Gert-Jan Bottu 2cd2a8f2a8
Daml lf verification (#6516)
Verification tool update:
- Support for recursion and mutual recursion.
- Significant code cleanup and bugfixes.
- Minor improvements:  keep track of more typing information, handle updates properly when called multiple times, support additional operators, more test cases etc.
2020-06-30 20:40:20 +02:00

255 lines
10 KiB

.. Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
DAML Verification Tool
This project performs fully automated formal verification of DAML code.
Provided with a choice of a template and a field of a (potentially different) template, the verification tool employs symbolic
execution and an SMT solver, to verify whether the given choice always preserves
the total amount of the given field. This allows it to automatically answer
the common question "Could this smart contract model ever burn money or create
money out of thin air?"
- Install the `DAML development dependecies`_.
- Install the `Z3 SMT solver`_.
Note that on Linux, you can alternatively install Z3 using
``sudo apt install z3``.
.. _DAML development dependecies: https://github.com/digital-asset/daml/
.. _Z3 SMT solver: https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3
Running the Verification Tool
At the moment, the verification tool is launched from a command line interface.
Execute the tool by passing in the DAR file, the choice to be
verified (``--choice`` / ``-c``), and the field which should be preserved (``--field`` / ``-f``):
.. code-block::
> bazel run //compiler/daml-lf-verify:daml-lf-verify -- file.dar --choice Module:Template.Choice --field Module:Template.Field
Example 1: Transferring value
As a first example, consider a simple ``Account`` template, with a single choice
``Account_Transfer`` for transfering from one account to another. Note that if
someone tries to transfer more than they own, the choice should just do nothing.
.. code-block:: daml
module Demo where
template Account
amount : Decimal
owner : Party
ensure amount > 0.0
signatory owner
controller owner can
-- | Transfer some amount to the receiver, or do nothing if this would make the
-- remaining amount in the account negative.
nonconsuming Account_Transfer : (ContractId Account, ContractId Account)
transferAmount: Decimal
receiverCid: ContractId Account
if amount >= transferAmount
then do
-- The account has sufficient funds.
receiver <- fetch receiverCid
newSelf <- create this with amount = amount - transferAmount
newReceiver <- create receiver with
amount = receiver.amount + transferAmount
archive receiverCid
return (newSelf, newReceiver)
else do
-- The account does not have sufficient funds, and the transfer is
-- cancelled.
return (self, receiverCid)
It is clear that making a transfer between two accounts, should always preserve
the total amount of funds. However, running the verification tool produces the
following output:
.. code-block::
> bazel run //compiler/daml-lf-verify:daml-lf-verify -- demo.dar --choice Demo:Account.Account_Transfer --field Demo:Account.amount
Main flow:
Create: [ if this_6.amount >= arg_5.transferAmount then this_6.amount - arg_5.transferAmount else 0 % 1
, if this_6.amount >= arg_5.transferAmount then receiver_9.amount + arg_5.transferAmount else 0 % 1 ]
Archive: [ if this_6.amount >= arg_5.transferAmount then receiver_9.amount else 0 % 1 ]
Assert: (+ receiver_9.amount arg_5.transferAmount) = this_12.amount
Assert: (- this_6.amount arg_5.transferAmount) = this_10.amount
Assert: receiver_9.amount > 0.0
Assert: (- this_6.amount arg_5.transferAmount) = this_10.amount
Assert: this_6.amount > 0.0
Assert: this_6.amount > 0.0
Assert: receiver_9.amount > 0.0
Fail. The choice Account_Transfer does not preserve the field amount. Counter example:
this_10.amount = (/ 1.0 2.0)
this_12.amount = 0.0
receiver_9.amount = (/ 1.0 4.0)
arg_5.transferAmount = (-
(/ 1.0 4.0))
this_6.amount = (/ 1.0 4.0)
The ``Main flow`` describes all updates performed when exercising the
``Account_Transfer`` choice, without making any additional assumptions on the
inputs. It enumerates all create and archive updates, along with a number of
additional assertions (e.g. arising from the ``ensure`` statement in ``Account``).
The SMT solver figured out that the choice does not actually preserve the total
amount, and provides a handy counter example. In fact, it turns out that we're
creating more money than archiving. A closer look at the create and archive
updates clearly shows that we're never archiving ``this_6.amount``. And indeed,
we forgot to include ``archive self`` in the example. After
adding this line to the definition of ``Account_Transfer``, the new output is as
.. code-block::
> bazel run //compiler/daml-lf-verify:daml-lf-verify -- demo.dar --choice Demo:Account.Account_Transfer --field Demo:Account.amount
Main flow:
Create: [ if this_6.amount >= arg_5.transferAmount then this_6.amount - arg_5.transferAmount else 0 % 1
, if this_6.amount >= arg_5.transferAmount then receiver_9.amount + arg_5.transferAmount else 0 % 1 ]
Archive: [ if this_6.amount >= arg_5.transferAmount then this_6.amount else 0 % 1
, if this_6.amount >= arg_5.transferAmount then receiver_9.amount else 0 % 1 ]
Assert: (+ receiver_9.amount arg_5.transferAmount) = this_12.amount
Assert: (- this_6.amount arg_5.transferAmount) = this_10.amount
Assert: receiver_9.amount > 0.0
Assert: (- this_6.amount arg_5.transferAmount) = this_10.amount
Assert: this_6.amount > 0.0
Assert: this_6.amount > 0.0
Assert: receiver_9.amount > 0.0
Success! The choice Account_Transfer preserves the field amount.
Now the verification tool can prove that ``Account_Transfer`` does in fact
preserve the ``amount`` field.
Example 2: Recursion
For a second example, consider the ``Account_Divide`` choice, which recursively
donates 1.0 amount from the donor to the receiver account, until the receiver
account has at least as much funds as the donor.
.. code-block:: daml
-- | Iteratively transfer 1.0 amount to the receiver, until it has at
-- least as much funds as the donor.
nonconsuming Account_Divide : (ContractId Account, ContractId Account)
receiverCid: ContractId Account
receiverAccount <- fetch receiverCid
if amount <= receiverAccount.amount
-- The receiver has at least as much funds as the donor.
then return (self, receiverCid)
-- The receiver does not yet have enough funds. Make a new transaction.
else do
(newSelf, newReceiver) <- exercise self Account_Transfer with
transferAmount = 1.0, receiverCid = receiverCid
exercise newSelf Account_Divide with receiverCid = newReceiver
We can again use the formal verification tool to ensure that ``Account_Divide``
always preserves the field ``amount``.
.. code-block::
> bazel run //compiler/daml-lf-verify:daml-lf-verify -- demo.dar --choice Demo:Account.Account_Divide --field Demo:Account.amount
Main flow:
Create: [ if not this_18.amount <= receiverAccount_21.amount and this_18.amount >= 1 % 1 then this_18.amount - 1 % 1 else 0 % 1
, if not this_18.amount <= receiverAccount_21.amount and this_18.amount >= 1 % 1 then receiver_9.amount + 1 % 1 else 0 % 1 ]
Archive: [ if not this_18.amount <= receiverAccount_21.amount and this_18.amount >= 1 % 1 then this_18.amount else 0 % 1
, if not this_18.amount <= receiverAccount_21.amount and this_18.amount >= 1 % 1 then receiver_9.amount else 0 % 1 ]
Assert: this_18.amount > 0.0
Assert: receiverAccount_21.amount > 0.0
Assert: (+ receiver_9.amount arg_5.transferAmount) = this_12.amount
Assert: (- this_6.amount arg_5.transferAmount) = this_10.amount
Assert: receiver_9.amount > 0.0
Assert: (- this_6.amount arg_5.transferAmount) = this_10.amount
Assert: this_6.amount > 0.0
Assert: this_6.amount > 0.0
Assert: receiver_9.amount > 0.0
Success! The choice Account_Divide preserves the field amount.
Recursion cycle:
Create: [ if not this_18.amount <= receiverAccount_21.amount and this_18.amount >= 1 % 1 then this_18.amount - 1 % 1 else 0 % 1
, if not this_18.amount <= receiverAccount_21.amount and this_18.amount >= 1 % 1 then receiver_9.amount + 1 % 1 else 0 % 1 ]
Archive: [ if not this_18.amount <= receiverAccount_21.amount and this_18.amount >= 1 % 1 then this_18.amount else 0 % 1
, if not this_18.amount <= receiverAccount_21.amount and this_18.amount >= 1 % 1 then receiver_9.amount else 0 % 1 ]
Assert: this_18.amount > 0.0
Assert: receiverAccount_21.amount > 0.0
Assert: (+ receiver_9.amount arg_5.transferAmount) = this_12.amount
Assert: (- this_6.amount arg_5.transferAmount) = this_10.amount
Assert: receiver_9.amount > 0.0
Assert: (- this_6.amount arg_5.transferAmount) = this_10.amount
Assert: this_6.amount > 0.0
Assert: this_6.amount > 0.0
Assert: receiver_9.amount > 0.0
Success! The choice Account_Divide preserves the field amount.
Note that besides the ``Main flow`` verification, the tool also isolates any
(mutual) recursion cycles within the choice. In this scenario, ``Account_Divide``
has one recursion cycle, shown under ``Recursion cycle``. In order for a field
to be preserved, the choice has to always terminate, and every cycle has to
preserve the given field.
Testing Framework
A testing framework is provided for working on the verification tool. Run the
tests as follows:
.. code-block::
> bazel run //compiler/daml-lf-verify:verify-tests
All 23 tests passed (9.44s)