Gary Verhaegen 151e12b81a
bump copyright (#16002)
This is the result of:

- Updating `./COPY` to say `2023`.
- Running `./dev-env/bin/dade-copyright-headers update .`
2023-01-04 18:21:15 +01:00

162 lines
4.8 KiB

-- Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
module AuthorizedDivulgence where
-- Authorized fetch
template Secret with
p : Party
mySecret : Text
signatory p
template RevealYourSecret with
p : Party
secretCid : ContractId Secret
signatory p
-- This scenario succeeds only if the flag +DontDivulgeContractIdsInCreateArguments is turned on
test_authorizedFetch = scenario do
me <- getParty "Me"
spy <- getParty "Spy"
secretCid <- submit me (create Secret {p = me, mySecret = "Password for my Swiss bank account is 874321"})
submit spy (create RevealYourSecret {p = spy, secretCid = secretCid})
submitMustFail spy do
fetch secretCid
-- secret <- fetch secretCid
-- assert(secret.mySecret == "Password for my Swiss bank account is 874321")
-- Testing no divulgence of create arguments. We test with the classic swap scenario.
template Iou with
owner : Party
obligor : Party
signatory obligor
observer owner
choice Sell : ContractId Iou
with newOwner : Party
controller owner
do create this with owner = newOwner
template Swap1 with
p1 : Party
p2 : Party
signatory p1
observer p2
choice GoSwap1 : ContractId Swap2
with cid1 : ContractId Iou
controller p1
do create Swap2 with p1; p2; cid1
choice GoSwap1WithFetch : ContractId Swap2
with cid1 : ContractId Iou
controller p1
fetch cid1
create Swap2 with p1; p2; cid1
template Swap2 with
p1 : Party
p2 : Party
cid1 : ContractId Iou
signatory p1
observer p2
choice GoSwap2 : ()
with cid2 : ContractId Iou
controller p2
exercise cid1 Sell with newOwner = p2
exercise cid2 Sell with newOwner = p1
pure ()
-- We're testing the classic swap example.
-- This scenario should fail now if the DontDivulgeContractIdsInCreateArguments flag is set because
-- the cidIouAlice is not divulged to Bob.
test_noDivulgenceOfCreateArguments = scenario do
alice <- getParty "Alice"
bob <- getParty "Bob"
cidIouAlice <- submit alice $ create $ Iou {owner = alice, obligor = alice}
cidIouBob <- submit bob $ create $ Iou {owner = bob, obligor = bob}
cidSwap1 <- submit alice $ create $ (Swap1 alice bob)
cidSwap2 <- submit alice $ exercise cidSwap1 (GoSwap1 cidIouAlice)
submitMustFail bob $ exercise cidSwap2 (GoSwap2 cidIouBob)
-- If we fetch the contract in the GoSwap1 choice, then the contract will be divulged to Bob and the
-- swap scenario passes.
test_noDivulgenceForFetch = scenario do
alice <- getParty "Alice"
bob <- getParty "Bob"
cidIouAlice <- submit alice $ create $ Iou {owner = alice, obligor = alice}
cidIouBob <- submit bob $ create $ Iou {owner = bob, obligor = bob}
cidSwap1 <- submit alice $ create $ (Swap1 alice bob)
cidSwap2 <- submit alice $ exercise cidSwap1 (GoSwap1WithFetch cidIouAlice)
submit bob $ exercise cidSwap2 (GoSwap2 cidIouBob)
-- Testing divulgence of target contract ids of choices.
template C
p1: Party
p2: Party
signatory p1
observer p2
choice Delegate : ContractId D
controller p2
do create $ D p1 p2
template D
p1: Party
p2: Party
signatory p1, p2
choice GoD : ContractId E
controller p1
-- We create a contract right before exercising. p2 can't know about it and will only learn of
-- it when he exercises the choice in the validation.
cid <- create $ E p1 p2
exercise cid DoSomething
pure cid
template E
p1: Party
p2: Party
signatory p1
observer p2
nonconsuming choice DoSomething : ()
controller p2
do pure ()
-- We test that target contract id's of choices are divulged to parties. This will only pass if the
-- DontDivulgeContractIdsInCreateArguments flag is turned on.
test_divulgeChoiceTargetContractId = scenario do
alice <- getParty "alice"
bob <- getParty "bob"
cidC <- submit alice $ create $ C alice bob
cidD <- submit bob $ exercise cidC Delegate
cidE <- submit alice $ exercise cidD GoD
submit bob $ fetch cidE