2023-11-01 20:14:09 +00:00

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-- Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
module Main (main) where
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Lens (view)
import Control.Monad
import Crypto.Hash (digestFromByteString, hashlazy, Digest, SHA256)
import Data.ByteArray.Encoding (Base(Base16), convertFromBase, convertToBase)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.Either (fromRight, rights)
import Data.Either.Extra (eitherToMaybe)
import Data.List
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.SemVer (Version)
import qualified Data.SemVer as SemVer
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Network.HTTP.Client (responseTimeout, responseTimeoutMicro)
import Network.HTTP.Simple
import Options.Applicative
import System.IO.Extra
import qualified System.Process
newtype Versions = Versions { getVersions :: Set Version }
deriving Show
instance Semigroup Versions where
Versions a <> Versions b = Versions (a <> b)
minimumVersion :: Version
minimumVersion = fromRight (error "Invalid version") $ SemVer.fromText "1.16.0"
headVersion :: Version
headVersion = SemVer.initial
-- We include this here so buildifier does not modify this file.
copyrightHeader :: [T.Text]
copyrightHeader =
[ "# Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved."
, "# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0"
renderVersionsFile :: Versions -> Map Version Checksums -> T.Text
renderVersionsFile (Versions (Set.toAscList -> versions)) checksums =
T.unlines $ concat
[ copyrightHeader
, [ "# This file is autogenerated and should not be modified manually."
, "# Update versions/UpdateVersions.hs instead."
, [ "sdk_versions = [" ]
, map renderVersion (versions <> [headVersion])
, [ "]"]
, [ "platform_versions = [" ]
, map renderVersion (versions <> [headVersion])
, [ "]" ]
, [ "stable_versions = [" ]
, map renderVersion (stableVersions <> [headVersion])
, [ "]" ]
, [ "latest_stable_version = \"" <> SemVer.toText (last stableVersions) <> "\"" ]
, [ "version_sha256s = {"]
, concatMap renderChecksums (Map.toList checksums)
, [ "}" ]
renderChecksums (ver, Checksums{..}) = concat
[ [ " \"" <> SemVer.toText ver <> "\": {"
, " \"linux\": " <> renderDigest linuxHash <> ","
, " \"macos\": " <> renderDigest macosHash <> ","
, " \"windows\": " <> renderDigest windowsHash <> ","
, " \"test_tool\": " <> renderDigest testToolHash <> ","
, " \"daml_types\": " <> renderDigest damlTypesHash <> ","
, " \"daml_ledger\": " <> renderDigest damlLedgerHash <> ","
, " \"daml_react\": " <> renderDigest damlReactHash <> ","
, [ " \"create_daml_app_patch\": " <> renderDigest hash <> ","
| Just hash <- [mbCreateDamlAppPatchHash]
, [ " }," ]
renderDigest digest = T.pack $ show (convertToBase Base16 digest :: ByteString)
renderVersion ver = " \"" <> SemVer.toText ver <> "\","
stableVersions = filter (null . view SemVer.release) versions
data Opts = Opts
{ outputFile :: FilePath
} deriving Show
data Checksums = Checksums
{ linuxHash :: Digest SHA256
, macosHash :: Digest SHA256
, windowsHash :: Digest SHA256
, testToolHash :: Digest SHA256
, damlTypesHash :: Digest SHA256
, damlLedgerHash :: Digest SHA256
, damlReactHash :: Digest SHA256
, mbCreateDamlAppPatchHash :: Maybe (Digest SHA256)
-- ^ Nothing for older versions
-- | The messaging patch wasnt included in 1.0.0 directly
-- but only added later.
-- However, the code did not change and we can apply
-- the later patch on the older versions.
-- Therefore we fallback to using the patch from this version
-- for releases before this one.
firstMessagingPatch :: Version
firstMessagingPatch =
fromRight (error "Invalid version") $
SemVer.fromText "1.1.0-snapshot.20200422.3991.0.6391ee9f"
getChecksums :: Version -> IO Checksums
getChecksums ver = do
putStrLn ("Requesting hashes for " <> SemVer.toString ver)
req <- parseRequestThrow sha256Url
lines <- map T.words . T.lines . T.decodeUtf8 . BSL.toStrict . getResponseBody <$> httpLbs req
Just [linuxHash, macosHash, windowsHash] <- pure $
forM [sdkFilePath "linux", sdkFilePath "macos", sdkFilePath "windows"] $ \path -> do
-- This is fairly hacky but given that we only run this script
-- offline that seems fine for now.
(base16Hash : _) <- find (\line -> path == line !! 1) lines
byteHash <- (eitherToMaybe . convertFromBase Base16 . T.encodeUtf8) base16Hash
digestFromByteString @SHA256 @ByteString byteHash
[ testToolHash, damlTypesHash, damlLedgerHash, damlReactHash] <-
[ testToolUrl
, tsLib "types"
, tsLib "ledger"
, tsLib "react"
] getHash
mbCreateDamlAppPatchHash <- traverse getHash mbCreateDamlAppUrl
pure Checksums {..}
where sdkFilePath platform = T.pack $
"./daml-sdk-" <> SemVer.toString ver <> "-" <> platform <> ".tar.gz"
sha256Url =
"https://github.com/digital-asset/daml/releases/download/v" <>
SemVer.toString ver <> "/sha256sums"
testToolUrl =
"https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/daml/ledger-api-test-tool/" <>
SemVer.toString ver <> "/ledger-api-test-tool-" <> SemVer.toString ver <> ".jar"
tsLib name =
"https://registry.npmjs.org/@daml/" <> name <>
"/-/" <> name <> "-" <> SemVer.toString ver <> ".tgz"
| ver >= firstMessagingPatch =
Just $
"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/digital-asset/daml/v" <> SemVer.toString ver
<> "/templates/create-daml-app-test-resources/messaging.patch"
| otherwise = Nothing
getHash url = do
req <- parseRequestThrow url
bs <- httpLbs req { responseTimeout = responseTimeoutMicro (60 * 10 ^ (6 :: Int) ) }
let !hash = hashlazy (getResponseBody bs)
pure hash
optsParser :: Parser Opts
optsParser = Opts
<$> strOption (short 'o' <> help "Path to output file")
getVersionsFromTags :: IO (Set Version)
getVersionsFromTags = do
tags <- lines <$> System.Process.readProcess "git" ["tag"] ""
let versions = Set.fromList $ rights $ mapMaybe (fmap (SemVer.fromText . T.pack) . stripPrefix "v") tags
return $ latestPatchVersions $ Set.filter (null . view SemVer.release) versions
-- | Given a set of versions filter it to those that are the latest patch release in a given
-- major.minor series.
latestPatchVersions :: Set Version -> Set Version
latestPatchVersions allVersions =
Set.filter (\version -> all (f version) allVersions) allVersions
f this that = toMajorMinor this /= toMajorMinor that || view SemVer.patch this >= view SemVer.patch that
toMajorMinor v = (view SemVer.major v, view SemVer.minor v)
additionalVersions :: Set Version
additionalVersions = Set.fromList [
-- we add 2.5.0 as 2.5.1 add a new version in the trigger Daml library
SemVer.version 2 5 0 [] []
main :: IO ()
main = do
Opts{..} <- execParser (info optsParser fullDesc)
stableVers <- getVersionsFromTags
let filterVersions = Set.filter (>= minimumVersion) stableVers
let allVersions = Versions (Set.union filterVersions additionalVersions)
checksums <- mapM (\ver -> (ver,) <$> getChecksums ver) (Set.toList $ getVersions allVersions)
writeFileUTF8 outputFile (T.unpack $ renderVersionsFile allVersions $ Map.fromList checksums)