Andreas Herrmann 33e47828e3
Bazel 1.1 (#3249)
* bazel: 0.28.1 --> 1.1.0

* bazel-watcher sha256

* Fix missing line in patch

* proto_source_root --> strip_import_prefix

See https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/7153 for details.

* Update rules_nixpkgs

Required to avoid errors of the form
ERROR: An error occurred during the fetch of repository 'node_nix':
   parameter 'sep' may not be specified by name, for call to method split(sep, maxsplit = None) of 'string'

ERROR: An error occurred during the fetch of repository 'node_nix':
   Traceback (most recent call last):
	File "/private/var/tmp/_bazel_runner/17d2b3954f1c6dcf5414d5453467df9a/external/io_tweag_rules_nixpkgs/nixpkgs/nixpkgs.bzl", line 149
		_execute_or_fail(repository_ctx, <3 more arguments>)
	File "/private/var/tmp/_bazel_runner/17d2b3954f1c6dcf5414d5453467df9a/external/io_tweag_rules_nixpkgs/nixpkgs/nixpkgs.bzl", line 318, in _execute_or_fail
		fail(<1 more arguments>)

Cannot build Nix attribute 'nodejs'.
Command: [/Users/runner/.nix-profile/bin/nix-build, /private/var/tmp/_bazel_runner/17d2b3954f1c6dcf5414d5453467df9a/external/node_nix/nix/bazel.nix, "-A", "nodejs", "--out-link", "bazel-support/nix-out-link", "-I", "nixpkgs=/private/var/tmp/_bazel_runner/17d2b3954f1c6dcf5414d5453467df9a/external/nixpkgs/nixpkgs"]
Return code: 1
Error output:
src/main/tools/process-tools.cc:173: "setitimer": Invalid argument

* Update rules_scala

* .proto has been removed, use [ProtoInfo] instead


* python3_nix add nix_file attribute

To avoid the following error

ERROR: /home/aj/tweag.io/da/da-bazel-1.1/BUILD:66:1: //:nix_python3_runtime depends on @python3_nix//:bin/python in repository @python3_nix which failed to fetch. no such package '@python3_nix//': Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/home/aj/.cache/bazel/_bazel_aj/5f825ad28f8e070f999ba37395e46ee5/external/io_tweag_rules_nixpkgs/nixpkgs/nixpkgs.bzl", line 149
                _execute_or_fail(repository_ctx, <3 more arguments>)
        File "/home/aj/.cache/bazel/_bazel_aj/5f825ad28f8e070f999ba37395e46ee5/external/io_tweag_rules_nixpkgs/nixpkgs/nixpkgs.bzl", line 318, in _execute_or_fail
                fail(<1 more arguments>)

Cannot build Nix attribute 'python3'.
Command: [/home/aj/.nix-profile/bin/nix-build, "-E", "import <nixpkgs> { config = {}; overlays = []; }", "-A", "python3", "--out-link", "bazel-support/nix-out-link", "-I", "nixpkgs=/home/aj/.cache/bazel/_bazel_aj/5f825ad28f8e070f999ba37395e46ee5/external/nixpkgs/nixpkgs"]
Return code: 1
Error output:
error: anonymous function at /home/aj/.cache/bazel/_bazel_aj/5f825ad28f8e070f999ba37395e46ee5/external/nixpkgs/nixpkgs.nix:3:1 called with unexpected argument 'config', at (string):1:1

* rules_haskell unnamed string.split(_, maxsplit = _)

The keyword argument may no longer be named.

* string.replace(_, _, maxsplit = _) may not be named

* Move proto sources from deps to data


ERROR: /home/aj/tweag.io/da/da-bazel-1.1/daml-lf/archive/BUILD.bazel:150:1: in deps attribute of scala_test rule //daml-lf/archive:daml_lf_archive_reader_tests_test_suite_src_test_scala_com_digitalasset_daml_lf_archive_DecodeV1Spec.scala: '//daml-lf/archive:daml_lf_1.6_archive_proto_srcs' does not have mandatory providers: 'JavaInfo'. Since this rule was created by the macro 'da_scala_test_suite', the error might have been caused by the macro implementation

* Define sha256 for haskell_ghc__paths

Bazel 1.1.0 fails on missing hashes.

* Disable --incompatible_windows_native_test_wrapper

* //compiler/daml-extension don't modify sources

Modifying sources in-place can cause issues on Windows, where build
actions are not sandboxed and changes on sources can affect other build

* bazel-genfiles --> bazel-bin

The bazel-genfiles symlink has been removed since Bazel 1.0.
See https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/8651

* Mark dev_env_tool repository rule as configure


* Move data deps into data attribute

* Mark dev_env_tool as local = True

* Manually fetch @makensis_dev_env
2019-11-11 10:06:03 +01:00

121 lines
3.9 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2019 The DAML Authors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
load("@os_info//:os_info.bzl", "is_windows")
name = "json-files",
srcs = glob([
name = "valid-json",
srcs = ["ci-tests.sh"],
args = [
"$(location @jq_dev_env//:jq)",
"$(locations :json-files)",
data = [
# This is required to get the test to run on Windows. Otherwise, it looks
# like Bazel decides that because it cannot create symlinks on Windows, it
# may as well just give up and start the test without any of its
# dependencies available at all. But not warn about it, so the script can
# just fail at build time when it doesn't find anything.
deps = ["@bazel_tools//tools/bash/runfiles"],
# For some reason,
# 1. Bazel only exposes the node_modules dependency as a list of files, not as
# a folder, and
# 2. Copying these files over is surprisingly slow on my machine.
# Because `vsce` needs to run in a folder where all of the node_modules
# dependencies are already populated, this separate step takes all of the
# node_module files, one by one (because that is how Bazel exposes them),
# copies them to their intended place, and then bundles the whole node_modules
# folder as a tarball so the next task, below, can depend on that cached
# tarball and be fast.
# Also for some reason on Windows I get "cannot ceate node_modules: file
# exists", so at this point I'm completely out of trust.
name = "node_deps_cache",
srcs = ["@daml_extension_deps//:node_modules"],
outs = ["node_modules.tar.gz"],
cmd = """
if [[ -d node_modules ]]; then
rm -rf node_modules
mkdir node_modules
cd node_modules
for f in $(locations @daml_extension_deps//:node_modules); do
# Because Bazel paths are weird, we need to remove everything
# before node_modules. We also need to extract the path separately
# from the filename because we need to create the path (mkdir -p)
# before we can write the file
file=$$(basename $$f)
dir=$$(dirname $$f | sed 's:^.*/node_modules/::')
mkdir -p $$dir
cp ../$$f $$dir/$$file
cd ..
tar czf node_modules.tar.gz node_modules
cp node_modules.tar.gz $@
# This is needed to be able to call `$(location ...)` in the vsix rule.
# Otherwise I have not found a way to express the conditional within the
# `$(location ...)` substitution.
name = "yarn",
actual = "@nodejs//:bin/yarn.cmd" if is_windows else "@nodejs//:bin/yarn",
name = "vsix",
srcs = glob([
]) + [
outs = ["daml-bundled.vsix"],
# rm -rf can fail with "directory not empty" on Windows.
# As a workaround we add `|| return`.
cmd = """
set -euo pipefail
TMP_DIR=$$(mktemp -d)
cleanup () { rm -rf $$TMP_DIR || return; }
trap cleanup EXIT
VERSION=$$(cat $(location //:VERSION))
cp -r compiler/daml-extension $$TMP_DIR
cd $$TMP_DIR/daml-extension
tar xzf $$DIR/$(location :node_deps_cache)
sed -i "s/__VERSION__/$$VERSION/" package.json
sed -i 's/"name": "daml"/"name": "daml-bundled"/' package.json
$$DIR/$(location :yarn)
$$DIR/$(location :yarn) compile
$$DIR/$(location @daml_extension_deps//vsce/bin:vsce) package -o $$DIR/$@
tools = [