Moisés Ackerman 6ae0e0111e
Upgrade to Bazel 5 (again) (#17319)
* Update to rules_haskell v0.16
* Update comments re bazel patches
* clean up bazel overrides
* Upgrade to Bazel 5.2.0
* Remove '--distinct_host_configuration=false'
* Update buildifier to 6.3.2
* Suffix macos and ubuntu caches with yyyymm
* bump windows cache to v14
* [REVERTME] bump linux/macos/darwin timeout to 4h
2023-09-01 15:15:36 +02:00

123 lines
3.6 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
load("//bazel_tools:pom_file.bzl", "pom_file")
load("@os_info//:os_info.bzl", "is_windows")
load("@com_github_google_bazel_common//tools/javadoc:javadoc.bzl", "javadoc_library")
load("@io_tweag_rules_nixpkgs//nixpkgs:nixpkgs.bzl", "nixpkgs_package")
load("//bazel_tools:pkg.bzl", "pkg_empty_zip")
load("//bazel_tools/dev_env_tool:dev_env_tool.bzl", "dadew_tool_home", "dadew_where")
def _dadew_java_configure_impl(repository_ctx):
ps = repository_ctx.which("powershell")
dadew = dadew_where(repository_ctx, ps)
java_home = dadew_tool_home(dadew, repository_ctx.attr.dadew_path)
repository_ctx.file("BUILD.bazel", executable = False, content = """
load("@rules_java//java:defs.bzl", "java_runtime")
name = "runtime",
java_home = r"{java_home}",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
name = "toolchain",
toolchain = ":runtime",
toolchain_type = "@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:runtime_toolchain_type",
exec_compatible_with = [
target_compatible_with = [
java_home = java_home.replace("\\", "/"),
_dadew_java_configure = repository_rule(
implementation = _dadew_java_configure_impl,
attrs = {
"dadew_path": attr.string(
mandatory = True,
doc = "The installation path of the JDK within dadew.",
configure = True,
local = True,
doc = """\
Define a Java runtime provided by dadew.
Creates a `java_runtime` that uses the JDK installed by dadew.
def dadew_java_configure(name, dadew_path):
name = name,
dadew_path = dadew_path,
def da_java_library(
data = [],
resources = [],
resource_strip_prefix = None,
tags = [],
visibility = None,
exports = [],
root_packages = None
for tag in tags:
if tag.startswith("javadoc_root_packages="):
root_packages = tag[len("javadoc_root_packages="):].split(":")
name = name,
deps = deps,
srcs = srcs,
data = data,
resources = resources,
resource_strip_prefix = resource_strip_prefix,
tags = tags,
visibility = visibility,
exports = exports,
name = name + "_pom",
tags = tags,
target = ":" + name,
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
# Disable the building of Javadoc on Windows as the rule fails to
# find the sources under Windows.
if root_packages and is_windows == False:
name = name + "_javadoc",
deps = deps + [name],
srcs = srcs,
root_packages = root_packages,
def da_java_proto_library(name, **kwargs):
native.java_proto_library(name = name, **kwargs)
name = name + "_pom",
target = ":" + name,
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
# Create empty javadoc JAR for uploading proto jars to Maven Central
# we don't need to create an empty zip for sources, because java_proto_library
# creates a sources jar as a side effect automatically
name = name + "_javadoc",
out = name + "_javadoc.jar",