Gary Verhaegen e40aad897f
move to subdir 3.0 (#18520)
* move most files

* update CI configuration
2024-03-22 02:27:46 +01:00

184 lines
7.3 KiB

-- Copyright (c) 2024 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
module DA.Daml.Helper.Test.Deployment (main) where
{- HLINT ignore "locateRunfiles/package_app" -}
import Control.Exception
import qualified Data.UUID.V4 as UUID
import System.Directory.Extra (withCurrentDirectory)
import System.Environment.Blank (setEnv, unsetEnv)
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.IO.Extra (withTempDir,writeFileUTF8)
import System.Process
import Test.Tasty (TestTree,defaultMain,testGroup)
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import qualified "zip-archive" Codec.Archive.Zip as Zip
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.Text as T
import DA.Bazel.Runfiles (mainWorkspace,locateRunfiles,exe)
import DA.Daml.LF.Reader (Dalfs(..),readDalfs)
import DA.Test.Process (callProcessSilent)
import DA.Test.Sandbox (mbSharedSecret, withCantonSandbox, defaultSandboxConf, makeSignedAdminJwt)
import DA.Test.Util
import SdkVersion (SdkVersioned, withSdkVersions, sdkVersion)
import qualified DA.Daml.LF.Ast as LF
import qualified DA.Daml.LF.Proto3.Archive as LFArchive
data Tools = Tools { damlc :: FilePath, damlHelper :: FilePath }
-- NOTE: This test was moved to the compatibility tests in
-- `compatibility/bazel_tools/daml_ledger/Main.hs`. This file remains for now
-- for easier iterative testing during development. If you modify these tests
-- then please keep them in sync with the corresponding tests in the
-- compatibility workspace.
main :: IO ()
main = withSdkVersions $ do
-- We manipulate global state via the working directory
-- so running tests in parallel will cause trouble.
setEnv "TASTY_NUM_THREADS" "1" True
damlc <- locateRunfiles (mainWorkspace </> "compiler" </> "damlc" </> exe "damlc")
damlHelper <- locateRunfiles (mainWorkspace </> "daml-assistant" </> "daml-helper" </> exe "daml-helper")
let tools = Tools {..}
defaultMain $ testGroup "Deployment"
[ authenticationTests tools
, unauthenticatedTests tools
-- | Test `daml ledger list-parties --access-token-file`
authenticationTests :: SdkVersioned => Tools -> TestTree
authenticationTests Tools{..} =
withCantonSandbox defaultSandboxConf { mbSharedSecret = Just sharedSecret } $ \getSandboxPort ->
testGroup "authentication"
[ testCase "Bearer prefix" $ do
port <- getSandboxPort
withTempDir $ \deployDir -> do
withCurrentDirectory deployDir $ do
let tokenFile = deployDir </> "secretToken.jwt"
-- The trailing newline is not required but we want to test that it is supported.
writeFileUTF8 tokenFile ("Bearer " <> makeSignedAdminJwt sharedSecret <> "\n")
callProcessSilent damlHelper
[ "ledger", "list-parties"
, "--access-token-file", tokenFile
, "--host", "localhost", "--port", show port
, testCase "no Bearer prefix" $ do
port <- getSandboxPort
withTempDir $ \deployDir -> do
withCurrentDirectory deployDir $ do
let tokenFile = deployDir </> "secretToken.jwt"
-- The trailing newline is not required but we want to test that it is supported.
writeFileUTF8 tokenFile (makeSignedAdminJwt sharedSecret <> "\n")
callProcessSilent damlHelper
[ "ledger", "list-parties"
, "--access-token-file", tokenFile
, "--host", "localhost", "--port", show port
, testCase "ledger.access-token-file field in daml.yaml" $ do
port <- getSandboxPort
withTempDir $ \deployDir -> do
withCurrentDirectory deployDir $ do
let tokenFile = deployDir </> "secretToken.jwt"
-- The trailing newline is not required but we want to test that it is supported.
writeFileUTF8 tokenFile (makeSignedAdminJwt sharedSecret <> "\n")
appendFile "daml.yaml" $ unlines
, " access-token-file: " <> tokenFile
writeFileUTF8 tokenFile (makeSignedAdminJwt sharedSecret <> "\n")
setEnv "DAML_PROJECT" deployDir True
callProcessSilent damlHelper
[ "ledger", "list-parties"
, "--host", "localhost", "--port", show port
sharedSecret = "TheSharedSecret"
unauthenticatedTests :: SdkVersioned => Tools -> TestTree
unauthenticatedTests tools = do
withCantonSandbox defaultSandboxConf $ \getSandboxPort ->
testGroup "unauthenticated"
[ fetchTest tools getSandboxPort
, timeoutTest tools getSandboxPort
timeoutTest :: Tools -> IO Int -> TestTree
timeoutTest Tools{..} getSandboxPort = do
testCase "timeout" $ do
port <- getSandboxPort
party <- show <$> UUID.nextRandom
(exit, stdout, stderr) <- readProcessWithExitCode damlHelper
[ "ledger", "allocate-party", party
, "--host", "localhost"
, "--port", show port
, "--timeout", "0"
-- Not quite sure when we get which error message but both are fine.
assertInfixOf "GRPCIOTimeout" stderr `catch`
\(_ :: HUnitFailure) -> assertInfixOf "StatusDeadlineExceeded" stderr
assertInfixOf "Checking party allocation" stdout
exit @?= ExitFailure 1
-- | Test `daml ledger fetch-dar`
fetchTest :: SdkVersioned => Tools -> IO Int -> TestTree
fetchTest Tools{..} getSandboxPort = do
testCaseSteps "fetchTest" $ \step -> do
port <- getSandboxPort
withTempDir $ \fetchDir -> do
withCurrentDirectory fetchDir $ do
let origDar = ".daml/dist/proj1-0.0.1.dar"
step "build/upload"
callProcessSilent damlc ["build"]
callProcessSilent damlHelper
[ "ledger", "upload-dar"
, "--host", "localhost" , "--port" , show port
, "--timeout=120"
, origDar
pid <- getMainPidOfDar origDar
step "fetch/validate"
let fetchedDar = "fetched.dar"
callProcessSilent damlHelper
[ "ledger", "fetch-dar"
, "--host", "localhost" , "--port", show port
, "--main-package-id", pid
, "--timeout=120"
, "-o", fetchedDar
callProcessSilent damlc ["validate-dar", fetchedDar]
-- | Discover the main package-identifier of a dar.
getMainPidOfDar :: FilePath -> IO String
getMainPidOfDar fp = do
archive <- Zip.toArchive <$> BSL.readFile fp
Dalfs mainDalf _ <- either fail pure $ readDalfs archive
Right pkgId <- pure $ LFArchive.decodeArchivePackageId $ BSL.toStrict mainDalf
return $ T.unpack $ LF.unPackageId pkgId
-- | Write `daml.yaml` and `Main.daml` files in the current directory.
writeMinimalProject :: SdkVersioned => IO ()
writeMinimalProject = do
writeFileUTF8 "daml.yaml" $ unlines
[ "sdk-version: " <> sdkVersion
, "name: proj1"
, "version: 0.0.1"
, "source: ."
, "dependencies:"
, " - daml-prim"
, " - daml-stdlib"
writeFileUTF8 "Main.daml" $ unlines
[ "module Main where"
, "template T with p : Party where signatory p"