2019-08-13 17:23:03 +01:00

126 lines
4.8 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2019 The DAML Authors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
load("@os_info//:os_info.bzl", "is_windows")
name = "ledger-api-test-tool",
srcs = glob([
main_class = "com.daml.ledger.api.testtool.LedgerApiTestTool",
resources = [
tags = [
# We release this as a fat jar so this tag ensures that the dependencies in the generated
# POM file are set correctly.
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
deps = [
name = "ledger-api-test-tool-test",
timeout = "short",
client = ":ledger-api-test-tool",
client_args = [
# NOTE(GP): our CI has a tendency to be more unpredictable than local
# machine with timeouts, we value lack of flakes on CI.
# Data files available to both client and server.
data = [
server = "//ledger/api-server-damlonx/reference-v2:ephemeral-postgres-reference-server",
server_args = [
"$(rlocation $TEST_WORKSPACE/$(rootpath //ledger/test-common:SemanticTests.dar))",
"$(rlocation $TEST_WORKSPACE/$(rootpath //ledger/test-common:Test.dar))",
"$(rlocation $TEST_WORKSPACE/$(rootpath //ledger/test-common:Test-1.6.dar))",
tags = [
# NOTE(JM,GP): As this test is somewhat heavy and has timeouts, run it
# without competition to avoid flakiness.
) if not is_windows else None
name = "ledger-api-test-tool-ssltest",
timeout = "short",
client = ":ledger-api-test-tool",
client_args = [
"--crt $(rlocation $TEST_WORKSPACE/$(rootpath test/main/resources/client.crt))",
"--cacrt $(rlocation $TEST_WORKSPACE/$(rootpath test/main/resources/ca.crt))",
"--pem $(rlocation $TEST_WORKSPACE/$(rootpath test/main/resources/client.pem))",
# NOTE(GP): our CI has a tendency to be more unpredictable than local
# machine with timeouts, we value lack of flakes on CI.
# Data files available to both client and server.
data = [
] + glob(["test/main/resources/*"]),
server = "//ledger/api-server-damlonx/reference-v2:ephemeral-postgres-reference-server",
server_args = [
"$(rlocation $TEST_WORKSPACE/$(rootpath //ledger/test-common:SemanticTests.dar))",
"$(rlocation $TEST_WORKSPACE/$(rootpath //ledger/test-common:Test.dar))",
"$(rlocation $TEST_WORKSPACE/$(rootpath //ledger/test-common:Test-1.6.dar))",
"--crt $(rlocation $TEST_WORKSPACE/$(rootpath test/main/resources/server.crt))",
"--cacrt $(rlocation $TEST_WORKSPACE/$(rootpath test/main/resources/ca.crt))",
"--pem $(rlocation $TEST_WORKSPACE/$(rootpath test/main/resources/server.pem))",
tags = [
# NOTE(JM,GP): As this test is somewhat heavy and has timeouts, run it
# without competition to avoid flakiness.
) if not is_windows else None