Robert Autenrieth 80e8ac113d
Add support for party management in the sandbox (#1452)
Fixes #1312

This PR adds support for party management in the sandbox:

Both the in-memory and the SQL backend track a list of known
parties, and implicitly add any party mentioned in a transaction.
New calls were added to the IndexService and the WriteService
for managing parties. These calls are wired to the above mentioned
persistence backends, and to a new API service.
A corresponding client interface was added to the scala API client.
An integration test was added for checking that a call to allocate a
party succeeds.
An integration test for the sandbox was added for checking that the
sandbox implicitly adds all parties mentioned in a transaction.
2019-06-11 08:08:55 +02:00
src/test Add support for party management in the sandbox (#1452) 2019-06-11 08:08:55 +02:00
BUILD.bazel Use Ledger API Test Tool for sandbox (#1545) 2019-06-07 12:04:31 +02:00
README.md open-sourcing daml 2019-04-04 09:33:38 +01:00

Integration tests for Ledger API based implementations

This module contains various integration tests running against Ledger API implementations (sandbox, platform).

Due to the time and resource requirements of these tests, they don't run by the normal test task of the build. Instead the test jar and its dependencies are packaged into a .tgz archive, which can be started using java -jar ledger-api-integration-tests.jar, using scalatest Runner arguments (see http://www.scalatest.org/user_guide/using_the_runner ). This .tgz is stashed during the normal build, and used later in several, concurrently run Jenkins stages.

Scenario based semantic tests

The scenario based semantic tests are running scenarios found in DAML libraries against the sandbox and the platform.

Testing behavior for scenario based semantic tests. The usage pattern is as follows:

class SomeTest extends AsyncFlatSpec
  with TestExecutionSequencerFactory
  with AkkaBeforeAndAfterAll
  with SemanticTestBehavior {

val scenariosToExclude = Map(LedgerBackend.Sandbox => (scenarioName) => true,
                             LedgerBackend.Platform => Set("Test.scenario"))

config(ModuleId("<groupId>", "<artifactId>", "<version>", "dar"), "committer", scenariosToExclude)
  .fold(e => sys.error(s"$e"), identity)

Since dynamic runtime configuration of scalatest tests are a bit messy, the configuration is static for each test suite. Although multiple configurations can be executed in each suite, a Jenkins stage can only run one or more test suites. It is not possible to run only parts of a suite. That is why there are two suite classes, one for sandbox and one for platform for each DAML library.

The config function returns a scalaz.concurrent.Task, which loads the configuration. The implementation loads the DAML package, discovers all the scenarios, including the necessary stakeholders for each scenario, inspects which scenarios are manipulating time, and based on these data creates a configuration.

After running the task, the toConfigurationVector creates a list of configuration vectors. Each element in this list represents one run of either sandbox or platform, for a given participant configuration, and a list of scenarios to execute.

For every element of this list one should call semanticTestBehavior, which starts the configured backend, set up with the configured participants, and executes the configured scenarios (to be precise, the SemanticTester creates a list of commands and expected responses based on the content of the scenarios, and executes these commands on the backend).