2023-01-09 09:48:02 +00:00

455 lines
15 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2022 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Keep in sync with compatibility/bazel_tools/create-daml-app/index.test.ts
import { ChildProcess, spawn, spawnSync, SpawnOptions } from "child_process";
import { promises as fs } from "fs";
import puppeteer, { Browser, Page } from "puppeteer";
import waitOn from "wait-on";
import Ledger, { UserRightHelper, UserRight } from "@daml/ledger";
import { User } from "@daml.js/create-daml-app";
import { insecure } from "./config";
const JSON_API_PORT_FILE_NAME = "json-api.port";
const UI_PORT = 3000;
// `daml start` process
let startProc: ChildProcess | undefined = undefined;
// `npm start` process
let uiProc: ChildProcess | undefined = undefined;
// Chrome browser that we run in headless mode
let browser: Browser | undefined = undefined;
let publicUser: string | undefined;
let publicParty: string | undefined;
const adminLedger = new Ledger({
token: insecure.makeToken("participant_admin"),
httpBaseUrl: "",
const toAlias = (userId: string): string =>
userId.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + userId.slice(1);
// Function to generate unique party names for us.
let nextPartyId = 1;
const getParty = async (): Promise<[string, string]> => {
const allocResult = await adminLedger.allocateParty({});
const user = `u${nextPartyId}`;
const party = allocResult.identifier;
const rights: UserRight[] = [UserRightHelper.canActAs(party)].concat(
publicParty !== undefined ? [UserRightHelper.canReadAs(publicParty)] : [],
await adminLedger.createUser(user, rights, party);
return [user, party];
test("Party names are unique", async () => {
let r: string[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
r = r.concat((await getParty())[1]);
const parties = new Set(r);
}, 20_000);
const removeFile = async (path: string) => {
try {
await fs.stat(path);
await fs.unlink(path);
} catch (_e) {
// Do nothing if the file does not exist.
// Start the Daml and UI processes before the tests begin.
// To reduce test times, we reuse the same processes between all the tests.
// This means we need to use a different set of parties and a new browser page for each test.
beforeAll(async () => {
// Run `daml start` from the project root (where the `daml.yaml` is located).
// The path should include '.daml/bin' in the environment where this is run,
// which contains the `daml` assistant executable.
const startOpts: SpawnOptions = { cwd: "..", stdio: "inherit" };
console.debug("Starting daml start");
startProc = spawn("daml", ["start"], startOpts);
await waitOn({ resources: [`tcp:`] });
console.debug("daml sandbox is running");
await waitOn({ resources: [`tcp:`] });
console.debug("JSON API is running");
[publicUser, publicParty] = await getParty();
// Run `npm start` in another shell.
// Disable automatically opening a browser using the env var described here:
// https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/issues/873#issuecomment-266318338
const env = { ...process.env, BROWSER: "none" };
console.debug("Starting npm start");
uiProc = spawn("npm", ["start"], {
stdio: "inherit",
detached: true,
// Note(kill-npm-start): The `detached` flag starts the process in a new process group.
// This allows us to kill the process with all its descendents after the tests finish,
// following https://azimi.me/2014/12/31/kill-child_process-node-js.html.
// Ensure the UI server is ready by checking that the port is available.
await waitOn({ resources: [`tcp:${UI_PORT}`] });
console.debug("npm start is running");
// Launch a single browser for all tests.
console.debug("Starting puppeteer");
browser = await puppeteer.launch();
console.debug("Puppeteer is running");
}, 60_000);
afterAll(async () => {
// Kill the `daml start` process, allowing the sandbox and JSON API server to
// shut down gracefully.
// The latter process should also remove the JSON API port file.
// TODO: Test this on Windows.
if (startProc) {
// Kill the `npm start` process including all its descendents.
// The `-` indicates to kill all processes in the process group.
// See Note(kill-npm-start).
// TODO: Test this on Windows.
if (uiProc && uiProc.pid) {
if (browser) {
test("create and look up user using ledger library", async () => {
const [user, party] = await getParty();
const token = insecure.makeToken(user);
const ledger = new Ledger({ token });
const users0 = await ledger.query(User.User);
const userPayload = { username: party, following: [], public: publicParty };
const userContract1 = await ledger.create(User.User, userPayload);
const userContract2 = await ledger.fetchByKey(User.User, party);
const users = await ledger.query(User.User);
}, 20_000);
// The tests following use the headless browser to interact with the app.
// We select the relevant DOM elements using CSS class names that we embedded
// specifically for testing.
// See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors.
const newUiPage = async (): Promise<Page> => {
if (!browser) {
throw Error("Puppeteer browser has not been launched");
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.setViewport({ width: 1366, height: 1080 });
page.on("console", message =>
`${message.type().substr(0, 3).toUpperCase()} ${message.text()}`,
await page.goto(`${UI_PORT}`); // ignore the Response
return page;
// Note that Follow is a consuming choice on a contract
// with a contract key so it is crucial to wait between follows.
// Otherwise, you get errors due to contention.
// Those can manifest in puppeteer throwing `Target closed`
// but that is not the underlying error (the JSON API will
// output the contention errors as well so look through the log).
const waitForFollowers = async (page: Page, n: number) => {
await page.waitForFunction(
(n: number) =>
document.querySelectorAll(".test-select-following").length == n,
// Log in using a party name and wait for the main screen to load.
const login = async (page: Page, partyName: string) => {
const usernameInput = await page.waitForSelector(
if (usernameInput) {
await usernameInput.click();
await usernameInput.type(partyName);
await page.click(".test-select-login-button");
await page.waitForSelector(".test-select-main-menu");
// Log out and wait to get back to the login screen.
const logout = async (page: Page) => {
await page.click(".test-select-log-out");
await page.waitForSelector(".test-select-login-screen");
// Follow a user using the text input in the follow panel.
const follow = async (page: Page, userToFollow: string) => {
const followInput = await page.waitForSelector(".test-select-follow-input");
if (followInput) {
await followInput.click();
await followInput.type(userToFollow);
await followInput.press("Enter");
await page.click(".test-select-follow-button");
// Wait for the request to complete, either successfully or after the error
// dialog has been handled.
// We check this by the absence of the `loading` class.
// (Both the `test-...` and `loading` classes appear in `div`s surrounding
// the `input`, due to the translation of Semantic UI's `Input` element.)
await page.waitForSelector(".test-select-follow-input > :not(.loading)", {
timeout: 40_000,
test("log in as a new user, log out and log back in", async () => {
const [user, party] = await getParty();
// Log in as a new user.
const page = await newUiPage();
await login(page, user);
// Check that the ledger contains the new User contract.
const token = insecure.makeToken(user);
const ledger = new Ledger({ token });
const users = await ledger.query(User.User);
// Log out and in again as the same user.
await logout(page);
await login(page, user);
// Check we have the same one user.
const usersFinal = await ledger.query(User.User);
await page.close();
}, 40_000);
// This tests following users in a few different ways:
// - using the text box in the Follow panel
// - using the icon in the Network panel
// - while the user that is followed is logged in
// - while the user that is followed is logged out
// These are all successful cases.
test("log in as three different users and start following each other", async () => {
const [user1, party1] = await getParty();
const [user2, party2] = await getParty();
const [user3, party3] = await getParty();
// Log in as Party 1.
const page1 = await newUiPage();
await login(page1, user1);
// Log in as Party 2.
const page2 = await newUiPage();
await login(page2, user2);
// Log in as Party 3.
const page3 = await newUiPage();
await login(page3, user3);
// Party 1 should initially follow no one.
const noFollowing1 = await page1.$$(".test-select-following");
// Follow Party 2 using the text input.
// This should work even though Party 2 has not logged in yet.
// Check Party 1 follows exactly Party 2.
await follow(page1, party2);
await waitForFollowers(page1, 1);
const followingList1 = await page1.$$eval(
following => following.map(e => e.innerHTML),
// Add Party 3 as well and check both are in the list.
await follow(page1, party3);
await waitForFollowers(page1, 2);
const followingList11 = await page1.$$eval(
following => following.map(e => e.innerHTML),
// Party 2 should initially follow no one.
const noFollowing2 = await page2.$$(".test-select-following");
// However, Party 2 should see Party 1 in the network.
await page2.waitForSelector(".test-select-user-in-network");
const network2 = await page2.$$eval(".test-select-user-in-network", users =>
users.map(e => e.innerHTML),
// Follow Party 1 using the 'add user' icon on the right.
await page2.waitForSelector(".test-select-add-user-icon");
const userIcons = await page2.$$(".test-select-add-user-icon");
await userIcons[0].click();
await waitForFollowers(page2, 1);
// Also follow Party 3 using the text input.
// Note that we can also use the icon to follow Party 3 as they appear in the
// Party 1's Network panel, but that's harder to test at the
// moment because there is no loading indicator to tell when it's done.
await follow(page2, party3);
// Check the following list is updated correctly.
await waitForFollowers(page2, 2);
const followingList2 = await page2.$$eval(
following => following.map(e => e.innerHTML),
// Party 1 should now also see Party 2 in the network (but not Party 3 as they
// didn't yet started following Party 1).
await page1.waitForSelector(".test-select-user-in-network");
const network1 = await page1.$$eval(
following => following.map(e => e.innerHTML),
// Party 3 should follow no one.
const noFollowing3 = await page3.$$(".test-select-following");
// However, Party 3 should see both Party 1 and Party 2 in the network.
await page3.waitForSelector(".test-select-user-in-network");
const network3 = await page3.$$eval(
following => following.map(e => e.innerHTML),
await page1.close();
await page2.close();
await page3.close();
}, 60_000);
test("error when following self", async () => {
const [user, party] = await getParty();
const page = await newUiPage();
const dismissError = jest.fn(dialog => dialog.dismiss());
page.on("dialog", dismissError);
await login(page, user);
await follow(page, party);
await page.close();
test("error when adding a user that you are already following", async () => {
const [user1, party1] = await getParty();
const [user2, party2] = await getParty();
const page = await newUiPage();
const dismissError = jest.fn(dialog => dialog.dismiss());
page.on("dialog", dismissError);
await login(page, user1);
// First attempt should succeed
await follow(page, party2);
// Second attempt should result in an error
await follow(page, party2);
await page.close();
}, 10000);
const failedLogin = async (page: Page, partyName: string) => {
let error: string | undefined = undefined;
await page.exposeFunction("getError", () => error);
const dismissError = jest.fn(async dialog => {
error = dialog.message();
await dialog.dismiss();
page.on("dialog", dismissError);
const usernameInput = await page.waitForSelector(
if (usernameInput) {
await usernameInput.click();
await usernameInput.type(partyName);
await page.click(".test-select-login-button");
await page.waitForFunction(
// Casting window as any so the TS compiler doesn't flag this as an
// error.
// The window object normally doesn't have a .getError method, but
// we're adding one above with exposeFunction.
async () => (await (window as any).getError()) !== undefined,
return error;
test("error on user id with invalid format", async () => {
// user ids should not contains `%`
const invalidUser = "Alice%";
const page = await newUiPage();
const error = await failedLogin(page, invalidUser);
expect(error).toMatch(/User ID \\"Alice%\\" does not match regex/);
await page.close();
}, 40_000);
test("error on non-existent user id", async () => {
const invalidUser = "nonexistent";
const page = await newUiPage();
const error = await failedLogin(page, invalidUser);
/getting user failed for unknown user \\"nonexistent\\"/,
await page.close();
}, 40_000);
test("error on user with no primary party", async () => {
const invalidUser = "noprimary";
await adminLedger.createUser(invalidUser, []);
const page = await newUiPage();
const error = await failedLogin(page, invalidUser);
expect(error).toMatch(/User 'noprimary' has no primary party/);
await page.close();
}, 40_000);