Andreas Herrmann df7bff6288 Update to bazel-0.27 (#1957)
* Bazel: 0.24.0 -> 0.27.0

* Update rules_haskell for Bazel 0.27 compatibility

* Update bazel-deps and bazel-watcher

* Windows escape JVM flags

* load commands at top of .bzl file

Bazel 0.27 no longer allows load commands that are not at the beginning
of the file.

* Update Bazel rules

* subpackage boundary

* native is not defined in BUILD files

* yarn: @bazel/hide-bazel-files

Seems to be required since latest rules_nodejs version. Otherwise, yarn
fails with errors about existing BUILD or BUILD.bazel files.

* grpc-java plugin visibility

* Update fat_cc_library

* Nix Python3 toolchain

* Iteration over depset

* dev_env_package: Create symlinks one level deeper

To prevent symlinking the BUILD file as well. The nested BUILD file
confuses Bazel as of 0.27 and rules_nodejs cannot find the node
executable anymore.

* Update rules_nodejs

* Add managed_directories for node_modules

* hie-bios: Extract bazel-genfiles from bazel info

Bazel 0.27 changed the genfiles location which breaks the hie-core test
on macOS.

* update cc_wrapper to Bazel 0.27

* bazel info -> bazel info bazel-genfiles

* Fix typo in BUILD

Co-Authored-By: Stefano Baghino <43749967+stefanobaghino-da@users.noreply.github.com>
2019-07-05 14:04:47 +00:00

106 lines
3.5 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2019 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""Packaging of Linux, macOS and Windows binaries into tarballs"""
load("@os_info//:os_info.bzl", "is_windows")
def _package_app_impl(ctx):
files = depset(ctx.attr.binary.files)
runfiles = ctx.attr.binary.default_runfiles.files
datafiles = ctx.attr.binary[DefaultInfo].data_runfiles.files
args = ctx.actions.args()
inputs = depset([], transitive = [files, runfiles, datafiles] + [r.files for r in ctx.attr.resources])
tools = [ctx.executable.tar, ctx.executable.gzip] if is_windows else [ctx.executable.patchelf, ctx.executable.tar, ctx.executable.gzip]
outputs = [ctx.outputs.out],
tools = [ctx.executable.package_app] + tools,
inputs = inputs.to_list(),
arguments = [args],
progress_message = "Packaging " + ctx.attr.name,
command = """
set -eu
export PATH=$PATH:{path}
{package_app} \
"$PWD/{binary}" \
"$PWD/{output}" \
path = ":".join(["$PWD/`dirname {tool}`".format(tool = tool.path) for tool in tools]),
output = ctx.outputs.out.path,
name = ctx.attr.name,
package_app = ctx.executable.package_app.path,
binary = ctx.executable.binary.path,
resources = " ".join([
for r in ctx.attr.resources
def _get_resource_path(r):
"""Get the path to use for a resource.
If the resource has a single file, it'll be copied to
the resource root directory. With multiple files the
relative directory structure is preserved.
This mirrors how rules that produce directories work
in Buck.
files = r.files.to_list()
if len(files) > 1:
first_file = files[0].path
prefix_end = first_file.index(r.label.package)
# e.g. package foo/bar,
# first file at bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bleh/foo/bar/baz/quux
# return path as bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bleh/foo/bar.
return first_file[0:(prefix_end + len(r.label.package))]
return files[0].path
package_app = rule(
implementation = _package_app_impl,
attrs = dict({
"binary": attr.label(
cfg = "target",
executable = True,
allow_files = True,
"resources": attr.label_list(
allow_files = True,
"patchelf": attr.label(
default = None if is_windows else Label("@patchelf_nix//:bin/patchelf"),
cfg = "host",
executable = True,
allow_files = True,
"tar": attr.label(
default = Label("@tar_dev_env//:tar"),
cfg = "host",
executable = True,
allow_files = True,
"gzip": attr.label(
default = Label("@gzip_dev_env//:gzip"),
cfg = "host",
executable = True,
allow_files = True,
"package_app": attr.label(
default = Label("//bazel_tools/packaging:package-app.sh"),
cfg = "host",
executable = True,
allow_files = True,
outputs = {
"out": "%{name}.tar.gz",
"""Package a binary along with its dynamic library dependencies and data dependencies
into a tarball. The data dependencies are placed in 'resources' directory.