Moritz Kiefer 7ae28beff9
More Scala 2.13 cleanup (#8855)
This fixes Scaladoc and our pom file generation.

It also clears up the confusing error around gatling and removes a
redundant dependency on sbt (no idea why we had that in the first
place) both of which resulted in Scala 2.12 dependencies in our 2.13
lockfile which is obviously bad.

With this, we should now be ready to publish Scala 2.13 artifacts once
the ledger API test tool PR lands.

2021-02-16 09:39:16 +00:00

244 lines
8.4 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2021 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# These rules are similar to the rules in bazel_common.
# However, our requirements are different in a few ways so we have our own version for now:
# 1. We only include immediate dependencies not all transitive dependencies.
# 2. We support Scala.
# 3. We produce full pom files instead of only the dependency section.
# 4. We have some special options to deal with our specific setup.
load("@scala_version//:index.bzl", "scala_major_version")
MavenInfo = provider(
fields = {
"maven_coordinates": """
The Maven coordinates of this target or the one wrapped by it.
"maven_dependencies": """
The Maven coordinates of the direct dependencies of this target.
maven_coordinates = None,
maven_dependencies = [],
_MAVEN_COORDINATES_PREFIX = "maven_coordinates="
# Map from a dependency to the exclusions for that dependency.
# The exclusions will be automatically inserted in every pom file that
# depends on the target.
EXCLUSIONS = {"io.grpc:grpc-protobuf": ["com.google.protobuf:protobuf-lite"]}
def _maven_coordinates(targets):
return [target[MavenInfo].maven_coordinates for target in targets if MavenInfo in target and target[MavenInfo].maven_coordinates]
def jar_version(name):
return name.rsplit("-", 1)[1].rsplit(".", 1)[0]
def has_scala_version_suffix(kind, version, tags):
if not kind.startswith("scala"):
return False
if version != "__VERSION__":
return False
for tag in tags:
if tag == "no_scala_version_suffix":
return False
return True
def _collect_maven_info_impl(_target, ctx):
tags = getattr(ctx.rule.attr, "tags", [])
deps = getattr(ctx.rule.attr, "deps", [])
runtime_deps = getattr(ctx.rule.attr, "runtime_deps", [])
exports = getattr(ctx.rule.attr, "exports", [])
jars = getattr(ctx.rule.attr, "jars", [])
if ctx.rule.kind == "scala_import":
if ctx.label == Label("@io_bazel_rules_scala//scala/scalatest:scalatest"):
# rules_scala meta package that introduces scalatest and scalactic.
# The scalatest and scalctic packages will be captured by the aspect,
# since it traverses along `exports`.
return []
if len(jars) != 1:
fail("Expected exactly one jar in a scala_import")
jar = jars[0]
# This corresponds replacements section in dependencies.yaml.
replacements = {
"io_bazel_rules_scala_scala_compiler": "org.scala-lang:scala-compiler",
"io_bazel_rules_scala_scala_library": "org.scala-lang:scala-library",
"io_bazel_rules_scala_scala_reflect": "org.scala-lang:scala-reflect",
"io_bazel_rules_scala_scala_parser_combinators": "org.scala-lang.modules:scala-parser-combinators",
"io_bazel_rules_scala_scalactic": "org.scalactic:scalactic",
"io_bazel_rules_scala_scalatest": "org.scalatest:scalatest",
if jar.label.workspace_name in replacements:
return [MavenInfo(
maven_coordinates = "{}_{}:{}".format(replacements[jar.label.workspace_name], scala_major_version, jar_version(jar.label.name)),
maven_dependencies = [],
if MavenInfo not in jar:
fail("Expected maven info for jar dependency: {}".format(jar.label))
return [jar[MavenInfo]]
elif ctx.rule.kind == "scala_library":
# For builtin libraries defined in the replacements section in dependencies.yaml.
if len(exports) == 1:
e = exports[0]
if MavenInfo in e and e[MavenInfo].maven_coordinates:
if e[MavenInfo].maven_coordinates.startswith("org.scala-lang"):
return e[MavenInfo]
maven_coordinates = None
only_external_deps = False
fat_jar = False
for tag in tags:
if tag.startswith(_MAVEN_COORDINATES_PREFIX):
tag_val = tag[len(_MAVEN_COORDINATES_PREFIX):].split(":")
group_id = tag_val[0]
artifact_id = tag_val[1]
version = tag_val[2]
if has_scala_version_suffix(ctx.rule.kind, version, tags):
artifact_id += "_{}".format(scala_major_version)
maven_coordinates = "{}:{}:{}".format(group_id, artifact_id, version)
if tag == "only_external_deps":
only_external_deps = True
if tag == "fat_jar":
fat_jar = True
deps = depset([], transitive = [depset([d]) for d in _maven_coordinates(deps + runtime_deps + exports + jars)])
filtered_deps = [
for d in deps.to_list()
if not (only_external_deps and (d.split(":")[0].startswith("com.daml") or
if maven_coordinates:
return [
maven_coordinates = maven_coordinates,
maven_dependencies = [] if fat_jar else filtered_deps,
_collect_maven_info = aspect(
attr_aspects = [
doc = """
Collects the Maven information for targets and their dependencies.
implementation = _collect_maven_info_impl,
def _pom_file(ctx):
mvn_deps = ctx.attr.target[MavenInfo].maven_dependencies
if not ctx.attr.target[MavenInfo].maven_coordinates:
fail("Target {} needs to have a maven_coordinates tag".format(ctx.attr.target.label))
maven_coordinates = ctx.attr.target[MavenInfo].maven_coordinates.split(":")
groupId = maven_coordinates[0]
artifactId = maven_coordinates[1]
version = maven_coordinates[2]
formatted_deps = []
for dep in [":".join(d) for d in sorted([d.split(":") for d in mvn_deps])]:
parts = dep.split(":")
if len(parts) == 3:
template = DEP_BLOCK
elif len(parts) == 5:
fail("Unknown dependency format: %s" % dep)
exclusions = EXCLUSIONS.get("{}:{}".format(parts[0], parts[1]), [])
formatted_exclusions = []
for exclusion in exclusions:
exclusion_parts = exclusion.split(":")
formatted_exclusions += [EXCLUSION_BLOCK.format(*exclusion_parts)]
parts += ["\n".join([" " + l for l in "\n".join(formatted_exclusions).splitlines()])]
pom_file_tmpl = ctx.actions.declare_file(ctx.outputs.pom_file.path + ".tmpl")
substitutions = {}
"{generated_bzl_deps}": "\n".join([" " + l for l in "\n".join(formatted_deps).splitlines()]),
"{groupId}": groupId,
"{artifactId}": artifactId,
"{version}": version,
template = ctx.file.template_file,
output = pom_file_tmpl,
substitutions = substitutions,
outputs = [ctx.outputs.pom_file],
inputs = [pom_file_tmpl, ctx.file.component_version],
command = """
VERSION=$(cat {})
sed "s/__VERSION__/$VERSION/" {} > {}
""".format(ctx.file.component_version.path, pom_file_tmpl.path, ctx.outputs.pom_file.path),
pom_file = rule(
attrs = {
"template_file": attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
default = "//bazel_tools:pom_template.xml",
"component_version": attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
default = "//:MVN_VERSION",
"target": attr.label(
mandatory = True,
aspects = [_collect_maven_info],
outputs = {"pom_file": "%{name}.xml"},
implementation = _pom_file,