Neil Mitchell bfa019997a
Prototype to accelerate Windows development (#411)
* Initial rattle prototype

* Build the IDE core

* Ignore the Rattle directory

* Clean up the dependencies

* Require stack-1.10, since that does much better extra-dep caching

* Streamline the ghc-lib dependencies

* Compile more pieces

* Add a build.bat

* Make the Windows build use the correct stack.yaml to bootstrap

* Fix up enough to build on Windows

* Generate the dylib's on Mac

* Remove accidental -v

* Make the Haskell build driven by the Bazel metadata

* Get proto3-suite building

* Delete the unneeded haskell-dependencies

* Allow generating the proto files and compiling them

* Fix metadata to deal with """ syntax

* Fix metadata to deal with a list of globs

* More work in the direction of daml-ghc

* Use correct daml_lf proto version

* Tell GHC to use shared objects in TH

* Specify needed packages

* wip

* wip

* Switch to the fork of gRPC-haskell

* Build executables with rattle

* setup build.sbt in daml-lf

* Build binaries with rattle

* rattle-sbt, move scala build scripts out of daml-lf subdir, and into rattle subdir

* convert scala-build.sh into MainScala.hs

* Clean up rattle build

* Pre-merge clean up

* Switch to the newer version of ghc-lib-parser

* remove dev ls from MainScala.hs

* compile java generated from protos as separate projects

* Add copyright headers

* HLint fixes

* Uscrewup an HLint fix

* fix scala formatting of rattle/build.sbt
2019-04-12 10:45:11 +01:00

112 lines
3.7 KiB

-- Copyright (c) 2019 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns, LambdaCase #-}
{- HLINT ignore "Avoid restricted extensions" -}
module Metadata(
readMetadata, Metadata(..)
) where
import System.IO.Extra
import Data.Tuple.Extra
import Data.Char
import System.FilePath
import Data.List.Extra
data Metadata = Metadata
{dhl_dir :: FilePath
,dhl_name :: String
,dhl_src_strip_prefix :: String
,dhl_srcs :: [String]
,dhl_deps :: [String]
,dhl_hazel_deps :: [String]
,dhl_main_is :: Maybe String
} deriving Show
readMetadata :: FilePath -> IO [Metadata]
readMetadata file = do
src <- readFile' file
return $ map (\x -> x{dhl_dir = takeDirectory file}) $ search $ lexPython src
lexPython :: String -> [String]
lexPython (dropWhile isSpace -> ('\'':xs)) | (inner,'\'':xs) <- break (== '\'') xs = ("\"" ++ inner ++ "\"") : lexPython xs
lexPython (dropWhile isSpace -> ('\"':'\"':'\"':xs)) | (inner,_:_:_:xs) <- breakOn "\"\"\"" xs = ("\"" ++ inner ++ "\"") : lexPython xs
lexPython x = case lex x of
[("#",x)] -> lexPython $ drop 1 $ dropWhile (/= '\n') x
[("","")] -> []
[(x,y)] -> x : lexPython y
[] -> []
search :: [String] -> [Metadata]
search (x:xs)
| Just md <- defaultMetadata x
, Just (fields, rest) <- paren xs
= f md fields : search rest
f r ("name":"=":name:xs) = f r{dhl_name = read name} xs
f r ("src_strip_prefix":"=":name:xs) = f r{dhl_src_strip_prefix = read name} xs
f r ("srcs":"=":"glob":"(":(square -> Just (glob, ")":xs))) = f r{dhl_srcs = map read $ filter (/= ",") glob} xs
f r ("srcs":"=":"native":".":"glob":"(":"[":glob:"]":")":xs) = f r{dhl_srcs = [read glob]} xs
f r ("srcs":"=":(square -> Just (srcs, xs))) = f r{dhl_srcs = map read $ filter (/= ",") srcs} xs
f r ("hazel_deps":"=":(square -> Just (names, xs))) = f r{dhl_hazel_deps = map read $ filter (/= ",") names} xs
f r ("deps":"=":(square -> Just (names, xs))) = f r{dhl_deps = delete "" $ map (last . wordsBy (`elem` "/:") . read) $ filter (/= ",") names} xs
f r ("main_function":"=":main_:xs) = f r{dhl_main_is = Just $ read main_} xs
f r (x:xs) = f r xs
f r [] = r
search (x:xs) = search xs
search [] = []
defaultMetadata :: String -> Maybe Metadata
defaultMetadata = \case
"da_haskell_library" -> Just $ Metadata [] [] [] [] [] [] Nothing
"da_haskell_binary" -> Just $ Metadata [] [] [] [] [] [] (Just "Main.main")
_ -> Nothing
paren = bracketed "(" ")"
square = bracketed "[" "]"
bracketed :: String -> String -> [String] -> Maybe ([String], [String])
bracketed open close (x:xs) | x == open = f 1 xs
f _ [] = Nothing
f 1 (x:xs) | x == close = Just ([], xs)
f i (x:xs) = first (x:) <$> f i2 xs
where i2 | x == close = i-1
| x == open = i+1
| otherwise = i
bracketed _ _ _ = Nothing
da_haskell_library (
name = "daml-lf-proto",
src_strip_prefix = "src",
srcs = glob (["src/**/*.hs"]),
extra_srcs = ["//daml-lf/archive:da/daml_lf_dev.proto"],
deps = [
hazel_deps = [
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],