- Fixed issue where CLI would hang when fetching StaticHttp data for `generateFiles` functions. The problem was a looping condition for completing the CLI process to fetch StaticHttp data.
See [#120](https://github.com/dillonkearns/elm-pages/pull/120).
- Use builder pattern to build application. In place of the old `Pages.Platform.application`, you now start building an application config with `Pages.Platform.init`, and complete it with `Pages.Platform.toProgram`. You can chain on some calls to your application builder. This is handy for creating plugins that generate some files and add some head tags using `withGlobalHeadTags`.
- The `documents` key is now a List of records. The `Pages.Document` module has been removed entirely in place of a simplified API. `elm-markup` files no longer have any special handling
and the direct dependency was removed from `elm-pages`. Instead, to use `elm-markup` with `elm-pages`, you now wire it in as you would with a markdown parser or any other document handler.
- Replaced `generateFiles` field in `Pages.Platform.application` with the `Pages.Platform.withFileGenerator` function.
- Instead of using the `zwilias/json-decode-exploration` package directly to build up optimizable decoders, you now use the `OptimizedDecoder` API. It provides the same drop-in replacement,
with the same underlying package. But it now uses a major optimization where in your production build, it will run a plain `elm/json` decoder
(on the optimized JSON asset that was produced in the build step) to improve performance.
### Added
- Added `Head.Seo.structuredData`. Check out Google's [structured data gallery](https://developers.google.com/search/docs/guides/search-gallery) to see some examples of what structured
data looks like in rich search results that it provides. Right now, the API takes a simple `Json.Encode.Value`. In the `elm-pages` repo, I have an example API that I use,
but it's not public yet because I want to refine the API before releasing it (and it's a large undertaking!). But for now, you can add whatever structured data you need,
you'll just have to be careful to build up a valid format according to schema.org.
-`Pages.Directory.basePath` and `Pages.Directory.basePathToString` helpers.
- You can now use `StaticHttp` for your generated files! The HTTP data won't show up in your production bundle, it will only be used to produce the files for your production build.
- Added `Pages.PagePath.toPath`, a small helper to give you the path as a `List String`.
- You can now host your `elm-pages` site in a sub-directory. For example, you could host it at mysite.com/blog, where the top-level mysite.com/ is hosting a different app.
This works using [HTML `<base>` tags](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/base). The paths you get from `PagePath.toString` and `ImagePath.toString`
will use relative paths (e.g. `blog/my-article`) instead of absolute URLs (e.g. `/blog/my-article`), so you can take advantage of this functionality by just making sure you
use the path helpers and don't hardcode any absolute URL strings. See https://github.com/dillonkearns/elm-pages/pull/73.
- There's a new `generateFiles` endpoint. You pass in a function that takes a page's path,
page metadata, and page body, and that returns a list representing the files to generate.
You can see a working example for elm-pages.com, here's the [entry point](https://github.com/dillonkearns/elm-pages/blob/master/examples/docs/src/Main.elm#L76-L92), and here's where it
[generates the RSS feed](https://github.com/dillonkearns/elm-pages/blob/master/examples/docs/src/Feed.elm).
You can pass in a no-op function like `\pages -> []` to not generate any files.
- "Missing content" message no longer flashes between pre-rendered HTML and the Elm app hydrating and taking over the page. See [#48](https://github.com/dillonkearns/elm-pages/pull/48).
Check out [this upgrade checklist](https://github.com/dillonkearns/elm-pages/blob/master/docs/upgrade-guide.md#upgrading-to-elm-package-110-and-npm-package-113) for more details and steps for upgrading your project.