Moritz Kiefer b488b3530b
Fix sdk-versions in daml_build rule (#5479)
I thought we already were patching those because the versions of all
other packages are hardcoded but apparently we just got lucky so far
because we got it consistently wrong. The dependency on the trigger
and script libraries resulted in them being inconsistently wrong since
those do set the correct SDK version so things fell over.

2020-04-07 20:17:55 +00:00

412 lines
12 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
load("@build_environment//:configuration.bzl", "ghc_version", "sdk_version")
_damlc = attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
default = Label("//compiler/damlc"),
executable = True,
cfg = "host",
doc = "The DAML compiler.",
_zipper = attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
default = Label("@bazel_tools//tools/zip:zipper"),
executable = True,
cfg = "host",
def _daml_configure_impl(ctx):
project_name = ctx.attr.project_name
project_version = ctx.attr.project_version
daml_yaml = ctx.outputs.daml_yaml
target = ctx.attr.target
output = daml_yaml,
content = """
sdk-version: {sdk}
name: {name}
version: {version}
source: .
dependencies: []
build-options: [{target}]
sdk = sdk_version,
name = project_name,
version = project_version,
target = "--target=" + target if (target) else "",
_daml_configure = rule(
implementation = _daml_configure_impl,
attrs = {
"project_name": attr.string(
mandatory = True,
doc = "Name of the DAML project.",
"project_version": attr.string(
mandatory = True,
doc = "Version of the DAML project.",
"daml_yaml": attr.output(
mandatory = True,
doc = "The generated daml.yaml config file.",
"target": attr.string(
doc = "DAML-LF version to output.",
def file_of_target(k):
[file] = k.files.to_list()
return file
def make_cp_command(src, dest):
return "mkdir -p $(dirname {dest}); cp -f {src} {dest}".format(
src = src,
dest = dest,
def _daml_build_impl(ctx):
name = ctx.label.name
daml_yaml = ctx.file.daml_yaml
srcs = ctx.files.srcs
dar_dict = ctx.attr.dar_dict
damlc = ctx.file._damlc
input_dars = [file_of_target(k) for k in dar_dict.keys()]
output_dar = ctx.outputs.dar
posix = ctx.toolchains["@rules_sh//sh/posix:toolchain_type"]
tools = [damlc],
inputs = [daml_yaml] + srcs + input_dars,
outputs = [output_dar],
progress_message = "Building DAML project %s" % name,
command = """
set -eou pipefail
tmpdir=$(mktemp -d)
trap "rm -rf $tmpdir" EXIT
cp -f {config} $tmpdir/daml.yaml
# Having to produce all the daml.yaml files via a genrule is annoying
# so we allow hardcoded version numbers and patch them here.
{sed} -i 's/^sdk-version:.*$/sdk-version: {sdk_version}/' $tmpdir/daml.yaml
{damlc} build --project-root $tmpdir -o $PWD/{output_dar}
config = daml_yaml.path,
cp_srcs = "\n".join([
src = src.path,
dest = "$tmpdir/" + src.path,
for src in srcs
cp_dars = "\n".join([
src = file_of_target(k).path,
dest = "$tmpdir/" + v,
for k, v in dar_dict.items()
sed = posix.commands["sed"],
damlc = damlc.path,
output_dar = output_dar.path,
sdk_version = sdk_version,
_daml_build = rule(
implementation = _daml_build_impl,
attrs = {
"daml_yaml": attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
mandatory = True,
doc = "The daml.yaml config file.",
"srcs": attr.label_list(
allow_files = [".daml"],
mandatory = True,
doc = "DAML files in this DAML project.",
"dar_dict": attr.label_keyed_string_dict(
mandatory = True,
allow_files = True,
doc = "Other DAML projects referenced by this DAML project.",
"dar": attr.output(
mandatory = True,
doc = "The generated DAR file.",
"_damlc": _damlc,
toolchains = ["@rules_sh//sh/posix:toolchain_type"],
def _extract_main_dalf_impl(ctx):
project_name = ctx.attr.project_name
project_version = ctx.attr.project_version
input_dar = ctx.file.dar
output_dalf = ctx.outputs.dalf
zipper = ctx.file._zipper
posix = ctx.toolchains["@rules_sh//sh/posix:toolchain_type"]
tools = [zipper],
inputs = [input_dar],
outputs = [output_dalf],
progress_message = "Extract DALF from DAR (%s)" % project_name,
command = """
set -eou pipefail
{zipper} x {input_dar}
main_dalf=$({find} . -name '{project_name}-{project_version}-[a-z0-9]*.dalf')
cp $main_dalf {output_dalf}
zipper = zipper.path,
find = posix.commands["find"],
project_name = project_name,
project_version = project_version,
input_dar = input_dar.path,
output_dalf = output_dalf.path,
_extract_main_dalf = rule(
implementation = _extract_main_dalf_impl,
attrs = {
"project_name": attr.string(
mandatory = True,
doc = "Name of the DAML project.",
"project_version": attr.string(
mandatory = True,
doc = "Version of the DAML project.",
"dar": attr.label(
allow_single_file = [".dar"],
mandatory = True,
doc = "The DAR from which the DALF will be extracted.",
"dalf": attr.output(
mandatory = True,
doc = "The extracted DALF.",
"_zipper": _zipper,
toolchains = ["@rules_sh//sh/posix:toolchain_type"],
def _daml_validate_test_impl(ctx):
name = ctx.label.name
dar = ctx.file.dar
script = ctx.actions.declare_file(name + ".sh")
damlc = ctx.file._damlc
script_content = """
set -eou pipefail
DAMLC=$(rlocation $TEST_WORKSPACE/{damlc})
DAR=$(rlocation $TEST_WORKSPACE/{dar})
$DAMLC validate-dar $DAR
damlc = damlc.short_path,
dar = dar.short_path,
output = script,
content = script_content,
runfiles = ctx.runfiles(files = [dar, damlc])
return [DefaultInfo(executable = script, runfiles = runfiles)]
_daml_validate_test = rule(
implementation = _daml_validate_test_impl,
attrs = {
"dar": attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
mandatory = True,
doc = "The DAR to validate.",
"_damlc": _damlc,
test = True,
_default_project_version = "1.0.0"
def daml_compile(
version = _default_project_version,
target = None,
"Build a DAML project, with a generated daml.yaml."
if len(srcs) == 0:
fail("daml_compile: Expected `srcs' to be non-empty.")
daml_yaml = name + ".yaml"
name = name + ".configure",
project_name = name,
project_version = version,
daml_yaml = daml_yaml,
target = target,
name = name + ".build",
daml_yaml = daml_yaml,
srcs = srcs,
dar_dict = {},
dar = name + ".dar",
def daml_compile_with_dalf(
version = _default_project_version,
"Build a DAML project, with a generated daml.yaml, and extract the main DALF."
name = name,
version = version,
name = name + ".extract",
project_name = name,
project_version = version,
dar = name + ".dar",
dalf = name + ".dalf",
def daml_build_test(
daml_config_basename = "daml.yaml",
daml_subdir_basename = "daml",
dar_dict = {},
"Build a DAML project and validate the resulting .dar file."
daml_yaml = project_dir + "/" + daml_config_basename
srcs = native.glob([project_dir + "/" + daml_subdir_basename + "/**/*.daml"])
name = name,
daml_yaml = daml_yaml,
srcs = srcs,
dar_dict = dar_dict,
dar = name + ".dar",
name = name + ".test",
dar = name + ".dar",
def _daml_test_impl(ctx):
script = """
set -eou pipefail
DAMLC=$(rlocation $TEST_WORKSPACE/{damlc})
rlocations () {{ for i in $@; do echo $(rlocation $TEST_WORKSPACE/$i); done; }}
$DAMLC test --files $(rlocations "{files}")
damlc = ctx.executable.damlc.short_path,
files = " ".join([f.short_path for f in ctx.files.srcs]),
output = ctx.outputs.executable,
content = script,
damlc_runfiles = ctx.attr.damlc[DefaultInfo].data_runfiles
runfiles = ctx.runfiles(
collect_data = True,
files = ctx.files.srcs,
return [DefaultInfo(runfiles = runfiles)]
daml_test = rule(
implementation = _daml_test_impl,
attrs = {
"srcs": attr.label_list(
allow_files = [".daml"],
default = [],
doc = "DAML source files to test.",
"damlc": attr.label(
executable = True,
cfg = "host",
allow_files = True,
default = Label("//compiler/damlc"),
test = True,
def _daml_doctest_impl(ctx):
script = """
set -eou pipefail
DAMLC=$(rlocation $TEST_WORKSPACE/{damlc})
CPP=$(rlocation $TEST_WORKSPACE/{cpp})
rlocations () {{ for i in $@; do echo $(rlocation $TEST_WORKSPACE/$i); done; }}
$DAMLC doctest {flags} --cpp $CPP --package-name {package_name}-{version} $(rlocations "{files}")
damlc = ctx.executable.damlc.short_path,
# we end up with "../hpp/hpp" while we want "external/hpp/hpp"
# so we just do the replacement ourselves.
cpp = ctx.executable.cpp.short_path.replace("..", "external"),
package_name = ctx.attr.package_name,
flags = " ".join(ctx.attr.flags),
version = ghc_version,
files = " ".join([
for f in ctx.files.srcs
if all([not f.short_path.endswith(ignore) for ignore in ctx.attr.ignored_srcs])
output = ctx.outputs.executable,
content = script,
damlc_runfiles = ctx.attr.damlc[DefaultInfo].data_runfiles
cpp_runfiles = ctx.attr.cpp[DefaultInfo].data_runfiles
runfiles = ctx.runfiles(
collect_data = True,
files = ctx.files.srcs,
return [DefaultInfo(runfiles = runfiles)]
daml_doc_test = rule(
implementation = _daml_doctest_impl,
attrs = {
"srcs": attr.label_list(
allow_files = [".daml"],
default = [],
doc = "DAML source files that should be tested.",
"ignored_srcs": attr.string_list(
default = [],
doc = "DAML source files that should be ignored.",
"damlc": attr.label(
executable = True,
cfg = "host",
allow_files = True,
default = Label("//compiler/damlc"),
"cpp": attr.label(
executable = True,
cfg = "host",
allow_files = True,
default = Label("@hpp//:hpp"),
"flags": attr.string_list(
default = [],
doc = "Flags for damlc invokation.",
"package_name": attr.string(),
test = True,