A. F. Mota 241d81850a
Add daml init to the docs. (#1158)
* Add daml init to the docs.

* Separate migration instructions into two subsections.
2019-05-16 10:13:04 +02:00

224 lines
8.0 KiB

.. Copyright (c) 2019 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Moving to the new DAML assistant
We've released a new command-line tool for working with the DAML SDK: DAML Assistant, or ``daml``. Many of its commands are similar to the old SDK Assistant (``da``), but there are some changes:
- Simplified installation process: ``curl -sSL https://get.daml.com/ | sh`` for Linux and Mac
- Overhaul and simplification of templates:
- ``daml new`` takes arguments in a consistent order:
- ``daml new proj`` creates a new project named ``proj`` with a skeleton template
- ``daml new proj quickstart-java`` creates a new project with the quickstart-java template
- ``daml new`` templates are built-in to the SDK
- Mix-in template mechanism is gone (``da add``)
- No more publishing or subscribing of templates on Bintray: use Github and ``git clone`` to distribute templates outside of the SDK
- Use ``daml build`` to compile your project into a DAR
- ``daml start`` components don't run in the background, and you stop them with ``ctrl+c``
As a result, there are no equivalents to ``da stop`` and ``da restart``
- No ``da run`` equivalent, but:
- ``daml sandbox`` is the same as ``da run sandbox --``
- ``daml navigator`` is the same as ``da run navigator --``
- ``daml damlc`` is the same as ``da run damlc --``
- ``daml.yaml`` configuration file replaces ``da.yaml`` - read more about this in the next section
Migrating a ``da`` project to ``daml``
Migrating with daml init
You can migrate an existing project using the ``daml init`` command. To use it, go to the project root on the command line and run ``daml init``. This will create a ``daml.yaml`` file based on ``da.yaml``.
Some things to keep in mind when using ``daml init`` to migrate projects:
- If your project uses an SDK version prior to 0.12.15, the generated ``daml.yaml`` will use SDK version 0.12.15 instead. Support for previous SDK versions in the new assistant is limited.
- ``daml.yaml`` adds ``exposed-modules`` and ``dependencies`` fields, which are needed for ``daml build``. Depending on your DAML project, may have to adjust these fields in the generated ``daml.yaml``.
Migrating manually
To migrate the project manually:
1. Upgrade your project to SDK version 0.12.15 or later.
2. Convert your project's ``da.yaml`` file into a ``daml.yaml`` file.
The two files are very similar: ``daml.yaml`` is the ``project`` section of ``da.yaml``, plus some additional packaging information. Here is an example of a ``daml.yaml`` file, from the quickstart-java template:
.. code-block:: yaml
sdk-version: 0.12.14
name: my_project
source: daml/Main.daml
scenario: Main:setup
- Alice
- Bob
- USD_Bank
- EUR_Bank
version: 1.0.0
- Main
- daml-prim
- daml-stdlib
Here is the corresponding ``da.yaml`` file:
.. code-block:: yaml
sdk-version: 0.12.12
scenario: Main:setup
name: foobar
source: daml/Main.daml
- Alice
- Bob
- USD_Bank
- EUR_Bank
version: 2
The extra fields in ``daml.yaml`` are related to the new packaging functionality in ``damlc``. When you build a DAML project with ``daml build`` (or ``daml start``) it creates a ``.dar`` package from your project inside the ``dist/`` folder. (You can supply a different target location by passing the ``-o`` option.) To create the package properly, the new config file ``daml.yaml`` needs the following additional fields that were not present in ``da.yaml``:
- ``version``: The version number for the DAML project, which becomes the version number for the compiled package.
- ``exposed-modules``: When the ``.dar`` file is built, this determines what modules are exposed for users of the package.
- ``dependencies``: The DAML packages that this project depends on. ``daml-prim`` and ``daml-stdlib`` together give access to the basic definitions of DAML - **you should add them both as dependencies**. Additional dependencies can only be added by giving the path to the ``.dar`` file of the other package.
You can now use ``daml`` commands with your project.
Switching from old commands to new ones
This section goes through the ``da`` commands, and gives the ``daml`` equivalent where there is one.
Managing versions and config
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
* - Old command
- Purpose
- New equivalent
* - ``da setup``
- Initialize the SDK
- No longer needed: this is handled by the installer
* - ``da upgrade``
- Upgrade SDK version
- ``daml install <version>``
* - ``da list``
- List installed SDK versions
- ``daml version``
* - ``da use``
- Set the default SDK version
- No direct equivalent; you now set the new SDK version (``sdk-version: X.Y.Z``) in your project config file (``daml.yaml``) manually
* - ``da config``
- Query and manage config
- No equivalent: view and edit your config files directly
* - ``da uninstall``
- Uninstall the SDK
- Currently no equivalent for this
* - ``da update-info``
- Show assistant update channel information
- No longer needed
Running components
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
* - Old command
- Purpose
- New equivalent
* - ``da start``
- Start Navigator and Sandbox
- ``daml start``
* - ``da stop``
- Stop running Navigator and Sandbox
- ``ctrl+c``
* - ``da restart``
- Shut down and restart Navigator and Sandbox
- ``ctrl+c`` and ``daml start``
* - ``da studio``
- Launch DAML Studio
- ``daml studio``
* - ``da navigator``
- Launch Navigator
- No direct equivalent; ``daml navigator`` is equivalent to ``da run navigator``
* - ``da sandbox``
- Launch Sandbox
- No direct equivalent; ``daml sandbox`` is equivalent to ``da run sandbox``
* - ``da compile``
- Compile a DAML project into a .dar file
- ``daml build``
* - ``da run <component>``
- Run an SDK component
- ``daml navigator``, ``daml sandbox``, etc as above
* - ``da path <component>``
- Show the path to an SDK component
- No equivalent
* - ``da status``
- Show a list of running services
- No longer needed: components no longer run in the background
Managing templates and projects
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
* - Old command
- Purpose
- New equivalent
* - ``da template``
- Manage SDK templates
- No longer needed: use ``git clone`` for templates instead
* - ``da project new``
- Create an SDK project
- ``daml new``, or use ``git clone``
* - ``da project add``
- Add a template to the current project
- No longer needed: use ``git clone`` instead
* - ``da new``
- Create a new project from template
- ``daml new <target path> <name of template>``
* - ``da subscribe``
- Subscribe to a template namespace
- No longer needed: use ``git clone`` instead
* - ``da unsubscribe``
- Unsubscribe from a template namespace
- No longer needed: use ``git clone`` instead
Docs and feedback
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
* - Old command
- Purpose
- New equivalent
* - ``da docs``
- Display the documentation
- No longer needed: you can access the docs at `docs.daml.com <https://docs.daml.com/>`__, which includes a PDF download for offline use
* - ``da feedback``
- Send us feedback
- No longer needed: see :doc:`/support/support` for how to give feedback.
* - ``da config-help``
- Show help about config files
- No longer needed: config files are documented on this page
* - ``da changelog``
- Show release notes
- No longer needed: see the :doc:`/support/release-notes`