Samir Talwar c764fbe573
contextualized-logging: Introduce different logging types for more structure. [KVL-996] (#10134)
* contextualized-logging: Automatically convert logging values to strings.

For now, this has almost the same behavior, but it allows us to
customize the output in the future.

The main change is that the log format has gone from:

    context: {a=b, x=1, foo=bar}


    context: {a: "b", x: "1", foo: "bar"}

* contextualized-logging: Move `writeTo` inside `LoggingValue`.

* contextualized-logging: Allow for more than just strings.

`null`, numbers, and sequences are now correctly logged.

The log format has gone from:

    context: {a: "b", x: "1", foo: "bar", parties: "[alice, bob]"}


    context: {a: "b", x: 1, foo: "bar", parties: ["alice", "bob"]}

- The log output of Daml components has changed so that the structured
  part is closer to JSON. This allows us to distinguish and parse
  numbers and lists. If you are parsing this log output, you may need to
  change your parser.

  The log output has changed from:

  .. code-block::

     context: {a=b, x=1, foo=bar, parties=[alice, bob]}


  .. code-block::

     context: {a: "b", x: 1, foo: "bar", parties: ["alice", "bob"]}


* contextualized-logging: Extract the string serializer.

* Use non-string logging where possible.

* contextualized-logging: Split logging values from serialization.

So that callers don't have to know about Jackson.

* contextualized-logging: `SeqView` is `Iterable`. Don't need both.

* contextualized-logging: Make `ToStringToLoggingValue` a `val`.

Co-Authored-By: Stephen Compall <stephen.compall@daml.com>

* contextualized-logging: Add a transient dependency for 2.12 only.

This required more infrastructure than I thought it would.

* kvutils: Make it explicit that we're logging the hashes of archives.

The implicit was found to be a little confusing.

Co-authored-by: Stephen Compall <stephen.compall@daml.com>
2021-06-29 09:16:26 +00:00

733 lines
26 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2021 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
load("//bazel_tools:pom_file.bzl", "pom_file")
load("@os_info//:os_info.bzl", "is_windows")
load("//bazel_tools:pkg.bzl", "pkg_empty_zip")
load("@scala_version//:index.bzl", "scala_major_version", "scala_major_version_suffix", "scala_version_suffix")
# This file defines common Scala compiler flags and plugins used throughout
# this repository. The initial set of flags is taken from the ledger-client
# project. If you find that additional flags are required for another project,
# consider whether all projects could benefit from these changes. If so, add
# them here.
# Use the macros `da_scala_*` defined in this file, instead of the stock rules
# `scala_*` from `rules_scala` in order for these default flags to take effect.
def resolve_scala_deps(deps, scala_deps = [], versioned_deps = {}, versioned_scala_deps = {}):
return deps + \
versioned_deps.get(scala_major_version, []) + \
"{}_{}".format(d, scala_major_version_suffix)
for d in scala_deps +
versioned_scala_deps.get(scala_major_version, [])
def extra_scalacopts(scala_deps, plugins):
return (["-P:silencer:lineContentFilters=import scala.collection.compat._"] if (scala_major_version != "2.12" and
silencer_plugin in plugins and
"@maven//:org_scala_lang_modules_scala_collection_compat" in scala_deps) else [])
version_specific = {
"2.12": [
# these two flags turn on source-incompatible enhancements that are always
# on in Scala 2.13. Despite the naming, though, the most impactful and
# 2.13-like change is -Ypartial-unification. -Xsource:2.13 only turns on
# some minor, but in one specific case (scala/bug#10283) essential bug fixes
# adapted args is a deprecated feature:
# `def foo(a: (A, B))` can be called with `foo(a, b)`.
# properly it should be `foo((a,b))`
"-Xlint:by-name-right-associative", # will never be by-name if used correctly
common_scalacopts = version_specific.get(scala_major_version, []) + [
# doesn't allow advance features of the language without explict import
# (higherkinds, implicits)
# more detailed type errors
# more detailed information about type-erasure related warnings
# warn if using deprecated stuff
# better error reporting for pureconfig
# catch missing string interpolators
"-Xlint:constant", # / 0
"-Xlint:doc-detached", # floating Scaladoc comment
"-Xlint:inaccessible", # method uses invisible types
"-Xlint:infer-any", # less thorough but less buggy version of the Any wart
"-Xlint:option-implicit", # implicit conversion arg might be null
"-Xlint:package-object-classes", # put them directly in the package
"-Xlint:poly-implicit-overload", # implicit conversions don't mix with overloads
"-Xlint:private-shadow", # name shadowing
"-Xlint:type-parameter-shadow", # name shadowing
# Warn about implicit conversion between numerical types
# Gives a warning for functions declared as returning Unit, but the body returns a value
# Allow `@nowarn` annotations that allegedly do nothing (necessary because of false positives)
plugin_deps = [
common_plugins = [
version_specific_warts = {
"2.12": [
# On 2.13, this also triggers in string interpolation
# https://github.com/wartremover/wartremover/issues/447
plugin_scalacopts = [
] + ["-P:wartremover:traverser:org.wartremover.warts.%s" % wart for wart in version_specific_warts.get(scala_major_version, []) + [
# This lists all wartremover linting passes.
# "Any",
# "AsInstanceOf",
# "DefaultArguments",
# "EitherProjectionPartial",
# "Equals",
# "FinalCaseClass",
# "FinalVal",
# "ImplicitConversion",
# "ImplicitParameter",
# "IsInstanceOf",
# "JavaConversions",
# "MutableDataStructures",
# "NonUnitStatements",
# "Nothing",
# "Null",
# "OptionPartial",
# "Overloading",
# "PublicInference",
# "Recursion",
# "Throw",
# "ToString",
# "TraversableOps",
# "TryPartial",
# "Var",
# "While",
# delete items from lf_scalacopts as they are restored to common_scalacopts and plugin_scalacopts
# # calculate items to delete
# $ python
# ... copypaste ...
# >>> filter(set(common_scalacopts + plugin_scalacopts).__contains__, lf_scalacopts)
# []
# ^ means nothing to remove
lf_scalacopts = [
default_compile_arguments = {
"unused_dependency_checker_mode": "error",
silencer_plugin = "@maven//:com_github_ghik_silencer_plugin_{}".format(scala_version_suffix)
default_initial_heap_size = "128m"
default_max_heap_size = "1g"
default_scalac_stack_size = "2m"
def _jvm_flags(initial_heap_size, max_heap_size):
return ["-Xms{}".format(initial_heap_size), "-Xmx{}".format(max_heap_size)]
def _set_compile_jvm_flags(
initial_heap_size = default_initial_heap_size,
max_heap_size = default_max_heap_size,
scalac_stack_size = default_scalac_stack_size):
jvm_flags = _jvm_flags(initial_heap_size, max_heap_size)
result = {}
"scalac_jvm_flags": arguments.get("scalac_jvm_flags", []) + ["-Xss{}".format(scalac_stack_size)] + jvm_flags,
return result
def _set_jvm_flags(
initial_heap_size = default_initial_heap_size,
max_heap_size = default_max_heap_size,
scalac_stack_size = default_scalac_stack_size):
jvm_flags = _jvm_flags(initial_heap_size, max_heap_size)
result = {}
"scalac_jvm_flags": arguments.get("scalac_jvm_flags", []) + ["-Xss{}".format(scalac_stack_size)] + jvm_flags,
"jvm_flags": arguments.get("jvm_flags", []) + jvm_flags,
return result
def _wrap_rule(
name = "",
scalacopts = [],
plugins = [],
generated_srcs = [], # hiding from the underlying rule
deps = [],
scala_deps = [],
versioned_deps = {},
versioned_scala_deps = {},
runtime_deps = [],
scala_runtime_deps = [],
exports = [],
scala_exports = [],
deps = resolve_scala_deps(deps, scala_deps, versioned_deps, versioned_scala_deps)
runtime_deps = resolve_scala_deps(runtime_deps, scala_runtime_deps)
exports = resolve_scala_deps(exports, scala_exports)
if (len(exports) > 0):
kwargs["exports"] = exports
compat_scalacopts = extra_scalacopts(scala_deps = scala_deps, plugins = plugins)
name = name,
scalacopts = common_scalacopts + plugin_scalacopts + compat_scalacopts + scalacopts,
plugins = common_plugins + plugins,
deps = deps,
runtime_deps = runtime_deps,
def _wrap_rule_no_plugins(
deps = [],
scala_deps = [],
versioned_deps = {},
versioned_scala_deps = {},
runtime_deps = [],
scala_runtime_deps = [],
scalacopts = [],
deps = resolve_scala_deps(deps, scala_deps, versioned_deps, versioned_scala_deps)
runtime_deps = resolve_scala_deps(runtime_deps, scala_runtime_deps)
scalacopts = common_scalacopts + scalacopts,
deps = deps,
runtime_deps = runtime_deps,
def _strip_path_upto(path, upto):
idx = path.find(upto)
if idx >= 0:
return [path[idx + len(upto):].strip("/")]
return []
def _scala_source_jar_impl(ctx):
manifest_file = ctx.actions.declare_file(
ctx.label.name + "_MANIFEST.MF",
ctx.actions.write(manifest_file, "Manifest-Version: 1.0\n")
zipper_args_file = ctx.actions.declare_file(
ctx.label.name + ".zipper_args",
sibling = manifest_file,
tmpsrcdirs = []
zipper_args = ["META-INF/MANIFEST.MF=" + manifest_file.path]
for src in ctx.files.srcs:
# Check for common extensions that indicate that the file is a ZIP archive.
if src.extension == "srcjar" or src.extension == "jar" or src.extension == "zip":
tmpsrcdir = ctx.actions.declare_directory("%s_%s_tmpdir" % (ctx.label.name, src.owner.name))
executable = ctx.executable._zipper,
inputs = [src],
outputs = [tmpsrcdir],
arguments = ["x", src.path, "-d", tmpsrcdir.path],
mnemonic = "ScalaUnpackSourceJar",
for new_path in _strip_path_upto(src.path, ctx.attr.strip_upto):
zipper_args.append("%s=%s" % (new_path, src.path))
posix = ctx.toolchains["@rules_sh//sh/posix:toolchain_type"]
if len(tmpsrcdirs) > 0:
tmpsrc_cmds = [
"({find} -L {tmpsrc_path} -type f | {sed} -E 's#^{tmpsrc_path}/(.*)$#\\1={tmpsrc_path}/\\1#')".format(
find = posix.commands["find"],
sed = posix.commands["sed"],
tmpsrc_path = tmpsrcdir.path,
for tmpsrcdir in tmpsrcdirs
cmd = "(echo -e \"{src_paths}\" && {joined_tmpsrc_cmds}) | {sort} > {args_file}".format(
src_paths = "\\n".join(zipper_args),
joined_tmpsrc_cmds = " && ".join(tmpsrc_cmds),
args_file = zipper_args_file.path,
sort = posix.commands["sort"],
inputs = tmpsrcdirs + [manifest_file] + ctx.files.srcs
cmd = "echo -e \"{src_paths}\" | {sort} > {args_file}".format(
src_paths = "\\n".join(zipper_args),
args_file = zipper_args_file.path,
sort = posix.commands["sort"],
inputs = [manifest_file] + ctx.files.srcs
mnemonic = "ScalaFindSourceFiles",
outputs = [zipper_args_file],
inputs = inputs,
command = cmd,
progress_message = "find_scala_source_files %s" % zipper_args_file.path,
executable = ctx.executable._zipper,
inputs = inputs + [zipper_args_file],
outputs = [ctx.outputs.out],
arguments = ["c", ctx.outputs.out.path, "@" + zipper_args_file.path],
mnemonic = "ScalaSourceJar",
scala_source_jar = rule(
implementation = _scala_source_jar_impl,
attrs = {
"srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
# The string to strip up to from source file paths.
# E.g. "main/scala" strips "foo/src/main/scala/com/daml/Foo.scala"
# to "com/daml/Foo.scala".
# Files not matching are not included in the source jar,
# so you may end up with empty source jars.
# TODO(JM): Add support for multiple options.
"strip_upto": attr.string(default = "main/scala"),
"_zipper": attr.label(
default = Label("@bazel_tools//tools/zip:zipper"),
cfg = "host",
executable = True,
allow_files = True,
outputs = {
"out": "%{name}.jar",
toolchains = ["@rules_sh//sh/posix:toolchain_type"],
def _create_scala_source_jar(**kwargs):
# Try to not create empty source jars. We may still end up
# with them if the "strip_upto" does not match any of the
# paths.
if len(kwargs["srcs"]) > 0:
name = kwargs["name"] + "_src",
srcs = kwargs["srcs"],
def _build_nosrc_jar(ctx):
# this ensures the file is not empty
manifest_path = ctx.actions.declare_file("%s_MANIFEST.MF" % ctx.label.name)
ctx.actions.write(manifest_path, "Manifest-Version: 1.0")
resources = "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF=%s\n" % manifest_path.path
zipper_arg_path = ctx.actions.declare_file("%s_zipper_args" % ctx.label.name)
ctx.actions.write(zipper_arg_path, resources)
cmd = """
rm -f {jar_output}
{zipper} c {jar_output} @{path}
cmd = cmd.format(
path = zipper_arg_path.path,
jar_output = ctx.outputs.out.path,
zipper = ctx.executable._zipper.path,
outs = [ctx.outputs.out]
inputs = [manifest_path]
inputs = inputs,
tools = [ctx.executable._zipper, zipper_arg_path],
outputs = outs,
command = cmd,
progress_message = "scala %s" % ctx.label,
arguments = [],
def _scaladoc_jar_impl(ctx):
# Detect an actual scala source file rather than a srcjar or other label
srcFiles = [
for src in ctx.files.srcs
if src.is_source or src in ctx.files.generated_srcs
if srcFiles != []:
# The following plugin handling is lifted from a private library of 'rules_scala'.
# https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_scala/blob/1cffc5fcae1f553a7619b98bf7d6456d65081665/scala/private/rule_impls.bzl#L130
pluginPaths = []
for p in ctx.attr.plugins:
if hasattr(p, "path"):
elif hasattr(p, "scala"):
pluginPaths.extend([j.class_jar for j in p.scala.outputs.jars])
elif hasattr(p, "java"):
pluginPaths.extend([j.class_jar for j in p.java.outputs.jars])
# support http_file pointed at a jar. http_jar uses ijar,
# which breaks scala macros
elif hasattr(p, "files"):
pluginPaths.extend([f for f in p.files.to_list() if "-sources.jar" not in f.basename])
transitive_deps = [dep[JavaInfo].transitive_deps for dep in ctx.attr.deps]
classpath = depset([], transitive = transitive_deps).to_list()
outdir = ctx.actions.declare_directory(ctx.label.name + "_tmpdir")
root_content = []
if ctx.attr.root_content != None:
root_content = [ctx.files.root_content[0]]
args = ctx.actions.args()
args.add_all(["-d", outdir.path])
args.add_all("-doc-root-content", root_content)
if classpath != []:
args.add_joined(classpath, join_with = ":")
args.add_joined(pluginPaths, join_with = ",", format_joined = "-Xplugin:%s")
if ctx.attr.doctitle != None:
args.add_all(["-doc-title", ctx.attr.doctitle])
executable = ctx.executable._scaladoc,
inputs = ctx.files.srcs + classpath + pluginPaths + root_content,
outputs = [outdir],
arguments = [args],
mnemonic = "ScaladocGen",
# since we only have the output directory of the scaladoc generation we need to find
# all the files below sources_out and add them to the zipper args file
zipper_args_file = ctx.actions.declare_file(ctx.label.name + ".zipper_args")
posix = ctx.toolchains["@rules_sh//sh/posix:toolchain_type"]
mnemonic = "ScaladocFindOutputFiles",
outputs = [zipper_args_file],
inputs = [outdir],
command = "{find} -L {src_path} -type f | {sed} -E 's#^{src_path}/(.*)$#\\1={src_path}/\\1#' | {sort} > {args_file}".format(
find = posix.commands["find"],
sed = posix.commands["sed"],
sort = posix.commands["sort"],
src_path = outdir.path,
args_file = zipper_args_file.path,
progress_message = "find_scaladoc_output_files %s" % zipper_args_file.path,
executable = ctx.executable._zipper,
inputs = ctx.files.srcs + classpath + [outdir, zipper_args_file],
outputs = [ctx.outputs.out],
arguments = ["c", ctx.outputs.out.path, "@" + zipper_args_file.path],
mnemonic = "ScaladocJar",
scaladoc_jar = rule(
implementation = _scaladoc_jar_impl,
attrs = {
"deps": attr.label_list(),
"doctitle": attr.string(default = ""),
"plugins": attr.label_list(default = []),
"srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
# generated source files that should still be included.
"generated_srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
"scalacopts": attr.string_list(),
"root_content": attr.label(allow_single_file = True),
"_zipper": attr.label(
default = Label("@bazel_tools//tools/zip:zipper"),
cfg = "host",
executable = True,
allow_files = True,
"_scaladoc": attr.label(
default = Label("@scala_nix//:bin/scaladoc"),
cfg = "host",
executable = True,
allow_files = True,
outputs = {
"out": "%{name}.jar",
toolchains = ["@rules_sh//sh/posix:toolchain_type"],
Generates a Scaladoc jar path/to/target/<name>.jar.
srcs: source files to process
deps: targets that contain references to other types referenced in Scaladoc.
doctitle: title for Scalaadoc's index.html. Typically the name of the library
def _create_scaladoc_jar(
plugins = [],
deps = [],
scala_deps = [],
versioned_deps = {},
versioned_scala_deps = {},
scalacopts = [],
generated_srcs = [],
# Limit execution to Linux and MacOS
if is_windows == False:
deps = resolve_scala_deps(deps, scala_deps, versioned_deps, versioned_scala_deps)
compat_scalacopts = extra_scalacopts(scala_deps = scala_deps, plugins = plugins)
name = name + "_scaladoc",
deps = deps,
srcs = srcs,
scalacopts = common_scalacopts + plugin_scalacopts + compat_scalacopts + scalacopts,
plugins = common_plugins + plugins,
generated_srcs = generated_srcs,
tags = ["scaladoc"],
def _create_scala_repl(
deps = [],
scala_deps = [],
versioned_deps = {},
versioned_scala_deps = {},
runtime_deps = [],
scala_runtime_deps = [],
tags = [],
# hiding the following from the `scala_repl` rule
main_class = None,
exports = None,
scala_exports = None,
scalac_opts = None,
generated_srcs = None,
name = name + "_repl"
deps = resolve_scala_deps(deps, scala_deps, versioned_deps, versioned_scala_deps)
runtime_deps = resolve_scala_deps(runtime_deps, scala_runtime_deps)
tags = tags + ["manual"]
scala_repl(name = name, deps = deps, runtime_deps = runtime_deps, tags = tags, **kwargs)
def da_scala_library(name, **kwargs):
Define a Scala library.
Applies common Scala options defined in `bazel_tools/scala.bzl`.
And forwards to `scala_library` from `rules_scala`.
Refer to the [`rules_scala` documentation][rules_scala_library_docs].
[rules_scala_library_docs]: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_scala/blob/master/docs/scala_library.md
arguments = {}
arguments = _set_compile_jvm_flags(arguments)
_wrap_rule(scala_library, name, **arguments)
_create_scala_source_jar(name = name, **arguments)
_create_scaladoc_jar(name = name, **arguments)
_create_scala_repl(name = name, **kwargs)
if "tags" in arguments:
for tag in arguments["tags"]:
if tag.startswith("maven_coordinates="):
name = name + "_pom",
target = ":" + name,
def da_scala_macro_library(name, **kwargs):
Define a Scala macro library.
Applies common Scala options defined in `bazel_tools/scala.bzl`.
And forwards to `scala_macro_library` from `rules_scala`.
Refer to the [`rules_scala` documentation][rules_scala_macro_library_docs].
[rules_scala_macro_library_docs]: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_scala/blob/master/docs/scala_macro_library.md
arguments = {}
arguments = _set_compile_jvm_flags(arguments)
_wrap_rule(scala_macro_library, name, **arguments)
_create_scala_source_jar(name = name, **arguments)
_create_scaladoc_jar(name = name, **arguments)
_create_scala_repl(name = name, **kwargs)
if "tags" in arguments:
for tag in arguments["tags"]:
if tag.startswith("maven_coordinates="):
name = name + "_pom",
target = ":" + name,
def da_scala_library_suite(name, scaladoc = True, **kwargs):
Define a suite of Scala libraries as a single target.
Applies common Scala options defined in `bazel_tools/scala.bzl`.
And forwards to `scala_library_suite` from `rules_scala`.
Refer to the [`rules_scala` documentation][rules_scala_library_suite_docs].
[rules_scala_library_suite_docs]: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_scala/blob/master/docs/scala_library_suite.md
arguments = {}
arguments = _set_compile_jvm_flags(arguments)
_wrap_rule(scala_library_suite, name, **arguments)
_create_scala_source_jar(name = name, **arguments)
if scaladoc == True:
_create_scaladoc_jar(name = name, **arguments)
if "tags" in arguments:
for tag in arguments["tags"]:
if tag.startswith("maven_coordinates="):
fail("Usage of maven_coordinates in da_scala_library_suite is NOT supported", "tags")
def da_scala_binary(name, initial_heap_size = default_initial_heap_size, max_heap_size = default_max_heap_size, **kwargs):
Define a Scala executable.
Applies common Scala options defined in `bazel_tools/scala.bzl`.
And forwards to `scala_binary` from `rules_scala`.
Refer to the [`rules_scala` documentation][rules_scala_docs].
[rules_scala_docs]: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_scala#scala_binary
arguments = {}
arguments = _set_jvm_flags(arguments, initial_heap_size = initial_heap_size, max_heap_size = max_heap_size)
_wrap_rule(scala_binary, name, **arguments)
if "tags" in arguments:
for tag in arguments["tags"]:
if tag.startswith("maven_coordinates="):
name = name + "_pom",
target = ":" + name,
# Create empty Sources JAR for uploading to Maven Central
name = name + "_src",
out = name + "_src.jar",
# Create empty javadoc JAR for uploading deploy jars to Maven Central
name = name + "_javadoc",
out = name + "_javadoc.jar",
def da_scala_test(initial_heap_size = default_initial_heap_size, max_heap_size = default_max_heap_size, **kwargs):
Define a Scala executable that runs the unit tests in the given source files.
Applies common Scala options defined in `bazel_tools/scala.bzl`.
And forwards to `scala_test` from `rules_scala`.
Refer to the [`rules_scala` documentation][rules_scala_docs].
[rules_scala_docs]: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_scala#scala_test
arguments = {}
arguments = _set_jvm_flags(arguments, initial_heap_size = initial_heap_size, max_heap_size = max_heap_size)
_wrap_rule(scala_test, **arguments)
def da_scala_test_suite(initial_heap_size = default_initial_heap_size, max_heap_size = default_max_heap_size, **kwargs):
Define a Scala test executable for each source file and bundle them into one target.
Applies common Scala options defined in `bazel_tools/scala.bzl`.
And forwards to `scala_test_suite` from `rules_scala`.
Refer to the [`rules_scala` documentation][rules_scala_docs].
[rules_scala_docs]: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_scala#scala_test_suite
arguments = {}
arguments = _set_jvm_flags(arguments, initial_heap_size = initial_heap_size, max_heap_size = max_heap_size)
_wrap_rule(scala_test_suite, use_short_names = is_windows, **arguments)
# TODO make the jmh rule work with plugins -- probably
# just a matter of passing the flag in
def da_scala_benchmark_jmh(
deps = [],
scala_deps = [],
versioned_deps = {},
versioned_scala_deps = {},
runtime_deps = [],
scala_runtime_deps = [],
deps = resolve_scala_deps(deps, scala_deps, versioned_deps, versioned_scala_deps)
runtime_deps = resolve_scala_deps(runtime_deps, scala_runtime_deps)
_wrap_rule_no_plugins(scala_benchmark_jmh, deps, runtime_deps, **kwargs)