A. F. Mota 84e29f2688 Add deprecation warning to da assistant. (#1430)
* Add deprecation warning to da assistant.

* Bump da version number.
2019-05-29 08:34:56 +02:00

376 lines
16 KiB

-- Copyright (c) 2019 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module DA.Sdk.Cli (main) where
import Control.Exception.Safe (Handler (..), SomeException, MonadThrow, StringException (..), catches, throwString)
import qualified Control.Monad.Logger as L
import qualified DA.Sdk.Cli.Changelog as Ch
import DA.Sdk.Cli.Command
import DA.Sdk.Cli.Command.Types ( SubscriptionOp(..)
, TemplateListFormat(..)
, TemplateArg(..)
, templateArgToText
, isMalformed)
import DA.Sdk.Cli.Conf (Conf (..), NameSpace(..),
configHelp, getEffectiveConfigPath, getProject, getSdkTempDirPath,
requireConf, prettyConfError, projectSDKVersion)
import DA.Sdk.Cli.Conf.Migrate (migrateConfigFile)
import DA.Sdk.Cli.Job (Job (..), JobException, UserMessage(..), runJob, runSandbox,
runCompile, runNavigator, start, stop, restart, copyDetailsFromOldConf)
import DA.Sdk.Cli.Monad
import qualified DA.Sdk.Cli.Message as M
import qualified DA.Sdk.Cli.Management as Management
import DA.Sdk.Cli.Paths (PathError, showPath, runPackageMain)
import DA.Sdk.Cli.Sdk (sdkList, sdkUpgrade, sdkUse, installSdkM, sdkUninstall, SdkUninstallError, SdkError)
import DA.Sdk.Cli.SelfUpgrade (attemptSelfUpgrade, displayUpdateChannelInfo)
import DA.Sdk.Cli.SelfUpgrade.Types (SelfUpgradeError(MigrationError))
import DA.Sdk.Cli.Setup (setup)
import DA.Sdk.Cli.Status (status)
import DA.Sdk.Cli.Test (runTestAction, runTestTemplates)
import DA.Sdk.Cli.Version (version)
import DA.Sdk.Cli.Template (templatePublish, listUsableTemplates,
templateAdd, getTemplateInfo,
checkNamespaceExists, createProject)
import DA.Sdk.Cli.Repository.Types (TemplateType(..))
import DA.Sdk.Cli.Repository (daRepository, daExperimentalRepository)
import DA.Sdk.Cli.Project (installTemplate)
import DA.Sdk.Cli.Command.Config (runConfigGet, runConfigSet, subscribe, listSubscription)
import qualified DA.Sdk.Cli.SdkVersion as SdkVersion
import DA.Sdk.Prelude
import qualified DA.Sdk.Pretty as P
import DA.Sdk.Version (parseBuildVersion, showBuildVersion)
import System.Exit (ExitCode, exitWith)
import qualified System.IO as IO
import DA.Sdk.Cli.System (unsupportedOnWin, exitFailure, isSudo)
import Control.Monad.Catch ( MonadMask )
import DA.Sdk.Cli.Monad.FileSystem (MonadFS)
import DA.Sdk.Cli.Monad.Repository
import DA.Sdk.Cli.Monad.MockIO
import DA.Sdk.Cli.Monad.UserInteraction
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Except
import DA.Sdk.Cli.Monad.Timeout (MonadTimeout)
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import qualified Data.Text.Extended as T
import DA.Sdk.Cli.Package
import Control.Monad.Extra (whenM)
import DA.Sdk.Cli.Monad.Locations
import qualified Data.Text as DT
import Data.Either.Combinators
main :: IO ()
main = runAssistant `catches`
[ Handler $ \(code :: ExitCode) -> exitWith code
, Handler $ \(message :: StringException) -> do
case message of
(StringException m _) -> displayStr m
, Handler $ \(suEx :: SelfUpgradeError) -> do
displayPretty suEx
, Handler $ \(jobEx :: JobException) -> do
displayPretty jobEx
, Handler $ \(pe :: PathError) -> do
displayPretty pe
, Handler $ \(um :: UserMessage) ->
displayPretty um
, Handler $ \(ex :: SomeException) -> do
displayStr . unlines $
[ "An unknown error occurred."
, "Please raise this issue on our support page:"
, ""
, " https://docs.daml.com/support/support.html"
, ""
, "Please include these error details:"
, displayException ex
-- | Perform an upgrade if necessary
runAssistant :: IO ()
runAssistant = do
-- Make stdout unbuffered so output written appears immediately to the user
IO.hSetBuffering IO.stdout IO.NoBuffering
whenM isSudo $ do
displayStr $ "Warning: The SDK Assistant should be run as a normal user. " <>
"Now it is run as root."
IO.hPutStr IO.stderr . unlines $
[ "WARNING: The da assistant is deprecated in favor of the new daml assistant."
, "Please follow the installation instructions for the new daml assistant:"
, ""
, " https://docs.daml.com/getting-started/installation.html"
, ""
, "And consult the migration guide at:"
, ""
, " https://docs.daml.com/support/new-assistant.html"
, ""
-- First parse CLI argument into a structured command (or exit).
command <- getCommand
-- Now that we have the CLI argument we can run the assistant
runLogging (commandConfigLogLevel command) (runAssistant' command)
data CliError = CliTextError Text
| CliUpgradeError SelfUpgradeError
| CliFetchError FetchError
| CliUninstallError SdkUninstallError
| CliSdkError SdkError
| CliChangelogError Ch.Error
throwCliError :: MonadThrow m => CliError -> m a
throwCliError (CliTextError t) =
throwString $ T.unpack t
throwCliError (CliUpgradeError e) =
throwM e
throwCliError (CliFetchError e) =
throwString $ T.unpack $ P.renderPlain $ P.pretty e
throwCliError (CliUninstallError e) =
throwString $ T.unpack $ P.renderPlain $ P.pretty e
throwCliError (CliSdkError e) =
throwString $ T.unpack $ P.renderPlain $ P.pretty e
throwCliError (CliChangelogError e) =
case e of
Ch.EUserError er ->
throwString $ T.unpack $ P.renderPlain $ P.pretty er
Ch.EInternalError er -> do
throwString . unlines $
[ "An internal error occurred."
, "Please raise this issue on our support page:"
, ""
, " https://docs.daml.com/support/support.html"
, ""
, "Please include these error details:"
, T.unpack (P.renderPlain (P.pretty er))
runAssistant' :: (MonadUserInput m, MonadUserOutput m, L.MonadLogger m, MonadRepo m,
MonadFS m, MockIO m, MonadMask m, MonadTimeout m, MonadLocations m, MonadIO m)
=> Command -> m ()
runAssistant' command = do
let action = commandAction command
case action of
Primitive ShowVersion -> do
display $ "Installed SDK Assistant version: " <> versionTxt
display "Type `da update-info` to see information about update channels."
Primitive ShowConfigHelp ->
displayDoc configHelp
Primitive DoSetup ->
getConfigFile >>= setup
-- Hidden test actions
Primitive (Test test) ->
mockIO_ $ runTestAction test
Normal normalAction -> do
let cliProps = commandConfigProps command
configFile <- getConfigFile
errOrConf <- requireConf configFile cliProps
case errOrConf of
Left e ->
L.logErrorN $ P.renderPlain $ prettyConfError e
Right conf -> do
errOrProject <- getProject cliProps
maybeProject <- case errOrProject of
Left (M.Error e) ->
throwString . T.unpack . P.renderPlain $ P.pretty e
-- We ignore the warning here, since it's okay to be outside of
-- a project.
Left (M.Warning _w) ->
pure Nothing
Right p -> pure $ Just p
errOrOk <- handle (Env conf maybeProject) configFile normalAction
case errOrOk of
Right () -> return ()
Left err -> throwCliError err
getConfigFile = getEffectiveConfigPath . commandConfigPath $ command
versionTxt = maybe "Invalid version" showBuildVersion $ parseBuildVersion version
handle :: forall m. (MonadUserOutput m, L.MonadLogger m, MonadRepo m, MonadFS m,
MockIO m, MonadMask m, MonadUserInput m, MonadTimeout m, MonadLocations m, MonadIO m)
=> Env -> FilePath -> NormalAction -> m (Either CliError ())
handle env configFile action = do
let conf = envConf env
proj = envProject env
defaultSdkVsn = confDefaultSDKVersion $ envConf env
isScript = confIsScript . envConf $ env
installSdkIfMissing :: m ()
installSdkIfMissing = unless isScript $ do
for_ (envProject env) $ \project -> do
-- We are inside a project
errOrInstalledVsns <- SdkVersion.getInstalledSdkVersions
let currentSdkVersion = projectSDKVersion project
installedVersions <- either (\_ -> throwString "Sdk Uninstall: Failed to list installed SDK versions.")
return errOrInstalledVsns
unless (currentSdkVersion `elem` installedVersions) $ do
errOrSuccess <- installSdkM conf daRepository currentSdkVersion
case errOrSuccess of
Left er -> displayPretty er
Right () -> pure ()
attemptUpgrades :: m (Either SelfUpgradeError ())
attemptUpgrades =
runExceptT . unless isScript $ do
withExceptT MigrationError $ ExceptT $ migrateConfigFile configFile
ExceptT $ attemptSelfUpgrade env configFile False False
lift installSdkIfMissing
windowsSupportWrapper = if isSupportedOnWin action then id else unsupportedOnWin
tryCreateAndListIfUnsuccessful mbTemplate target = do
created <- createProject mbTemplate target
when (not created) $ listUsableTemplates TemplateListAsTable (Just Project)
tryAddAndListIfUnsuccessful template mbTarget = do
added <- templateAdd template mbTarget
when (not added) $ listUsableTemplates TemplateListAsTable (Just Addon)
logDebug . T.show $ conf
logDebug . T.show $ proj
windowsSupportWrapper $ runExceptT $ do
-- Some actions avoid automatic upgrade attempts by default, because their
-- use-cases are such that. Other actions should upgrade automatically.
when (shouldAttemptUpgradesFirst action) $
withExceptT CliUpgradeError $ ExceptT attemptUpgrades
-- TODO (GH): Use a common bintray handle for all these operations
case action of
FetchPackage fetchArg mbTarget dontCheckFetchTag -> do
daTempDir <- getSdkTempDirPath
withExceptT CliFetchError $ ExceptT $
fetchPackage daTempDir conf fetchArg mbTarget dontCheckFetchTag
SendFeedback ->
displayStr . unlines $
[ "We'd love to hear your feedback. Please visit our support and feedback page:"
, ""
, " https://docs.daml.com/support/support.html"
ShowPath pathName exec ->
showPath pathName exec proj defaultSdkVsn
RunExec mbArgs ->
runPackageMain mbArgs proj defaultSdkVsn
DisplayUpdateChannelInfo ->
displayUpdateChannelInfo conf
ShowDocs ->
display docsHelp
ShowStatus ->
notYetRefactored status
CreateProject (Just (Qualified ns tn)) path ->
notYetRefactored $ installTemplate ns tn Project path
CreateProject mtn path ->
notYetRefactored $ tryCreateAndListIfUnsuccessful (templateArgToText <$> mtn) path
TemplateAdd (Qualified ns tn) (Just path) ->
notYetRefactored $ installTemplate ns tn Addon path
TemplateAdd tn mpath ->
notYetRefactored $ tryAddAndListIfUnsuccessful (templateArgToText tn) mpath
-- TODO is this bad in the qualified case?
SdkUse ver ->
withExceptT CliSdkError $ ExceptT $
sdkUse conf daRepository ver
SdkUseExperimental ver ->
withExceptT CliSdkError $ ExceptT $
sdkUse conf daExperimentalRepository ver
SdkUpgrade -> do
withExceptT CliUpgradeError $ ExceptT $
attemptSelfUpgrade env configFile True True
withExceptT CliSdkError $ ExceptT $
sdkUpgrade proj defaultSdkVsn conf
SdkUninstall target ->
withExceptT CliUninstallError $ ExceptT $ sdkUninstall proj defaultSdkVsn target isScript
SdkList ->
notYetRefactored $ throwErr sdkList
Start svc ->
deprecated $ start svc
Stop svc ->
deprecated $ stop svc
Restart svc ->
deprecated $ restart svc
Studio ->
deprecated $ runJob (JobStudio ".")
Migrate -> do
res <- liftIO $ copyDetailsFromOldConf proj
whenLeft res $ \ex -> throwCliError (CliTextError (DT.pack $ "Could no copy over the details from da.yaml" ++ show ex))
Navigator ->
deprecated runNavigator
Sandbox ->
deprecated runSandbox
Compile ->
deprecated runCompile
TemplatePublish (ns, tn, rl) ->
deprecated $ templatePublish ns tn rl
TemplateList fmt mty ->
deprecated $ listUsableTemplates fmt mty
TemplateInfo (ns, tn, rl) ->
deprecated $ getTemplateInfo ns tn rl
Changelog _ ->
display changelogLink
ConfigGet mbKey ->
notYetRefactored $ runConfigGet configFile mbKey
ConfigSet isProject mbKey val ->
withExceptT CliTextError $ ExceptT $
runConfigSet (if isProject then Nothing else Just configFile) mbKey val
Subscribe ns ->
deprecated $ checkNamespaceExists ns >>=
(\exists -> if exists
then errorUnhandled $ subscribe configFile ns OpSubscribe
else logError ("Namespace does not exist: " <> unwrapNameSpace ns))
Unsubscribe (Just ns) ->
deprecated $ throwErr $ subscribe configFile ns OpUnsubscribe
Unsubscribe Nothing ->
deprecated $ throwErr $ listSubscription configFile
TestTemplates ->
notYetRefactored runTestTemplates
Sdk sdkAction ->
notYetRefactored $ Management.sdkManagement sdkAction
notYetRefactored = mockCliM_ env
deprecated = mockCliM_ env
errorUnhandled = void
throwErr a = a >>= either (throwString . show) return
isSupportedOnWin :: NormalAction -> Bool
isSupportedOnWin = \case
Start _ -> False
Stop _ -> False
Restart _ -> False
Navigator -> False
Sandbox -> False
Compile -> False
_ -> True
shouldAttemptUpgradesFirst :: NormalAction -> Bool
shouldAttemptUpgradesFirst = \case
SendFeedback -> False
ShowPath _ _ -> False
RunExec _ -> False
DisplayUpdateChannelInfo -> False
CreateProject tn _ -> maybe True isMalformed tn -- it's going to fail
TemplateAdd tn _ -> isMalformed tn -- it's going to fail
SdkUpgrade -> False -- special upgrade logic
SdkUninstall _ -> False
ConfigGet _ -> False
ConfigSet _ _ _ -> False
Subscribe _ -> False
Unsubscribe _ -> False
TestTemplates -> False
Sdk _ -> False
_ -> True