Gary Verhaegen 151e12b81a
bump copyright (#16002)
This is the result of:

- Updating `./COPY` to say `2023`.
- Running `./dev-env/bin/dade-copyright-headers update .`
2023-01-04 18:21:15 +01:00

335 lines
11 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
load("@bazel_skylib//lib:paths.bzl", "paths")
load("@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:lib_cc_configure.bzl", "get_cpu_value")
load("@rules_sh//sh:posix.bzl", "posix")
def _create_build_content(rule_name, is_windows, tools, required_tools, win_paths, nix_paths):
content = """
# DO NOT EDIT: automatically generated BUILD file for dev_env_tool.bzl: {rule_name}
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
name = "all",
srcs = glob(["**"]),
""".format(rule_name = rule_name)
for i in range(0, len(tools)):
if is_windows:
content += """
# Running tools with `bazel run` is not supported on Windows.
name = "{tool}",
srcs = ["{path}"],
tool = tools[i],
path = win_paths[i],
content += """
name = "{tool}",
srcs = ["{path}"],
data = {dependencies},
tool = tools[i],
dependencies = [":{}".format(dep) for dep in required_tools.get(tools[i], [])],
path = nix_paths[i],
content += """
name = "windows",
values = {"cpu": "x64_windows"},
visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
return content
def dadew_where(ctx, ps):
ps = ctx.which("powershell")
ps_result = ctx.execute([ps, "-Command", "dadew where"], quiet = True)
if ps_result.return_code != 0:
fail("Failed to obtain dadew location.\nExit code %d.\n%s\n%s" %
(ps_result.return_code, ps_result.stdout, ps_result.stderr))
return ps_result.stdout.splitlines()[0]
def dadew_tool_home(dadew, tool):
return "%s\\scoop\\apps\\%s\\current" % (dadew, tool)
def _find_files_recursive(ctx, find, root):
find_result = ctx.execute([find, "-L", root, "-type", "f", "-print0"])
if find_result.return_code != 0:
fail("Failed to list files contained in '%s':\nExit code %d\n%s\n%s." %
(root, find_result.return_code, find_result.stdout, find_result.stderr))
return [
f[len(root) + 1:]
for f in find_result.stdout.split("\0")
if f and f.startswith(root)
def _symlink_files_recursive(ctx, find, source, dest):
files = _find_files_recursive(ctx, find, source)
for f in files:
ctx.symlink("%s/%s" % (source, f), "%s/%s" % (dest, f))
def _dadew_impl(ctx):
ctx.file("BUILD.bazel", executable = False)
if get_cpu_value(ctx) == "x64_windows":
ps = ctx.which("powershell")
dadew = dadew_where(ctx, ps)
ctx.file("dadew.bzl", executable = False, content = """
dadew = r"{dadew}"
def dadew_tool_home(tool):
return r"%s\\scoop\\apps\\%s\\current" % (dadew, tool)
""".format(dadew = dadew))
ctx.file("dadew.bzl", executable = False, content = """
dadew = None
def dadew_tool_home(tool):
return None
dadew = repository_rule(
implementation = _dadew_impl,
configure = True,
local = True,
def _dev_env_tool_impl(ctx):
is_windows = get_cpu_value(ctx) == "x64_windows"
if is_windows:
ps = ctx.which("powershell")
dadew = dadew_where(ctx, ps)
find = dadew_tool_home(dadew, "msys2") + "\\usr\\bin\\find.exe"
tool_home = dadew_tool_home(dadew, ctx.attr.win_tool)
for i in ctx.attr.win_include:
src = "%s\\%s" % (tool_home, i)
dst = ctx.attr.win_include_as.get(i, i)
if ctx.attr.prefix:
dst = "%s\\%s" % (ctx.attr.prefix, dst)
_symlink_files_recursive(ctx, find, src, dst)
find = "find"
tool_home = "../%s" % ctx.attr.nix_label.name
for i in ctx.attr.nix_include:
src = "%s/%s" % (tool_home, i)
dst = i
if ctx.attr.prefix:
dst = "%s/%s" % (ctx.attr.prefix, dst)
_symlink_files_recursive(ctx, find, src, dst)
build_path = ctx.path("BUILD")
build_content = _create_build_content(
rule_name = ctx.name,
is_windows = is_windows,
tools = ctx.attr.tools,
required_tools = ctx.attr.required_tools,
win_paths = [
"%s/%s" % (ctx.attr.prefix, path)
for path in ctx.attr.win_paths
] if ctx.attr.prefix else ctx.attr.win_paths,
nix_paths = [
"%s/%s" % (ctx.attr.prefix, path)
for path in ctx.attr.nix_paths
] if ctx.attr.prefix else ctx.attr.nix_paths,
ctx.file(build_path, content = build_content, executable = False)
dev_env_tool = repository_rule(
implementation = _dev_env_tool_impl,
attrs = {
"tools": attr.string_list(
mandatory = True,
"required_tools": attr.string_list_dict(
mandatory = False,
default = {},
"win_tool": attr.string(
mandatory = True,
"win_include": attr.string_list(
mandatory = True,
"win_include_as": attr.string_dict(
mandatory = False,
default = {},
"win_paths": attr.string_list(
mandatory = False,
"nix_label": attr.label(
mandatory = False,
"nix_include": attr.string_list(
mandatory = True,
"nix_paths": attr.string_list(
mandatory = True,
"prefix": attr.string(),
configure = True,
local = True,
def _dadew_sh_posix_config_impl(repository_ctx):
ps = repository_ctx.which("powershell")
dadew = dadew_where(repository_ctx, ps)
msys2_usr_bin = dadew_tool_home(dadew, "msys2") + "\\usr\\bin"
commands = {}
for cmd in posix.commands:
for ext in [".exe", ""]:
path = "%s\\%s%s" % (msys2_usr_bin, cmd, ext)
if repository_ctx.path(path).exists:
commands[cmd] = path
repository_ctx.file("BUILD.bazel", executable = False, content = """
load("@rules_sh//sh:posix.bzl", "sh_posix_toolchain")
name = "dadew_posix",
cmds = {{
name = "dadew_posix_toolchain",
toolchain = "dadew_posix",
toolchain_type = "@rules_sh//sh/posix:toolchain_type",
exec_compatible_with = [
target_compatible_with = [
commands = ",\n ".join([
'r"{cmd}": r"{path}"'.format(cmd = cmd, path = cmd_path).replace("\\", "/")
for (cmd, cmd_path) in commands.items()
if cmd_path
_dadew_sh_posix_config = repository_rule(
implementation = _dadew_sh_posix_config_impl,
configure = True,
local = True,
def dadew_sh_posix_configure(name = "dadew_sh_posix"):
_dadew_sh_posix_config(name = name)
native.register_toolchains("@%s//:dadew_posix_toolchain" % name)
def _create_shim(repository_ctx, shim_exe, *, shim, path, extension):
"""Create a shim file for Scoop's shim.exe utility.
See [ScoopInstaller/Shim][shim-gh] for further information.
[shim-gh]: https://github.com/ScoopInstaller/Shim#readme
if extension in [".exe", ".cmd", ".bat"]:
repository_ctx.file(shim + ".shim", executable = False, content = "path = " + str(path))
result = shim + ".exe"
# Will create a copy on Windows
repository_ctx.symlink(shim_exe, result)
# We assume that files without standard extension are scripts (bash,
# perl, ...), e.g. automake. Scoop's shim doesn't work on these. So, we
# assume that, since they are shell scripts in the first place, they
# will only be called in a shell context and simply create a copy.
repository_ctx.symlink(path, shim)
result = shim + extension
return result
def _dadew_binary_bundle_impl(repository_ctx):
ps = repository_ctx.which("powershell")
dadew = dadew_where(repository_ctx, ps)
scoop_home = dadew_tool_home(dadew, "scoop")
shim_exe = repository_ctx.path(paths.join(scoop_home, "supporting/shimexe/bin/shim.exe"))
tool_home = dadew_tool_home(dadew, repository_ctx.attr.tool)
extensions = ["", ".exe", ".cmd", ".bat"]
missing = []
found = []
for path_str in repository_ctx.attr.paths:
parts = path_str.split(":", 1)
if len(parts) == 1:
[path_str] = parts
shim = path_str
elif len(parts) == 2:
[path_str, shim] = parts
fail("Invalid path '{}': Expected 'PATH' or 'PATH:SHIM'.".format(path_str))
for ext in extensions:
path = repository_ctx.path(paths.join(tool_home, path_str + ext))
if path.exists:
path = None
if path:
_create_shim(repository_ctx, shim_exe, shim = shim, path = path, extension = ext),
repository_ctx.file("BUILD.bazel", executable = False, content = """\
load("@rules_sh//sh:sh.bzl", "sh_binaries")
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
name = "tools",
srcs = {tools},
tools = repr(found),
if missing:
fail("Missing paths in '{}': {}".format(tool_home, ", ".join(missing)))
dadew_binary_bundle = repository_rule(
attrs = {
"tool": attr.string(
mandatory = True,
doc = "Import binaries from this Scoop tool, i.e. an entry under the `dev-env/windows/manifests` folder.",
"paths": attr.string_list(
mandatory = True,
doc = """\
Import these binaries from the Scoop tool into Bazel.
Items can either be paths relative to the Scoop tool installation path, or colon (`:`) separated tuples where the first item is the path relative to the Scoop tool installation and the second item the name that it should be mapped to within Bazel.
configure = True,
local = True,
doc = """\
Generate a `sh_binaries` containing a set of binaries provided by a Scoop tool.
Use this to import binaries provided by Scoop into the Bazel build in a
hermetic way. This generates [Scoop shims][scoop-shim] for the specified
binaries within Bazel's execution root and constructs a `sh_binaries` that
contains these shims. The generated PATH make variable will only cover tools
explicitly listed on this rule.
[scoop-shim]: https://github.com/ScoopInstaller/Shim#readme