Andreas Herrmann 4b1438276c
Update Bazel 2.1.0 --> 3.3.1 (#6761)
* Upgrade nixpkgs revision

* Remove unused minio

It used to be used as a gateway to push the Nix cache to GCS, but has
since been replaced by nix-store-gcs-proxy.

* Update Bazel on Windows


* Fix hlint warnings

The nixpkgs update implied an hlint update which enabled new warnings.

* Fix "Error applying patch"

Since Bazel 2.2.0 the order of generating `WORKSPACE` and `BUILD` files
and applying patches has been reversed. The allows users to define
patches to these files that will not be immediately overwritten.
However, it also means that patches on another repository's original
`WORKSPACE` file will likely become invalid.

* a948eb7255
* https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/10681

Hint: If you're generating a patch with `git` then you can use the
following command to exclude the `WORKSPACE` file.

git diff ':(exclude)WORKSPACE'

* Update rules_nixpkgs

* nixpkgs location expansion escaping

* Drop --noincompatible_windows_native_test_wrapper

* client_server_test using sh_inline_test

client_server_test used to produce an executable shell script in form of
a text file output. However, since the removal of
`--noincompatible_windows_native_test_wrapper` this no longer works on
Windows since `.sh` files are not directly executable on Windows.

This change fixes the issue by producing the script file in a dedicated
rule and then wrapping it in a `sh_test` rule which also works on

* daml_test using sh_inline_test

* daml_doc_test using sh_inline_test

* _daml_validate_test using sh_inline_test

* damlc_compile_test using sh_inline_test

* client_server_test find .exe on Windows

* Bump Windows cache for Bazel update

Remove `clean --expunge` after merge.

Co-authored-by: Andreas Herrmann <andreas.herrmann@tweag.io>
2020-07-23 09:46:04 +02:00

337 lines
16 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# The dependencies of the daml workspace.
# This allows using the daml workspace externally
# from another bazel workspace.
# For example, another Bazel project can depend on
# targets in the daml repository by doing:
# ---
# local_repository(
# name = "com_github_digital_asset_daml",
# path = "/path/to/daml"
# )
# load("@com_github_digital_asset_daml//:deps.bzl", "daml_deps")
# daml_deps()
# ---
# A 3rd-party consumer would also need to register relevant
# toolchains and repositories in order to build targets.
# That is, copy some setup calls from WORKSPACE into the
# other WORKSPACE.
# Make sure to reference repository local files with the full
# prefix: @com_github_digital_asset_daml//..., as these won't
# be resolvable from external workspaces otherwise.
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive", "http_file")
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl", "git_repository")
rules_scala_version = "6c16cff213b76a4126bdc850956046da5db1daaa"
rules_scala_sha256 = "132cf8eeaab67f3142cec17152b8415901e7fa8396dd585d6334eec21bf7419d"
rules_haskell_version = "eb16a5401770098a801775ea3a893b09cafe054c"
rules_haskell_sha256 = "2fcab6b01a184435359f6bcbb9403f0457c2a4e0f1b1a4572b9d7f89d2fc5431"
rules_nixpkgs_version = "659cf9db456f5a3c1a5a27747116fc50b709cdab"
rules_nixpkgs_sha256 = "6a76b8004ad94daa9ce7e95d902c790646f8abd598ae9f1b1978fb74a95e9ebd"
buildifier_version = "3.3.0"
buildifier_sha256 = "f11fc80da0681a6d64632a850346ed2d4e5cbb0908306d9a2a2915f707048a10"
zlib_version = "cacf7f1d4e3d44d871b605da3b647f07d718623f"
zlib_sha256 = "6d4d6640ca3121620995ee255945161821218752b551a1a180f4215f7d124d45"
rules_nodejs_version = "1.6.0"
rules_nodejs_sha256 = "f9e7b9f42ae202cc2d2ce6d698ccb49a9f7f7ea572a78fd451696d03ef2ee116"
rules_jvm_external_version = "2.8"
rules_jvm_external_sha256 = "79c9850690d7614ecdb72d68394f994fef7534b292c4867ce5e7dec0aa7bdfad"
# Recent davl.
davl_version = "f2d7480d118f32626533d6a150a8ee7552cc0222" # 2020-03-23, "Deploy upgrade to DAML SDK 0.13.56-snapshot.20200318",https://github.com/digital-asset/davl/pull/233/commits.
davl_sha256 = "3e8ae2a05724093e33b7f0363381e81a7e8e9655ccb3aa47ad540ea87e814321"
# Pinned davl relied on by damlc packaging tests.
davl_v3_version = "51d3977be2ab22f7f4434fd4692ca2e17a7cce23"
davl_v3_sha256 = "e8e76e21b50fb3adab36df26045b1e8c3ee12814abc60f137d39b864d2eae166"
# daml cheat sheet
daml_cheat_sheet_version = "9d44b550de6c5d23096116da37ccb2fb4a90f7af" # 2020-06-30
daml_cheat_sheet_sha256 = "6429b73e33a7a937048c3d1316182bff0cb34b6aed30e2915875da698ee4d5c9"
def daml_deps():
if "rules_haskell" not in native.existing_rules():
name = "rules_haskell",
strip_prefix = "rules_haskell-%s" % rules_haskell_version,
urls = ["https://github.com/tweag/rules_haskell/archive/%s.tar.gz" % rules_haskell_version],
patches = [
# Update and remove this patch once this is upstreamed.
# See https://github.com/tweag/rules_haskell/pull/1281
# The fake libs issue should be fixed in upstream rules_haskell
# or GHC. Remove this patch once that's available.
# This is a daml specific patch and not upstreamable.
# This fixes a ghc-lib specific build issue and is not upstreamable.
# This might also be fixed by using `stack_snapshot` in the future.
# This should be made configurable in rules_haskell.
# Remove this patch once that's available.
patch_args = ["-p1"],
sha256 = rules_haskell_sha256,
if "io_tweag_rules_nixpkgs" not in native.existing_rules():
name = "io_tweag_rules_nixpkgs",
strip_prefix = "rules_nixpkgs-%s" % rules_nixpkgs_version,
urls = ["https://github.com/tweag/rules_nixpkgs/archive/%s.tar.gz" % rules_nixpkgs_version],
sha256 = rules_nixpkgs_sha256,
patches = [
# Remove once https://github.com/tweag/rules_nixpkgs/pull/128
# has been merged
# On CI and locally we observe occasional segmantation faults
# of nix. A known issue since Nix 2.2.2 is that HTTP2 support
# can cause such segmentation faults. Since Nix 2.3.2 it is
# possible to disable HTTP2 via a command-line flag, which
# reportedly solves the issue. See
# https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/2733#issuecomment-518324335
patch_args = ["-p1"],
if "com_github_madler_zlib" not in native.existing_rules():
name = "com_github_madler_zlib",
build_file = "@com_github_digital_asset_daml//3rdparty/c:zlib.BUILD",
strip_prefix = "zlib-{}".format(zlib_version),
urls = ["https://github.com/madler/zlib/archive/{}.tar.gz".format(zlib_version)],
sha256 = zlib_sha256,
if "io_bazel_rules_go" not in native.existing_rules():
name = "io_bazel_rules_go",
urls = [
sha256 = "b9aa86ec08a292b97ec4591cf578e020b35f98e12173bbd4a921f84f583aebd9",
if "rules_jvm_external" not in native.existing_rules():
name = "rules_jvm_external",
strip_prefix = "rules_jvm_external-{}".format(rules_jvm_external_version),
sha256 = rules_jvm_external_sha256,
url = "https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_jvm_external/archive/{}.zip".format(rules_jvm_external_version),
if "io_bazel_rules_scala" not in native.existing_rules():
name = "io_bazel_rules_scala",
url = "https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_scala/archive/%s.zip" % rules_scala_version,
type = "zip",
strip_prefix = "rules_scala-%s" % rules_scala_version,
sha256 = rules_scala_sha256,
patches = [
patch_args = ["-p1"],
if "io_bazel_rules_docker" not in native.existing_rules():
name = "io_bazel_rules_docker",
url = "https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_docker/releases/download/v0.14.3/rules_docker-v0.14.3.tar.gz",
strip_prefix = "rules_docker-0.14.3",
sha256 = "6287241e033d247e9da5ff705dd6ef526bac39ae82f3d17de1b69f8cb313f9cd",
if "com_google_protobuf" not in native.existing_rules():
name = "com_google_protobuf",
sha256 = "60d2012e3922e429294d3a4ac31f336016514a91e5a63fd33f35743ccfe1bd7d",
# changing this version needs to be in sync with protobuf-java and grpc dependencies in bazel-java-deps.bzl
strip_prefix = "protobuf-3.11.0",
urls = ["https://github.com/google/protobuf/archive/v3.11.0.zip"],
patches = [
patch_args = ["-p1"],
if "bazel_gazelle" not in native.existing_rules():
name = "bazel_gazelle",
urls = [
sha256 = "86c6d481b3f7aedc1d60c1c211c6f76da282ae197c3b3160f54bd3a8f847896f",
if "io_bazel_rules_sass" not in native.existing_rules():
name = "io_bazel_rules_sass",
sha256 = "7b9c9a88099d00dbb16be359c3b1946309d99673220c6b39c7e8bda8ecc692f8",
strip_prefix = "rules_sass-1.24.4",
urls = [
# Fetch rules_nodejs so we can install our npm dependencies
if "build_bazel_rules_nodejs" not in native.existing_rules():
name = "build_bazel_rules_nodejs",
urls = ["https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_nodejs/releases/download/{}/rules_nodejs-{}.tar.gz".format(rules_nodejs_version, rules_nodejs_version)],
sha256 = rules_nodejs_sha256,
patches = [
# Work around for https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_nodejs/issues/1565
patch_args = ["-p1"],
if "com_github_grpc_grpc" not in native.existing_rules():
# This should be kept in sync with the grpc version we get from Nix.
name = "com_github_grpc_grpc",
strip_prefix = "grpc-1.23.1",
urls = ["https://github.com/grpc/grpc/archive/v1.23.1.tar.gz"],
sha256 = "dd7da002b15641e4841f20a1f3eb1e359edb69d5ccf8ac64c362823b05f523d9",
patches = [
patch_args = ["-p1"],
if "io_grpc_grpc_java" not in native.existing_rules():
name = "io_grpc_grpc_java",
strip_prefix = "grpc-java-1.21.0",
urls = ["https://github.com/grpc/grpc-java/archive/v1.21.0.tar.gz"],
sha256 = "9bc289e861c6118623fcb931044d843183c31d0e4d53fc43c4a32b56d6bb87fa",
patches = [
patch_args = ["-p1"],
if "com_github_johnynek_bazel_jar_jar" not in native.existing_rules():
name = "com_github_johnynek_bazel_jar_jar",
sha256 = "841ae424eec3f322d411eb49d949622cc84787cb4189a30698fa9adadb98deac",
strip_prefix = "bazel_jar_jar-20dbf71f09b1c1c2a8575a42005a968b38805519",
urls = ["https://github.com/johnynek/bazel_jar_jar/archive/20dbf71f09b1c1c2a8575a42005a968b38805519.zip"], # Latest commit SHA as at 2019/02/13
if "com_github_googleapis_googleapis" not in native.existing_rules():
name = "com_github_googleapis_googleapis",
strip_prefix = "googleapis-6c48ab5aef47dc14e02e2dc718d232a28067129d",
urls = ["https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/archive/6c48ab5aef47dc14e02e2dc718d232a28067129d.tar.gz"],
sha256 = "70d7be6ad49b4424313aad118c8622aab1c5fdd5a529d4215d3884ff89264a71",
# Buildifier.
# It is written in Go and hence needs rules_go to be available.
if "com_github_bazelbuild_buildtools" not in native.existing_rules():
name = "com_github_bazelbuild_buildtools",
sha256 = buildifier_sha256,
strip_prefix = "buildtools-{}".format(buildifier_version),
url = "https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/archive/{}.tar.gz".format(buildifier_version),
name = "guava",
actual = "@com_google_guava_guava//jar",
name = "gson",
actual = "@com_google_code_gson_gson//jar",
if "com_github_google_bazel_common" not in native.existing_rules():
name = "com_github_google_bazel_common",
sha256 = "48a209fed9575c9d108eaf11fb77f7fe6178a90135e4d60cac6f70c2603aa53a",
strip_prefix = "bazel-common-9e3880428c1837db9fb13335ed390b7e33e346a7",
urls = ["https://github.com/google/bazel-common/archive/9e3880428c1837db9fb13335ed390b7e33e346a7.zip"],
if "com_github_grpc_ecosystem_grpc_health_probe_binary" not in native.existing_rules():
name = "com_github_grpc_ecosystem_grpc_health_probe_binary",
sha256 = "bfbe82e34645e91cdf3bacbb0d2dc7786f3c3cc4da6b64a446e5fdfb7bb0429f",
downloaded_file_path = "grpc-health-probe",
urls = [
executable = True,
if "davl-v3" not in native.existing_rules():
name = "davl-v3",
strip_prefix = "davl-{}".format(davl_v3_version),
urls = ["https://github.com/digital-asset/davl/archive/{}.tar.gz".format(davl_v3_version)],
sha256 = davl_v3_sha256,
build_file_content = """
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
if "davl" not in native.existing_rules():
name = "davl",
strip_prefix = "davl-{}".format(davl_version),
urls = ["https://github.com/digital-asset/davl/archive/{}.tar.gz".format(davl_version)],
sha256 = davl_sha256,
build_file_content = """
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
exports_files(["released/davl-v4.dar", "released/davl-v5.dar", "released/davl-upgrade-v3-v4.dar", "released/davl-upgrade-v4-v5.dar"])
if "daml-cheat-sheet" not in native.existing_rules():
name = "daml-cheat-sheet",
strip_prefix = "daml-cheat-sheet-{}".format(daml_cheat_sheet_version),
urls = ["https://github.com/digital-asset/daml-cheat-sheet/archive/{}.tar.gz".format(daml_cheat_sheet_version)],
sha256 = daml_cheat_sheet_sha256,
build_file_content = """
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
name = "site",
srcs = ["_config.yml"] + glob(["**/*"],
exclude = ["_config.yml", "LICENSE", "WORKSPACE", "BUILD.bazel", "README.md"]),
outs = ["cheat-sheet.tar.gz"],
tools = ["@jekyll_nix//:bin/jekyll"],
cmd = '''
DIR=$$(dirname $(execpath _config.yml))
$(execpath @jekyll_nix//:bin/jekyll) build -s $$DIR
tar hc _site \\
--owner=1000 \\
--group=1000 \\
--mtime=2000-01-01\\ 00:00Z \\
--no-acls \\
--no-xattrs \\
--no-selinux \\
--sort=name \\
| gzip -n > $(OUTS)