Andreas Herrmann 5706f5e15d
Drop early access tag on trigger service and auth middleware (#8611)
* add livez endpoint to auth middleware

* Add OAuth 2.0 middleware to Daml SDK

* unhide trigger service auth flags

- [Triggers] The trigger service now supports authorization through an
  auth middleware. The feature is enabled using the `--auth` and
  `--auth-callback` command-line flags. Please refer to the
  Authorization chapter of the trigger service documentation for further
- [OAuth 2.0 middleware] Daml Connect now includes an implementation of
  the auth middleware API that supports OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code
  Grant. Please refer to the Auth Middleware and OAuth 2.0 Auth
  Middleware chapters of the documentation.

* drop early access flag on triggers

Daml triggers, the trigger service, and the auth middleware are no
longer marked as early access features.

- [Triggers] Daml Triggers and the Trigger Service are no longer in
  early access status.

Co-authored-by: Andreas Herrmann <andreas.herrmann@tweag.io>
2021-01-22 17:02:24 +01:00

175 lines
7.1 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2021 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
load("//daml-lf/language:daml-lf.bzl", "LF_VERSIONS")
load("@build_environment//:configuration.bzl", "sdk_version")
def sdk_tarball(name, version):
name = name,
srcs = [
outs = ["{}.tar.gz".format(name)],
tools = ["//bazel_tools/sh:mktgz"],
cmd = """
# damlc
mkdir -p $$OUT
cp $(location //:NOTICES) $$OUT/NOTICES
cp $(location :install.sh) $$OUT/install.sh
cp $(location :install.bat) $$OUT/install.bat
cp $(location :sdk-config.yaml.tmpl) $$OUT/sdk-config.yaml
sed -i "s/__VERSION__/$$VERSION/" $$OUT/sdk-config.yaml
mkdir -p $$OUT/daml
tar xf $(location //daml-assistant:daml-dist) --strip-components=1 -C $$OUT/daml
mkdir -p $$OUT/damlc
tar xf $(location //compiler/damlc:damlc-dist) --strip-components=1 -C $$OUT/damlc
mkdir -p $$OUT/daml-libs
cp -t $$OUT/daml-libs $(locations //triggers/daml:daml-trigger-dars)
cp -t $$OUT/daml-libs $(locations //daml-script/daml:daml-script-dars)
mkdir -p $$OUT/daml-helper
tar xf $(location //daml-assistant/daml-helper:daml-helper-dist) --strip-components=1 -C $$OUT/daml-helper
mkdir -p $$OUT/daml2js
tar xf $(location //language-support/ts/codegen:daml2js-dist) --strip-components=1 -C $$OUT/daml2js
mkdir -p $$OUT/studio
cp $(location //compiler/daml-extension:vsix) $$OUT/studio/daml-bundled.vsix
mkdir -p $$OUT/templates
tar xf $(location //templates:templates-tarball.tar.gz) --strip-components=1 -C $$OUT/templates
mkdir -p $$OUT/daml-sdk
cp $(location //daml-assistant/daml-sdk:sdk_deploy.jar) $$OUT/daml-sdk/daml-sdk.jar
cp -L $(location //ledger-service/http-json:src/main/resources/logback.xml) $$OUT/daml-sdk/json-api-logback.xml
cp -L $(location //triggers/service:release/trigger-service-logback.xml) $$OUT/daml-sdk/
cp -L $(location //ledger/sandbox-common:src/main/resources/logback.xml) $$OUT/daml-sdk/sandbox-logback.xml
cp -L $(location //navigator/backend:src/main/resources/logback.xml) $$OUT/daml-sdk/navigator-logback.xml
cp -L $(location //extractor:src/main/resources/logback.xml) $$OUT/daml-sdk/extractor-logback.xml
cp -L $(location //language-support/java/codegen:src/main/resources/logback.xml) $$OUT/daml-sdk/codegen-logback.xml
cp -L $(location //triggers/runner:src/main/resources/logback.xml) $$OUT/daml-sdk/trigger-logback.xml
cp -L $(location //daml-script/runner:src/main/resources/logback.xml) $$OUT/daml-sdk/script-logback.xml
$(execpath //bazel_tools/sh:mktgz) $@ $$OUT
""".format(version = version),
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
def _protos_zip_impl(ctx):
posix = ctx.toolchains["@rules_sh//sh/posix:toolchain_type"]
tmp_dir = ctx.actions.declare_directory("tmp_dir")
zipper_args_file = ctx.actions.declare_file(
ctx.label.name + ".zipper_args",
tools = [ctx.executable.tar, ctx.executable.gzip]
inputs = [ctx.file.ledger_api_tarball] + ctx.files.daml_lf_tarballs,
outputs = [tmp_dir],
tools = tools,
command = """
set -eou pipefail
export PATH=$PATH:{path}
tar xf {ledger_api_tarball} -C {tmp_dir}
for file in {lf_tarballs}
tar xf $file -C {tmp_dir}
ledger_api_tarball = ctx.file.ledger_api_tarball.path,
tmp_dir = tmp_dir.path,
lf_tarballs = " ".join([f.path for f in ctx.files.daml_lf_tarballs]),
path = ":".join(["$PWD/`dirname {tool}`".format(tool = tool.path) for tool in tools]),
# zipper does not have an option to recursively zip files so we
# use find to list the files.
outputs = [zipper_args_file],
inputs = [tmp_dir],
command = """
{find} -L {tmp_dir} -type f -printf "protos-{version}/%P=%p\n" > {args_file}
version = sdk_version,
find = posix.commands["find"],
sed = posix.commands["sed"],
tmp_dir = tmp_dir.path,
args_file = zipper_args_file.path,
outputs = [ctx.outputs.out],
inputs = [zipper_args_file, tmp_dir],
executable = ctx.executable.zipper,
arguments = ["cC", ctx.outputs.out.path, "@" + zipper_args_file.path],
protos_zip = rule(
implementation = _protos_zip_impl,
attrs = {
"daml_lf_tarballs": attr.label_list(
allow_files = True,
default = [
for version in LF_VERSIONS
"ledger_api_tarball": attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
default = Label("//ledger-api/grpc-definitions:ledger_api_proto_tar.tar.gz"),
"zipper": attr.label(
default = Label("@bazel_tools//tools/zip:zipper"),
cfg = "host",
executable = True,
allow_files = True,
"tar": attr.label(
default = Label("@tar_dev_env//:tar"),
cfg = "host",
executable = True,
allow_files = True,
"gzip": attr.label(
default = Label("@gzip_dev_env//:gzip"),
cfg = "host",
executable = True,
allow_files = True,
outputs = {
"out": "%{name}.zip",
toolchains = ["@rules_sh//sh/posix:toolchain_type"],