Samir Talwar 7740b60836
participant-integration-api: Improve the CommandConfiguration docs. (#10978)
Explaining the limits in more detail.

There were some discrepancies between the documentation and the code; in
particular, if there are too many commands in flight, new ones will just
be held in the queue.

2021-09-22 15:48:25 +02:00

938 lines
37 KiB

.. Copyright (c) 2021 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
*Daml Driver for PostgreSQL*
*Daml Driver for PostgreSQL* is a PostgreSQL-based Daml ledger implementation.
The Community Edition, distributed as a JAR file called `daml-on-sql-<version>.jar`, can be obtained from the `Daml GitHub Releases Page <https://github.com/digital-asset/daml/releases>`__.
Setup PostgreSQL and run
Before starting, you need to perform the following steps:
- create an initially empty PostgreSQL database that *Daml Driver for PostgreSQL* can
- create a database user for *Daml Driver for PostgreSQL* that has authority to execute
DDL operations
This is because *Daml Driver for PostgreSQL* manages its own database schema, applying
migrations if necessary when upgrading versions.
To specify the PostgreSQL instance you wish to connect, use the
``--sql-backend-jdbcurl <value>`` command line option, where ``<value>`` is a
valid JDBC URL containing the username, password and database name to connect
to (for example, ``jdbc:postgresql://localhost/test?user=fred&password=secret``).
If you do not want to pass the jdbc credentials on the command line, you can also
define them in an environment variable and then specify the environment variable to
use through the ``--sql-backend-jdbcurl-env <environment-variable>`` option where
``<environment-variable>`` is the name of the environment variable where the connection
string string has been specified. The connection string you store in the environment
variable should be of the same form as mentioned above (for example,
If you want to setup the database schema for the *Daml Driver for PostgreSQL* with a
more highly permissioned database service account that is able to create database schemas
and tables but only run your application with an account with lesser permissions, you
can leverage the combination of the connection string specifying the account to use
and the ``--sql-start-mode <value>`` parameter specifying the mode to run the driver.
The possible modes available are
``migrate-only`` - Create database schema but do not start the driver
``migrate-and-start`` - Create database schema and start the driver. If the database already exists, this will simply validate and start. This is the default mode
You will also need to provide a ledger ID with the ``--ledgerid`` flag, which
must be the same upon restart. This value is expected in many API endpoints, to
ensure ledger clients are connecting to the correct ledger.
Due to possible conflicts between the ``&`` character and various shells, we
recommend quoting the JDBC URL in the terminal, as follows::
$ java -jar daml-on-sql-<version>.jar --ledgerid=test --sql-backend-jdbcurl='jdbc:postgresql://localhost/test?user=fred&password=secret'
If you are not familiar with JDBC URLs, we recommend reading the `PostgreSQL JDBC documentation <https://jdbc.postgresql.org/documentation/head/connect.html>`__
for more information.
Architecture and availability
Processes and components
The core processes necessary to run a *Daml Driver for PostgreSQL* deployment are:
- the *Daml Driver for PostgreSQL* server, and
- the PostgreSQL server used to persist the ledger data.
*Daml Driver for PostgreSQL* communicates with the external world via the gRPC Ledger
API and communicates with PostgreSQL via JDBC to persist transactions, keep
track of active contracts, store compiled Daml packages, and so on.
Server hardware and software requirements
*Daml Driver for PostgreSQL* is provided as a self-contained JAR file, containing the
application and all dependencies. The application is routinely tested with
OpenJDK 8 on a 64-bit x86 architecture, with Ubuntu 16.04, macOS 10.15, and
Windows Server 2016.
In production, we recommend running on a 64-bit x86 architecture in a Linux
environment. Core requirements in such a situation include:
- a Java SE Runtime Environment such as OpenJDK JRE
- must be compatible with OpenJDK version 1.8.0_202 or later
- OpenSSL 1.1 or later, made available to the above JRE
- glibc, made available to the above JRE
As a Java-based application, *Daml Driver for PostgreSQL* can work on other operating
systems and architectures supporting a Java Runtime Environment. However, such
an environment will not have been tested and may cause issues.
Core architecture considerations
The backing PostgreSQL server performs a lot of work which is both CPU- and
IO-intensive: all (valid) Ledger API requests will eventually hit the database.
At the same time, the *Daml Driver for PostgreSQL* server has to have available
resources to validate requests, evaluate commands and prepare responses. While
the PostgreSQL schema is designed to be as efficient as possible, practical
experience has shown that having **dedicated computation and memory resources
for the two core components** (the ledger server and the database server)
allows the two to run without interfering with each other. Depending on the
kind of deployment you wish to make, this can be achieved with containerization,
virtualization or simply using physically different machines. Still, the Ledger
API communicates abundantly with the database server and many Ledger API
requests need to go all the way to persist information on the database. To
reduce the latency necessary to serve outstanding requests, the *Daml for
PostgreSQL* server and PostgreSQL server should be **physically co-located**.
Core availability considerations
In order to address availability concerns, it is important to understand what
each of the core components do and how they interact with each other, in
particular regarding state and consistency.
Having two *Daml Driver for PostgreSQL* servers running on top of a single PostgreSQL
server can lead to undefined (and likely broken) behavior. For this reason,
you must maintain a strict 1:1 relationship between a running *Daml for
PostgreSQL* server and a running PostgreSQL server. Note that using PostgreSQL
in a high-availability configuration does not allow you to run additional *Daml
for PostgreSQL* servers.
Downtime for the *Daml Driver for PostgreSQL* server can be minimized using a watchdog
or orchestration system taking care of evaluating its health of the core
components and ensuring its availability. The Ledger API exposes the standard
gRPC health checkpoint that can be used to evaluate the health status of the
Ledger API component. More information on the endpoint can be found at the
`documentation for gRPC <https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/v1.35.0/doc/health-checking.md>`__.
When overloaded, the ledger will attempt to refuse additional requests, instead
responding with a ``RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED`` error. This error represents
*backpressure*, signaling to the client that they should back off and try again
later. Well-behaving clients will therefore allow the ledger to catch up with
outstanding tasks and resume normal operations.
Scale the ledger and associated services
The command-line interface provides multiple configuration parameters to help
tune for availability and performance.
- ``--max-inbound-message-size``.
You can use this parameter to increase (or decrease) the maximum size of a
GRPC message. Often, DARs or transactions can become larger than the default
of 4194304 bytes (4 MB). Increasing this will allow for larger transactions,
at the expense of processing time.
- ``--events-page-size``.
When streaming transactions, the API server will query the database in pages
defaulting to a size of 1000. Increasing the page size can increase
performance on servers with enough available memory.
- ``--input-buffer-size``.
Upon submission, commands are placed in a queue. This parameter governs the
size of the queue *per distinct set of parties*, as specified in the
``act_as`` property of the command. A larger queue will allow for more burst
traffic, but will use more memory. The default queue size is 512, after which,
the server will signal backpressure with the ``RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED`` gRPC
status code.
- ``--max-commands-in-flight``.
Increasing the maximum number of commands in flight will allow the API server
to support more concurrent synchronous writes *per distinct set of parties*,
as specified in the ``act_as`` property of the command. This will be at the
expense of greater CPU and memory usage. The default maximum is 256, after
which new submissions will be queued.
Clients can also increase the number of concurrent requests by using the
asynchronous endpoints for command submission and completion.
- ``--max-parallel-submissions``.
Increasing the maximum number of parallel submissions from the default will
allow for a larger queue of commands, but will also increase the CPU and
memory demands of the ledger. The default maximum is 512, after which clients
will receive a ``RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED`` error.
- ``--max-lf-value-translation-cache-entries``.
In production, it is typical for many requests to be similar, resulting in
the transaction verification and translation layer repeating a lot of work.
Specifying a value for the translation cache allows the results of some of
this repetitive work to be cached. The value represents the number of cached
This parameter can be tuned by observing its metrics, described below.
Security and privacy
Trust assumptions
In *Daml Driver for PostgreSQL*, all data is kept centrally by the operator of the
deployment. Thus, it is their responsibility to ensure that the data is treated
with the appropriate care so to respect confidentiality and the applicable
The ledger operator is advised to use the tools available to them to not divulge
private user data, including those documented by PostgreSQL, to protect data at
rest and using a secure communication channel between the *Daml Driver for PostgreSQL*
server and the PostgreSQL server.
Ledger API over TLS
To protect data in transit and over untrusted networks, the Ledger API leverages
TLS support built into gRPC to allow clients to verify the identity of the
server and encrypt the communication channel over which the Ledger API requests
and responses are sent.
To enable TLS, you need to specify the private key for your server and the
certificate chain via ``java -jar daml-on-sql-<version>.jar --pem server.pem --crt server.crt``.
You can also supply private key as an encrypted (using a symmetric AES like algorithm)
file with an ``.enc`` suffix.
While doing so you also need to specify secrets server via ``--tls-secrets-url`` flag
which should serve decryption details as a JSON document like so:
.. code-block:: json
"algorithm": "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding",
"key": "0034567890abcdef1234567890abcdef",
"iv": "1134567890abcdef1234567890abcdef",
"key_length" : 128
Sample command to start a server with private key encrypted: ``java -jar daml-on-sql-<version>.jar --pem server.pem.enc --crt server.crt --tls-secrets-url http://localhost:8080``.
To specify minimum TLS version for the server, add ``--min-tls-version <version>`` to the server invocation.
By default, the Ledger API requires client authentication as well. You can set a
custom root CA certificate used to validate client certificates via ``--cacrt ca.crt``.
You can change the client authentication mode via ``--client-auth none`` which
will disable it completely, ``--client-auth optional`` which makes it optional
or specify the default explicitly via ``--client-auth require``.
To enable certificate revocation checking using the Online Certificate Status
Protocol (OCSP) use ``--cert-revocation-checking true``.
Ledger API Authorization
By default, *Daml Driver for PostgreSQL* accepts all valid Ledger API requests.
You can enable authorization, representing claims as defined by the
`Ledger API authorization documentation <https://docs.daml.com/app-dev/authentication.html#authentication-claims>`__
using the `JWT <https://jwt.io/>`__ format.
The following command line options are available to enable authorization:
- ``--auth-jwt-rs256-crt=<filename>``.
The Ledger API will expect all tokens to be signed with RS256 (RSA Signature
with SHA-256) with the public key loaded from the given X.509 certificate
file. Both PEM-encoded certificates (text files starting with
``-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----``) and DER-encoded certificates (binary files)
are supported.
- ``--auth-jwt-es256-crt=<filename>``.
The Ledger API will expect all tokens to be signed with ES256 (ECDSA using
P-256 and SHA-256) with the public key loaded from the given X.509 certificate
file. Both PEM-encoded certificates (text files starting with
``-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----``) and DER-encoded certicates (binary files) are
- ``--auth-jwt-es512-crt=<filename>``.
The Ledger API will expect all tokens to be signed with ES512 (ECDSA using
P-521 and SHA-512) with the public key loaded from the given X.509 certificate
file. Both PEM-encoded certificates (text files starting with
``-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----``) and DER-encoded certificates (binary files)
are supported.
- ``--auth-jwt-rs256-jwks=<url>``.
The Ledger API will expect all tokens to be signed with RS256 (RSA Signature
with SHA-256) with the public key loaded from the given
`JWKS <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7517>`__ URL.
Testing-only authorization options
For testing purposes only, the following option may also be used. This is not
considered safe for production.
- ``--auth-jwt-hs256-unsafe=<secret>``.
The Ledger API will expect all tokens to be signed with HMAC256 with the given
plaintext secret.
Token payload
The following is an example of a valid JWT payload:
.. code-block:: json
"https://daml.com/ledger-api": {
"ledgerId": "aaaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee",
"participantId": null,
"applicationId": null,
"admin": true,
"actAs": ["Alice"],
"readAs": ["Bob"]
"exp": 1300819380
- ``ledgerId``, ``participantId``, ``applicationId`` restrict the validity of
the token to the given ledger, participant, or application,
- ``exp`` is the standard JWT expiration date (in seconds since Epoch), and
- ``admin``, ``actAs`` and ``readAs`` bear the same meaning as in the Ledger API
authorization documentation.
The ``public`` claim is implicitly held by anyone bearing a valid JWT (even
without being an admin or being able to act or read on behalf of any party).
Generate JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
To generate tokens for testing purposes, use the `jwt.io <https://jwt.io/>`__
web site.
Generate RSA keys
To generate RSA keys for testing purposes, use the following command::
openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -keyout ledger.key -out ledger.crt
which generates the following files:
- ``ledger.key``: the private key in PEM/DER/PKCS#1 format, and
- ``ledger.crt``: a self-signed certificate containing the public key, in
PEM/DER/X.509 Certificate format.
Generate EC keys
To generate keys to be used with ES256 for testing purposes, use the following
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 3650 -newkey ec:<(openssl ecparam -name prime256v1) -keyout ecdsa256.key -out ecdsa256.crt
which generates the following files:
- ``ecdsa256.key``: the private key in PEM/DER/PKCS#1 format, and
- ``ecdsa256.crt``: a self-signed certificate containing the public key, in
PEM/DER/X.509 Certificate format.
Similarly, you can use the following command for ES512 keys::
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 3650 -newkey ec:<(openssl ecparam -name secp521r1) -keyout ecdsa512.key -out ecdsa512.crt
Command-line reference
To start the ledger, run: ``java -jar daml-on-sql-<version>.jar [options]``.
To see all the available options, run:
``java -jar daml-on-sql-<version>.jar --help``.
Configure logging
*Daml Driver for PostgreSQL* uses the industry-standard Logback for logging. You can
read more on how to set it up in the *Daml Driver for PostgreSQL* CLI reference and the
`Logback documentation <http://logback.qos.ch/>`__.
Structured logging
The logging infrastructure leverages structured logging as implemented by the
`Logstash Logback Encoder <https://github.com/logstash/logstash-logback-encoder/blob/logstash-logback-encoder-6.3/README.md>`__.
Each logged event carries information about the request being served by the
Ledger API server (e.g. the command identifier). When using a traditional
logging target (e.g. standard output or rotating files) this information will be
part of the log description. Using a logging target compatible with the Logstash
Logback Encoder allows to have rich logs with structured information about the
event being logged.
Enable and configure reporting
To enable metrics and configure reporting, you can use the following
command-line interface options:
- ``--metrics-reporter``: passing a legal value will enable reporting; the
accepted values are as follows:
- ``console``: prints captured metrics to standard output
- ``csv://</path/to/metrics.csv>``: saves the captured metrics in CSV format
at the specified location
- ``graphite://<server_host>[:<server_port>][/<metric_prefix>]``: sends
captured metrics to a Graphite server. If the port is omitted, the default
value ``2003`` will be used. A ``metric_prefix`` can be specified, causing
all metrics to be reported with the specified prefix.
- ``prometheus://<server_host>[:<server_port>]``: renders captured metrics
on an HTTP endpoint in accordance with the prometheus protocol. If the port
is omitted, the default value ``55001`` will be used. The metrics will be
available under the address ``http://<server_host>:<server_port>/metrics``.
- ``--metrics-reporting-interval``: metrics are pre-aggregated within the *Daml
for PostgreSQL* server and sent to the reporter, this option allows the user
to set the interval. The formats accepted are based on the ISO-8601 duration
format ``PnDTnHnMn.nS`` with days considered to be exactly 24 hours. The
default interval is 10 seconds.
Types of metrics
This is a list of type of metrics with all data points recorded for each.
Use this as a reference when reading the list of metrics.
An individual instantaneous measurement.
Number of occurrences of some event.
A meter tracks the number of times a given event occurred. The following data
points are kept and reported by any meter.
- ``<metric.qualified.name>.count``: number of registered data points overall
- ``<metric.qualified.name>.m1_rate``: number of registered data points per minute
- ``<metric.qualified.name>.m5_rate``: number of registered data points every 5 minutes
- ``<metric.qualified.name>.m15_rate``: number of registered data points every 15 minutes
- ``<metric.qualified.name>.mean_rate``: mean number of registered data points
An histogram records aggregated statistics about collections of events.
The exact meaning of the number depends on the metric (e.g. timers
are histograms about the time necessary to complete an operation).
- ``<metric.qualified.name>.mean``: arithmetic mean
- ``<metric.qualified.name>.stddev``: standard deviation
- ``<metric.qualified.name>.p50``: median
- ``<metric.qualified.name>.p75``: 75th percentile
- ``<metric.qualified.name>.p95``: 95th percentile
- ``<metric.qualified.name>.p98``: 98th percentile
- ``<metric.qualified.name>.p99``: 99th percentile
- ``<metric.qualified.name>.p999``: 99.9th percentile
- ``<metric.qualified.name>.min``: lowest registered value overall
- ``<metric.qualified.name>.max``: highest registered value overall
Histograms only keep a small *reservoir* of statistically relevant data points
to ensure that metrics collection can be reasonably accurate without being
too taxing resource-wise.
Unless mentioned otherwise all histograms (including timers, mentioned below)
use exponentially decaying reservoirs (i.e. the data is roughly relevant for
the last five minutes of recording) to ensure that recent and possibly
operationally relevant changes are visible through the metrics reporter.
Note that ``min`` and ``max`` values are not affected by the reservoir sampling
You can read more about reservoir sampling and possible associated policies
in the `Dropwizard Metrics library documentation <https://metrics.dropwizard.io/4.1.2/manual/core.html#man-core-histograms/>`__.
A timer records all metrics registered by a meter and by an histogram, where
the histogram records the time necessary to execute a given operation (unless
otherwise specified, the precision is nanoseconds and the unit of measurement
is milliseconds).
Database Metrics
A "database metric" is a collection of simpler metrics that keep track of
relevant numbers when interacting with a persistent relational store.
These metrics are:
- ``<metric.qualified.name>.wait`` (timer): time to acquire a connection to the database
- ``<metric.qualified.name>.exec`` (timer): time to run the query and read the result
- ``<metric.qualified.name>.query`` (timer): time to run the query
- ``<metric.qualified.name>.commit`` (timer): time to perform the commit
- ``<metric.qualified.name>.translation`` (timer): if relevant, time necessary to turn serialized Daml-LF values into in-memory objects
Cache Metrics
A "cache metric" is a collection of simpler metrics that keep track of
relevant numbers when interacting with an in-memory cache.
These metrics are:
- ``<metric.qualified.name>.hits`` (counter): the number of cache hits
- ``<metric.qualified.name>.misses`` (counter): the number of cache misses
- ``<metric.qualified.name>.load_successes`` (counter): the number of times a new value is successfully loaded into the cache
- ``<metric.qualified.name>.load_failures`` (counter): the number of times a new value fails to be loaded into the cache
- ``<metric.qualified.name>.load_total_time`` (timer): the total time spent loading new values into the cache
- ``<metric.qualified.name>.evictions`` (counter): the number of cache evictions
- ``<metric.qualified.name>.evicted_weight`` (counter): the total size of the values evicted from the cache
- ``<metric.qualified.name>.size`` (gauge): the size of the cache
- ``<metric.qualified.name>.weight`` (gauge): the total size of all values currently in the cache
List of metrics
The following is a non-exhaustive list of selected metrics that can be
particularly important to track.
A meter. Number of deduplicated commands.
A meter. Number of delayed submissions (submission who have been evaluated to
transaction with a ledger time farther in the future than the expected latency).
A meter. Number of commands that have been deemed unacceptable by the
interpreter and thus rejected (e.g. double spends)
A timer. Time to fully process a submission (validation, deduplication and
interpretation) before it is handed over to the ledger to be finalized (either
committed or rejected).
A meter. Number of submissions that are currently being handled by the ledger
API server (including validation, deduplication, interpretation, and handing
the transaction to the ledger).
A meter. Number of submission that pass validation and are further sent to
deduplication and interpretation.
A timer. Time to validate submitted commands before they are fed to the Daml
A counter. The capacity of the queue accepting submissions on
the CommandService.
A counter. The number of currently pending submissions on
the CommandService.
A timer. Measures the queuing delay for pending submissions
on the CommandService.
A counter. The capacity of the queue tracking completions on
the CommandService for a given party.
A counter. The number of currently pending completions on
the CommandService for a given party.
A timer. Time spent by the engine fetching the packages of compiled Daml code
necessary for interpretation.
A histogram. Number of active contracts fetched for each processed transaction.
A timer. Time to fetch all active contracts necessary to process each
A timer. Time to fetch each individual active contract during interpretation.
A histogram. Number of contract keys looked up for each processed transaction.
A timer. Time to lookup all contract keys necessary to process each transaction.
A timer. Time to lookup each individual contract key during interpretation.
A meter. Overall number of interpretation retries attempted due to mismatching
ledger effective time.
A timer. Time spent interpreting a valid command into a transaction ready to be
submitted to the ledger for finalization (includes executing Daml and fetching
A meter. Number of commands that are currently being interpreted (includes
executing Daml code and fetching data).
A meter. Number of commands that are currently being executed by the Daml engine
(excluding fetching data).
This namespace holds a number of interesting metrics about the connection pool
used to communicate with the persistent store that underlies the index.
These metrics include:
- ``daml.index.db.connection.sandbox.pool.Wait`` (timer): time spent waiting to acquire a connection
- ``daml.index.db.connection.sandbox.pool.Usage`` (histogram): time spent using each acquired connection
- ``daml.index.db.connection.sandbox.pool.TotalConnections`` (gauge): number or total connections
- ``daml.index.db.connection.sandbox.pool.IdleConnections`` (gauge): number of idle connections
- ``daml.index.db.connection.sandbox.pool.ActiveConnections`` (gauge): number of active connections
- ``daml.index.db.connection.sandbox.pool.PendingConnections`` (gauge): number of threads waiting for a connection
A timer. Time spent persisting deduplication information to ensure the continued
working of the deduplication mechanism across restarts.
A database metric. Time spent retrieving a page of active contracts to be served
from the active contract service. The page size is configurable, please look at
the CLI reference.
A database metric. Time spent retrieving a page of command completions to be
served from the command completion service. The page size is configurable,
please look at the CLI reference.
A database metric. Time spent retrieving a page of flat transactions to be
streamed from the transaction service. The page size is configurable, please
look at the CLI reference.
A database metric. Time spent retrieving the current ledger end. The count for
this metric is expected to be very high and always increasing as the indexed is
queried for the latest updates.
A database metric. Time spent retrieving the ledger identifier.
A database metric. Time spent retrieving a page of flat transactions to be
streamed from the transaction service. The page size is configurable, please
look at the CLI reference.
A database metric. Load the currently allocated parties so that they are served
via the party management service.
A database metric. Time spent loading a package of compiled Daml code so that it
is given to the Daml interpreter when needed.
A database metric. Time to load the current entries in the log of configuration
entries. Used to verify whether a configuration has been ultimately set.
A database metric. Time to load the current entries in the log of package
uploads. Used to verify whether a package has been ultimately uploaded.
A database metric. Load the currently uploaded packages so that they are served
via the package management service.
A database metric. Load the currently allocated parties so that they are served
via the party service.
A database metric. Time to load the current entries in the log of party
allocations. Used to verify whether a party has been ultimately allocated.
A database metric. Time to fetch one contract on the index to be used by the
Daml interpreter to evaluate a command into a transaction.
A database metric. Time to fetch the configuration so that it is served via the
configuration management service.
A database metric. Time to lookup one contract key on the index to be used by
the Daml interpreter to evaluate a command into a transaction.
A database metric. Time to lookup a single flat transaction by identifier to be
served by the transaction service.
A database metric. Time spent looking up the ledger effective time of a
transaction as the maximum ledger time of all active contracts involved to
ensure causal monotonicity.
A database metric. Time to lookup a single transaction tree by identifier to be
served by the transaction service.
A database metric. Time spent removing deduplication information after the
expiration of the deduplication window. Deduplication information is persisted
to ensure the continued working of the deduplication mechanism across restarts.
A database metric. Time spent removing deduplication information after the
failure of a command. Deduplication information is persisted to ensure the
continued working of the deduplication mechanism across restarts.
A database metric. Time spent persisting a change in the ledger configuration
provided through the configuration management service.
A database metric. Time spent persisting a transaction that has been
successfully interpreted and is final.
A database metric. Time spent storing a Daml package uploaded through the
package management service.
A database metric. Time spent storing party information as part of the party
allocation endpoint provided by the party management service.
A database metric. Time spent persisting the information that a given command
has been rejected.
A cache metric. Measurements around the optional Daml-LF value translation
Every metrics under this namespace is a timer, one for each service exposed by
the Ledger API, in the format:
As in the following example:
Single call services return the time to serve the request, streaming services
measure the time to return the first response.
Under the ``jvm`` namespace there is a collection of metrics that tracks
important measurements about the JVM that the server is running on, including
CPU usage, memory consumption and the current state of threads.
Daml Ledger Model Compliance
*Daml Driver for PostgreSQL* is tested regularly against the Daml Ledger API Test Tool
to verify that the ledger implements correctly the Daml semantics and to check
its performance envelope.
On top of bespoke unit and integration tests, *Daml Driver for PostgreSQL* is
thoroughly tested with the Ledger API Test Tool to ensure that the
implementation correctly implements the Daml semantics.
These tests check that all the services which are part of the Ledger API behave
as expected, with a particular attention to ensure that issuing commands and
reading transactions respect the confidentiality and privacy guarantees defined
by the Daml Ledger Model.
Performance envelope
Furthermore, this implementation is regularly tested to comply with the Daml
Ledger Implementation Performance Envelope tests.
In particular, the tests are run to ensure that *Daml Driver for PostgreSQL* can:
- process transactions as large as 1 MB
- have a tail latency no greater than 1 second when issuing 20 pings
- have a throughput of 20 pings per second
You can read more on performance tests in the documentation of the
`Ledger API Test Tool <https://docs.daml.com/tools/ledger-api-test-tool/index.html#performance-tests>`__.
Replicate performance envelope tests
The following setup has been used to run the performance envelope tests:
- PostgreSQL server: a GCP Cloud SQL managed instance using PostgreSQL 12, with
1 vCPU, 3.75 GB of RAM, 250 MB/s of network throughput, a 10 GB SDD HD, 1.2
MB/s of R/W disk throughput, 8 RIOPS and 15 WIOPS, no automatic failover or
disk increase, default PostgreSQL 12 configuration.
- *Daml Driver for PostgreSQL* server: a GCP N1-Standard-1 instance, with 1 vCPU, 3.75
GB of RAM, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (64 bit), 10 GB boot disk, OpenJDK 1.8.0_242
- Ledger API test tool client: a GCP F1-Micro instance, with 1 shared vCPU, 614
MB of RAM, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (64 bit), 10 GB boot disk, OpenJDK 1.8.0_242
The three instances were in the same region and availability zone to minimize
the latency between the three.
The tests run to evaluate the performance envelope are:
- PerformanceEnvelope.Latency.1000ms
- PerformanceEnvelope.Throughput.TwentyOPS
- PerformanceEnvelope.TransactionSize.1000KB
Please refer to the documentation for the Ledger API Test Tool to learn how to
run these tests.