Gary Verhaegen 151e12b81a
bump copyright (#16002)
This is the result of:

- Updating `./COPY` to say `2023`.
- Running `./dev-env/bin/dade-copyright-headers update .`
2023-01-04 18:21:15 +01:00

110 lines
3.3 KiB

-- Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
module Rule where
import DA.Action
import DA.Assert
import qualified DA.Map as Map
import Daml.Trigger
import Daml.Trigger.Assert
import qualified Daml.Script as Script
template T
party : Party
count : Int
signatory party
key (party, count) : (Party, Int)
maintainer key._1
nonconsuming choice Poke : ()
n : Int
controller party
pure ()
-- not instances we want in the stdlib, but good enough for this test
instance CanAbort (TriggerA s) where
abort = error
instance ActionFail (TriggerA s) where
fail = error
instance CanAssert (TriggerA s) where
assertFail = error
trigger : Trigger Int
trigger = Trigger with
initialize = pure 0
updateState = \_msg -> put . length =<< query @T
rule = \party -> do
count <- get
when (count == 1) do
priorCIF <- getCommandsInFlight
-- Create two additional T.
dedupCreate T with party, count
dedupCreate T with party, count = succ count
-- Exercise a choice
ts <- query @T
let [(tId, _)] = ts
dedupExercise tId Poke with n = 0
-- Exercise a choice by key
dedupExerciseByKey @T (party, 0) Poke with n = 1
newCIF <- getCommandsInFlight
let changedCIF = Map.size (Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> not (Map.member k priorCIF)) newCIF)
assertEq changedCIF 4
put (-1) -- just introducing some chaos
registeredTemplates = RegisteredTemplates [registeredTemplate @T]
heartbeat = None
test = do
alice <- Script.allocateParty "Alice"
tId <- submit alice do Script.createCmd T with party = alice, count = 1
let activeContracts = toACS tId
let commandsInFlight = Map.empty
(endCount, commands) <- testRule trigger alice [] activeContracts commandsInFlight 1
assertEq endCount (-1)
let flatCommands = flattenCommands commands
assertCreateCmd flatCommands $ \T { party, count } -> do
assertEq party alice
assertEq count 1
assertExerciseCmd flatCommands $ \(cid, choiceArg) -> do
assertEq cid tId
assertEq choiceArg (Poke 0)
assertExerciseByKeyCmd @T flatCommands $ \(k, choiceArg) -> do
assertEq k (alice, 0)
assertEq choiceArg (Poke 1)
pure ()
queryIds : Trigger ()
queryIds = Trigger with
initialize = pure ()
updateState = const (pure ())
rule = \party -> do
[(tId, queried), (tId', queried')] <- query @T
assertById tId queried
assertById tId' queried'
-- exercise leaves the contract there
dedupExercise tId Poke with n = 43
assertById tId queried
-- emit will filter out after the rule runs
emitCommands [exerciseCmd tId Poke with n = 44] [toAnyContractId tId]
assertById tId queried
assertById tId' queried'
registeredTemplates = RegisteredTemplates [registeredTemplate @T]
heartbeat = None
assertById tId lookedUp = do
Some c <- queryContractId tId
assertEq c lookedUp
testQueryIds = do
alice <- Script.allocateParty "Alice"
tId <- submit alice do Script.createCmd T with party = alice, count = 42
tId' <- submit alice do Script.createCmd T with party = alice, count = 43
let activeContracts = toACS tId <> toACS tId'
let commandsInFlight = Map.empty
testRule queryIds alice [] activeContracts commandsInFlight ()