Digital Asset GmbH 05e691f558 open-sourcing daml
2019-04-04 09:33:38 +01:00

221 lines
10 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env groovy
@Library('da-jenkins-build-helpers@v0.76') _
import groovy.transform.Field
// Disable Jenkins linter for now until its version is updated (see DEL-6655)
@Field final String context_linux = 'daml/bazel/linux'
@Field final String context_macos = 'daml/bazel/macos'
@Field final String context_windows = 'daml/bazel/windows'
@Field final String notificationChannel = '#team-daml'
@Field final String releaseDir = '--release-dir /tmp/sdk-release'
@Field final String slackReleaseMessageFile = 'slack-release-message'
@Field boolean shouldRunTests = true
def status = ['windows': false, 'linux': false, 'macos': false];
def bazelRemoteCacheConfig = 'cat "$GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS" > google-credentials.json && echo "build --remote_http_cache=https://storage.googleapis.com/daml-bazel-cache --remote_upload_local_results=true --google_credentials=google-credentials.json" >> .bazelrc.local'
pipeline {
agent none
parameters {
defaultValue: '',
description: 'Set to a git ref if you want to run a release CI on the given ref',
name: 'RELEASE'
options {
timeout(time: 120, unit: 'MINUTES')
buildDiscarder logRotator(numToKeepStr: onMasterBranch() ? '30' : '4')
skipDefaultCheckout false
stages {
stage("Build") {
parallel {
stage("Linux") {
agent { label 'centos-7-2018-11-23.1-052b0c3a0c78e6b46' }
stages {
stage('Load Environment') {
steps {
gitHubNotifyStatus context: context_linux, starting: true
script {
if (!params.RELEASE.equals('')) {
nixBash "git checkout ${params.RELEASE}"
sh 'git clean -xdf'
stage("Build @Linux") {
environment {
MVN_SETTINGS = credentials('mvn-settings-for-bazel')
JFROG_CREDENTIALS = credentials('artifactory-da-jenkins')
ARTIFACTORY_CI = credentials('artifactory-da-jenkins')
// Needed by bazelRemoteCacheConfig
GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS = credentials('google-credentials')
steps {
withNetRcCredentials {
withJFrogCredentials {
script {
// Configure the remote cache
nixBash bazelRemoteCacheConfig
// Temporarily added to get an execution log comparable to a local build
nixBash 'bazel clean --expunge'
nixBash './build.sh "_linux"'
status["linux"] = true
post {
always {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'build_execution_linux.log', fingerprint: true, allowEmptyArchive: true
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'test_execution_linux.log', fingerprint: true, allowEmptyArchive: true
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'build_execution_linux.log', fingerprint: true, allowEmptyArchive: true
githubNotify context: context_linux,
description: status['linux'] ? "build succeeded" : "build failed",
status: status['linux'] ? 'SUCCESS' : 'FAILURE'
cleanup {
nixBash "bazel clean --expunge"
stage("macOS") {
agent { label "macos-mojave" }
stages {
stage('Load Environment') {
steps {
gitHubNotifyStatus context: context_macos, starting: true
script {
if (!params.RELEASE.equals('')) {
nixBash "git checkout ${params.RELEASE}"
sh 'git clean -xdf'
stage("Build @macOS") {
environment {
MVN_SETTINGS = credentials('mvn-settings-for-bazel')
JFROG_CREDENTIALS = credentials('artifactory-da-jenkins')
ARTIFACTORY_CI = credentials('artifactory-da-jenkins')
// Needed by bazelRemoteCacheConfig
GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS = credentials('google-credentials')
steps {
withNetRcCredentials {
withJFrogCredentials {
script {
// Configure the remote cache
nixBash bazelRemoteCacheConfig
nixBash 'bazel clean --expunge'
nixBash 'bazel build //... --experimental_execution_log_file build_execution_macos.log'
// Make sure that Bazel query works.
nixBash 'bazel query "deps(//...)"'
status['macos'] = true
post {
always {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'build_execution_macos.log', fingerprint: true, allowEmptyArchive: true
githubNotify context: context_macos,
description: status['macos'] ? "build succeeded" : "build failed",
status: status['macos'] ? 'SUCCESS' : 'FAILURE'
cleanup {
nixBash "bazel clean --expunge"
stage("Windows") {
// Unfortunately we cannot use docker builds since we
// migrated to msys2, see
// https://github.com/docker/for-win/issues/262
agent { label 'windows-vm' }
environment {
MVN_SETTINGS = credentials('mvn-settings-for-bazel')
JFROG_CREDENTIALS = credentials('artifactory-da-jenkins')
ARTIFACTORY_CI = credentials('artifactory-da-jenkins')
// Needed by bazelRemoteCacheConfig
GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS = credentials('google-credentials')
stages {
stage("Build @Windows") {
steps {
gitHubNotifyStatus context: context_windows, starting: true
script {
if (!params.RELEASE.equals('')) {
nixBash "git checkout ${params.RELEASE}"
withNetRcCredentials {
withJFrogCredentials {
timeout(time: 45, unit: 'MINUTES') {
script {
nixBash "sed -i '1,/# this_breaks_windows_start/!{ /# this_breaks_windows_stop/,/# this_breaks_windows_start/!s/^/#/; }' WORKSPACE"
nixBash 'echo "build --config windows-ci" >> .bazelrc.local'
// Configure the remote cache
nixBash bazelRemoteCacheConfig
powershellWithDevEnv "./build.ps1"
status['windows'] = true
post {
always {
githubNotify context: context_windows,
description: status['windows'] ? "build succeeded" : "build failed",
status: status['windows'] ? 'SUCCESS' : 'FAILURE'
cleanup {
powershellWithDevEnv 'bazel clean --expunge'
post {
always {
slackNotifyStatus '#team-daml'
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