2019-08-13 17:23:03 +01:00

246 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2019 The DAML Authors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# These rules are similar to the rules in bazel_common.
# However, our requirements are different in a few ways so we have our own version for now:
# 1. We only include immediate dependencies not all transitive dependencies.
# 2. We support Scala.
# 3. We produce full pom files instead of only the dependency section.
# 4. We have some special options to deal with our specific setup.
MavenInfo = provider(
fields = {
"maven_coordinates": """
The Maven coordinates of this target or the one wrapped by it.
"maven_dependencies": """
The Maven coordinates of the direct dependencies of this target.
maven_coordinates = None,
maven_dependencies = [],
_MAVEN_COORDINATES_PREFIX = "maven_coordinates="
# Map from a dependency to the exclusions for that dependency.
# The exclusions will be automatically inserted in every pom file that
# depends on the target.
EXCLUSIONS = {"io.grpc:grpc-protobuf": ["com.google.protobuf:protobuf-lite"]}
def _maven_coordinates(targets):
return [target[MavenInfo].maven_coordinates for target in targets if MavenInfo in target and target[MavenInfo].maven_coordinates]
def jar_version(name):
return name.rsplit("-", 1)[1].rsplit(".", 1)[0]
def has_scala_version_suffix(kind, version, tags):
if not kind.startswith("scala"):
return False
if version != "__VERSION__":
return False
for tag in tags:
if tag == "no_scala_version_suffix":
return False
return True
def _collect_maven_info_impl(_target, ctx):
tags = getattr(ctx.rule.attr, "tags", [])
deps = getattr(ctx.rule.attr, "deps", [])
exports = getattr(ctx.rule.attr, "exports", [])
jars = getattr(ctx.rule.attr, "jars", [])
# We need to detect targets generated by bazel-deps to avoid propagating transitive dependencies
# in that case. This is slightly tricky as bazel-deps generates a java_import that has the tag we care about
# and then a java_library that has the java_import in exports but also the immediate dependencies.
# We detect these targets by looking for a jar:jar export.
bazel_deps_reexport = []
if ctx.rule.kind == "java_import" or ctx.rule.kind == "java_library":
for e in exports:
if e.label.name == "jar" and e.label.package == "jar":
if MavenInfo not in e:
fail("Expected maven info for jar dependency: {}".format(e.label))
return [e[MavenInfo]]
elif ctx.rule.kind == "scala_import":
if len(jars) != 1:
fail("Expected exactly one jar in a scala_import")
jar = jars[0]
# This corresponds replacements section in dependencies.yaml.
replacements = {
"io_bazel_rules_scala_scala_compiler": "org.scala-lang:scala-compiler",
"io_bazel_rules_scala_scala_library": "org.scala-lang:scala-library",
"io_bazel_rules_scala_scala_reflect": "org.scala-lang:scala-reflect",
"io_bazel_rules_scala_scala_parser_combinators": "org.scala-lang.modules:scala-parser-combinators",
if jar.label.workspace_name in replacements:
return [MavenInfo(
maven_coordinates = "{}_{}:{}".format(replacements[jar.label.workspace_name], _SCALA_VERSION, jar_version(jar.label.name)),
maven_dependencies = [],
if MavenInfo not in jar:
fail("Expected maven info for jar dependency: {}".format(jar.label))
return [jar[MavenInfo]]
elif ctx.rule.kind == "scala_library":
# For builtin libraries defined in the replacements section in dependencies.yaml.
if len(exports) == 1:
e = exports[0]
if MavenInfo in e and e[MavenInfo].maven_coordinates:
if e[MavenInfo].maven_coordinates.startswith("org.scala-lang"):
return e[MavenInfo]
maven_coordinates = None
only_external_deps = False
fat_jar = False
for tag in tags:
if tag.startswith(_MAVEN_COORDINATES_PREFIX):
tag_val = tag[len(_MAVEN_COORDINATES_PREFIX):].split(":")
group_id = tag_val[0]
artifact_id = tag_val[1]
version = tag_val[2]
if has_scala_version_suffix(ctx.rule.kind, version, tags):
artifact_id += "_{}".format(_SCALA_VERSION)
maven_coordinates = "{}:{}:{}".format(group_id, artifact_id, version)
if tag == "only_external_deps":
only_external_deps = True
if tag == "fat_jar":
fat_jar = True
deps = depset([], transitive = [depset([d]) for d in _maven_coordinates(deps + exports + jars)])
filtered_deps = [
for d in deps.to_list()
if not (only_external_deps and (d.split(":")[0].startswith("com.daml") or
if maven_coordinates:
return [
maven_coordinates = maven_coordinates,
maven_dependencies = [] if fat_jar else filtered_deps,
_collect_maven_info = aspect(
attr_aspects = [
doc = """
Collects the Maven information for targets and their dependencies.
implementation = _collect_maven_info_impl,
def _pom_file(ctx):
mvn_deps = ctx.attr.target[MavenInfo].maven_dependencies
if not ctx.attr.target[MavenInfo].maven_coordinates:
fail("Target {} needs to have a maven_coordinates tag".format(ctx.attr.target.label))
maven_coordinates = ctx.attr.target[MavenInfo].maven_coordinates.split(":")
groupId = maven_coordinates[0]
artifactId = maven_coordinates[1]
version = maven_coordinates[2]
formatted_deps = []
for dep in [":".join(d) for d in sorted([d.split(":") for d in mvn_deps])]:
parts = dep.split(":")
if len(parts) == 3:
template = DEP_BLOCK
elif len(parts) == 5:
fail("Unknown dependency format: %s" % dep)
exclusions = EXCLUSIONS.get("{}:{}".format(parts[0], parts[1]), [])
formatted_exclusions = []
for exclusion in exclusions:
exclusion_parts = exclusion.split(":")
formatted_exclusions += [EXCLUSION_BLOCK.format(*exclusion_parts)]
parts += ["\n".join([" " + l for l in "\n".join(formatted_exclusions).splitlines()])]
pom_file_tmpl = ctx.actions.declare_file(ctx.outputs.pom_file.path + ".tmpl")
substitutions = {}
"{generated_bzl_deps}": "\n".join([" " + l for l in "\n".join(formatted_deps).splitlines()]),
"{groupId}": groupId,
"{artifactId}": artifactId,
"{version}": version,
template = ctx.file.template_file,
output = pom_file_tmpl,
substitutions = substitutions,
outputs = [ctx.outputs.pom_file],
inputs = [pom_file_tmpl, ctx.file.component_version],
command = """
VERSION=$(cat {})
sed "s/__VERSION__/$VERSION/" {} > {}
""".format(ctx.file.component_version.path, pom_file_tmpl.path, ctx.outputs.pom_file.path),
pom_file = rule(
attrs = {
"template_file": attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
default = "//bazel_tools:pom_template.xml",
"component_version": attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
default = "//:component-version",
"target": attr.label(
mandatory = True,
aspects = [_collect_maven_info],
outputs = {"pom_file": "%{name}.xml"},
implementation = _pom_file,