Moritz Kiefer 0a1d00d1b3
Canonicalize junit output path (#9710)
fixes #9646

2021-05-18 12:34:53 +02:00

955 lines
40 KiB
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-- Copyright (c) 2021 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
-- | Main entry-point of the Daml compiler
module DA.Cli.Damlc (main) where
import qualified "zip-archive" Codec.Archive.Zip as ZipArchive
import Control.Exception
import Control.Exception.Safe (catchIO)
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Extra (whenM, whenJust)
import DA.Bazel.Runfiles
import qualified DA.Cli.Args as ParseArgs
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Base
import DA.Cli.Damlc.BuildInfo
import qualified DA.Cli.Damlc.InspectDar as InspectDar
import qualified DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.Damldoc as Damldoc
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Packaging
import DA.Cli.Damlc.DependencyDb
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Test
import DA.Daml.Compiler.Dar
import qualified DA.Daml.Compiler.Repl as Repl
import DA.Daml.Compiler.DocTest
import DA.Daml.LF.ScenarioServiceClient (readScenarioServiceConfig, withScenarioService')
import qualified DA.Daml.LF.ReplClient as ReplClient
import DA.Daml.Compiler.Validate (validateDar)
import qualified DA.Daml.LF.Ast as LF
import DA.Daml.LF.Ast.Util (splitUnitId)
import qualified DA.Daml.LF.Proto3.Archive as Archive
import DA.Daml.LF.Reader
import DA.Daml.LanguageServer
import DA.Daml.Options.Types
import DA.Daml.Package.Config
import DA.Daml.Project.Config
import DA.Daml.Project.Consts
import DA.Daml.Project.Types (ConfigError(..), ProjectPath(..))
import DA.Daml.Visual
import qualified DA.Pretty
import qualified DA.Service.Logger as Logger
import qualified DA.Service.Logger.Impl.GCP as Logger.GCP
import qualified DA.Service.Logger.Impl.IO as Logger.IO
import DA.Signals
import qualified Com.Daml.DamlLfDev.DamlLf as PLF
import qualified Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty as Aeson.Pretty
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSLC
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BSUTF8
import Data.FileEmbed (embedFile)
import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet
import Data.List.Extra
import qualified Data.List.Split as Split
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text.Extended as T
import Development.IDE.Core.API
import Development.IDE.Core.Debouncer
import Development.IDE.Core.IdeState.Daml
import Development.IDE.Core.Rules
import Development.IDE.Core.Rules.Daml (getDlintIdeas)
import Development.IDE.Core.Shake
import Development.IDE.GHC.Util (hscEnv, moduleImportPath)
import Development.IDE.Types.Location
import Development.IDE.Types.Options (clientSupportsProgress)
import "ghc-lib-parser" DynFlags
import GHC.Conc
import "ghc-lib-parser" Module (unitIdString, stringToUnitId)
import qualified Network.Socket as NS
import Options.Applicative.Extended
import qualified Proto3.Suite as PS
import qualified Proto3.Suite.JSONPB as Proto.JSONPB
import System.Directory.Extra
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
import System.IO.Extra
import System.Process (StdStream(..))
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as PP
import Development.IDE.Core.RuleTypes
import "ghc-lib-parser" ErrUtils
-- For dumps
import "ghc-lib" GHC
import "ghc-lib-parser" HsDumpAst
import "ghc-lib" HscStats
import "ghc-lib-parser" HscTypes
import qualified "ghc-lib-parser" Outputable as GHC
import qualified SdkVersion
import "ghc-lib-parser" Util (looksLikePackageName)
-- Commands
data CommandName =
| Clean
| Compile
| DamlDoc
| DocTest
| GenerateSrc
| GenerateGenerics
| Ide
| Init
| Inspect
| InspectDar
| ValidateDar
| License
| Lint
| MergeDars
| Package
| Test
| Visual
| Repl
deriving (Ord, Show, Eq)
data Command = Command CommandName (Maybe ProjectOpts) (IO ())
cmdIde :: Int -> Mod CommandFields Command
cmdIde numProcessors =
command "ide" $ info (helper <*> cmd) $
"Start the Daml language server on standard input/output."
<> fullDesc
cmd = execIde
<$> telemetryOpt
<*> debugOpt
<*> enableScenarioOpt
<*> optionsParser numProcessors (EnableScenarioService True) (pure Nothing)
cmdLicense :: Mod CommandFields Command
cmdLicense =
command "license" $ info (helper <*> pure execLicense) $
"License information for open-source projects included in Daml Connect."
<> fullDesc
cmdCompile :: Int -> Mod CommandFields Command
cmdCompile numProcessors =
command "compile" $ info (helper <*> cmd) $
progDesc "Compile the Daml program into a Core/DAML-LF archive."
<> fullDesc
cmd = execCompile
<$> inputFileOpt
<*> outputFileOpt
<*> optionsParser numProcessors (EnableScenarioService False) optPackageName
<*> optWriteIface
<*> optional (strOption $ long "iface-dir" <> metavar "IFACE_DIR" <> help "Directory for interface files")
optWriteIface =
fmap WriteInterface $
switch $
help "Produce interface files. This is used for building the package db for daml-prim and daml-stdib" <>
long "write-iface"
cmdLint :: Int -> Mod CommandFields Command
cmdLint numProcessors =
command "lint" $ info (helper <*> cmd) $
progDesc "Lint the Daml program."
<> fullDesc
cmd = execLint
<$> many inputFileOpt
<*> optionsParser numProcessors (EnableScenarioService False) optPackageName
cmdTest :: Int -> Mod CommandFields Command
cmdTest numProcessors =
command "test" $ info (helper <*> cmd) $
progDesc progDoc
<> fullDesc
progDoc = unlines
[ "Test the current Daml project or the given files by running all test declarations."
, "Must be in Daml project if --files is not set."
cmd = runTestsInProjectOrFiles
<$> projectOpts "daml test"
<*> filesOpt
<*> fmap RunAllTests runAllTests
<*> fmap ShowCoverage showCoverageOpt
<*> fmap UseColor colorOutput
<*> junitOutput
<*> optionsParser numProcessors (EnableScenarioService True) optPackageName
<*> initPkgDbOpt
filesOpt = optional (flag' () (long "files" <> help filesDoc) *> many inputFileOpt)
filesDoc = "Only run test declarations in the specified files."
junitOutput = optional $ strOption $ long "junit" <> metavar "FILENAME" <> help "Filename of JUnit output file"
colorOutput = switch $ long "color" <> help "Colored test results"
showCoverageOpt = switch $ long "show-coverage" <> help "Show detailed test coverage"
runAllTests = switch $ long "all" <> help "Run tests in current project as well as dependencies"
runTestsInProjectOrFiles ::
-> Maybe [FilePath]
-> RunAllTests
-> ShowCoverage
-> UseColor
-> Maybe FilePath
-> Options
-> InitPkgDb
-> Command
runTestsInProjectOrFiles projectOpts Nothing allTests coverage color mbJUnitOutput cliOptions initPkgDb = Command Test (Just projectOpts) effect
where effect = withExpectProjectRoot (projectRoot projectOpts) "daml test" $ \pPath relativize -> do
installDepsAndInitPackageDb cliOptions initPkgDb
mbJUnitOutput <- traverse relativize mbJUnitOutput
withPackageConfig (ProjectPath pPath) $ \PackageConfigFields{..} -> do
-- TODO: We set up one scenario service context per file that
-- we pass to execTest and scenario contexts are quite expensive.
-- Therefore we keep the behavior of only passing the root file
-- if source points to a specific file.
files <- getDamlRootFiles pSrc
execTest files allTests coverage color mbJUnitOutput cliOptions
runTestsInProjectOrFiles projectOpts (Just inFiles) allTests coverage color mbJUnitOutput cliOptions initPkgDb = Command Test (Just projectOpts) effect
where effect = withProjectRoot' projectOpts $ \relativize -> do
installDepsAndInitPackageDb cliOptions initPkgDb
mbJUnitOutput <- traverse relativize mbJUnitOutput
inFiles' <- mapM (fmap toNormalizedFilePath' . relativize) inFiles
execTest inFiles' allTests coverage color mbJUnitOutput cliOptions
cmdInspect :: Mod CommandFields Command
cmdInspect =
command "inspect" $ info (helper <*> cmd)
$ progDesc "Pretty print a DALF file or the main DALF of a DAR file"
<> fullDesc
jsonOpt = switch $ long "json" <> help "Output the raw Protocol Buffer structures as JSON"
detailOpt =
fmap (maybe DA.Pretty.prettyNormal DA.Pretty.PrettyLevel) $
optional $ option auto $ long "detail" <> metavar "LEVEL" <> help "Detail level of the pretty printed output (default: 0)"
cmd = execInspect <$> inputFileOptWithExt ".dalf or .dar" <*> outputFileOpt <*> jsonOpt <*> detailOpt
cmdVisual :: Mod CommandFields Command
cmdVisual =
command "visual" $ info (helper <*> cmd) $ progDesc "Early Access (Labs). Generate visual from dar" <> fullDesc
cmd = vis <$> inputDarOpt <*> dotFileOpt
vis a b = Command Visual Nothing $ execVisual a b
cmdVisualWeb :: Mod CommandFields Command
cmdVisualWeb =
command "visual-web" $ info (helper <*> cmd) $ progDesc "Early Access (Labs). Generate D3-Web Visual from dar" <> fullDesc
cmd = vis <$> inputDarOpt <*> htmlOutFile <*> openBrowser
vis a b browser = Command Visual Nothing $ execVisualHtml a b browser
cmdBuild :: Int -> Mod CommandFields Command
cmdBuild numProcessors =
command "build" $
info (helper <*> cmd) $
progDesc "Initialize, build and package the Daml project" <> fullDesc
cmd =
<$> projectOpts "daml build"
<*> optionsParser numProcessors (EnableScenarioService False) (pure Nothing)
<*> optionalOutputFileOpt
<*> incrementalBuildOpt
<*> initPkgDbOpt
cmdRepl :: Int -> Mod CommandFields Command
cmdRepl numProcessors =
command "repl" $ info (helper <*> cmd) $
progDesc "Launch the Daml REPL." <>
cmd =
<$> many (strArgument (help "DAR to load in the repl" <> metavar "DAR"))
<*> many packageImport
<*> optional
((,) <$> strOption (long "ledger-host" <> help "Host of the ledger API")
<*> strOption (long "ledger-port" <> help "Port of the ledger API")
<*> accessTokenFileFlag
<*> optional
(ReplClient.ApplicationId <$>
(long "application-id" <>
help "Application ID used for command submissions"
<*> sslConfig
<*> optional
(option auto $
long "max-inbound-message-size" <>
help "Optional max inbound message size in bytes."
<*> timeModeFlag
<*> projectOpts "daml repl"
<*> optionsParser numProcessors (EnableScenarioService False) (pure Nothing)
<*> strOption (long "script-lib" <> value "daml-script" <> internal)
-- This is useful for tests and `bazel run`.
packageImport = option readPackage $
long "import"
<> short 'i'
<> help "Import modules of these packages into the REPL"
<> metavar "PACKAGE"
readPackage = eitherReader $ \s -> do
let pkg@(name, _) = splitUnitId (stringToUnitId s)
strName = T.unpack . LF.unPackageName $ name
unless (looksLikePackageName strName) $
Left $ "Illegal package name: " ++ strName
pure pkg
accessTokenFileFlag = optional . option str $
long "access-token-file"
<> metavar "TOKEN_PATH"
<> help "Path to the token-file for ledger authorization"
sslConfig :: Parser (Maybe ReplClient.ClientSSLConfig)
sslConfig = do
tls <- switch $ mconcat
[ long "tls"
, help "Enable TLS for the connection to the ledger. This is implied if --cacrt, --pem or --crt are passed"
mbCACert <- optional $ strOption $ mconcat
[ long "cacrt"
, help "The crt file to be used as the trusted root CA."
mbClientKeyCertPair <- optional $ liftA2 ReplClient.ClientSSLKeyCertPair
(strOption $ mconcat
[ long "pem"
, help "The pem file to be used as the private key in mutual authentication."
(strOption $ mconcat
[ long "crt"
, help "The crt file to be used as the cert chain in mutual authentication."
return $ case (tls, mbCACert, mbClientKeyCertPair) of
(False, Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing
(_, _, _) -> Just ReplClient.ClientSSLConfig
{ serverRootCert = mbCACert
, clientSSLKeyCertPair = mbClientKeyCertPair
, clientMetadataPlugin = Nothing
timeModeFlag :: Parser ReplClient.ReplTimeMode
timeModeFlag =
(flag' ReplClient.ReplWallClock $ mconcat
[ short 'w'
, long "wall-clock-time"
, help "Use wall clock time (UTC). (this is the default)"
<|> (flag ReplClient.ReplWallClock ReplClient.ReplStatic $ mconcat
[ short 's'
, long "static-time"
, help "Use static time."
cmdClean :: Mod CommandFields Command
cmdClean =
command "clean" $
info (helper <*> cmd) $
progDesc "Remove Daml project build artifacts" <> fullDesc
cmd = execClean <$> projectOpts "daml clean"
cmdInit :: Int -> Mod CommandFields Command
cmdInit numProcessors =
command "init" $
info (helper <*> cmd) $ progDesc "Initialize a Daml project" <> fullDesc
cmd = execInit <$> optionsParser numProcessors (EnableScenarioService False) (pure Nothing) <*> projectOpts "daml damlc init"
cmdPackage :: Int -> Mod CommandFields Command
cmdPackage numProcessors =
command "package" $ info (helper <*> cmd) $
progDesc "Compile the Daml program into a DAR (deprecated)"
<> fullDesc
cmd = execPackage
<$> projectOpts "daml damlc package"
<*> inputFileOpt
<*> optionsParser numProcessors (EnableScenarioService False) (Just <$> packageNameOpt)
<*> optionalOutputFileOpt
<*> optFromDalf
optFromDalf :: Parser FromDalf
optFromDalf = fmap FromDalf $
switch $
help "package an existing dalf file rather than compiling Daml sources" <>
long "dalf" <>
cmdInspectDar :: Mod CommandFields Command
cmdInspectDar =
command "inspect-dar" $
info (helper <*> cmd) $ progDesc "Inspect a DAR archive" <> fullDesc
jsonOpt =
flag InspectDar.PlainText InspectDar.Json $
long "json" <> help "Output the information in JSON"
cmd = execInspectDar
<$> inputDarOpt
<*> jsonOpt
cmdValidateDar :: Mod CommandFields Command
cmdValidateDar =
command "validate-dar" $
info (helper <*> cmd) $ progDesc "Validate a DAR archive" <> fullDesc
cmd = execValidateDar <$> inputDarOpt
cmdMergeDars :: Mod CommandFields Command
cmdMergeDars =
command "merge-dars" $
info (helper <*> cmd) $ progDesc "Merge two dar archives into one" <> fullDesc
cmd = execMergeDars <$> inputDarOpt <*> inputDarOpt <*> targetFileNameOpt
cmdDocTest :: Int -> Mod CommandFields Command
cmdDocTest numProcessors =
command "doctest" $
info (helper <*> cmd) $
progDesc "Early Access (Labs). doc tests" <> fullDesc
cmd = execDocTest
<$> optionsParser numProcessors (EnableScenarioService True) optPackageName
<*> many inputFileOpt
-- Execution
execLicense :: Command
execLicense =
Command License Nothing effect
effect = B.putStr licenseData
licenseData :: B.ByteString
licenseData = $(embedFile "NOTICES")
execIde :: Telemetry
-> Debug
-> EnableScenarioService
-> Options
-> Command
execIde telemetry (Debug debug) enableScenarioService options =
Command Ide Nothing effect
where effect = NS.withSocketsDo $ do
let threshold =
if debug
then Logger.Debug
-- info is used pretty extensively for debug messages in our code base so
-- I've set the no debug threshold at warning
else Logger.Warning
loggerH <- Logger.IO.newIOLogger
(Just 5000)
-- NOTE(JM): ^ Limit the message length to 5000 characters as VSCode
-- performance will be significatly impacted by large log output.
damlCacheM <- lookupEnv damlCacheEnvVar
damlPathM <- lookupEnv damlPathEnvVar
let gcpConfig = Logger.GCP.GCPConfig
{ gcpConfigTag = "ide"
, gcpConfigCachePath = damlCacheM
, gcpConfigDamlPath = damlPathM
withLogger f = case telemetry of
TelemetryOptedIn ->
let logOfInterest prio = prio `elem` [Logger.Telemetry, Logger.Warning, Logger.Error] in
Logger.GCP.withGcpLogger gcpConfig logOfInterest loggerH $ \gcpStateM loggerH' -> do
whenJust gcpStateM $ \gcpState -> do
Logger.GCP.setOptIn gcpState
Logger.GCP.logMetaData gcpState
f loggerH'
TelemetryOptedOut -> Logger.GCP.withGcpLogger gcpConfig (const False) loggerH $ \gcpStateM loggerH -> do
whenJust gcpStateM $ \gcpState -> Logger.GCP.logOptOut gcpState
f loggerH
TelemetryIgnored -> Logger.GCP.withGcpLogger gcpConfig (const False) loggerH $ \gcpStateM loggerH -> do
whenJust gcpStateM $ \gcpState -> Logger.GCP.logIgnored gcpState
f loggerH
TelemetryDisabled -> f loggerH
dlintDataDir <- locateRunfiles $ mainWorkspace </> "compiler/damlc/daml-ide-core"
options <- pure options
{ optScenarioService = enableScenarioService
, optSkipScenarioValidation = SkipScenarioValidation True
-- TODO(MH): The `optionsParser` does not provide a way to skip
-- individual options. As a stopgap we ignore the argument to
-- --jobs and the dlint config.
, optThreads = 0
, optDlintUsage = DlintEnabled dlintDataDir True
installDepsAndInitPackageDb options (InitPkgDb True)
scenarioServiceConfig <- readScenarioServiceConfig
withLogger $ \loggerH ->
withScenarioService' enableScenarioService (optDamlLfVersion options) loggerH scenarioServiceConfig $ \mbScenarioService -> do
sdkVersion <- getSdkVersion `catchIO` const (pure "Unknown (not started via the assistant)")
Logger.logInfo loggerH (T.pack $ "SDK version: " <> sdkVersion)
debouncer <- newAsyncDebouncer
runLanguageServer loggerH enabledPlugins $ \getLspId sendMsg vfs caps ->
getDamlIdeState options mbScenarioService loggerH debouncer caps getLspId sendMsg vfs (clientSupportsProgress caps)
-- | Whether we should write interface files during `damlc compile`.
newtype WriteInterface = WriteInterface Bool
execCompile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Options -> WriteInterface -> Maybe FilePath -> Command
execCompile inputFile outputFile opts (WriteInterface writeInterface) mbIfaceDir =
Command Compile (Just projectOpts) effect
projectOpts = ProjectOpts Nothing (ProjectCheck "" False)
effect = withProjectRoot' projectOpts $ \relativize -> do
loggerH <- getLogger opts "compile"
inputFile <- toNormalizedFilePath' <$> relativize inputFile
opts <- pure opts { optIfaceDir = mbIfaceDir }
withDamlIdeState opts loggerH diagnosticsLogger $ \ide -> do
setFilesOfInterest ide (HashSet.singleton inputFile)
runActionSync ide $ do
-- Support for '-ddump-parsed', '-ddump-parsed-ast', '-dsource-stats'.
dflags <- hsc_dflags . hscEnv <$> use_ GhcSession inputFile
parsed <- pm_parsed_source <$> use_ GetParsedModule inputFile
liftIO $ do
ErrUtils.dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_parsed "Parser" $ GHC.ppr parsed
ErrUtils.dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_parsed_ast "Parser AST" $ showAstData NoBlankSrcSpan parsed
ErrUtils.dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_source_stats "Source Statistics" $ ppSourceStats False parsed
when writeInterface $ do
files <- nubSort . concatMap transitiveModuleDeps <$> use GetDependencies inputFile
mbIfaces <- writeIfacesAndHie (toNormalizedFilePath' $ fromMaybe ifaceDir $ optIfaceDir opts) files
void $ liftIO $ mbErr "ERROR: Compilation failed." mbIfaces
mbDalf <- getDalf inputFile
dalf <- liftIO $ mbErr "ERROR: Compilation failed." mbDalf
liftIO $ write dalf
write bs
| outputFile == "-" = putStrLn $ render Colored $ DA.Pretty.pretty bs
| otherwise = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True $ takeDirectory outputFile
B.writeFile outputFile $ Archive.encodeArchive bs
execLint :: [FilePath] -> Options -> Command
execLint inputFiles opts =
Command Lint (Just projectOpts) effect
projectOpts = ProjectOpts Nothing (ProjectCheck "" False)
effect =
withProjectRoot' projectOpts $ \relativize ->
loggerH <- getLogger opts "lint"
opts <- setDlintDataDir opts
withDamlIdeState opts loggerH diagnosticsLogger $ \ide -> do
inputFiles <- getInputFiles relativize inputFiles
setFilesOfInterest ide (HashSet.fromList inputFiles)
diags <- forM inputFiles $ \inputFile -> do
void $ runActionSync ide $ getDlintIdeas inputFile
getDiagnostics ide
if null $ concat diags then
hPutStrLn stderr "No hints"
getInputFiles relativize = \case
[] -> do
withPackageConfig defaultProjectPath $ \PackageConfigFields {pSrc} -> do
getDamlRootFiles pSrc
fs -> forM fs $ fmap toNormalizedFilePath' . relativize
setDlintDataDir :: Options -> IO Options
setDlintDataDir opts = do
defaultDir <-locateRunfiles $
mainWorkspace </> "compiler/damlc/daml-ide-core"
return $ case optDlintUsage opts of
DlintEnabled _ _ -> opts
DlintDisabled -> opts{optDlintUsage=DlintEnabled defaultDir True}
defaultProjectPath :: ProjectPath
defaultProjectPath = ProjectPath "."
-- | If we're in a daml project, read the daml.yaml field, install the dependencies and create the
-- project local package database. Otherwise do nothing.
execInit :: Options -> ProjectOpts -> Command
execInit opts projectOpts =
Command Init (Just projectOpts) effect
where effect = withProjectRoot' projectOpts $ \_relativize ->
(InitPkgDb True)
installDepsAndInitPackageDb :: Options -> InitPkgDb -> IO ()
installDepsAndInitPackageDb opts (InitPkgDb shouldInit) =
when shouldInit $ do
-- Rather than just checking that there is a daml.yaml file we check that it has a project configuration.
-- This allows us to have a `daml.yaml` in the root of a multi-package project that just has an `sdk-version` field.
-- Once the IDE handles `initPackageDb` properly in multi-package projects instead of simply calling it once on
-- startup, this can be removed.
isProject <- withPackageConfig defaultProjectPath (const $ pure True) `catch` (\(_ :: ConfigError) -> pure False)
when isProject $ do
projRoot <- getCurrentDirectory
withPackageConfig defaultProjectPath $ \PackageConfigFields {..} -> do
(toNormalizedFilePath' projRoot)
createProjectPackageDb (toNormalizedFilePath' projRoot) opts pModulePrefixes
execBuild :: ProjectOpts -> Options -> Maybe FilePath -> IncrementalBuild -> InitPkgDb -> Command
execBuild projectOpts opts mbOutFile incrementalBuild initPkgDb =
Command Build (Just projectOpts) effect
where effect = withProjectRoot' projectOpts $ \relativize -> do
installDepsAndInitPackageDb opts initPkgDb
withPackageConfig defaultProjectPath $ \pkgConfig@PackageConfigFields{..} -> do
putStrLn $ "Compiling " <> T.unpack (LF.unPackageName pName) <> " to a DAR."
let warnings = checkPkgConfig pkgConfig
unless (null warnings) $ putStrLn $ unlines warnings
loggerH <- getLogger opts "package"
{ optMbPackageName = Just pName
, optMbPackageVersion = pVersion
, optIncrementalBuild = incrementalBuild
diagnosticsLogger $ \compilerH -> do
mbDar <-
(toNormalizedFilePath' $ fromMaybe ifaceDir $ optIfaceDir opts)
(FromDalf False)
dar <- mbErr "ERROR: Creation of DAR file failed." mbDar
fp <- targetFilePath relativize $ unitIdString (pkgNameVersion pName pVersion)
createDarFile fp dar
targetFilePath rel name =
case mbOutFile of
Nothing -> pure $ distDir </> name <.> "dar"
Just out -> rel out
:: [FilePath]
-> [(LF.PackageName, Maybe LF.PackageVersion)]
-> Maybe (String, String)
-> Maybe FilePath
-> Maybe ReplClient.ApplicationId
-> Maybe ReplClient.ClientSSLConfig
-> Maybe ReplClient.MaxInboundMessageSize
-> ReplClient.ReplTimeMode
-> ProjectOpts
-> Options
-> FilePath
-> Command
execRepl dars importPkgs mbLedgerConfig mbAuthToken mbAppId mbSslConf mbMaxInboundMessageSize timeMode projectOpts opts scriptDar = Command Repl (Just projectOpts) effect
toPackageFlag (LF.PackageName name, Nothing) =
ExposePackage "--import" (PackageArg $ T.unpack name) (ModRenaming True [])
toPackageFlag (name, mbVer) =
ExposePackage "--import" (UnitIdArg (pkgNameVersion name mbVer)) (ModRenaming True [])
pkgFlags = [ toPackageFlag pkg | pkg <- importPkgs ]
effect = do
-- We change directory so make this absolute
dars <- mapM makeAbsolute dars
opts <- pure opts
{ optDlintUsage = DlintDisabled
, optScenarioService = EnableScenarioService False
, optPackageImports = optPackageImports opts ++ pkgFlags
logger <- getLogger opts "repl"
runfilesDir <- locateRunfiles (mainWorkspace </> "compiler/repl-service/server")
let jar = runfilesDir </> "repl-service.jar"
ReplClient.withReplClient (ReplClient.Options jar mbLedgerConfig mbAuthToken mbAppId mbSslConf mbMaxInboundMessageSize timeMode Inherit) $ \replHandle _stdout _ph ->
withTempDir $ \dir ->
withCurrentDirectory dir $ do
sdkVer <- fromMaybe SdkVersion.sdkVersion <$> lookupEnv sdkVersionEnvVar
writeFileUTF8 "daml.yaml" $ unlines $
[ "sdk-version: " <> sdkVer
, "name: repl"
, "version: 0.0.1"
, "source: ."
, "dependencies:"
, "- daml-prim"
, "- daml-stdlib"
, "- " <> show scriptDar
, "data-dependencies:"
] ++ ["- " <> show dar | dar <- dars]
installDepsAndInitPackageDb opts (InitPkgDb True)
replLogger <- Repl.newReplLogger
withDamlIdeState opts logger (Repl.replEventLogger replLogger)
(Repl.runRepl importPkgs opts replHandle replLogger)
-- | Remove any build artifacts if they exist.
execClean :: ProjectOpts -> Command
execClean projectOpts =
Command Clean (Just projectOpts) effect
where effect = do
withProjectRoot' projectOpts $ \_relativize -> do
isProject <- doesFileExist projectConfigName
when isProject $ do
let removeAndWarn path = do
whenM (doesDirectoryExist path) $ do
putStrLn ("Removing directory " <> path)
removePathForcibly path
whenM (doesFileExist path) $ do
putStrLn ("Removing file " <> path)
removePathForcibly path
removeAndWarn damlArtifactDir
putStrLn "Removed build artifacts."
execPackage :: ProjectOpts
-> FilePath -- ^ input file
-> Options
-> Maybe FilePath
-> FromDalf
-> Command
execPackage projectOpts filePath opts mbOutFile dalfInput =
Command Package (Just projectOpts) effect
effect = withProjectRoot' projectOpts $ \relativize -> do
hPutStrLn stderr $ unlines
[ "WARNING: The comannd"
, ""
, " daml damlc package"
, ""
, "is deprecated. Please use"
, ""
, " daml build"
, ""
, "instead."
loggerH <- getLogger opts "package"
filePath <- relativize filePath
withDamlIdeState opts loggerH diagnosticsLogger $ \ide -> do
-- We leave the sdk version blank and the list of exposed modules empty.
-- This command is being removed anytime now and not present
-- in the new daml assistant.
mbDar <- buildDar ide
{ pName = fromMaybe (LF.PackageName $ T.pack $ takeBaseName filePath) $ optMbPackageName opts
, pSrc = filePath
, pExposedModules = Nothing
, pVersion = optMbPackageVersion opts
, pDependencies = []
, pDataDependencies = []
, pSdkVersion = PackageSdkVersion SdkVersion.sdkVersion
, pModulePrefixes = Map.empty
(toNormalizedFilePath' $ fromMaybe ifaceDir $ optIfaceDir opts)
case mbDar of
Nothing -> do
hPutStrLn stderr "ERROR: Creation of DAR file failed."
Just dar -> createDarFile targetFilePath dar
-- This is somewhat ugly but our CLI parser guarantees that this will always be present.
-- We could parametrize CliOptions by whether the package name is optional
-- but I dont think that is worth the complexity of carrying around a type parameter.
name = fromMaybe (error "Internal error: Package name was not present") (optMbPackageName opts)
-- The default output filename is based on Maven coordinates if
-- the package name is specified via them, otherwise we use the
-- name.
defaultDarFile =
case Split.splitOn ":" (T.unpack $ LF.unPackageName name) of
[_g, a, v] -> a <> "-" <> v <> ".dar"
_otherwise -> (T.unpack $ LF.unPackageName name) <> ".dar"
targetFilePath = fromMaybe defaultDarFile mbOutFile
-- | Given a path to a .dalf or a .dar return the bytes of either the .dalf file
-- or the main dalf from the .dar
-- In addition to the bytes, we also return the basename of the dalf file.
getDalfBytes :: FilePath -> IO (B.ByteString, FilePath)
getDalfBytes fp
| "dar" `isExtensionOf` fp = do
dar <- B.readFile fp
let archive = ZipArchive.toArchive $ BSL.fromStrict dar
manifest <- either fail pure $ readDalfManifest archive
dalfs <- either fail pure $ readDalfs archive
pure (BSL.toStrict $ mainDalf dalfs, takeBaseName $ mainDalfPath manifest)
| otherwise = (, takeBaseName fp) <$> B.readFile fp
execInspect :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Bool -> DA.Pretty.PrettyLevel -> Command
execInspect inFile outFile jsonOutput lvl =
Command Inspect Nothing effect
effect = do
(bytes, _) <- getDalfBytes inFile
if jsonOutput
then do
payloadBytes <- PLF.archivePayload <$> errorOnLeft "Cannot decode archive" (PS.fromByteString bytes)
archive :: PLF.ArchivePayload <- errorOnLeft "Cannot decode archive payload" $ PS.fromByteString payloadBytes
writeOutputBSL outFile
$ Aeson.Pretty.encodePretty
$ Proto.JSONPB.toAesonValue archive
else do
(pkgId, lfPkg) <- errorOnLeft "Cannot decode package" $
Archive.decodeArchive Archive.DecodeAsMain bytes
writeOutput outFile $ render Plain $
[ DA.Pretty.keyword_ "package" DA.Pretty.<-> DA.Pretty.text (LF.unPackageId pkgId)
, DA.Pretty.pPrintPrec lvl 0 lfPkg
errorOnLeft :: Show a => String -> Either a b -> IO b
errorOnLeft desc = \case
Left err -> ioError $ userError $ unlines [ desc, show err ]
Right x -> return x
execInspectDar :: FilePath -> InspectDar.Format -> Command
execInspectDar inFile jsonOutput =
Command InspectDar Nothing (InspectDar.inspectDar inFile jsonOutput)
execValidateDar :: FilePath -> Command
execValidateDar inFile =
Command ValidateDar Nothing effect
effect = do
n <- validateDar inFile -- errors if validation fails
putStrLn $ "DAR is valid; contains " <> show n <> " packages."
-- | Merge two dars. The idea is that the second dar is a delta. Hence, we take the main in the
-- manifest from the first.
execMergeDars :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> Command
execMergeDars darFp1 darFp2 mbOutFp =
Command MergeDars Nothing effect
effect = do
let outFp = fromMaybe darFp1 mbOutFp
bytes1 <- B.readFile darFp1
bytes2 <- B.readFile darFp2
let dar1 = ZipArchive.toArchive $ BSL.fromStrict bytes1
let dar2 = ZipArchive.toArchive $ BSL.fromStrict bytes2
mf <- mergeManifests dar1 dar2
let merged =
(nubSortOn ZipArchive.eRelativePath $ mf : ZipArchive.zEntries dar1 ++ ZipArchive.zEntries dar2)
-- nubSortOn keeps the first occurrence
BSL.writeFile outFp $ ZipArchive.fromArchive merged
mergeManifests dar1 dar2 = do
manifest1 <- either fail pure $ readDalfManifest dar1
manifest2 <- either fail pure $ readDalfManifest dar2
let mergedDalfs = BSC.intercalate ", " $ map BSUTF8.fromString $ nubSort $ dalfPaths manifest1 ++ dalfPaths manifest2
attrs1 <- either fail pure $ readManifest dar1
attrs1 <- pure $ map (\(k, v) -> if k == "Dalfs" then (k, mergedDalfs) else (k, v)) attrs1
pure $ ZipArchive.toEntry manifestPath 0 $ BSLC.unlines $
map (\(k, v) -> breakAt72Bytes $ BSL.fromStrict $ k <> ": " <> v) attrs1
execDocTest :: Options -> [FilePath] -> Command
execDocTest opts files =
Command DocTest Nothing effect
effect = do
let files' = map toNormalizedFilePath' files
logger <- getLogger opts "doctest"
-- We dont add a logger here since we will otherwise emit logging messages twice.
importPaths <-
withDamlIdeState opts { optScenarioService = EnableScenarioService False }
logger (const $ pure ()) $ \ideState -> runActionSync ideState $ do
pmS <- catMaybes <$> uses GetParsedModule files'
-- This is horrible but we do not have a way to change the import paths in a running
-- IdeState at the moment.
pure $ nubOrd $ mapMaybe (uncurry moduleImportPath) (zip files' pmS)
opts <- pure opts { optImportPath = importPaths <> optImportPath opts, optHaddock = Haddock True }
withDamlIdeState opts logger diagnosticsLogger $ \ideState ->
docTest ideState files'
-- main
options :: Int -> Parser Command
options numProcessors =
( cmdIde numProcessors
<> cmdLicense
-- cmdPackage can go away once we kill the old assistant.
<> cmdPackage numProcessors
<> cmdBuild numProcessors
<> cmdTest numProcessors
<> Damldoc.cmd numProcessors (\cli -> Command DamlDoc Nothing $ Damldoc.exec cli)
<> cmdVisual
<> cmdVisualWeb
<> cmdInspectDar
<> cmdValidateDar
<> cmdDocTest numProcessors
<> cmdLint numProcessors
<> cmdRepl numProcessors
<|> subparser
(internal -- internal commands
<> cmdInspect
<> cmdVisual
<> cmdVisualWeb
<> cmdMergeDars
<> cmdInit numProcessors
<> cmdCompile numProcessors
<> cmdClean
parserInfo :: Int -> ParserInfo Command
parserInfo numProcessors =
info (helper <*> options numProcessors)
( fullDesc
<> progDesc "Invoke the Daml compiler. Use -h for help."
<> headerDoc (Just $ PP.vcat
[ "damlc - Compiler and IDE backend for the Daml programming language"
, buildInfo
cliArgsFromDamlYaml :: Maybe ProjectOpts -> IO [String]
cliArgsFromDamlYaml mbProjectOpts = do
-- This is the same logic used in withProjectRoot but we dont need to change CWD here
-- and this is simple enough so we inline it here.
mbEnvProjectPath <- fmap ProjectPath <$> getProjectPath
let mbProjectPath = projectRoot =<< mbProjectOpts
let projectPath = fromMaybe (ProjectPath ".") (mbProjectPath <|> mbEnvProjectPath)
handle (\(_ :: ConfigError) -> return []) $ do
project <- readProjectConfig projectPath
case queryProjectConfigRequired ["build-options"] project of
Left _ -> pure []
Right xs -> pure xs
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- We need this to ensure that logs are flushed on SIGTERM.
-- Save the runfiles environment to work around
-- https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/issues/18418.
numProcessors <- getNumProcessors
let parse = ParseArgs.lax (parserInfo numProcessors)
cliArgs <- getArgs
let (_, tempParseResult) = parse cliArgs
-- Note: need to parse given args first to decide whether we need to add
-- args from daml.yaml.
Command cmd mbProjectOpts _ <- handleParseResult tempParseResult
damlYamlArgs <- cliArgsFromDamlYaml mbProjectOpts
let args = if cmd `elem` [Build, Compile, Ide, Test, DamlDoc]
then cliArgs ++ damlYamlArgs
else cliArgs
(errMsgs, parseResult) = parse args
Command _ _ io <- handleParseResult parseResult
forM_ errMsgs $ \msg -> do
hPutStrLn stderr msg
withProgName "damlc" io
withProjectRoot' :: ProjectOpts -> ((FilePath -> IO FilePath) -> IO a) -> IO a
withProjectRoot' ProjectOpts{..} act =
withProjectRoot projectRoot projectCheck (const act)