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module BetaStaticHttpRequestsTests exposing (all)
import Codec
2020-12-07 19:41:10 +03:00
import Dict
import Expect
import Html
import Json.Decode as JD
import Json.Encode as Encode
import OptimizedDecoder as Decode exposing (Decoder)
import Pages.ContentCache as ContentCache
import Pages.ImagePath as ImagePath
2021-04-03 00:44:40 +03:00
import Pages.Internal.Platform.Cli exposing (..)
import Pages.Internal.Platform.Effect as Effect exposing (Effect)
2020-12-07 19:41:10 +03:00
import Pages.Internal.Platform.ToJsPayload as ToJsPayload
import Pages.Internal.StaticHttpBody as StaticHttpBody
import Pages.Manifest as Manifest
import Pages.PagePath as PagePath
import Pages.StaticHttp as StaticHttp
import Pages.StaticHttp.Request as Request
import PagesHttp
import ProgramTest exposing (ProgramTest)
import Secrets
import SimulatedEffect.Cmd
import SimulatedEffect.Http as Http
import SimulatedEffect.Ports
import SimulatedEffect.Task
2020-12-07 19:41:10 +03:00
import Test exposing (Test, describe, test)
all =
2021-04-04 07:20:50 +03:00
Debug.todo ""
--all : Test
--all =
-- describe "Beta Static Http Requests"
-- [ test "port is sent out once all requests are finished" <|
-- \() ->
-- start
-- [ ( [ "elm-pages" ]
-- , StaticHttp.get (Secrets.succeed "https://api.github.com/repos/dillonkearns/elm-pages") starDecoder
-- )
-- ]
-- |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk
-- "GET"
-- "https://api.github.com/repos/dillonkearns/elm-pages"
-- """{ "stargazer_count": 86 }"""
-- |> expectSuccess
-- [ ( "elm-pages"
-- , [ ( get "https://api.github.com/repos/dillonkearns/elm-pages"
-- , """{"stargazer_count":86}"""
-- )
-- ]
-- )
-- ]
-- , test "two pages" <|
-- \() ->
-- start
-- [ ( [ "elm-pages" ]
-- , StaticHttp.get (Secrets.succeed "https://api.github.com/repos/dillonkearns/elm-pages") starDecoder
-- )
-- , ( [ "elm-pages-starter" ]
-- , StaticHttp.get (Secrets.succeed "https://api.github.com/repos/dillonkearns/elm-pages-starter") starDecoder
-- )
-- ]
-- |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk
-- "GET"
-- "https://api.github.com/repos/dillonkearns/elm-pages"
-- """{ "stargazer_count": 86 }"""
-- |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk
-- "GET"
-- "https://api.github.com/repos/dillonkearns/elm-pages-starter"
-- """{ "stargazer_count": 49 }"""
-- |> expectSuccess
-- [ ( "elm-pages"
-- , [ ( get "https://api.github.com/repos/dillonkearns/elm-pages"
-- , """{"stargazer_count":86}"""
-- )
-- ]
-- )
-- , ( "elm-pages-starter"
-- , [ ( get "https://api.github.com/repos/dillonkearns/elm-pages-starter"
-- , """{"stargazer_count":49}"""
-- )
-- ]
-- )
-- ]
-- ]
--start : List ( List String, StaticHttp.Request a ) -> ProgramTest (Model PathKey ()) Msg (Effect PathKey)
--start pages =
-- startWithHttpCache (Ok ()) [] pages
--startWithHttpCache :
-- Result String ()
-- -> List ( Request.Request, String )
-- -> List ( List String, StaticHttp.Request a )
-- -> ProgramTest (Model PathKey ()) Msg (Effect PathKey)
--startWithHttpCache =
-- startLowLevel (StaticHttp.succeed [])
--startLowLevel :
-- StaticHttp.Request
-- (List
-- (Result
-- String
-- { path : List String
-- , content : String
-- }
-- )
-- )
-- -> Result String ()
-- -> List ( Request.Request, String )
-- -> List ( List String, StaticHttp.Request a )
-- -> ProgramTest (Model PathKey ()) Msg (Effect PathKey)
--startLowLevel generateFiles documentBodyResult staticHttpCache pages =
-- let
-- document =
-- Document.fromList
-- [ Document.parser
-- { extension = "md"
-- , metadata = JD.succeed ()
-- , body = \_ -> documentBodyResult
-- }
-- ]
-- content =
-- pages
-- |> List.map
-- (\( path, _ ) ->
-- ( path, { extension = "md", frontMatter = "null", body = Just "" } )
-- )
-- contentCache =
-- ContentCache.init document content Nothing
-- siteMetadata =
-- contentCache
-- |> Result.map
-- (\cache -> cache |> ContentCache.extractMetadata PathKey)
-- |> Result.mapError (List.map Tuple.second)
-- config =
-- { toJsPort = toJsPort
-- , fromJsPort = fromJsPort
-- , manifest = manifest
-- , generateFiles = \_ -> generateFiles
-- , init = \_ -> ( (), Cmd.none )
-- , update = \_ _ -> ( (), Cmd.none )
-- , view =
-- \_ page ->
-- let
-- thing =
-- pages
-- |> Dict.fromList
-- |> Dict.get
-- (page.path
-- |> PagePath.toString
-- |> String.split "/"
-- |> List.filter (\pathPart -> pathPart /= "")
-- )
-- in
-- case thing of
-- Just request ->
-- request
-- |> StaticHttp.map
-- (\_ -> { view = \_ _ -> { title = "Title", body = Html.text "" }, head = [] })
-- Nothing ->
-- Debug.todo "Couldn't find page"
-- , subscriptions = \_ _ _ -> Sub.none
-- , document = document
-- , content =
-- [ ( [ "elm-pages" ]
-- , { extension = "md", frontMatter = "{}", body = Nothing }
-- )
-- ]
-- , canonicalSiteUrl = canonicalSiteUrl
-- , pathKey = PathKey
-- , onPageChange = Just (\_ -> ())
-- }
-- encodedFlags =
-- --{"secrets":
-- -- {"API_KEY": "ABCD1234","BEARER": "XYZ789"}, "mode": "prod", "staticHttpCache": {}
-- -- }
-- Encode.object
-- [ ( "secrets"
-- , [ ( "API_KEY", "ABCD1234" )
-- , ( "BEARER", "XYZ789" )
-- ]
-- |> Dict.fromList
-- |> Encode.dict identity Encode.string
-- )
-- , ( "mode", Encode.string "elm-to-html-beta" )
-- , ( "staticHttpCache", encodedStaticHttpCache )
-- ]
-- encodedStaticHttpCache =
-- staticHttpCache
-- |> List.map
-- (\( request, httpResponseString ) ->
-- ( Request.hash request, Encode.string httpResponseString )
-- )
-- |> Encode.object
-- in
-- {-
-- (Model -> model)
-- -> ContentCache.ContentCache metadata view
-- -> Result (List BuildError) (List ( PagePath pathKey, metadata ))
-- -> Config pathKey userMsg userModel metadata view
-- -> Decode.Value
-- -> ( model, Effect pathKey )
-- -}
-- ProgramTest.createDocument
-- { init = init identity contentCache siteMetadata config
-- , update = update contentCache siteMetadata config
-- , view = \_ -> { title = "", body = [] }
-- }
-- |> ProgramTest.withSimulatedEffects simulateEffects
-- |> ProgramTest.start (flags (Encode.encode 0 encodedFlags))
--canonicalSiteUrl =
-- ""
--flags : String -> JD.Value
--flags jsonString =
-- case JD.decodeString JD.value jsonString of
-- Ok value ->
-- value
-- Err _ ->
-- Debug.todo "Invalid JSON value."
--simulateEffects : Effect PathKey -> ProgramTest.SimulatedEffect Msg
--simulateEffects effect =
-- case effect of
-- Effect.NoEffect ->
-- SimulatedEffect.Cmd.none
-- Effect.SendJsData value ->
-- SimulatedEffect.Ports.send "toJsPort" (value |> Codec.encoder (ToJsPayload.toJsCodec canonicalSiteUrl))
-- -- toJsPort value |> Cmd.map never
-- Effect.Batch list ->
-- list
-- |> List.map simulateEffects
-- |> SimulatedEffect.Cmd.batch
-- Effect.FetchHttp ({ unmasked } as requests) ->
-- Http.request
-- { method = unmasked.method
-- , url = unmasked.url
-- , headers = unmasked.headers |> List.map (\( key, value ) -> Http.header key value)
-- , body =
-- case unmasked.body of
-- StaticHttpBody.EmptyBody ->
-- Http.emptyBody
-- StaticHttpBody.StringBody contentType string ->
-- Http.stringBody contentType string
-- StaticHttpBody.JsonBody value ->
-- Http.jsonBody value
-- , expect =
-- PagesHttp.expectString
-- (\response ->
-- GotStaticHttpResponse
-- { request = requests
-- , response = response
-- }
-- )
-- , timeout = Nothing
-- , tracker = Nothing
-- }
-- Effect.SendSinglePage info ->
-- SimulatedEffect.Cmd.batch
-- [ info
-- |> Codec.encoder (ToJsPayload.successCodecNew2 "" "")
-- |> SimulatedEffect.Ports.send "toJsPort"
-- , SimulatedEffect.Task.succeed ()
-- |> SimulatedEffect.Task.perform (\_ -> Continue)
-- ]
-- Effect.Continue ->
-- SimulatedEffect.Cmd.none
-- Effect.ReadFile _ ->
-- SimulatedEffect.Cmd.none
-- Effect.GetGlob _ ->
-- SimulatedEffect.Cmd.none
----SimulatedEffect.Task.succeed ()
---- |> SimulatedEffect.Task.perform (\_ -> Main.Continue)
--toJsPort _ =
-- Cmd.none
--fromJsPort =
-- Sub.none
--type PathKey
-- = PathKey
--manifest : Manifest.Config PathKey
--manifest =
-- { backgroundColor = Nothing
-- , categories = []
-- , displayMode = Manifest.Standalone
-- , orientation = Manifest.Portrait
-- , description = "elm-pages - A statically typed site generator."
-- , iarcRatingId = Nothing
-- , name = "elm-pages docs"
-- , themeColor = Nothing
-- , startUrl = PagePath.external ""
-- , shortName = Just "elm-pages"
-- , sourceIcon = ImagePath.external ""
-- , icons = []
-- }
--starDecoder : Decoder Int
--starDecoder =
-- Decode.field "stargazer_count" Decode.int
--expectSuccess : List ( String, List ( Request.Request, String ) ) -> ProgramTest model msg effect -> Expect.Expectation
--expectSuccess expectedRequests previous =
-- previous
-- |> ProgramTest.expectOutgoingPortValues
-- "toJsPort"
-- (Codec.decoder (ToJsPayload.successCodecNew2 "" ""))
-- (\portPayloads ->
-- portPayloads
-- |> List.filterMap
-- (\portPayload ->
-- case portPayload of
-- ToJsPayload.PageProgress value ->
-- Just ( value.route, value.contentJson )
-- ToJsPayload.InitialData _ ->
-- Nothing
-- ToJsPayload.ReadFile _ ->
-- Nothing
-- ToJsPayload.Glob _ ->
-- Nothing
-- )
-- |> Dict.fromList
-- |> Expect.equalDicts
-- (expectedRequests
-- |> List.map
-- (\( url, requests ) ->
-- ( url
-- , requests
-- |> List.map
-- (\( request, response ) ->
-- ( Request.hash request, response )
-- )
-- |> Dict.fromList
-- )
-- )
-- |> Dict.fromList
-- )
-- )
--get : String -> Request.Request
--get url =
-- { method = "GET"
-- , url = url
-- , headers = []
-- , body = StaticHttp.emptyBody
-- }