2019-08-13 17:23:03 +01:00

491 lines
23 KiB

-- Copyright (c) 2019 The DAML Authors. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
module DA.Daml.Assistant.Tests
( main
) where
import DA.Daml.Assistant.Env
import DA.Daml.Assistant.Install
import DA.Daml.Assistant.Types
import DA.Daml.Assistant.Util
import DA.Daml.Project.Consts hiding (getDamlPath, getProjectPath)
import System.Directory
import System.Environment.Blank
import System.FilePath
import System.Info.Extra (isWindows)
import System.IO.Temp
import System.IO.Extra
import Data.List.Extra
import qualified Test.Tasty as Tasty
import qualified Test.Tasty.HUnit as Tasty
import qualified Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as Tasty
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck ((==>))
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Exception.Safe
import Control.Monad
import Conduit
import qualified Data.Conduit.Zlib as Zlib
import qualified Data.Conduit.Tar as Tar
-- unix specific
import System.PosixCompat.Files (createSymbolicLink)
-- | Replace all environment variables for test action, then restore them.
-- Avoids System.Environment.setEnv because it treats empty strings as
-- "delete environment variable", unlike main-tester's withEnv which
-- consequently conflates (Just "") with Nothing.
withEnv :: [(String, Maybe String)] -> IO t -> IO t
withEnv vs m = bracket pushEnv popEnv (const m)
pushEnv :: IO [(String, Maybe String)]
pushEnv = do
oldEnv <- getEnvironment
let ks = map fst vs
vs' = [(key, Nothing) | (key, _) <- oldEnv, key `notElem` ks] ++ vs
replaceEnv vs'
popEnv :: [(String, Maybe String)] -> IO ()
popEnv vs' = void $ replaceEnv vs'
replaceEnv :: [(String, Maybe String)] -> IO [(String, Maybe String)]
replaceEnv vs' = do
forM vs' $ \(key, newVal) -> do
oldVal <- getEnv key
case newVal of
Nothing -> unsetEnv key
Just val -> setEnv key val True
pure (key, oldVal)
main :: IO ()
main = do
setEnv "TASTY_NUM_THREADS" "1" True -- we need this because we use withEnv in our tests
Tasty.defaultMain $ Tasty.testGroup "DA.Daml.Assistant"
[ testAscendants
, testGetDamlPath
, testGetProjectPath
, testGetSdk
, testGetDispatchEnv
, testInstall
assertError :: Text -> Text -> IO a -> IO ()
assertError ctxPattern msgPattern action = do
result <- tryAssistant action
case result of
Left AssistantError{..} -> do
Tasty.assertBool ("Error context pattern does not match error. Expected: " <> show ctxPattern <> ". Got: " <> show errContext <> ".") (ctxPattern `T.isInfixOf` fromMaybe "" errContext)
Tasty.assertBool ("Error message pattern does not match error. Expected: " <> show msgPattern <> ". Got: " <> show errMessage <> ".") (msgPattern `T.isInfixOf` fromMaybe "" errMessage)
Right _ ->
Tasty.assertFailure "Expected assistant error."
testGetDamlPath :: Tasty.TestTree
testGetDamlPath = Tasty.testGroup "DA.Daml.Assistant.Env.getDamlPath"
[ Tasty.testCase "getDamlPath returns DAML_HOME" $ do
withSystemTempDirectory "test-getDamlPath" $ \expected -> do
DamlPath got <- withEnv [(damlPathEnvVar, Just expected)] getDamlPath
Tasty.assertEqual "daml home path" expected got
, if isWindows
then testGetDamlPathWindows
else testGetDamlPathPosix
testGetDamlPathWindows :: Tasty.TestTree
testGetDamlPathWindows = Tasty.testGroup "windows-specific tests"
[ Tasty.testCase "getDamlPath gets app user data directory by default" $ do
DamlPath got <- withEnv [ (damlPathEnvVar, Nothing)] getDamlPath
let expectedSuffix = "\\AppData\\Roaming\\daml"
let failureMsg = "daml home path - " ++ show got ++ " does not end with: " ++ show expectedSuffix
Tasty.assertBool failureMsg $ expectedSuffix `isSuffixOf` got
testGetDamlPathPosix :: Tasty.TestTree
testGetDamlPathPosix = Tasty.testGroup "posix-specific tests"
[ Tasty.testCase "getDamlPath gets app user data directory by default" $ do
withSystemTempDirectory "test-getDamlPath" $ \base -> do
let expected = base </> ".daml"
createDirectory expected
DamlPath got <- withEnv [ ("HOME", Just base)
, (damlPathEnvVar, Nothing)
] getDamlPath
Tasty.assertEqual "daml home path" expected got
testGetProjectPath :: Tasty.TestTree
testGetProjectPath = Tasty.testGroup "DA.Daml.Assistant.Env.getProjectPath"
[ Tasty.testCase "getProjectPath returns environment variable" $ do
withSystemTempDirectory "test-getProjectPath" $ \dir -> do
let expected = dir </> "project"
setCurrentDirectory dir
createDirectory expected
Just got <- withEnv [(projectPathEnvVar, Just expected)] getProjectPath
Tasty.assertEqual "project path" (ProjectPath expected) got
return ()
, Tasty.testCase "getProjectPath returns nothing" $ do
-- This test assumes there's no daml.yaml above the temp directory.
-- ... this might be an ok assumption, but maybe getProjectPath
-- should also check that the project path is owned by the user,
-- or something super fancy like that.
withSystemTempDirectory "test-getProjectPath" $ \dir -> do
setCurrentDirectory dir
Nothing <- withEnv [(projectPathEnvVar, Nothing)] getProjectPath
return ()
, Tasty.testCase "getProjectPath returns current directory" $ do
withSystemTempDirectory "test-getProjectPath" $ \dir -> do
writeFileUTF8 (dir </> projectConfigName) ""
setCurrentDirectory dir
Just path <- withEnv [(projectPathEnvVar, Nothing)] getProjectPath
Tasty.assertEqual "project path" (ProjectPath dir) path
, Tasty.testCase "getProjectPath returns parent directory" $ do
withSystemTempDirectory "test-getProjectPath" $ \dir -> do
createDirectory (dir </> "foo")
writeFileUTF8 (dir </> projectConfigName) ""
setCurrentDirectory (dir </> "foo")
Just path <- withEnv [(projectPathEnvVar, Nothing)] getProjectPath
Tasty.assertEqual "project path" (ProjectPath dir) path
, Tasty.testCase "getProjectPath returns grandparent directory" $ do
withSystemTempDirectory "test-getProjectPath" $ \dir -> do
createDirectoryIfMissing True (dir </> "foo" </> "bar")
writeFileUTF8 (dir </> projectConfigName) ""
setCurrentDirectory (dir </> "foo" </> "bar")
Just path <- withEnv [(projectPathEnvVar, Nothing)] getProjectPath
Tasty.assertEqual "project path" (ProjectPath dir) path
, Tasty.testCase "getProjectPath prefers parent over grandparent" $ do
withSystemTempDirectory "test-getProjectPath" $ \dir -> do
createDirectoryIfMissing True (dir </> "foo" </> "bar")
writeFileUTF8 (dir </> projectConfigName) ""
writeFileUTF8 (dir </> "foo" </> projectConfigName) ""
setCurrentDirectory (dir </> "foo" </> "bar")
Just path <- withEnv [(projectPathEnvVar, Nothing)] getProjectPath
Tasty.assertEqual "project path" (ProjectPath (dir </> "foo")) path
testGetSdk :: Tasty.TestTree
testGetSdk = Tasty.testGroup "DA.Daml.Assistant.Env.getSdk"
[ Tasty.testCase "getSdk returns DAML_SDK_VERSION and DAML_SDK" $ do
withSystemTempDirectory "test-getSdk" $ \base -> do
let damlPath = DamlPath (base </> "daml")
projectPath = Nothing
expected1 = "10.10.10"
expected2 = base </> "sdk"
createDirectory expected2
(Just got1, Just (SdkPath got2)) <-
withEnv [ (sdkVersionEnvVar, Just expected1)
, (sdkPathEnvVar, Just expected2)
] (getSdk damlPath projectPath)
Tasty.assertEqual "sdk version" expected1 (versionToString got1)
Tasty.assertEqual "sdk path" expected2 got2
, Tasty.testCase "getSdk determines DAML_SDK from DAML_SDK_VERSION" $ do
withSystemTempDirectory "test-getSdk" $ \base -> do
let damlPath = DamlPath (base </> "daml")
projectPath = Nothing
expected1 = "0.12.5-version"
expected2 = base </> "daml" </> "sdk" </> expected1
createDirectoryIfMissing True (base </> "daml" </> "sdk")
createDirectory expected2
(Just got1, Just (SdkPath got2)) <-
withEnv [ (sdkVersionEnvVar, Just expected1)
, (sdkPathEnvVar, Nothing)
] (getSdk damlPath projectPath)
Tasty.assertEqual "sdk version" expected1 (versionToString got1)
Tasty.assertEqual "sdk path" expected2 got2
, Tasty.testCase "getSdk determines DAML_SDK_VERSION from DAML_SDK" $ do
withSystemTempDirectory "test-getSdk" $ \base -> do
let damlPath = DamlPath (base </> "daml")
projectPath = Nothing
expected1 = "0.3.4"
expected2 = base </> "sdk2"
createDirectory expected2
writeFileUTF8 (expected2 </> sdkConfigName) ("version: " <> expected1 <> "\n")
(Just got1, Just (SdkPath got2)) <-
withEnv [ (sdkVersionEnvVar, Nothing)
, (sdkPathEnvVar, Just expected2)
] (getSdk damlPath projectPath)
Tasty.assertEqual "sdk version" expected1 (versionToString got1)
Tasty.assertEqual "sdk path" expected2 got2
, Tasty.testCase "getSdk determines DAML_SDK and DAML_SDK_VERSION from project config" $ do
withSystemTempDirectory "test-getSdk" $ \base -> do
let damlPath = DamlPath (base </> "daml")
projectPath = Just $ ProjectPath (base </> "project")
expected1 = "10.10.2-version.af29bef"
expected2 = base </> "daml" </> "sdk" </> expected1
createDirectoryIfMissing True (base </> "daml" </> "sdk")
createDirectory (base </> "project")
writeFileUTF8 (base </> "project" </> projectConfigName)
("sdk-version: " <> expected1)
createDirectory expected2
(Just got1, Just (SdkPath got2)) <-
withEnv [ (sdkVersionEnvVar, Nothing)
, (sdkPathEnvVar, Nothing)
] (getSdk damlPath projectPath)
Tasty.assertEqual "sdk version" expected1 (versionToString got1)
Tasty.assertEqual "sdk path" expected2 got2
, Tasty.testCase "getSdk: DAML_SDK overrides project config version" $ do
withSystemTempDirectory "test-getSdk" $ \base -> do
let damlPath = DamlPath (base </> "daml")
projectPath = Just $ ProjectPath (base </> "project")
expected1 = "0.9.8-ham"
expected2 = base </> "sdk3"
projVers = "5.2.1"
createDirectoryIfMissing True (base </> "daml" </> "sdk" </> projVers)
createDirectory (base </> "project")
writeFileUTF8 (base </> "project" </> projectConfigName)
("project:\n sdk-version: " <> projVers)
createDirectory expected2
writeFileUTF8 (expected2 </> sdkConfigName) ("version: " <> expected1 <> "\n")
(Just got1, Just (SdkPath got2)) <-
withEnv [ (sdkVersionEnvVar, Nothing)
, (sdkPathEnvVar, Just expected2)
] (getSdk damlPath projectPath)
Tasty.assertEqual "sdk version" expected1 (versionToString got1)
Tasty.assertEqual "sdk path" expected2 got2
, Tasty.testCase "getSdk: DAML_SDK_VERSION overrides project config version" $ do
withSystemTempDirectory "test-getSdk" $ \base -> do
let damlPath = DamlPath (base </> "daml")
projectPath = Just $ ProjectPath (base </> "project")
expected1 = "0.0.0"
expected2 = base </> "daml" </> "sdk" </> expected1
projVers = "0.0.1"
createDirectoryIfMissing True (base </> "daml" </> "sdk" </> projVers)
createDirectory (base </> "project")
writeFileUTF8 (base </> "project" </> projectConfigName)
("project:\n sdk-version: " <> projVers)
createDirectory expected2
(Just got1, Just (SdkPath got2)) <-
withEnv [ (sdkVersionEnvVar, Just expected1)
, (sdkPathEnvVar, Nothing)
] (getSdk damlPath projectPath)
Tasty.assertEqual "sdk version" expected1 (versionToString got1)
Tasty.assertEqual "sdk path" expected2 got2
, Tasty.testCase "getSdk: Returns Nothings if .daml/sdk is missing." $ do
withSystemTempDirectory "test-getSdk" $ \base -> do
let damlPath = DamlPath (base </> "daml")
projPath = Nothing
createDirectoryIfMissing True (base </> "daml")
(Nothing, Nothing) <- withEnv
[ (sdkVersionEnvVar, Nothing)
, (sdkPathEnvVar, Nothing)
] (getSdk damlPath projPath)
pure ()
testGetDispatchEnv :: Tasty.TestTree
testGetDispatchEnv = Tasty.testGroup "DA.Daml.Assistant.Env.getDispatchEnv"
[ Tasty.testCase "getDispatchEnv should be idempotent" $ do
withSystemTempDirectory "test-getDispatchEnv" $ \base -> do
version <- requiredE "expected this to be valid version" $ parseVersion "1.0.1"
let denv = Env
{ envDamlPath = DamlPath (base </> ".daml")
, envDamlAssistantPath = DamlAssistantPath (base </> ".daml" </> "bin" </> "strange-daml")
, envDamlAssistantSdkVersion = Just $ DamlAssistantSdkVersion version
, envSdkVersion = Just version
, envLatestStableSdkVersion = Just version
, envSdkPath = Just $ SdkPath (base </> "sdk")
, envProjectPath = Just $ ProjectPath (base </> "proj")
env1 <- withEnv [] (getDispatchEnv denv)
env2 <- withEnv (fmap (fmap Just) env1) (getDispatchEnv denv)
Tasty.assertEqual "dispatch envs" env1 env2
, Tasty.testCase "getDispatchEnv should override getDamlEnv" $ do
withSystemTempDirectory "test-getDispatchEnv" $ \base -> do
version <- requiredE "expected this to be valid version" $ parseVersion "1.0.1"
let denv1 = Env
{ envDamlPath = DamlPath (base </> ".daml")
, envDamlAssistantPath = DamlAssistantPath (base </> ".daml" </> "bin" </> "strange-daml")
, envDamlAssistantSdkVersion = Just $ DamlAssistantSdkVersion version
, envSdkVersion = Just version
, envLatestStableSdkVersion = Just version
, envSdkPath = Just $ SdkPath (base </> "sdk")
, envProjectPath = Just $ ProjectPath (base </> "proj")
env <- withEnv [] (getDispatchEnv denv1)
denv2 <- withEnv (fmap (fmap Just) env) getDamlEnv
Tasty.assertEqual "daml envs" denv1 denv2
, Tasty.testCase "getDispatchEnv should override getDamlEnv (2)" $ do
withSystemTempDirectory "test-getDispatchEnv" $ \base -> do
let denv1 = Env
{ envDamlPath = DamlPath (base </> ".daml")
, envDamlAssistantPath = DamlAssistantPath (base </> ".daml" </> "bin" </> "strange-daml")
, envDamlAssistantSdkVersion = Nothing
, envSdkVersion = Nothing
, envLatestStableSdkVersion = Nothing
, envSdkPath = Nothing
, envProjectPath = Nothing
env <- withEnv [] (getDispatchEnv denv1)
denv2 <- withEnv (fmap (fmap Just) env) getDamlEnv
Tasty.assertEqual "daml envs" denv1 denv2
testAscendants :: Tasty.TestTree
testAscendants = Tasty.testGroup "DA.Daml.Assistant.ascendants"
[ Tasty.testCase "unit tests" $ do
Tasty.assertEqual "empty path" ["."] (ascendants "")
Tasty.assertEqual "curdir path" ["."] (ascendants ".")
Tasty.assertEqual "root path" ["/"] (ascendants "/")
Tasty.assertEqual "home path" ["~"] (ascendants "~")
Tasty.assertEqual "foo/bar" ["foo/bar", "foo", "."] (ascendants "foo/bar")
Tasty.assertEqual "foo/bar/" ["foo/bar/", "foo", "."] (ascendants "foo/bar/")
Tasty.assertEqual "./foo/bar" ["./foo/bar", "./foo", "."] (ascendants "./foo/bar")
Tasty.assertEqual "../foo/bar" ["../foo/bar", "../foo", ".."] (ascendants "../foo/bar")
Tasty.assertEqual "~/foo/bar" ["~/foo/bar", "~/foo", "~"] (ascendants "~/foo/bar")
Tasty.assertEqual "/foo/bar/baz" ["/foo/bar/baz", "/foo/bar", "/foo", "/"]
(ascendants "/foo/bar/baz")
, Tasty.testProperty "ascendants is nonempty"
(\p -> notNull (ascendants p))
, Tasty.testProperty "head . ascendants == id"
(\p -> notNull p ==> head (ascendants p) == p)
, Tasty.testProperty "head . ascendants == id (2)"
(\p1 p2 -> let p = p1 </> p2 in notNull p1 && notNull p2 && isRelative p2 ==>
head (ascendants p) == p)
, Tasty.testProperty "tail . ascendants == ascendants . takeDirectory"
(\p1 p2 -> let p = dropTrailingPathSeparator (p1 </> p2)
in notNull p1 && notNull p2 && isRelative p2 ==>
tail (ascendants p) == ascendants (takeDirectory p))
testInstall :: Tasty.TestTree
testInstall = Tasty.testGroup "DA.Daml.Assistant.Install"
[ Tasty.testCase "initial install a tarball" $ do
withSystemTempDirectory "test-install" $ \ base -> do
let damlPath = DamlPath (base </> "daml")
options = InstallOptions
{ iTargetM = Just (RawInstallTarget "source.tar.gz")
, iAssistant = InstallAssistant Yes
, iActivate = ActivateInstall True
, iQuiet = QuietInstall True
, iForce = ForceInstall False
, iSetPath = SetPath False
setCurrentDirectory base
createDirectoryIfMissing True "source"
createDirectoryIfMissing True ("source" </> "daml")
writeFileUTF8 ("source" </> sdkConfigName) "version: 0.0.0-test"
-- daml / daml.exe "binary" for --activate
writeFileUTF8 ("source" </> "daml" </> if isWindows then "daml.exe" else "daml") ""
runConduitRes $
yield "source"
.| void Tar.tarFilePath
.| Zlib.gzip
.| sinkFile "source.tar.gz"
install options damlPath Nothing Nothing
, if isWindows
then testInstallWindows
else testInstallUnix
testInstallUnix :: Tasty.TestTree
testInstallUnix = Tasty.testGroup "unix-specific tests"
[ Tasty.testCase "initial install a tarball from symlink" $ do
withSystemTempDirectory "test-install" $ \ base -> do
let damlPath = DamlPath (base </> "daml")
options = InstallOptions
{ iTargetM = Just (RawInstallTarget "source.tar.gz")
, iAssistant = InstallAssistant Yes
, iActivate = ActivateInstall True
, iQuiet = QuietInstall True
, iForce = ForceInstall False
, iSetPath = SetPath False
setCurrentDirectory base
createDirectoryIfMissing True "source"
createDirectoryIfMissing True ("source" </> "daml")
writeFileUTF8 ("source" </> sdkConfigName) "version: 0.0.0-test"
writeFileUTF8 ("source" </> "daml" </> "daml") "" -- daml "binary" for --activate
createSymbolicLink ("daml" </> "daml") ("source" </> "daml-link")
-- check if symbolic links are handled correctly
runConduitRes $
yield "source"
.| void Tar.tarFilePath
.| Zlib.gzip
.| sinkFile "source.tar.gz"
install options damlPath Nothing Nothing,
Tasty.testCase "reject an absolute symlink in a tarball" $ do
withSystemTempDirectory "test-install" $ \ base -> do
let damlPath = DamlPath (base </> "daml")
options = InstallOptions
{ iTargetM = Just (RawInstallTarget "source.tar.gz")
, iAssistant = InstallAssistant No
, iActivate = ActivateInstall False
, iQuiet = QuietInstall True
, iForce = ForceInstall False
, iSetPath = SetPath False
setCurrentDirectory base
createDirectoryIfMissing True "source"
writeFileUTF8 ("source" </> sdkConfigName) "version: 0.0.0-test"
createSymbolicLink (base </> "daml") ("source" </> "daml-link")
-- absolute symlink
runConduitRes $
yield "source"
.| void Tar.tarFilePath
.| Zlib.gzip
.| sinkFile "source.tar.gz"
assertError "Extracting SDK release tarball."
"Invalid SDK release: symbolic link target is absolute."
(install options damlPath Nothing Nothing)
, Tasty.testCase "reject an escaping symlink in a tarball" $ do
withSystemTempDirectory "test-install" $ \ base -> do
let damlPath = DamlPath (base </> "daml")
options = InstallOptions
{ iTargetM = Just (RawInstallTarget "source.tar.gz")
, iAssistant = InstallAssistant No
, iActivate = ActivateInstall False
, iQuiet = QuietInstall True
, iForce = ForceInstall False
, iSetPath = SetPath False
setCurrentDirectory base
createDirectoryIfMissing True "source"
writeFileUTF8 ("source" </> sdkConfigName) "version: 0.0.0-test"
createSymbolicLink (".." </> "daml") ("source" </> "daml-link")
-- escaping symlink
runConduitRes $
yield "source"
.| void Tar.tarFilePath
.| Zlib.gzip
.| sinkFile "source.tar.gz"
assertError "Extracting SDK release tarball."
"Invalid SDK release: symbolic link target escapes tarball."
(install options damlPath Nothing Nothing)
testInstallWindows :: Tasty.TestTree
testInstallWindows = Tasty.testGroup "windows-specific tests" []