Digital Asset GmbH 05e691f558 open-sourcing daml
2019-04-04 09:33:38 +01:00

71 lines
2.8 KiB

@import wy_variables_overwrite
// In here are varibles used for sphinx_rtd_theme, they either add to or overwrite the default ones
// that are set in wyrm_core/wy_variables.sass. You'll find wyrm in bower_components if you're looking
// for a reference.
$font-awesome-dir: "../fonts/"
$static-img: "../img/"
$nav-content-width: 800px
$nav-media-query: (($nav-desktop-width) + ($nav-content-width))
$mathjax-color: $text-color
$headerlink-color: $text-color
// Code colors
$text-viewcode-color: $green
$text-codexref-color: $text-color
// Definition list colors
$class-color: $blue
$method-color: $gray
// GUI label color
$guilabel-color: $blue
// Footer colors
$footer-color: $text-medium
// Menu colors
$menu-vertical-background-color: $section-background-color
// Menu text colors
$menu-color: $gray
$menu-dark: lighten($menu-color,10%) !default
$menu-medium: lighten($menu-color,27.5%) !default
$menu-light: lighten($menu-color,45%) !default
$menu-lighter: lighten($menu-color,60%) !default
// Menu link colors
$menu-link-color: $text-color
$menu-link-dark: $text-dark
$menu-link-medium: $text-medium
$menu-link-light: $text-lighter
$menu-link-active: $white
// Navigation colors
$nav-background-color: $menu-background-color
$nav-search-background-color: $blue
$nav-search-color: $section-background-color
$nav-link-color: $blue
$nav-link-color-visited: $blue
$nav-link-color-hover: lighten($nav-link-color, 6%) !default
$nav-link-color-alt: hsl(33, 100%, 51%)
$nav-caption: $blue // gftdocs
$nav-shadow: #ABB2C8
// Sidebar colors
$sidebar-background-color: $table-stripe-color
$sidebar-border-color: $table-border-color
$sidebar-title-background-color: $table-border-color
// Sphinx highlight color
$highlight-color: $yellow
$base-font-family: "Montserrat", "Lato", "proxima-nova", "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif
$custom-font-family: "Roboto Slab", "ff-tisa-web-pro", "Georgia", Arial, sans-serif
$custom-font-family2: Georgia, serif
$code-font-family: SFMono-Regular, Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Liberation Mono", "Courier New", Courier, monospace