Gerolf Seitz b0a465784e
Add grpc-netty as dep for bindings-java. publish daml-lf-archive (#1798)
We add a dependency in bindings-java to grpc-netty, so it is
automatically available in the classpath for users. Otherwise they get
an error like [0] if they don't add it explicitly.

We also publish daml-lf-archive-java to maven central.

[0] io.grpc.ManagedChannelProvider$ProviderNotFoundException: No
functional channel service provider found. Try adding a dependency
on the grpc-okhttp, grpc-netty, or grpc-netty-shaded artifact
2019-06-24 08:16:31 +02:00

27 lines
1.4 KiB

.. Copyright (c) 2019 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Release notes
This page contains release notes for the SDK.
HEAD — ongoing
- [DAML Assistant] Added ``--install-assistant`` flag to ``daml install`` command,
changing the default behavior of ``daml install`` to install the assistant
whenever we are installing a newer version of the SDK. Deprecated the
``--activate`` flag.
- [DAML Studio] Opening an already open scenario will now focus it rather than opening
it in a new empty tab which is never updated with results.
- [DAML Studio] The selected view for scenario results (table or transaction) is now
preserved when the scenario results are updated.
See `#1675 <https://github.com/digital-asset/daml/issues/1675>`__.
- [Dependencies] Protobuf has been upgraded to version 3.8.0. This
also includes the protobuf-java library used as a dependency.
- [Ledger API] Added additional Ledger API integration tests to Ledger API Test Tool.
- [DAML Studio] Goto definition now works on the export list of modules.
- [Java Bindings] The artefact ``com.daml.ledger:bindings-java`` now has ``grpc-netty`` as dependency so that users don't need to explicitly add it.