Andreas Herrmann 4b1438276c
Update Bazel 2.1.0 --> 3.3.1 (#6761)
* Upgrade nixpkgs revision

* Remove unused minio

It used to be used as a gateway to push the Nix cache to GCS, but has
since been replaced by nix-store-gcs-proxy.

* Update Bazel on Windows


* Fix hlint warnings

The nixpkgs update implied an hlint update which enabled new warnings.

* Fix "Error applying patch"

Since Bazel 2.2.0 the order of generating `WORKSPACE` and `BUILD` files
and applying patches has been reversed. The allows users to define
patches to these files that will not be immediately overwritten.
However, it also means that patches on another repository's original
`WORKSPACE` file will likely become invalid.

* a948eb7255
* https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/10681

Hint: If you're generating a patch with `git` then you can use the
following command to exclude the `WORKSPACE` file.

git diff ':(exclude)WORKSPACE'

* Update rules_nixpkgs

* nixpkgs location expansion escaping

* Drop --noincompatible_windows_native_test_wrapper

* client_server_test using sh_inline_test

client_server_test used to produce an executable shell script in form of
a text file output. However, since the removal of
`--noincompatible_windows_native_test_wrapper` this no longer works on
Windows since `.sh` files are not directly executable on Windows.

This change fixes the issue by producing the script file in a dedicated
rule and then wrapping it in a `sh_test` rule which also works on

* daml_test using sh_inline_test

* daml_doc_test using sh_inline_test

* _daml_validate_test using sh_inline_test

* damlc_compile_test using sh_inline_test

* client_server_test find .exe on Windows

* Bump Windows cache for Bazel update

Remove `clean --expunge` after merge.

Co-authored-by: Andreas Herrmann <andreas.herrmann@tweag.io>
2020-07-23 09:46:04 +02:00

117 lines
5.3 KiB

# Bazel distributed cache, can be temporarily disabled by passing the following
# flag: --noremote_accept_cached
build:darwin --remote_http_cache=https://bazel-cache.da-ext.net
build:linux --remote_http_cache=https://bazel-cache.da-ext.net
build --remote_upload_local_results=false
# Enable the disk cache in addition to the http cache.
build:linux --disk_cache=.bazel-cache/disk
build:darwin --disk_cache=.bazel-cache/disk
# `--repository_cache` must be repeated for all relevant actions.
# TODO: use `common` starting from Bazel 2.2.0
# See https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/11232
build:linux --repository_cache=.bazel-cache/repo
fetch:linux --repository_cache=.bazel-cache/repo
sync:linux --repository_cache=.bazel-cache/repo
build:darwin --repository_cache=.bazel-cache/repo
fetch:darwin --repository_cache=.bazel-cache/repo
sync:darwin --repository_cache=.bazel-cache/repo
# Improve remote cache hit rate by exluding environment variables from the
# sandbox that are not whitelisted using --action_env.
# This will become the default in a future Bazel release.
build --experimental_strict_action_env
# Drop the heap size of Bazel to 1 GB.
startup --host_jvm_args=-Xms1g --host_jvm_args=-Xmx1g
# Required for node_modules trees generated by yarn_install.
common --experimental_allow_incremental_repository_updates
# Print test output of failed test.
# Set --test_output=streamed to get the output of all tests in real time.
# Note, this will force tests to run locally and sequentially.
test --test_output=errors
# print verbose failures
build --verbose_failures
# Enable persistent Scala workers to improve compilation times.
# Refer to https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_scala#readme for details.
build --strategy=Scalac=worker
test --strategy=Scalac=worker
# Activate MacOS fix for "ld: illegal thread local variable reference
# to regular symbol". See
# https://github.com/grpc/grpc/pull/13929/files
build --copt -DGRPC_BAZEL_BUILD
# Bazel defaults to JDK9. This makes sure we run Nix provided JDK, and
# avoid dreaded "Unrecognized VM option 'CompactStrings'" error
build --host_javabase=@java_home//:javabase
build --java_toolchain=@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:toolchain_hostjdk8
build --host_java_toolchain=@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:toolchain_hostjdk8
# Do not use a distinct configuration for "host", that is, binaries used
# at build time should be the same as release binaries.
# Without this, we will end up building everything twice as we need "damlc"
# at build time to bootstrap itself (for compiling ghc-prim).
build --distinct_host_configuration=false
# Propagate locales and the java home to the test environment.
build --test_env=LANG=en_US.utf8 --test_env=LOCALE_ARCHIVE --test_env=JAVA_HOME
# Disable c-ares support in grpc. We don't need a faster DNS library
# since we're only connecting to localhost.
build --define=grpc_no_ares=true
# Pass through cacert information for git.
build --action_env=GIT_SSL_CAINFO
# Pass through locale archive to ensure that we can get a UTF-8 locale.
build:linux --action_env=LOCALE_ARCHIVE
build:windows --action_env=JAVA_HOME
# Tell bazel to use the nixpkgs Haskell toolchain on Linux and Darwin
build:linux --host_platform=@rules_haskell//haskell/platforms:linux_x86_64_nixpkgs
build:darwin --host_platform=@rules_haskell//haskell/platforms:darwin_x86_64_nixpkgs
# and GHC's gcc on Windows
build:windows --crosstool_top=@rules_haskell_ghc_windows_amd64//:cc_toolchain
# Caching is currently disabled on Windows.
# See: https://github.com/tweag/rules_haskell/issues/744 for details.
build:windows --noremote_accept_cached
# We use a special windows configuration on CI: cache is enabled. The caching
# is not totally reliable on Windows yet re. absolute paths, but it is not a
# problem on CI if all builds share a similar directory structure.
build:windows-ci --remote_accept_cached=true
# The Windows CI machines have 4 physical and 8 logical cores. By default Bazel
# will parallelize up to the number of logical cores. This can cause flakyness
# in timing sensitive tests.
build:windows-ci --jobs=4
# Instruct bazel to globally use this flag for compiling protobuf files.
# We need the source info for generating proto docs. By default proto_library strips
# source information and doesn't provide an option to turn this flag on.
# Ideally we would only set this option for the proto_library target we care about.
# See https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/issues/1519#issuecomment-451622947
build:linux --protocopt=--include_source_info
build:darwin --protocopt=--include_source_info
#FIXME: it generates stderr, which is causing error in bazel on windows:
# https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/blob/master/src/google/protobuf/compiler/command_line_interface.cc#L1363
#build:windows --protocopt=--include_source_info
# Some tools used in tests, like postgres CLI, require cmd.exe which can be located by them
# using ComSpec environment variable. By default it's not passed from Bazel client environment.
test:windows --test_env=ComSpec
# We default to -c opt. We compile Haskell with -O1 anyway since otherwise
# it is unusably slow and the C deps change rarely so there is little reason
# to not compile them with optimizations.
build -c opt
try-import %workspace%/.bazelrc.local
# Get some info from git available to rules with stamp=1
build --workspace_status_command "bash workspace_status.sh"