f oracle || true if [ "${OSTYPE:0:6}" = "darwin" ]; then # macOS: Oracle does not like if you use the host network to connect to it if it’s running in the container. echo "Starting oracle docker with port mapping" docker run -d --rm --name oracle -p $ORACLE_PORT:$ORACLE_PORT -e ORACLE_PWD=$ORACLE_PWD $IMAGE else # Unix: Oracle does not like if you connect to it via localhost if it’s running in the container. # Interestingly it works if you use the external IP of the host so the issue is # not the host it is listening on (it claims for that to be # --network host is a cheap escape hatch for this. echo "Starting oracle docker with host network" docker run -d --rm --name oracle --network host -e ORACLE_PWD=$ORACLE_PWD $IMAGE fi } function stop_oracle() { docker rm -f oracle } function test_oracle_connection() { docker exec oracle bash -c 'sqlplus -L '"$ORACLE_USERNAME"'/'"$ORACLE_PWD"'@//localhost:'"$ORACLE_PORT"'/ORCLPDB1 <<< "select * from dba_users;"; exit $?' >/dev/null } # Pass the path to the docker executable to the tests. # This is because the tests need to interact with the docker container started above. ORACLE_DOCKER_PATH=$(which docker) || true if [ -z "${ORACLE_DOCKER_PATH:-}" ]; then echo "Not starting Oracle because there is no docker" else trap stop_oracle EXIT start_oracle until test_oracle_connection do echo "Could not connect to Oracle, trying again..." sleep 1 done fi bazel build //... BAZEL_ARGS="" if [ "${1:-}" = "--quick" ]; then BAZEL_ARGS="--test_tag_filters +head-quick" fi bazel test //... \ --test_env "POSTGRESQL_HOST=${POSTGRESQL_HOST}" \ --test_env "POSTGRESQL_PORT=${POSTGRESQL_PORT}" \ --test_env "POSTGRESQL_USERNAME=${POSTGRESQL_USERNAME}" \ --test_env "ORACLE_PORT=${ORACLE_PORT}" \ --test_env "ORACLE_USERNAME=${ORACLE_USERNAME}" \ --test_env "ORACLE_PWD=${ORACLE_PWD}" \ --test_env "ORACLE_DOCKER_PATH=${ORACLE_DOCKER_PATH}" \ $BAZEL_ARGS