Gary Verhaegen 1872c668a5
replace DAML Authors with DA in copyright headers (#5228)
Change requested by Manoj.

2020-03-27 01:26:10 +01:00

83 lines
3.1 KiB

.. Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
.. _deploy-ref_overview:
Overview of DAML ledgers
This is an overview of DAML deployment options. Instructions on how to deploy to a specific ledger
are available in the following section.
Commercial Integrations
The following table lists commercially supported DAML ledgers and environments that are available
for production use today.
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
* - Product
- Ledger
- Vendor
* - `Sextant for DAML <https://blockchaintp.com/sextant/daml/>`__
- `Amazon Aurora <https://aws.amazon.com/rds/aurora/>`__
- `Blockchain Technology Partners <https://blockchaintp.com/>`__
* - `Sextant for DAML <https://blockchaintp.com/sextant/daml/>`__
- `Hyperledger Sawtooth <https://sawtooth.hyperledger.org/>`__
- `Blockchain Technology Partners <https://blockchaintp.com/>`__
* - `project : DABL <https://projectdabl.com/>`__
- `Managed cloud enviroment <https://projectdabl.com/>`__
- `Digital Asset <https://digitalasset.com/>`__
.. _deploy-ref_open_source:
Open Source Integrations
The following table lists open source DAML integrations.
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
* - Ledger
- Developer
- More Information
* - `Hyperledger Sawtooth <https://sawtooth.hyperledger.org/>`__
- `Blockchain Technology Partners <https://blockchaintp.com/>`__
- `Github Repo <https://github.com/blockchaintp/daml-on-sawtooth>`__
* - `Hyperledger Fabric <https://www.hyperledger.org/projects/fabric>`__
- `Hacera <https://hacera.com/>`__
- `Github Repo <https://github.com/hacera/daml-on-fabric>`__
* - `PostgreSQL <https://www.postgresql.org/>`__
- `Digital Asset <https://digitalasset.com/>`__
- `DAML Sandbox Docs <https://docs.daml.com/tools/sandbox.html>`__
.. _deploy-ref_in_development:
DAML Ledgers in Development
The following table lists the ledgers that are implementing support for running DAML.
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
* - Ledger
- Developer
- More Information
* - `VMware Blockchain <https://blogs.vmware.com/blockchain>`__
- `VMware <https://www.vmware.com/>`__
- `Press release, April 2019 <http://hub.digitalasset.com/press-release/digital-asset-daml-smart-contract-language-now-extended-to-vmware-blockchain>`__
* - `Corda <https://www.corda.net/>`__
- `R3 <https://www.corda.net/>`__
- `press release, June 2019 <https://hub.digitalasset.com/press-release/digital-asset-announces-daml-partner-integrations-with-hyperledger-fabric-r3-corda-and-amazon-aurora>`__
* - `QLDB <https://aws.amazon.com/qldb/>`__
- `Blockchain Technology Partners <https://blockchaintp.com/>`__
- `press release, September 2019 <https://blog.daml.com/daml-driven/quantum-daml-amazon-qldb-goes-ga>`__
* - `Canton <https://www.canton.io/>`__
- `Digital Asset <https://digitalasset.com/>`__ reference implementation
- `canton.io <https://www.canton.io/>`__