Moritz Kiefer 7e05dc7932
Upgrade rules-scala and scalatest (#8187)
This is necessary to at least attempt an upgrade to 2.13 and
generally, I want to keep our rulesets up2date. rules-scala forces the
version of scalatest so we have to bump that at the same time.

This requires changes to basically all Scala test suites since the
import structure has changed and a bunch of things (primarily
scalacheck support) got split out.

Apologies for the giant PR, I don’t see a way to keep it smaller.

2020-12-08 06:59:23 +01:00

194 lines
10 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# When adding, removing or changing a dependency in this file, update the pinned dependencies by executing
# $ bazel run @unpinned_maven//:pin
# See https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_jvm_external#updating-maven_installjson
load("@rules_jvm_external//:defs.bzl", "maven_install")
load("@rules_jvm_external//:specs.bzl", "maven")
def install_java_deps():
artifacts = [
maven.artifact("com.github.pureconfig", "pureconfig-macros_2.12", "0.8.0", neverlink = True),
# Bumping versions of io.grpc:* has a few implications:
# 1. io.grpc:grpc-protobuf has a dependency on com.google.protobuf:protobuf-java, which in
# turn needs to be aligned with the version of protoc we are using (as declared in deps.bzl).
# ScalaPB also depends on a version of protobuf-java, but for the most part we expect here a
# version mismatch between ScalaPBs declared protobuf-java dependency and the version on the
# classpath doesn't matter.
# 2. To keep TLS for the Ledger API Server working, the following three artifacts need be updated
# in sync according to https://github.com/grpc/grpc-java/blob/master/SECURITY.md#netty
# * io.grpc:grpc-netty
# * io.netty:netty-handler
# * io.netty:netty-tcnative-boringssl-static
# This effectively means all io.grpc:*, io.netty:*, and `com.google.protobuf:protobuf-java
# need to be updated with careful consideration.
# grpc
# netty
# protobuf
# ---- end of grpc-protobuf-netty block
# gatling dependencies
fetch_sources = True,
maven_install_json = "@com_github_digital_asset_daml//:maven_install.json",
override_targets = {
# Replacements for core Scala libraries.
# These libraries must be provided by the Scala toolchain.
# Without these you may get obscure compiler errors about missing implicits,
# or types that should be `Any`.
# This needs to be kept in sync with //bazel-tools:pom_file.bzl
"org.scala-lang:scala-compiler": "@io_bazel_rules_scala_scala_compiler//:io_bazel_rules_scala_scala_compiler",
"org.scala-lang:scala-library": "@io_bazel_rules_scala_scala_library//:io_bazel_rules_scala_scala_library",
"org.scala-lang:scala-reflect": "@io_bazel_rules_scala_scala_reflect//:io_bazel_rules_scala_scala_reflect",
"org.scala-lang.modules:scala-parser-combinators": "@io_bazel_rules_scala_scala_parser_combinators//:io_bazel_rules_scala_scala_parser_combinators",
"org.scala-tools.testing:test-interface": "//:org_scala_sbt_test_interface",
"org.scalactic:scalactic_2.12": "@io_bazel_rules_scala_scalactic//:io_bazel_rules_scala_scalactic",
"org.scalatest:scalatest_2.12": "@io_bazel_rules_scala_scalatest//:io_bazel_rules_scala_scalatest",
repositories = [
# The strict_visibility attribute controls whether all artifacts should
# be visible (including transitive dependencies), or whether only
# explicitly declared artifacts should be visible. The targets
# generated by maven_install do not forward transitive dependencies.
# Instead, users need to explicitly declare each package a dependency
# from which they wish to import. This makes strict visibility
# inconvenient as one would have to pin versions of transitive
# dependencies in this file, which complicates version updates later
# on. Therefore, we don't enable strict visibility. This is the default.
# strict_visibility = True,
version_conflict_policy = "pinned",