Gary Verhaegen d2e2c21684
update copyright headers (#12240)
New year, new copyright, new expected unknown issues with various files
that won't be covered by the script and/or will be but shouldn't change.

I'll do the details on Jan 1, but would appreciate this being
preapproved so I can actually get it merged by then.

2022-01-03 16:36:51 +00:00

69 lines
2.4 KiB

-- Copyright (c) 2022 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
module Telemetry(main) where
import Control.Monad.Extra
import DA.Service.Logger.Impl.GCP
import DA.Service.Logger.Impl.Pure
import DA.Test.Util
import Data.Aeson (encode)
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import System.Directory
import System.Environment.Blank
import System.IO.Extra
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
main :: IO ()
main =
withTempDir $ \tmpDir0 -> do
withTempDir $ \tmpDir1 -> do
setPermissions tmpDir1 emptyPermissions
withEnv [("TASTY_NUM_THREADS", Just "1")] $
defaultMain $ do
testGroup "Telemetry" [dataLimiterTests tmpDir0, cacheDirTests tmpDir1]
dataLimiterTests :: FilePath -> TestTree
dataLimiterTests cacheDir =
"data limiter"
[ withResource homeDir snd $ \_ ->
(initialiseGcpState (GCPConfig "test" (Just cacheDir) Nothing) makeNopHandle)
(\gcpM -> whenJust gcpM $ \gcp -> removeFile (sentDataFile gcp)) $ \getGcp ->
testCase "Check that limit is triggered" $ do
gcpM <- getGcp
case gcpM of
Nothing -> fail "cache directory is not writable"
Just gcp -> do
let d = replicate 100 $ encode $ T.pack $ replicate 100000 'X'
res <- mapM (sendData gcp fakeSend) d
let l = length $ takeWhile isSuccess res
83 @=? l
cacheDirTests :: FilePath -> TestTree
cacheDirTests badCacheDir =
"cache directory"
[ withResource
(initialiseGcpState (GCPConfig "test" (Just badCacheDir) Nothing) makeNopHandle)
(\gcpM -> whenJust gcpM $ \gcp -> removeFile (sentDataFile gcp)) $ \getGcp ->
"Check that a read-only cache dir is handled gracefully." $ do
gcpM <- getGcp
isNothing gcpM @=? True
fakeSend :: a -> IO ()
fakeSend _ = pure ()
-- | The CI env doesn't have a home directory so set and unset it if it doesn't exist
homeDir :: IO ((), IO ())
homeDir = do
(tmpDir, rmTmpDir) <- newTempDir
setEnv "HOME" tmpDir True
pure ((), unsetEnv "HOME" >> rmTmpDir)