Moritz Kiefer d68d197948
Disable scaladoc on the MacOS CI (#4524)
* Disable scaladoc on the MacOS CI

It is still built by default locally.

fixes #4441


* Change tag name
2020-02-14 14:08:24 +00:00

531 lines
20 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2020 The DAML Authors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
load("//bazel_tools:pom_file.bzl", "pom_file")
load("@os_info//:os_info.bzl", "is_windows")
load("//bazel_tools:pkg.bzl", "pkg_empty_zip")
# This file defines common Scala compiler flags and plugins used throughout
# this repository. The initial set of flags is taken from the ledger-client
# project. If you find that additional flags are required for another project,
# consider whether all projects could benefit from these changes. If so, add
# them here.
# Use the macros `da_scala_*` defined in this file, instead of the stock rules
# `scala_*` from `rules_scala` in order for these default flags to take effect.
common_scalacopts = [
# doesn't allow advance features of the language without explict import
# (higherkinds, implicits)
# more detailed information about type-erasure related warnings
# warn if using deprecated stuff
# better error reporting for pureconfig
# catch missing string interpolators
# adapted args is a deprecated feature:
# `def foo(a: (A, B))` can be called with `foo(a, b)`.
# properly it should be `foo((a,b))`
# Warn about implicit conversion between numerical types
# Gives a warning for functions declared as returning Unit, but the body returns a value
# unfortunately give false warning for the `(a, b) = someTuple`
# line inside a for comprehension
# "-Ywarn-unused"
plugin_deps = [
common_plugins = [
plugin_scalacopts = [
# do not enable wart remover for now, because we need to fix a lot of
# test code, which didn't have wart remover enabled before
# This lists all wartremover linting passes.
# "-P:wartremover:traverser:org.wartremover.warts.AsInstanceOf",
# "-P:wartremover:traverser:org.wartremover.warts.DefaultArguments",
# "-P:wartremover:traverser:org.wartremover.warts.EitherProjectionPartial",
# "-P:wartremover:traverser:org.wartremover.warts.Equals",
# "-P:wartremover:traverser:org.wartremover.warts.FinalCaseClass",
# "-P:wartremover:traverser:org.wartremover.warts.FinalVal",
# "-P:wartremover:traverser:org.wartremover.warts.ImplicitConversion",
# "-P:wartremover:traverser:org.wartremover.warts.ImplicitParameter",
# "-P:wartremover:traverser:org.wartremover.warts.IsInstanceOf",
# "-P:wartremover:traverser:org.wartremover.warts.MutableDataStructures",
# "-P:wartremover:traverser:org.wartremover.warts.NonUnitStatements",
# "-P:wartremover:traverser:org.wartremover.warts.Nothing",
# "-P:wartremover:traverser:org.wartremover.warts.Null",
# "-P:wartremover:traverser:org.wartremover.warts.OptionPartial",
# "-P:wartremover:traverser:org.wartremover.warts.Overloading",
# "-P:wartremover:traverser:org.wartremover.warts.PublicInference",
# "-P:wartremover:traverser:org.wartremover.warts.Recursion",
# "-P:wartremover:traverser:org.wartremover.warts.Throw",
# "-P:wartremover:traverser:org.wartremover.warts.ToString",
# "-P:wartremover:traverser:org.wartremover.warts.TraversableOps",
# "-P:wartremover:traverser:org.wartremover.warts.TryPartial",
# "-P:wartremover:traverser:org.wartremover.warts.Var",
# "-P:wartremover:traverser:org.wartremover.warts.While",
# delete items from lf_scalacopts as they are restored to common_scalacopts and plugin_scalacopts
# # calculate items to delete
# $ python
# ... copypaste ...
# >>> filter(set(common_scalacopts + plugin_scalacopts).__contains__, lf_scalacopts)
# []
# ^ means nothing to remove
lf_scalacopts = [
def _wrap_rule(rule, name = "", scalacopts = [], plugins = [], generated_srcs = [], **kwargs):
name = name,
scalacopts = common_scalacopts + plugin_scalacopts + scalacopts,
plugins = common_plugins + plugins,
def _wrap_rule_no_plugins(rule, scalacopts = [], **kwargs):
scalacopts = common_scalacopts + scalacopts,
def _strip_path_upto(path, upto):
idx = path.find(upto)
if idx >= 0:
return [path[idx + len(upto):].strip("/")]
return []
def _scala_source_jar_impl(ctx):
manifest_file = ctx.actions.declare_file(
ctx.label.name + "_MANIFEST.MF",
ctx.actions.write(manifest_file, "Manifest-Version: 1.0\n")
zipper_args_file = ctx.actions.declare_file(
ctx.label.name + ".zipper_args",
sibling = manifest_file,
tmpsrcdirs = []
zipper_args = ["META-INF/MANIFEST.MF=" + manifest_file.path]
for src in ctx.files.srcs:
# Check for common extensions that indicate that the file is a ZIP archive.
if src.extension == "srcjar" or src.extension == "jar" or src.extension == "zip":
tmpsrcdir = ctx.actions.declare_directory("%s_%s_tmpdir" % (ctx.label.name, src.owner.name))
executable = ctx.executable._zipper,
inputs = [src],
outputs = [tmpsrcdir],
arguments = ["x", src.path, "-d", tmpsrcdir.path],
mnemonic = "ScalaUnpackSourceJar",
for new_path in _strip_path_upto(src.path, ctx.attr.strip_upto):
zipper_args.append("%s=%s" % (new_path, src.path))
posix = ctx.toolchains["@rules_sh//sh/posix:toolchain_type"]
if len(tmpsrcdirs) > 0:
tmpsrc_cmds = [
"({find} -L {tmpsrc_path} -type f | {sed} -E 's#^{tmpsrc_path}/(.*)$#\\1={tmpsrc_path}/\\1#')".format(
find = posix.commands["find"],
sed = posix.commands["sed"],
tmpsrc_path = tmpsrcdir.path,
for tmpsrcdir in tmpsrcdirs
cmd = "(echo -e \"{src_paths}\" && {joined_tmpsrc_cmds}) | {sort} > {args_file}".format(
src_paths = "\\n".join(zipper_args),
joined_tmpsrc_cmds = " && ".join(tmpsrc_cmds),
args_file = zipper_args_file.path,
sort = posix.commands["sort"],
inputs = tmpsrcdirs + [manifest_file] + ctx.files.srcs
cmd = "echo -e \"{src_paths}\" | {sort} > {args_file}".format(
src_paths = "\\n".join(zipper_args),
args_file = zipper_args_file.path,
sort = posix.commands["sort"],
inputs = [manifest_file] + ctx.files.srcs
mnemonic = "ScalaFindSourceFiles",
outputs = [zipper_args_file],
inputs = inputs,
command = cmd,
progress_message = "find_scala_source_files %s" % zipper_args_file.path,
executable = ctx.executable._zipper,
inputs = inputs + [zipper_args_file],
outputs = [ctx.outputs.out],
arguments = ["c", ctx.outputs.out.path, "@" + zipper_args_file.path],
mnemonic = "ScalaSourceJar",
scala_source_jar = rule(
implementation = _scala_source_jar_impl,
attrs = {
"srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
# The string to strip up to from source file paths.
# E.g. "main/scala" strips "foo/src/main/scala/com/daml/Foo.scala"
# to "com/daml/Foo.scala".
# Files not matching are not included in the source jar,
# so you may end up with empty source jars.
# TODO(JM): Add support for multiple options.
"strip_upto": attr.string(default = "main/scala"),
"_zipper": attr.label(
default = Label("@bazel_tools//tools/zip:zipper"),
cfg = "host",
executable = True,
allow_files = True,
outputs = {
"out": "%{name}.jar",
toolchains = ["@rules_sh//sh/posix:toolchain_type"],
def _create_scala_source_jar(**kwargs):
# Try to not create empty source jars. We may still end up
# with them if the "strip_upto" does not match any of the
# paths.
if len(kwargs["srcs"]) > 0:
name = kwargs["name"] + "_src",
srcs = kwargs["srcs"],
def _build_nosrc_jar(ctx):
# this ensures the file is not empty
manifest_path = ctx.actions.declare_file("%s_MANIFEST.MF" % ctx.label.name)
ctx.actions.write(manifest_path, "Manifest-Version: 1.0")
resources = "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF=%s\n" % manifest_path.path
zipper_arg_path = ctx.actions.declare_file("%s_zipper_args" % ctx.label.name)
ctx.actions.write(zipper_arg_path, resources)
cmd = """
rm -f {jar_output}
{zipper} c {jar_output} @{path}
cmd = cmd.format(
path = zipper_arg_path.path,
jar_output = ctx.outputs.out.path,
zipper = ctx.executable._zipper.path,
outs = [ctx.outputs.out]
inputs = [manifest_path]
inputs = inputs,
tools = [ctx.executable._zipper, zipper_arg_path],
outputs = outs,
command = cmd,
progress_message = "scala %s" % ctx.label,
arguments = [],
def _scaladoc_jar_impl(ctx):
# Detect an actual scala source file rather than a srcjar or other label
srcFiles = [
for src in ctx.files.srcs
if src.is_source or src in ctx.files.generated_srcs
if srcFiles != []:
# The following plugin handling is lifted from a private library of 'rules_scala'.
# https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_scala/blob/1cffc5fcae1f553a7619b98bf7d6456d65081665/scala/private/rule_impls.bzl#L130
pluginPaths = []
for p in ctx.attr.plugins:
if hasattr(p, "path"):
elif hasattr(p, "scala"):
pluginPaths.extend([j.class_jar for j in p.scala.outputs.jars])
elif hasattr(p, "java"):
pluginPaths.extend([j.class_jar for j in p.java.outputs.jars])
# support http_file pointed at a jar. http_jar uses ijar,
# which breaks scala macros
elif hasattr(p, "files"):
pluginPaths.extend([f for f in p.files.to_list() if "-sources.jar" not in f.basename])
transitive_deps = [dep[JavaInfo].transitive_deps for dep in ctx.attr.deps]
classpath = depset([], transitive = transitive_deps).to_list()
outdir = ctx.actions.declare_directory(ctx.label.name + "_tmpdir")
args = ctx.actions.args()
args.add_all(["-d", outdir.path])
args.add_joined(classpath, join_with = ":")
args.add_joined(pluginPaths, join_with = ",", format_joined = "-Xplugin:%s")
executable = ctx.executable._scaladoc,
inputs = ctx.files.srcs + classpath + pluginPaths,
outputs = [outdir],
arguments = [args],
mnemonic = "ScaladocGen",
# since we only have the output directory of the scaladoc generation we need to find
# all the files below sources_out and add them to the zipper args file
zipper_args_file = ctx.actions.declare_file(ctx.label.name + ".zipper_args")
posix = ctx.toolchains["@rules_sh//sh/posix:toolchain_type"]
mnemonic = "ScaladocFindOutputFiles",
outputs = [zipper_args_file],
inputs = [outdir],
command = "{find} -L {src_path} -type f | {sed} -E 's#^{src_path}/(.*)$#\\1={src_path}/\\1#' | {sort} > {args_file}".format(
find = posix.commands["find"],
sed = posix.commands["sed"],
sort = posix.commands["sort"],
src_path = outdir.path,
args_file = zipper_args_file.path,
progress_message = "find_scaladoc_output_files %s" % zipper_args_file.path,
executable = ctx.executable._zipper,
inputs = ctx.files.srcs + classpath + [outdir, zipper_args_file],
outputs = [ctx.outputs.out],
arguments = ["c", ctx.outputs.out.path, "@" + zipper_args_file.path],
mnemonic = "ScaladocJar",
scaladoc_jar = rule(
implementation = _scaladoc_jar_impl,
attrs = {
"deps": attr.label_list(),
"doctitle": attr.string(default = ""),
"plugins": attr.label_list(default = []),
"srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
# generated source files that should still be included.
"generated_srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
"scalacopts": attr.string_list(),
"_zipper": attr.label(
default = Label("@bazel_tools//tools/zip:zipper"),
cfg = "host",
executable = True,
allow_files = True,
"_scaladoc": attr.label(
default = Label("@scala_nix//:bin/scaladoc"),
cfg = "host",
executable = True,
allow_files = True,
outputs = {
"out": "%{name}.jar",
toolchains = ["@rules_sh//sh/posix:toolchain_type"],
Generates a Scaladoc jar path/to/target/<name>.jar.
srcs: source files to process
deps: targets that contain references to other types referenced in Scaladoc.
doctitle: title for Scalaadoc's index.html. Typically the name of the library
def _create_scaladoc_jar(**kwargs):
# Limit execution to Linux and MacOS
if is_windows == False:
plugins = []
if "plugins" in kwargs:
plugins = kwargs["plugins"]
name = kwargs["name"] + "_scaladoc",
deps = kwargs["deps"],
plugins = plugins,
srcs = kwargs["srcs"],
scalacopts = kwargs.get("scalacopts", []),
generated_srcs = kwargs.get("generated_srcs", []),
tags = ["scaladoc"],
def da_scala_library(name, unused_dependency_checker_mode = "error", **kwargs):
Define a Scala library.
Applies common Scala options defined in `bazel_tools/scala.bzl`.
And forwards to `scala_library` from `rules_scala`.
Refer to the [`rules_scala` documentation][rules_scala_library_docs].
[rules_scala_library_docs]: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_scala/blob/master/docs/scala_library.md
kwargs["unused_dependency_checker_mode"] = unused_dependency_checker_mode
_wrap_rule(scala_library, name, **kwargs)
_create_scala_source_jar(name = name, **kwargs)
_create_scaladoc_jar(name = name, **kwargs)
if "tags" in kwargs:
for tag in kwargs["tags"]:
if tag.startswith("maven_coordinates="):
name = name + "_pom",
target = ":" + name,
def da_scala_library_suite(name, **kwargs):
Define a suite of Scala libraries as a single target.
Applies common Scala options defined in `bazel_tools/scala.bzl`.
And forwards to `scala_library_suite` from `rules_scala`.
Refer to the [`rules_scala` documentation][rules_scala_library_suite_docs].
[rules_scala_library_suite_docs]: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_scala/blob/master/docs/scala_library_suite.md
_wrap_rule(scala_library_suite, name, **kwargs)
_create_scala_source_jar(name = name, **kwargs)
_create_scaladoc_jar(name = name, **kwargs)
if "tags" in kwargs:
for tag in kwargs["tags"]:
if tag.startswith("maven_coordinates="):
fail("Usage of maven_coordinates in da_scala_library_suite is NOT supported", "tags")
def da_scala_macro_library(**kwargs):
Define a Scala library that contains macros.
Applies common Scala options defined in `bazel_tools/scala.bzl`.
And forwards to `scala_macro_library` from `rules_scala`.
Refer to the [`rules_scala` documentation][rules_scala_docs].
[rules_scala_docs]: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_scala#scala_library
_wrap_rule(scala_macro_library, **kwargs)
def da_scala_binary(name, unused_dependency_checker_mode = "error", **kwargs):
Define a Scala executable.
Applies common Scala options defined in `bazel_tools/scala.bzl`.
And forwards to `scala_binary` from `rules_scala`.
Refer to the [`rules_scala` documentation][rules_scala_docs].
[rules_scala_docs]: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_scala#scala_binary
kwargs["unused_dependency_checker_mode"] = unused_dependency_checker_mode
_wrap_rule(scala_binary, name, **kwargs)
if "tags" in kwargs:
for tag in kwargs["tags"]:
if tag.startswith("maven_coordinates="):
name = name + "_pom",
target = ":" + name,
# Create empty Sources JAR for uploading to Maven Central
name = name + "_src",
out = name + "_src.jar",
# Create empty javadoc JAR for uploading deploy jars to Maven Central
name = name + "_javadoc",
out = name + "_javadoc.jar",
def da_scala_test(unused_dependency_checker_mode = "error", **kwargs):
Define a Scala executable that runs the unit tests in the given source files.
Applies common Scala options defined in `bazel_tools/scala.bzl`.
And forwards to `scala_test` from `rules_scala`.
Refer to the [`rules_scala` documentation][rules_scala_docs].
[rules_scala_docs]: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_scala#scala_test
kwargs["unused_dependency_checker_mode"] = unused_dependency_checker_mode
_wrap_rule(scala_test, **kwargs)
def da_scala_test_suite(**kwargs):
Define a Scala test executable for each source file and bundle them into one target.
Applies common Scala options defined in `bazel_tools/scala.bzl`.
And forwards to `scala_test_suite` from `rules_scala`.
Refer to the [`rules_scala` documentation][rules_scala_docs].
[rules_scala_docs]: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_scala#scala_test_suite
_wrap_rule(scala_test_suite, use_short_names = is_windows, **kwargs)
# TODO make the jmh rule work with plugins -- probably
# just a matter of passing the flag in
def da_scala_benchmark_jmh(**kwargs):
_wrap_rule_no_plugins(scala_benchmark_jmh, **kwargs)