2022-03-05 21:35:17 +03:00
module Route.Todos exposing (Data, Model, Msg, route)
2022-01-25 07:55:07 +03:00
import Api.InputObject
import Api.Mutation
2022-02-17 22:51:46 +03:00
import Api.Object
2022-01-25 07:55:07 +03:00
import Api.Object.Todo
import Api.Object.TodoPage
import Api.Query
import Api.Scalar exposing (Id(..))
import Browser.Navigation
import DataSource exposing (DataSource)
2022-03-29 01:11:07 +03:00
import Effect exposing (Effect)
2022-03-29 21:48:04 +03:00
import ErrorPage exposing (ErrorPage)
2022-01-25 07:55:07 +03:00
import Form exposing (Form)
import Form.Value
import Graphql.Operation exposing (RootMutation, RootQuery)
import Graphql.SelectionSet as SelectionSet
import Head
import Head.Seo as Seo
import Html exposing (Html)
import Html.Attributes as Attr
2022-01-25 22:20:34 +03:00
import Pages
2022-01-25 07:55:07 +03:00
import Pages.PageUrl exposing (PageUrl)
import Pages.Url
import Path exposing (Path)
import Request.Fauna
2022-03-05 20:50:01 +03:00
import RouteBuilder exposing (StatefulRoute, StatelessRoute, StaticPayload)
2022-03-08 19:57:46 +03:00
import Server.Request as Request exposing (Parser)
2022-01-25 07:55:07 +03:00
import Server.Response as Response exposing (Response)
import Shared
import Time
import View exposing (View)
type alias Model =
type Msg
= FormMsg Form.Msg
| NoOp
2022-02-17 22:51:46 +03:00
| MakeHttpRequest (Cmd Msg)
2022-01-25 07:55:07 +03:00
type alias RouteParams =
2022-03-05 21:35:17 +03:00
route : StatefulRoute RouteParams Data Model Msg
route =
2022-03-05 20:50:01 +03:00
2022-01-25 07:55:07 +03:00
{ head = head
, data = data
2022-03-05 20:50:01 +03:00
|> RouteBuilder.buildWithLocalState
2022-01-25 07:55:07 +03:00
{ view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
, init = init
init :
Maybe PageUrl
-> Shared.Model
-> StaticPayload Data RouteParams
2022-03-29 01:11:07 +03:00
-> ( Model, Effect Msg )
2022-01-25 07:55:07 +03:00
init maybePageUrl sharedModel static =
2022-03-29 01:11:07 +03:00
( {}, Effect.none )
2022-01-25 07:55:07 +03:00
update :
-> Shared.Model
-> StaticPayload Data RouteParams
-> Msg
-> Model
2022-03-29 01:11:07 +03:00
-> ( Model, Effect Msg )
update pageUrl sharedModel static msg model =
2022-01-25 07:55:07 +03:00
case msg of
FormMsg formMsg ->
2022-03-29 01:11:07 +03:00
( model, Effect.none )
2022-01-25 07:55:07 +03:00
NoOp ->
2022-03-29 01:11:07 +03:00
( model, Effect.none )
2022-01-25 07:55:07 +03:00
2022-02-17 22:51:46 +03:00
MakeHttpRequest cmd ->
2022-03-29 01:11:07 +03:00
( model, Effect.fromCmd cmd )
2022-01-25 07:55:07 +03:00
subscriptions : Maybe PageUrl -> RouteParams -> Path -> Shared.Model -> Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions maybePageUrl routeParams path sharedModel model =
type alias Data =
{ todos : List Todo
type alias Todo =
{ description : String
, id : String
type alias TodoInput =
{ description : String }
todos : SelectionSet.SelectionSet (List Todo) RootQuery
todos =
Api.Query.allTodos identity
(Api.Object.TodoPage.data todoSelection
|> SelectionSet.nonNullElementsOrFail
createTodo : String -> SelectionSet.SelectionSet Todo RootMutation
createTodo description =
{ data =
{ description = description
, completed = False
deleteTodo : String -> SelectionSet.SelectionSet () RootMutation
deleteTodo id =
Api.Mutation.deleteTodo { id = Id id }
(Api.Object.Todo.id_ |> SelectionSet.map (\_ -> ()))
|> SelectionSet.map (Maybe.withDefault ())
2022-02-17 22:51:46 +03:00
todoSelection : SelectionSet.SelectionSet Todo Api.Object.Todo
2022-01-25 07:55:07 +03:00
todoSelection =
SelectionSet.map2 Todo
(Api.Object.Todo.id_ |> SelectionSet.map (\(Id id) -> id))
2022-03-29 21:48:04 +03:00
data : RouteParams -> Parser (DataSource (Response Data ErrorPage))
2022-01-25 07:55:07 +03:00
data routeParams =
[ Form.submitHandlers2 (deleteItemForm "")
(\model decoded ->
case decoded of
Ok id ->
Request.Fauna.mutationDataSource "" (deleteTodo id)
|> DataSource.map
(\_ ->
Response.temporaryRedirect "/todos"
Err error ->
{ todos =
[ { description = Debug.toString model
, id = ""
|> Response.render
|> DataSource.succeed
, Form.submitHandlers2 newItemForm
(\model decoded ->
case decoded of
Ok okItem ->
Request.Fauna.mutationDataSource "" (createTodo okItem.description)
|> DataSource.map
(\_ ->
Response.temporaryRedirect "/todos"
Err error ->
{ todos =
[ { description = Debug.toString model
, id = ""
|> Response.render
|> DataSource.succeed
, Request.requestTime
|> Request.map
(\time ->
Request.Fauna.dataSource (time |> Time.posixToMillis |> String.fromInt) todos
|> DataSource.map Data
|> DataSource.map Response.render
head :
StaticPayload Data RouteParams
-> List Head.Tag
head static =
{ canonicalUrlOverride = Nothing
, siteName = "Full-stack elm-pages"
, image =
{ url = Pages.Url.external "TODO"
, alt = "elm-pages logo"
, dimensions = Nothing
, mimeType = Nothing
, description = "Full-stack elm-pages Todo App demo"
, locale = Nothing
, title = "elm-pages Todo App"
|> Seo.website
view :
Maybe PageUrl
-> Shared.Model
-> Model
-> StaticPayload Data RouteParams
-> View Msg
view maybeUrl sharedModel model static =
{ title = "Todos"
, body =
[ Html.ul []
|> List.map
(\item ->
Html.li []
[ Html.text item.description
, deleteItemForm item.id
|> Form.toHtml2
2022-02-17 22:51:46 +03:00
{ makeHttpRequest = MakeHttpRequest
, reloadData = Pages.reloadData
2022-01-25 07:55:07 +03:00
(Form.init (deleteItemForm item.id))
, newItemForm
2022-01-25 22:20:34 +03:00
|> Form.toHtml2
2022-02-17 22:51:46 +03:00
{ makeHttpRequest = MakeHttpRequest
, reloadData = Pages.reloadData
2022-01-25 07:55:07 +03:00
(Form.init newItemForm)
2022-01-25 22:20:34 +03:00
newItemForm : Form String TodoInput (Html Msg)
2022-01-25 07:55:07 +03:00
newItemForm =
Form.succeed (\description () -> TodoInput description)
|> Form.with
(Form.text "description"
(\{ toInput } ->
Html.input (Attr.autofocus True :: toInput) []
2022-01-25 22:20:34 +03:00
|> Html.map (\_ -> NoOp)
2022-01-25 07:55:07 +03:00
|> Form.required "Required"
2022-01-25 22:20:34 +03:00
|> Form.with
(\{ attrs } ->
Html.button attrs [ Html.text "Submit" ]
|> Html.map (\_ -> NoOp)
2022-01-25 07:55:07 +03:00
deleteItemForm : String -> Form String String (Html Msg)
deleteItemForm id =
(\id_ _ -> id_)
|> Form.with
(Form.hidden "id"
(\attrs ->
Html.input attrs []
|> Html.map (\_ -> NoOp)
|> Form.withInitialValue (Form.Value.string id)
|> Form.with
(\{ attrs } ->
Html.button attrs
[ Html.text "X" ]
|> Html.map (\_ -> NoOp)