The alpha isn't published on `npm`, so the two ways to set it up are by working directly in this git repository, or by pulling this repository down
as a git submodule.
If you work directly within this repository, you can copy-paste one of the `examples/` projects and tweak that. Then you can pull in the latest code to tweak it.
To install it as a git submodule, you can do `git submodule add && cd elm-pages && git checkout static-files`.
Then you need to install the NPM pacakge from the top-level project with `npm install ./elm-pages`. Then make sure you include `./elm-pages/src` in your `source-directories` in your `elm.json`.
-`Document.elm` - defines the types for your applications view. Can expose any type called `Document msg` (must have exactly one type variable)
-`Shared.elm` must expose
-`template : SharedTemplate Msg Model StaticData msg`
-`SharedMsg` (todo - this needs to be documented better. Consider whether there could be an easier way to wire this in for users, too)
-`Site.elm` - must expose
-`config : SiteConfig StaticData`
-`static/index.js` - same as previous `beta-index.js`
-`static/style.css` - same as previous `beta-style.css`
## Available generated code
-`Route.elm` - lets you refer to a Route, and turn it into a path
- Every variant in `Route` has a record of `RouteParams`, which match the `type alias RouteParams = { ... }` in the corresponding Page Template
- Each Route has RouteParams - some of them empty, some of them non-empty - each param is a `String`, and the field key for each param corresponds to a dynamic segment (ending in `_`) in the Page Template's module name. For example, `Template.Slide.Number_` has a single route param, so it has `type alias RouteParams = { number : String }`
- You can link or navigate to a Route programatically with `firstSlide = Route.Slide__Number_ { number = "1" }`
- You can turn it to a String with `"/" + (Route.routeToPath firstSlide |> String.join "/")`