Digital Asset GmbH 05e691f558 open-sourcing daml
2019-04-04 09:33:38 +01:00

549 lines
10 KiB
Protocol Buffer

// Copyright (c) 2019 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// DAML-LF-0 is simply a .proto representation of the DAML core stored
// in the legacy sdaml format. We use it to ease transition between
// sdaml and DAML-LF archives.
syntax = "proto3";
package daml_lf_0;
option java_package = "com.digitalasset.daml_lf";
message Unit {};
message Package {
Library library = 1;
TemplateStoreStakeholders stakeholders = 2;
message Library {
repeated TemplateGroup template_store = 1;
repeated Decl decl_store = 2;
repeated string module_template_group_ids = 3;
message TemplateGroup {
string id = 1;
repeated Template templates = 2;
message Template {
string id = 1;
repeated LetBinder lets = 2;
repeated TypedBinder params = 3;
ContractExpr contract_expr = 4;
string topLevelDef = 5;
message LetBinder {
string var = 1;
Expr expr = 2;
message Expr {
message App {
Expr fun = 1;
repeated Expr args = 2; // length > 0
message Lambda {
repeated TypedBinder params = 1; // length > 0
Expr body = 2;
message Let {
repeated LetBinder bindings = 1; // length > 0
Expr body = 2;
message If {
Expr cond = 1;
Expr then = 2;
Expr else = 3;
message ExtendField {
string name = 1;
Expr expr = 2;
message Extend {
repeated ExtendField fields = 1;
Expr record = 2;
message List {
repeated Expr heads = 1;
Expr tail = 2;
oneof Sum {
RefTerm ref = 1;
Literal lit = 2;
App app = 3;
Lambda lam = 4;
Let let = 5;
If if = 6;
Case case = 7;
Choice choice = 8;
Update update = 9;
PatternMatch pattern_match = 10;
Scenario scenario = 11;
// we keep extend as a special case rather than as a
// builtin because we want to keep repeated applications
// of extend flat.
Extend extend = 12;
// we also keep list literals as a special case to remove deeply
// nested conses
List list = 13;
message Choice {
ChoiceKind kind = 1;
Expr controller = 2;
repeated TypedBinder values = 3;
string exercised_at = 4; // optional
Expr after = 5; // optional
Expr until = 6; // optional
Expr cond = 7; // optional
Expr follow_up = 8; // optional
Type result_ty = 9; // optional
enum ChoiceKind {
message CasePat {
message Variant {
string label = 1;
string binder = 2;
message Data {
Builtin constructor = 1;
repeated string args = 2;
oneof Sum {
Unit default = 1;
Variant variant = 2;
Literal literal = 3;
Data data = 4;
message Case {
message Alt {
CasePat pat = 1;
Expr expr = 2;
Expr scrut = 1;
repeated Alt alts = 2;
message Literal {
oneof Sum {
bool bool = 1;
string integer = 2;
string decimal = 3;
string rel_time = 4;
string char = 5;
string text = 6;
string time = 10;
string party = 7;
ContractId contract_id = 8;
Unit empty_record = 9;
Unit unit = 11;
message ContractId {
oneof Sum {
string absolute = 1;
int32 relative = 2;
message RecordPattern {
message LabelWithPattern {
string label = 1;
RecordPattern pattern = 2;
message Record {
repeated LabelWithPattern pats = 1;
oneof Sum {
string var = 1;
Record record = 2;
message Update {
message UpdateStep {
Expr expr = 1;
RecordPattern pat = 2; // optional
repeated UpdateStep steps = 1;
message RefTerm {
oneof Sum {
Builtin builtin = 1;
Op op = 2;
string binder = 3;
RefTemplate template = 4;
string top_level_decl = 5;
message RefTemplate {
message External {
string group_id = 1;
string tpl_id = 2;
oneof Sum {
string internal = 1;
External external = 2;
message TypedBinder {
string binder = 1;
Type type = 2;
enum Op {
OP_ADD = 0;
OP_SUB = 1;
OP_MULT = 2;
OP_DIV = 3;
OP_EXP = 5;
OP_LESS = 6;
OP_LEQ = 7;
OP_GEQ = 9;
OP_EQ = 10;
OP_NEQ = 11;
OP_AND = 12;
OP_OR = 13;
message Type {
message Arr {
repeated Type args = 1;
Type result = 2;
message App {
RefType ref = 1;
repeated Type args = 2;
message Abs {
repeated string binders = 1;
Type body = 2;
message Data {
BuiltinType builtin = 1;
repeated Type args = 2;
message Record {
repeated TypeField fields = 1;
message Variant {
repeated TypeField tags = 1;
message Contract {
repeated TypeField args = 1;
repeated TypeChoice choices = 2;
message Await {
repeated TypeChoice choices = 3;
oneof Sum {
RefType ref = 1;
Arr arr = 2;
App app = 3;
Abs abs = 4;
Data data = 5;
Record record = 6;
Variant variant = 7;
Contract contract = 8;
Await await = 9;
message RefType {
oneof Sum {
BuiltinType builtin = 1;
string top_level_decl = 2;
string var = 3;
enum BuiltinType {
// Ambient types.
BT_DATA = 0; // The kind of data types.
BT_ANY = 1; // The supertype of all data types.
BT_VOID = 2; // The subtype of all data types.
// Generic primitive types.
BT_BOOL = 3; // Type of boolean values.
BT_INTEGER = 4; // Type of integers with infinite precision.
BT_DECIMAL = 5; // Type of decimal values with infinite precision.
BT_CHAR = 6; // Type of chars.
BT_TEXT = 7; // Type of text strings.
BT_TIME = 8; // Type of times.
BT_RELTIME = 9; // Type of relative times.
BT_LIST = 10; // Type of lists (arity 1)
// Application specific types.
BT_PARTY = 11; // Type of parties.
BT_CONTRACTID = 12; // Type of contract ids.
BT_UPDATE = 13; // Type of an update action.
BT_SCENARIO = 14; // Type of a scenario action.
// Abominations
// These are placeholder types that were used in DAML Classic
// the type system was under development.
BT_CHOICE = 15; // An opqaue type of choices.
BT_CONTRACT = 16; // An opaque type of contracts.
BT_RECORD = 17; // Placeholder type of records.
BT_PUREVALUE = 18; // An opaque type of 'pure x'.
BT_ASSERTION = 19; // Type of an 'assert cond'.
BT_TEMPLATE = 20; // The kind of templates.
BT_UNIT = 21;
message TypeField {
string field = 1;
Type type = 2;
message TypeChoice {
string label = 1;
repeated TypeField params = 2;
Type result = 3;
message ContractExpr {
Expr precondition = 1; // optional
Agreement agreement = 2; // optional
Await await = 3;
message Await {
message Choice {
string label = 1;
Expr body = 2;
repeated Choice choices = 1;
message Agreement {
repeated Expr parties = 1;
Expr text = 2;
repeated Expr observers = 3; // Each expresion is of type `List Party`.
message TemplateStoreStakeholders {
repeated TemplateGroupStakeholders stakeholders = 1;
message TemplateGroupStakeholders {
string id = 1;
repeated TemplateStakeholders group_stakeholders = 2;
message TemplateStakeholders {
string id = 1;
repeated string params = 2;
Obligables obligables = 3;
Controllers controllers = 4;
bool is_daml1x = 5;
message Controllers {
message Controller {
string choice = 1;
repeated AbstractParty parties = 2;
message DeterminedControllers {
repeated Controller controllers = 1;
oneof Sum {
DeterminedControllers determined = 1;
string not_determined = 2;
message AbstractParty {
message Elim {
oneof Sum {
string projection = 1;
string variant = 2;
Unit head = 3;
Unit tail = 4;
message Neutral {
string head = 1;
repeated Elim elims = 2;
oneof Sum {
string literal = 1;
Neutral neutral = 2;
message Obligables {
message ObligableClause {
repeated AbstractParty controlling = 1;
repeated AbstractParty obligables = 2;
message DeterminedObligables {
repeated ObligableClause clauses = 1;
oneof Sum {
DeterminedObligables determined = 1;
string not_determined = 2;
enum Builtin {
// Text <-> [Char] conversions
// RelTime<->Decimal conversions
// Integer<->Decimal conversions
// scenario actions
B_PURE = 8;
B_PASS = 9;
B_CREATE = 10;
B_DELETE = 12;
B_ASSERT = 13;
// numeric functions
B_ROUND = 16; // Rounding of decimals in 'banker's round mode'.
B_DIVD = 17; // Decimal division. Fails on divide by zero.
B_REMD = 18; // Decimal remainder computation. Fails on divide by zero.
B_NOT = 19; // Boolean 'not'
B_OR = 20; // Boolean 'or' function.
B_AND = 21; // Boolean 'and' function.
B_NIL = 22; // Nil constructor for lists
B_CONS = 23; // Cons constructor for lists
B_FOLDL = 24; // left fold over lists
B_FOLDR = 25; // right fold over lists
// NOTE(JM): Built-ins bellow this comment are only used in the Core
// representation and are explicit in the DAML AST.
B_LOOKUP = 26;
// we keep this here as well that as in the expressions so that the
// conversion is more robust and agnostic to how the AST is constructed
B_EXTEND = 27;
B_TAG = 28;
B_COMMIT = 30;
B_FIX = 31;
B_FETCH = 32; // new built-ins in the context of 1.0
B_ABORT = 34;
message PatternMatch {
Expr contract_id = 1;
Expr pattern = 2;
Expr body = 3;
message Scenario {
message ScenarioStep {
Expr expr = 1;
RecordPattern pat = 2; // optional
repeated ScenarioStep steps = 1;
message Decl {
oneof Sum {
DeclType type = 1;
DeclTerm term = 2;
message DeclType {
string name = 1;
repeated string params = 3;
Type body = 4;
enum DeclTermKind {
TEST = 2;
LET = 3;
message DeclTerm {
string name = 1;
DeclTermKind kind = 2;
repeated TypedBinder params = 3;
Type result_type = 4; // optional
Expr body = 5;
ScenarioTopology topology = 6; // optional
message ScenarioTopology {
Expr writer = 1;
repeated Expr reader = 2;